All Chapters of My CEO Alpha: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
166 Chapters
Emergency Council Meeting
One day we’d fix the traffic issues in this city. It was getting worse, not better, and the foolish humans resisted change because it wasn’t convenient in the short term. So every time someone posed a change, it became a political issue. What should have been a fifteen minute drive turned into twenty-five minutes as we dodged delivery vehicles and early morning commuters through one-way streets. It was a pain in the butt. But it is what it is, a failure in traffic control. We got to where the meeting would be held. The enforcers stayed upstairs or with the vehicles as did the other packs’ enforcers while Alpha and Beta’s went down the narrow stairs to the basement conference room. Malcolm was tired, and with having to all but walking sideways down the stairs was aggravating him. Because someone thought leaving the old stairs from when the building was first built in place was a security feature. Only one person could go up or down the stairs at a time, and movem
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Actions Speak Louder than Words
The meeting went on with each Alpha reporting on their experiences and observations from their investigations. At some point, Jordan’s map was projected onto a wall. There, the map gathered steam as we cornered the guilty party or parties with the information everyone brought to the table. Everyone in the room felt the excitement as the instinct to hunt rose in everyone. Territory of the packs here was blacked out. They placed the incidents and events on the map. Regions crossed out. Known perpetrators’ or victims’ homes were added. Now they were getting somewhere. The patterns appeared and holes formed. Holes where nothing happened, and no one was contacted. Soon enough, fewer holes passed scrutiny. Until it left them with five spots. “One or more should have our guilty party. However, before anyone goes half cocked to deal with the unknown. It’s our job to deal with whatever creature they are. We need to curb the instinct to deal with
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The Past Affects the Future
Melody and Ellie were just too much alike at times. Melody put that down to having lived far too many years together. Growing up with common interests and problems helped them a lot as well to bond with each other. Now fate had them mated to the Alpha and Beta of the same pack, working at a shared business, and having pups close together. The parallels in their lives didn’t stop. Now they restlessly prowled the condo during the day, trying to work on what they could, care for David, easy Ellie’s morning sickness, and discussing the men’s idea of turning the penthouse floor into a single multi-bedroom condo for both the Alpha and Beta families. The logistics were far greater than the men believed, and it fell in the ladies’ laps right when the men were out dealing with a threat that was all too real. “I like the fact that we have the dining room to eat in when we can’t eat here. That makes things easier, no cooking, or cleaning. If we plan this correctl
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A Whole Lot of Nonsense or is It
Malcolm and Jordan prowled carefully down the darkened, wet streets. Their fur was wet, but they weren’t cold like they would be if they were in their skin. It didn’t make sense to bring so many media people here out of false pretence if there wasn’t anything out there. So, what were they missing? Where would this scum hide? Malcolm sat down suddenly when the answer hit him. They were on the outskirts of the greater city. The humans never fixed the differences in their infrastructure when they amalgamated the different cities into one. Technically, the water, sewer, and electricity physically ran through different aging systems. This region wouldn’t have a very active sewer or rainwater removal system. The pipes were large and technically; they were large enough to travel from one location to another. Jordan noticed Malcolm stop and sit. He turned around and cocked his head in question. Malcolm noticed and nosed a storm drain in the gutter, then put
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Time Crawls as Anxiety Drags
“What is taking so long? Why haven’t they checked in with us? I want to know whether they’re okay or not.” Ellie was feeling the fact her mate wasn’t near. She’d not been able to sleep after Jordan left. It was driving her crazy. How could she be missing the male who made her his mate and blackmailed her into staying with him? How did she come to terms with his conflicting actions? He’d helped with her business setup. He insinuated himself and his pack into her business, so she’d hurt her business if she left. Ellie was sure she was crazy, but she wouldn’t abandon Melody and David here alone. “I get it. But if they are going on the attack. They might not can call or the time to. I don’t want Malcolm calling if it puts him at risk of being discovered and putting anyone at risk.” Melody was trying to stay reasonable through all this, even though she was worried. David had bonded with his father. How was she supposed to tell David he’s been killed? That’s if he dies. This wa
