All Chapters of Spark: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
75 Chapters
Catching one of her black ringlets, Kareni wound it around her finger thoughtfully. Wrapping her other arm beneath bountiful breasts. The dark ebony hue of her shining skin drawing attention to the tops of the globes which nearly spilled from the loose bodice of her dress. “I must admit, I can see why Orin was fascinated with you, perhaps not why obsessed…But interested…”“I don’t want Orin, Kareni.”“You were his lover.”I sneered at the word. Couldn’t be further from the truth.“I wasn’t his lover. I was his prisoner.”“You are all he speaks of.”“That is not my doing.”“You are all he desires. He can no longer attain his passions with me. He must have skinnier girls with pale flesh.” She purred. “Ones that he can imagine are you.”“Again. Not my doing.”“Wouldn’t it be nice if you could return things to the way they were. Between he and I.”“I know you loved him.”“Yes, you did.”“I thought he was my friend.”“Until he took you captive?” She said a bit askance.“That is generally t
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Promised Already
Goblins. I winced.I silenced but gave her a defiant look.Her dark brown eyes slid down to my lips just above my small pointed chin. She lowered hers to them and pressed her mouth to mine. Caressing her lips over mine.“Mmm. You do taste as sweet as the rumors say.” She crooned. “And I can feel the heat of you, the light when I close my eyes, from just being near you. You are indeed, intoxicating.”I blinked at her. Sighing heavily. Great.“I will let him have you. But after, I will come to fetch my own taste of the pretty Spark.” She reached to slap the top of one bobbing breast.I hissed at the sharp flicker of pain. “Now wash those pretty parts for him, My Dear.”She pointed beneath the water.Closing my eyes in mortification, I took the rag she offered to me in her other hand. Wondering where it had been before, I tried not to think about it as I washed myself.“Why do you keep doing that.” She pointed to my left hand which was still spinning lazy circles in the water.“To keep t
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Kareni’s temporary kindness had been a nice reprieve.It’d bordered on tender.For whatever reason.I now found myself standing naked before her, while she worked a horse hair brush through my hip length strands. Working them until they were straight and shimmering.“Quite pretty when it’s clean. But you, you’re a mess.” She was leaned over looking at the side of one of my thighs. “You are quite literally covered in bruises.”“More often than not.” I stared forward.“We could powder those, I suppose. But not much point, it’ll be dark enough by the time you’re readied for him that there won’t be much light for him to see.”“Thank goodness for that.” I said dryly. Not much caring what he did or didn’t see. I’d become pretty desensitized to the idea of that a long time ago.More men in this country have seen me naked, than those that haven’t. I suspected.“Do you know who Archer Gray is?”“Yes.” I subsided. Very afraid that I now knew who my client would be.Archer found me?I couldn’t i
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The Presence of the Client
I caught the faint white of pale hair in the dark. I swallowed hard.Did Kareni lie to me?I felt the bed dip and knew a man crawled into it with me.He hadn’t spoken.I don’t know who he is.He’s going to be inside me. I at least want to know who he is!It was probably a dumb thought. But it was even more terrifying to know what I was going to deal with very soon and not having any idea what he even looked like.I suppose in some ways I tended to gauge how cruel or violent someone might be by how they looked. How unkempt their hair was, how thin their lips were, how many teeth they had. Many of those traits could indicate someone was extremely ruthless.But I was soon to discover that this man was more ruthless than them.My mouth was dry, and my body was shaking. I found myself instinctively rolling away from him and scooting to the far edge of the bed. As though that might save me.I suppose it was my great hope that it was someone kind, perhaps someone I knew, that drove me to ask
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His Confessions
I vividly recalled the moment, lying in the grass that he’d told me that.The sunlight had shown on his beautiful gold skin. Highlighting over his white-blond hair. Glistening in those vibrant blue eyes. So dark I almost found myself mesmerized. His square jaw and lean features making him seem like some beautiful statue.We’d just made love for the first time in the soft green grass. Wispy strands danced between us and around us. Flattened under me. My skin still rosy from his touch and kisses. A sheen of sweat still gleaming on his forehead. And a contentment in his eyes that I’d never seen before.He’s always so active.To see him so relaxed seemed uncommonly rare.He plucked a long strand of soft grass to trail it over my brow and down my cheek. Draping it more lingeringly over my lips in a way that had me parting them and breathing more deeply.“So beautiful. Like something contrived from my wildest fantasy.”“Is that what I am? Your fantasy?” I asked nervously. Already wondering
