All Chapters of ACCEPTING THEIR RIDICULOUS OFFERS: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
83 Chapters
Chapter sixty one Mine Song recommendation : Let me down slowly by Alec Benjamin (He's kinda like my favorite artist while writing this book . You guys should check out his song . Hehe . I feel like I'm advertising !!(。◕‿◕。(☆▽☆))Emily felt weird . Down from her waist downward . It felt like some heavy weight was tangled within her legs . She opened her eyes exhausted and drained . She stifled a yawn Something is just not adding up . What was weird thing ? She didn't know but the warm bed was beckoning her to sleep some more . She felt Micheal stirring and she closed her eyes tightly. For some reason she was feeling shy . Perhaps the world was about to end . Micheal rolled to her side , she could feel his breath fanning her face , what was he planning to do ? Her breath caught in her lungs as she felt his face inching closer and dangerously closer . He kissed her forehead and she could feel him smiling . "Good morning sweetie . Rise and shine . " He parted the stray hair tha
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Date night
Chapter forty four Date night . "Now this math isn't mathing . The medicine as it is . It could be used to stop purging . But if abused it could cause a lot of bowel damages like constant purging. " Micheal narrowed his eyes to bare slits as he explained to them . "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?? This couldn't be what I'm thinking right ? " Hana smiled nervously . Micheal looked so furious right now as he gnashed his teeth to reign control on his temper . Just then the door open and Nancy came in with a cup of something .."Why are you guys like that ?? You all look serious . " She stopped Midway to access them "Oh Emily !! You're awake ! Thank God . I was beginning to get worried . " She moved closer to Emily and laid her palm on her forehead . "You're running a normal temperature . I brought you a abalone porridge. You should eat this a d take your medicine. " She took Emily's hand in hers and patted it . "Uhhm Nancy did you ordered any medicine?? " Mera asked casual
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Falling for her smile
Chapter sixty two Falling for her smile . The room was silent . Eerily so , the only sound was the constant tick tock of the wall clock that hung on the wall where Micheal was sitting . Micheal twirled his pen absentmindedly with a smile on his handsome face . Not the smile that would make women drool , but the type that would make them cower away in fear Yesterday had gone from bad to worse and to very good . A very funny arrangements . He had only been planning to sign a contract and get back to work only to find himself under some stupor . His gaze turned hazy and his body temperature rose up all of a sudden . He was much more than suprised . Before long , he was finding it difficult to think clearly and he was getting hard down there . Not just some normal type of hard but a rock type of hard . He was lost in his thought that he did not realize when the door opened and Gabriel came in with his happy - go - lucky self .He took sit , and said a few sentences before he rea
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Her smile
Chapter sixty two Falling for her smile . The room was silent . Eerily so , the only sound was the constant tick tock of the wall clock that hung on the wall where Micheal was sitting . Micheal twirled his pen absentmindedly with a smile on his handsome face . Not the smile that would make women drool , but the type that would make them cower away in fear Yesterday had gone from bad to worse and to very good . A very funny arrangements . He had only been planning to sign a contract and get back to work only to find himself under some stupor . His gaze turned hazy and his body temperature rose up all of a sudden . He was much more than suprised . Before long , he was finding it difficult to think clearly and he was getting hard down there . Not just some normal type of hard but a rock type of hard . He was lost in his thought that he did not realize when the door opened and Gabriel came in with his happy - go - lucky self .He took sit , and said a few sentences before he rea
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Wedding preparation and the missing bride
Chapter sixty six Song recommendation : Rewrite the stars by Anne Marie ft James Arthur . Kick it by NCT 127 Wedding preparations and the missing bride Every where was hetic , no one was free . Thank God Alicia had finally reconsidered and gave them another whole week for preparation . There was a lot to do , a lot of walking and shopping too . Emily grabbed her sunglasses from the stand , grabbed her hoodie too before proceeding to head outside . The three of them or rather the four of them with Nancy included , were going to the city shopping mall today . This place was very much far from the city .."Mera ?? Merrraaaa?? " She shouted from the hallway , too lazy to walk to her room . As much as she was skeptical of the marriage , she was also elated It was once in a while . This isn't something that happens once in your life . "Mera ?? Are you still sleeping? . Huh . " She groaned and decided to see for herself if she's still sleeping . Mera was a sleeping bug . "Knock kn
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Suprise and oh damn it!
