All Chapters of Spark: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
75 Chapters
I felt his hands sliding down my belly and caressing along the outsides of my legs. Digging in slightly at the supple flesh along my hips. He kissed along the inside of my leg. His lips brushing sensually from the inside of my knee and further up. Further. Further. Until I could feel his hot breath brushing along my most intimate parts. Making me want to clench my legs together, but his shoulders were there. Keeping me from it. I blew a long breath as I felt the texture of his tongue trailing up along the crease alongside my lips. Then drawing back down. He moved to the otherside and did the same. My breath caught. His tongue darted out and licked along my slit. Brushing the small nub along the top that made me arch toward him. Offering him more. “Mmm.” He rumbled against me. “You’re sweet.” I shuddered in pleasure at his words. His hands smoothed along the outside of my hips and up to overlap al
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Please, Don't
I sunk my teeth into his chest as I released. Unleashing those walls and letting warmth move over me and rip into my being with renewed vigor. Teaching me something I wouldn’t soon forget. But that had all been before. This was now. When I threw myself against him this time, it was with the same vigor I had back then. Wrapping my arms around his neck and scooping the back of his head to pull him down to me as I always did then. Feeling his arms wrap around my bare lower back and catch me tighter against him. Lost in the memories from so long ago. And just wanting to feel what I had back then, one more time... He kissed me with just as much hunger as I did him. His lips roving mine as if set on memorizing every inch of me. I pulled away from him. Eyeing him as if he’d betrayed me. When in reality, it was my own body betraying me. It was I that had elicited this instance. My hands were already resting on the familiar contour
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What If?
He gave me a weak half smile that was bordering on sad. He trailed his fingertips over my forehead. Moving some hair aside. As he did, I felt strange currents coming from his finger pads and into my skin. Zinging me with strange tingling. I gasped as I was suddenly ripped back to those times, we were young. He was walking across the training field. His eyes landing on me talking with Roger. Watching how the sunlight moved through my coppery strands as a stray wind moved through them. He was thinking that I should’ve had my hair plaited like the other maids, but he was glad I was nothing like them. His eyes wandered to my flashing smile, and he smiled reflexively. Thinking I was beautiful. Then time fast forwarded dizzyingly, and he was training with Archer when he heard me screeching. Both he and Archer dropped their blades, but Archer had no prayer of keeping up as Jackson ran headlong down to the creek. Emerging from behind a tree a
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Eyes to See, Ears to Hear
“If I ever let you go, fully out of my sight, and you got hurt, I’d never forgive myself.” He murmured. Making me recall what I’d just asked him. Why won’t you just let me go? “But it’s okay to take me and turn me over to your king?” He was quiet. “Stop trying to fight with me, Fiere.” “Or, what?” “Or, I’ll make you feel all the things I feel when I’m inside you.” My eyes widened in horror. I didn’t want to know. I shook my head adamantly. Going deathly still. He laughed coldly. “Nice try. That’s not going to work either.” “What?” “Playing dead. I’ll not have a woman who’s not melting when I touch her.” “A woman?” “You know well, I mean you.” He caught my shoulder and twisted me over him as he rolled. Bringing me atop him. Before I could take the opportunity to leap up and bolt, he was guiding me back down over him. Grunting at the sheer sensation of being swallowed into
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I put that blessed dress back on and laid back on that bed. Finished puzzling over what Gray had said, I vowed to banish everything he’d said or shown me from my mind. At least for now. Without any intention of doing so, I’d dozed off. Letting myself sink into that comfortable mattress. I enjoyed the feel of fabric wrapping my body, the dress, and was lulled into pleasant rest. At least until I felt a tight grip on my forearm. Shaking me so hard my teeth rattled. For one paralyzing moment, I thought I was back in that horrible night. With the boy shaking me awake to tell me everyone was dead. I popped open my eyes and glimpsed the familiar face. “Ssh.” He put a finger to his lips. “Just Old John Thomas for you, Mum.” “What are you doing here?” I sat up urgently. My eyes skidding to the doorway. “If he catches you here, he’ll kill you!” “He’s not as sly as he thinks, Mum.” Old John Thoma