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Getting Out of the Wanton's Way
I clambered out of the window and saw a lower roof off to the side. I stared at it in appall. Already hearing the tearing of my fine pink dress.Wouldn’t Kareni be pissed.I felt some kind of evil glee in knowing that. Giving a long, disgruntled, sigh I began my efforts to get over to that lower roof. I swung out a stockinged foot. Catching the top of it with my toes I fumbled to get footing. Dangling from thew windowsill by my finger. Huffing in aggravation I struggled to reach. Making slow progress I inched my foot up on it. Before swinging the rest of my weight over and landing on it. Teetering forward and back over the edge of the roof before managing to balance above it. I whooshed a long grateful breath and cast an appreciative look Heavenward before walking the edge of that roof to find the best way down. Seeing a small balcony below one side, I swung down on that.Further tearing the dress so it was ripped up to my hip and one of the sleeves was nearly shredded through.Dammit
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Hidden in the Hay
The old man was peering out a crack in the barn door. Watching anxiously as the huge thugs spilled from the brothel.“I’m afraid I have to go.” He whispered to me. His eyes worried. “I can’t be caught with you. They’ll have me killed.”“And probably me.”He gave me an astounded look. “No one would dare kill you.”“Why not?”After a pensive study, he decided not to answer me. Opting to point toward a mound of fresh hay. “Dig into that and hide. I’m hoping they won’t look there.”I caught at his sleeve when he would’ve slipped out. “Where are you going?”“I’ll catch up to you when I can, Sweet Girl.” He patted my hand. “Someone should be looking after a young one as sweet as you.”His words were so kind I found myself deeply touched. Especially because I could see no ulterior motive to him helping me.Just a kindly old Skin.“Thank you.” I whispered quickly as he slipped out the crack and disappeared into the crowd that was now littering the street to watch the unfolding chaos.Kareni w
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Roll in the Hay
Fair point. I supposed.He can find me just about anywhere.“Why are you here, Gray?”“Just making sure you get out of the village safe. Care for a roll in the hay?” His sardonic voice made my hair bristle.I scoffed. My disbelief obvious. “It’s doubtful my safety was your priority.”Perhaps the roll in the hay.He’s not funny.“Why would you say that?” That damnable cool voice.“It’s more likely you wanted me out of the village and straight to your King.”I sensed his shrug behind me.“How’d you know I got away?”“Saw the old man creeping around all suspicious and figured there was only one person in the brothel likely to be stirring up that much of a fuss.”Me.“You paid to lie next to me, Gray. You could’ve gotten me out.”He gave a speculative rumble. “Would you have gone with me, if I did?”“No! I’d have known you were taking me straight to your king.”“Then what would’ve been the point?”“You were really going to leave me there?”“Don’t see how I had much choice.” He said a bit
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Worth a Try
“Worth a try.”“Is anything ever not ‘worth a try’ with you?” He glowered down at me. “Everything you try, fails.”That face that can make grown men cower.I, however, refused to. “That’s not true. I regularly get away from idiot captors.”My meaning was not lost on his as his face darkened. His mouth going tight.Oh...I know that look.It never means anything good.And it certainly didn’t now. Still holding my arm, he whistled through the trees. Clearly sussing out that I had no intention of answering him.Ever.“What are you doing!” I caught his armor coated arm. “Are you trying to alert all Kareni’s men that we’re here?”“Ohh, Baby Girl, they’re never going to get here before my men do.”He wasn’t wrong.It was under a minute before I saw shining gold armor topping the hill in-front of us.Gray turned sideways and pulled me along behind him as he slid down that hill sideways. Dragging me after him.Again.“Let me go.” I yanked my arm, trying to break his grip. Not really for any re
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A Tiny Chain
I found myself very glad for my sleep last night and for the nap this morning because it was clear we were going to continue marching throughout the night.It was so dark I lost track of where we were. Having to rely on Gray’s glinting eyes seeing our path.The rest of the Army following him unquestionably.Hope he knows what direction we’re going.I wondered if he’d really slept last night.He usually doesn’t.Which would mean that he was leading this whole army throughout the day and night with no more sleep than I typically had.He has to be tiring.I still hoped that there’d be a sign of weakness or a moment he wasn’t looking that I could try and find my way away from him.And the Pyre Army.And get the hell out of King Eternus’ reach.***Once we were clear of the villagers and Kareni’s goons, Gray stopped me and drew something silver from the inside pocket of his blue cloak. Lifting it carefully revealed that it was a long, thin, silver chain.“Giving me trinkets are you?” I kne
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