Chapter sixty seven Suprise and oh....damn it !!! No song recommendation for this chapter because I didn't listen to any song Micheal sat on the sofa , as he continue to tap his foot on the marbled floor . He watched as everyone moved up and down . The attendant that he had gotten were very much busy , going to and fro. In his bid to finish everything in his " suprise list . " Before Emily and the others would be at home The balloons were ready , the shimmery golden cake was placed besides the huge teddy bear with love on it . He checked , rechecked ,and double checked the little box in his pocket . He smiled and put the box right back into his pocket Everything was going great "Oh oh. !! Lover boy . Wassup man " Gabriel peeked from the door and grinned at Micheal endlessly . Micheal shrugged and smiled anyways . He was excited for this He had been waiting for this all his life . He rubbed his hand together and wetted his dried lips with some saliva . He was nervous , no
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Three years later
Chapter sixty eight Song recommendation : train wreck by James Arthur . Fight song by Rachel platten Three years later . She grabbed her purse and car keys from the table , she got to the living room and contemplated about drinking a cup of coffee or not . She decided against it . She'll just have brunch when she got to the office . She checked her wristwatch and sighed . This is half past 7 and Ezekiel is not out yet . She tried to sleek back the thin stand of her hair that was flying about . She thought about sitting on the high quality leather chair but kicked against the thought also ..She'll simply be giving Ezekiel more time to loiter around She walked to his room , as quickly as her heels would allow .She got to his room and did not bother knocking , she opened the door and saw him looking for a sock . He had one sock on , and his button was half done Mariah was looking under the large bed in the room and Ezekiel was searching his wardrobe . She sighed again Both
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The encounter
Chapter sixty nine Song recommendation : September by James Arthur . Ride for me by Anne Marie ft Yung Bleu . The encounter Mariah knocked on Emily's office and prayed that she'll reply this time . This is the third time that she'll be here to remind Jennie of the reservation . Thank God that she had reserved for 5 hours , judging from Emily's personality .And of course she isn't wrong !! . This is 2 ' o clock ! Zeke will get out if school in no time and she has to pick him up for God's sake . Having had enough of Jennie workaholic behavior, she burst the door opened and just like she had predicted , her head was buried in between piles of files that laid hugely on the table . "Jennie !! Jennie !! . " Mariah yelled out a little even though she was right in front of her "What is it ?? I'm busy . " Jennie replied without looking up from the piles that she had her head buried in "I made a reservation, remember??! And thus is past 2 ! It's almost Zeke's closing time . You've not
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The encounter
Chapter sixty nine Song recommendation : September by James Arthur . Ride for me by Anne Marie ft Yung Bleu . The encounter Mariah knocked on Emily's office and prayed that she'll reply this time . This is the third time that she'll be here to remind Jennie of the reservation . Thank God that she had reserved for 5 hours , judging from Emily's personality .And of course she isn't wrong !! . This is 2 ' o clock ! Zeke will get out if school in no time and she has to pick him up for God's sake . Having had enough of Jennie workaholic behavior, she burst the door opened and just like she had predicted , her head was buried in between piles of files that laid hugely on the table . "Jennie !! Jennie !! . " Mariah yelled out a little even though she was right in front of her "What is it ?? I'm busy . " Jennie replied without looking up from the piles that she had her head buried in "I made a reservation, remember??! And thus is past 2 ! It's almost Zeke's closing time . You've not
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The meeting
Chapter 70 The meeting . Micheal dragged in the smile coming from the cigarette in his hand . He was trying so hard to forget the face of the little smiley boy that he saw today . And he is have quite a little luck in doing so . The lady's voice kept haunting him . Heck , he was feeling deja Vu since his encounter with her . He took in another wisp of smoke . He'd better get working . He stood up swiftly , and placed the cigarette on the saucers . Leaving it there to extinguish itself . His phone rang and he made no move to pick up the call . He isn't in the mood for any chit chat today . He sat down on the sofa , with the laptop on his lap . He was currently working on some projects and he needs to be done with it before day break. It's no big deal though .It's not like he'll be able to sleep comfortably today , he was going to keep dreaming about a boy with long black hair and an enchanting smile His phone rang again and he let out a string of curses before picking it up
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