All Chapters of ACCEPTING THEIR RIDICULOUS OFFERS: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
83 Chapters
The meeting
Chapter 71 Song recommendation : when the party is over by Billie eillish . Unholy by Sam Smith ft Kim PetrasThe meeting . Micheal parked his car in the parking lot . He got out of the car and the secretary did the same . He was suprised to see the huge building as EME corporation . Although he wasn't expecting anything small or medium . But he hasn't thought that the EME corporation would be this huge , beautiful and enormous .He walked briskly to the elevator , with his hand in his pocket and his face stern . Stern ?? Was just a pretty way to say it . His face was cold and emotionless . He wanted to be done with this and get going . That Nancy of a girl mustn't meet him here in Canada . She was always pretending , as if she had his best interest in mind . But Micheal could see right through her facade . She was hitting on him and he could swear to God that she'll keep failing . One of these days he'll lay it out for her and he'll set the boundary . All her shit was getting
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The unexpected meeting
Chapter 70 The meeting . Micheal dragged in the smoke coming from the cigarette in his hand . He was trying so hard to forget the face of the little smiley boy that he saw today . And he is have quite a little luck in doing so . The lady's voice kept haunting him . Heck , he was feeling deja Vu since his encounter with her . He took in another wisp of smoke . He'd better get working . He stood up swiftly , and placed the cigarette on the saucers . Leaving it there to extinguish itself . His phone rang and he made no move to pick up the call . He isn't in the mood for any chit chat today . He sat down on the sofa , with the laptop on his lap . He was currently working on some projects and he needs to be done with it before day break. It's no big deal though .It's not like he'll be able to sleep comfortably today , he was going to keep dreaming about a boy with long black hair and an enchanting smile His phone rang again and he let out a string of curses before picking it up
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Author's note
Chapter 71 Song recommendation : when the party is over by Billie eillish . Unholy by Sam Smith ft Kim PetrasThe meeting . Micheal parked his car in the parking lot . He got out of the car and the secretary did the same . He was suprised to see the huge building as EME corporation . Although he wasn't expecting anything small or medium . But he hasn't thought that the EME corporation would be this huge , beautiful and enormous .He walked briskly to the elevator , with his hand in his pocket and his face stern . Stern ?? Was just a pretty way to say it . His face was cold and emotionless . He wanted to be done with this and get going . That Nancy of a girl mustn't meet him here in Canada . She was always pretending , as if she had his best interest in mind . But Micheal could see right through her facade . She was hitting on him and he could swear to God that she'll keep failing . One of these days he'll lay it out for her and he'll set the boundary . All her shit was getting
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The dinner date
Chapter 74 Song recommendation . Lost me by Giveon . The dinner date . "I'm sure no one would have a bad ride in a car like that . " She replied promptly . "Let's eat first shall we ?? . " He looked at her , and she nodded . .What else could she do ? Nothing of course ."Yes we shall . " She upright and waited for him as he typed something on his phone . Soon enough the maids came in with trolley filled with food Despite all the nervous feeling ,she heard her stomach grumble in a white unladylike way and she placed but hands on her belly praying that Micheal wouldn't hear . Tough luck with that , because she could see that he already knew from the slight smile that he has on his lips and the side glancing he was doing . The maids laid down all arrays of food on the table , Western cuisine , Chinese food and all sorts of food was staring right at Emily and she stared right back at them with her mouth watering . "Let's dig in shall we ?? . " Micheal raises his fork at her and
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The truth
Chapter 75 .Song recommendation Nxde by (g)idle . Fearless by le sserafim . Case 143 by straykidsEmily struggled to keep her eyes open . The red wine was long gone and now she tipsy and the earth was spinning under her feet Her face had gotten red , no doubt , from the alcohol . The atmosphere was silent , serene even and she feared she might do something she'll regret for quite a while unless she get going now . She knew what she had to do . Just tell Micheal and he'll send his driver to send her home . But the words refuse to come .She closed her eyes and tried again . Nothing ! Only a few croaking sound that never even left her throat . "I ....err ...think I better get going .. " she managed to get the words out . In a slur though and he seemed to have gotten the gist of what she was saying as he nodded in understanding of the situation . He still has that aura to him . That subtly impeccable aura . That impenetrable vibe and Emily wondered how soon would it be for to p