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There’s More Than They are Saying
“You’re correct and lucky you caught these symbols. They’re almost covered by the paint used by the most recent graffiti artists. These are definitely something.” They were back in the restaurant’s basement, looking over what they found. “Now we’ve found some form of activity in all five areas. Though we knew by the media in all five areas that they are on to us. They either saw us move into the area or somewhere there’s a spy among us.” The Ruling Council Representative stated as he scrolled through the photos Malcolm sent him. The flat tone in his voice told everyone he wasn’t impressed in any way with the idea that had evidence of activity in all five areas and spies in our midst. “What exactly do these symbols mean?” The Alpha of Maple Grove asked from the back of the room. Everyone was a little edgy now after effectively wasting their time. “I have our researcher who looked them up. Jyn care to tell the group what you have heard so far?” He
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Alice’s Return from the Looking Glass
They slunk around the poorly made structures, looking for a fanciful needle in a haystack. It was ridiculous laughable to see their steadfast belief that they could compete for within the intellectual arena with their superiors, like myself. They know nothing and yet it’s intriguing to watch them work hand-in-glove with other creations. How did they come to this? Our intention was to create new useful chess pieces for our games and entertainments. Now, it appears there are a few unexpected twists and failures that were not anticipated. The fact they chose to hide from the inferior creature we used as a base to form them, rather than rise up and rule over them. That was disappointing, to say the least. Though their skills to play politics is surprising, they are but amateurs, children playing dress up. Even their languages are disappointing. Be that they have dumbed down the language. Oversimplifying it. There’s no genuine test to their actual
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Returning Home without the Goods
Jordan heard the call also and resisted looking up in curiosity. Legends weren’t clear if some or all of the Shining Ones attracted people to them and forced obedience on them with their appearance alone. He wasn’t going to chance it. “I’ll call you when we get to our destination. We will speak of this then.” “Perfect. I will contact others who can assist with this and this, l be waiting on your call. This is too close for my liking either way.” “Exactly, have a good day. Give my best to your new mate and pup.” Malcolm waved, and they went their separate ways. Jordan and he left the area quickly. “So, do we risk going straight home and risk revealing the pack to the Fae?” “Do you know how to do that? Because I don’t.” Malcolm sighed and settled back in the vehicle’s seat. He thought about how much time they wasted to do what? Nothing. They found out their worst fears are now made real. The Fae were indeed in Toronto, and
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Contacting the Heavy Hitters
Gregory Wolversen was sitting on the floor of his office. His young twins were having an enjoyable time terrorizing several toys with him. Aireka, his mate, and Luna were attempting to teach their elder pup, Evan, how to clean his room because she felt it wasn’t up to their Den Mother to clean his private spaces. Actually, Evan was his nephew and half-brother to the twins. But he’d adopted him. It was all good for now, at least. Of course, once he was firmly planted on the floor and comfortable, his phone rings and it’s never close enough. It’s about five feet away on his desk. Perfectly timed as usual, Jeff, the Black River Pack Beta, entered the large study. “Jeff. Perfectly timed, toss me my phone. It’s on the desk.” “That is not something I ever expected to see in here.” He was laughing as he limped over to the desk and tossed the ringing phone to his Alpha. “I didn’t expect to have a mate, let alone pups. Plans change. Wolversen.” G
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Pleasure Between Business
The vehicles pulled into the underground garage, Malcolm was off his call and Jordan had the email sent to everyone. Malcolm couldn’t wait to see his family. First, he needed to check in with security. Brief them on what was happening and what they could expect from these developments. He felt right now it wasn’t fair to either Melody or Ellie to need to worry about this since they couldn’t deal with it. He and Jordan agreed they would keep this news from them. They’d do everything they could to keep them safe, but they wouldn’t explain their struggle to end this. After they’d briefed security, they returned to the penthouse floor. They found the women at Malcolm’s watching the news. “Perfect timing. I didn’t know how to record on the TV, so I used my phone to take video of the news report. I think we have a problem.” “What problem?” This instantly got our attention. Melody gave her phone to Malcolm with a video playing a news segm
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17 Protection Status