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The True King
The keen gazes of the men in the Receiving Room were locked on them. Knowing how vicious King Liam could become when he didn’t get what he wanted they were quite worried about seeing such an explosion from their newer king. Gray said nothing. Merely looking at him. “Leave us!” Malachi announced. The men and women of the realm scampered from the room. Once the door closed, Malachi blew a long breath of relief. He swayed slightly. Gray instinctively caught the thinner man under the arms. “Sit, My Friend.” He guided Malachi down to the steps. “You haven’t found her?” Malachi let Gray help him as he asked in a softer tone. “I did but she’s not ready.” “To come here?” “Yes.” “You don’t have long, Jackson.” “I see you’ve gotten much sicker.” “I can’t keep pretending to hold this throne for you, Jackson.” “I know. But I’m thankful you have.” “I promised you. For a
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The Ice King
“Is there anything I need to know about the Realm before I leave?” Gray asked reluctantly. Knowing he never liked the answer. “Any troubles we’re having?” “Yes.” Malachi drew a long breath, as if what he had to say would be difficult. “We have one very large problem.” “What?” “The clever Ice King to the East is assembling the Mountain Mob to make war on us.” “Archer?” Gray asked incredulously. “Apparently he intends to have the Eternus Realm as was promised.” “He will have it.” “But he doesn’t know that.” Malachi countered. “You insisted that no one must know of this deal, you and I have made.” “Because they would watch for weakness between you and I.” “I’m aware.” Malachi said evenly. “However, he believes that you are a traitor to the Eternus, by serving me.” “Oh, I’m sure that’s not all.” Gray said keenly. Malachi gave him a quizzical look. “I’d presume he got word long ago that I kill
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An Old Friendship
“It wasn’t you that was threatening her.” Lionel clarified in his whispering voice. Always a bit shy. “I knew that going back to Pyre would crush her.” “But to challenge me? I thought we were better friends than that.” “We are. I just can’t stand to see her suffering. I do love her, you know?” “I know.” “That’s your fault. You knew what would happen when you sent me to protect her.” “I know your loyal, who else could I send?” “Do you know how it kills me somedays?” “I know.” Gray confessed guiltily. “Can you know her, and not love her?” “I would be the wrong one to ask.” “I mean, before she’d fully become the Spark? Is it only her magic that makes her like that?” “Irresistible?” “Yes.” Lionel confirmed. “It wasn’t for me.” “You were kind to me, and I truly thought we were friends.” “We are.” “Then why put me in a position to torment me so?” “Because
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Don't Touch Me!
I cast a look at John’s thin back on the darker horse ahead. Wondering if he might have some answers. I decided on asking him when we stopped for dinner. He’d already mentioned we were going to have to. I’d insisted that I’d be okay. But my growling stomach had given me away. Damn it. John had kindly said he, himself was greatly hungry and would need something to warm his belly in order to risk the perils of travelling in the dark. Which I’d told him would be essential if we wanted to stay ahead of the Pyre Army Ahead of Gray. I knew what the Pyre Army would be doing. Travelling all night. I knew how relentless Gray could be. We were dismounting just outside of a small wolf village. It was so sparse that at first, I thought it might not be inhabited. But we climbed out of the ravine next to the creek and arrived near a square boulder. Able to overlook the whole village.
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A Blind Wolf
The little blue-eyed wolf girl shot me a crushed look. “Because I’m broken?” Blind? I was instantly contrite for yelling at her. Knowing she couldn’t possibly understand my real motivation. “You’re not broken.” I corrected her. “There’s nothing wrong with you. The fact that you have such a challenge and have been able to overcome it, makes you twice as strong as everyone else.” “I can’t see and barely hear.” She argued. “Do you know what a pack of wolves does to those weaker than the rest?” Slaughter them. Yet, they hadn’t killed her. But now, if I had to guess, I’d bet she lived in that house outcast from the others. “You seem to hear me.” I pointed out. She paused as if realizing that surprised her. “What are you?” “People say I’m a Spark.” I explained. “It must be incredible to be so special.” She murmured wishfully. *** Reimus and Verias had retraced
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