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The truth II
Chapter 76 Song recommendation . Unholy by Sam Smith and Kim PetrasThe truth Micheal's eyes was puffy and red . Itchy even But he couldn't care less about anything right now , talkless of his eyes . He had spent the whole of his night , digging and searching.Honestly , he wasn't the only one feeling that way . His secretary is probably cursing him right now . He laid curled up on the sofa , typing furiously away on the laptop . Making series of calls and picking up series of calls. Speaking in monotonous way .None of that could matter to Micheal right now . He was tapping his foot on the cold floor , waiting for the end result .Though he pretty much know what the result would be , he just needs to be as sure as possible and to do so . He'll need a lot of evidence to back up his claim That was exactly what he was trying to do right now . And by look of things , he was bound for an answer , sooner rather than later Micheal would be lying to say , he wasn't nervous . But still
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Chapter 77 Song recommendation . The way you felt by Alec Benjamin .The truth II Emily just couldn't shake that feeling off her. That feeling of being about to experience a changing event It kept clawing at her . And she keep ignoring it .The telephone on her table rang , distracting her from her thought for a minute . She picked it up and waited for the caller to say something"Mr Gerald is here ma'am . " The voice of the receptionist downstairs sounded inside her head . Her mouth went instantly dried and her eyes widenedWhat was Micheal doing here?? Had she unknowingly invited him into her office Yesterday when she was drunk ,? Had she said something that suggested about meeting today ? Perhaps he was just here to finalize the business . Perhaps he was leaving for Newland . And Emily prayed for the latter Then she'll be at ease . Her mind would stop bugging her non-stop"Would you like him in ma'am?? " The voice said again .She seemed to have zoned out for a bit "Ahh yes
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The confession
Chapter 78 Song recommendation . Life goes on by BTS . Dynamite by BTS Silence hung in the air conditioned living room like an invisible cloak . He hugged her to himself , giving her the warmth she needs and reassuring himself that she was here now . She was here now . And that's all that matters .He could wait . He'll wait .She sniffed the tears back and wiped her red eyes . She moved away from him a little and sat upright "I didn't mean to do that. I swear . " She looked at him with a regret filled gaze and hoped that he would understand"I knew you didn't mean to do that . But why ?? There's got to be a reason at least . " His tone sounded soft now . Unlike the cold voice of before . He had quickly gone soft and all his anger had flew away ."It all began that day ... " She trailed off .* Emily saw three men following her in the mall and she thought she'd confirm herself . She told Nancy to wait for her while she went to the bathroom . While walking she realized that t
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Confession II
Chapter 78 Song recommendation . Life goes on by BTS . Dynamite by BTS Silence hung in the air conditioned living room like an invisible cloak . He hugged her to himself , giving her the warmth she needs and reassuring himself that she was here now . She was here now . And that's all that matters .He could wait . He'll wait .She sniffed the tears back and wiped her red eyes . She moved away from him a little and sat upright "I didn't mean to do that. I swear . " She looked at him with a regret filled gaze and hoped that he would understand"I knew you didn't mean to do that . But why ?? There's got to be a reason at least . " His tone sounded soft now . Unlike the cold voice of before . He had quickly gone soft and all his anger had flew away ."It all began that day ... " She trailed off .* Emily saw three men following her in the mall and she thought she'd confirm herself . She told Nancy to wait for her while she went to the bathroom . While walking she realized that t
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Chapter 79 EpilogueSong recommendation . Perfect by Ed Sheeran . Two years later . The little girl had her curly black hair tied into a ponytail with a few strands curling around her beautiful, delicate face . She bounced up and down in the kitchen besides the tall counter . She tried to reach you to the cakes that placed on them but her short tiny hands couldn't reach there . She tried again and groaned . "Clarisse . !! What are you doing there? " Emily walked slowly towards the girl whose eyes were filled with mischief and a tiny of fear .She stood behind the girl and folded her arms around her chest , atop her huge stomach . She was nine months pregnant and they were expecting the baby soon Micheal in his overprotectiveness wanted Emily to stay in bed all day everyday. Emily would gladly give up one of her ass than to stay glued home just because she was pregnant"Aunt Emily . I was just trying to have some cake . " She looked up at her aunt and smiled But Emily did not
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