All Chapters of My CEO Alpha: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
166 Chapters
Getting Ready
“Is it me or did Malcolm want to say something, but never got around to it?” Ellie asked as they returned to their meeting. “Of course he’s learning. Telling me what I’m doing only makes his life frustrating. He’s finally figured out that forcing decisions out of my hands means he’s complicating things unnecessarily. I know exactly what his problem is, and I don’t blame him for worrying about it.” “Great, can you tell me what his disapproval is about?” “A photo opportunity means our faces are verified as faces of influential shifters. He’s afraid a group or person will come after us and hunt us. Which is bound to happen one way or another. After all, he and I did admit to being shifters before this. The only difference is that no one could verify our claims. They could dismiss it as we’re trying to pretend to be shifters because it’s controversial. This interaction with the media will seal the deal and verify us as shifters. Basically, we’re putting th
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Making her Priorities Clear
They rushed down to a waiting vehicle. Their security staff were coldly quiet, and the ride could be described as uncomfortable at best. Melody knew she wasn’t in the best hands. They wouldn’t harm her, but they wouldn’t go out of their way to sacrifice in order to save her. This she had to console herself to. Ironically, they could slip past a small group of protesters. The small number of protesters surprised Melody. She’d gotten the feeling from the news that people were far more plentiful that felt this way. These people wanted to lock away all supernatural creatures for the safety of all humans. They rejected the idea that once upon a time, all supernatural creatures were from human stock. She’d even seen these fools wearing silver collars as if that would save them from some expected attack on them. Melody figured it was to protect them from vampire bites. It went along with the prayer beads, crosses, and garlic many of them carried. They didn’t
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Lunchoen and Interviews
As the luncheon started, they noticed that several human media people were allowed in, and they were quietly speaking to different people. It wasn’t a simple thing to watch. Everyone was uncomfortable and leery of the entire event. Malcolm sat beside Melody with several others at their table. Ellie sat beside Melody on her other side, with Jordan beside Ellie. “As far as we’ve been able to find out, this is a meet and greet with the media so that they can get to know the influential shifters in the city. They want them to learn about us and what to expect.” “So? What are we doing here?” “Melody, you’re my mate and have a reputation of your own as the Fox of Bay Street. Think about it. You are almost as well known as I am. We might not be as rich as the Wolversens, but we have our own influences. We appear to have become a power couple in the eyes of the general public.” “So what? They want to do a human interest piece on the non-humans?”
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Press Conference with NARC
The people at the luncheon turned out to be the NARC Ambassadors and the Toronto Council of Alphas from the supernatural interests. From the human side of things, the mayor, several city councillors, and a representative from a newly created federal office. The luncheon went well, with the attendees stuck speaking to several members of the press before an official press conference started. The small interviews were to prove that they weren’t so different from humans in their lives. From paying taxes, working, and family life. The press asked about all of it. Several questions, though, Malcolm refused to answer. When the real conference started, there were two rows of tables staggered so that the press could see them all. The Ruling Council sat at the tables above the Toronto Council of Alphas. With the city, provincial, and federal representatives with the Ruling Council on the top tier. The mates of the Alphas, along with
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Confronting the Protesters
“They’re monsters and you’re treating them like royalty. What about the real people you’re ignoring? Why are they getting special treatment? They brought this trouble onto the people of this city. They should pay for this. Kick them out of the country.” He couldn’t have been a day under sixty years old. The intolerance dripped off him like an oily sludge. He was the type of person who made up their minds with only a slight understanding of a few facts. Then right or wrong he’d come to his conclusions and stick to them. His slate grey hair looked like it hadn’t seen a comb in a long while. It stuck out in several places at awkward angles. Malcolm watched him marvelling at how this man thought he would be considered credible to the general public. He looked like he was homeless and down on his luck. Yes, his clothes were, but he must have slept for several days in or near the protest lines. “You’ve got nothing to say, because you know I’m right. Send them back to their home p
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Going Home
“So, you want us to leave and take them with us? How do you suggest we do that exactly? If we could have done that before, do you truly believe that we wouldn’t have? As for sending the Fae back, most of the portals that were used are dead or sealed. They sealed them with the intention of never opening them again. Without knowing how many Fae exist here currently, we can’t risk closing them all. You sound like we were the people that invited them back, when the truth of the matter is that humans did that, and we can’t find out why, because the Fae have devoured all the humans involved. So, please understand we have mixed feelings about you, yet none of us have told you to leave and go home to a planet that doesn’t exist. Do you now understand why we are struggling to take any of you seriously?” “Where’s your proof of these fictional humans that did that? I want receipts.” “Oh, we have receipts. I’m aware of one video showing a rath
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The Den’s Outcome
Melody didn’t want to upset everyone or be rude after everything that happened today. So she waited for Jordan to take Ellie to their place and then she went into the bathroom and quietly read the report.It was as bad as she feared. Under the lose of the last elders, the Den collapsed. The adult pups of the elders abandoned their parents out of grief and frustration when they would allow no one to seek help.Before they left the Den, the kits were nursed back to health by the two girls. Those kits survived because they had developed an immunity. Sadly, though, the rest of the adults were a hodgepodge of results. Those that survived were under medical care and the authorities were looking for new dens to take them once they no longer needed medical care.Several kits were now orphans as well. She and Ellie would never see their childhood home again. That came with mixed feelings for Melody, and she couldn’t understand why she felt so emotional about it. Margret had always bee
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Alphas Meet a Video Call
Melody was taken aback by Malcolm’s admission. After everything he’d said and done over the short time, they’d be back together. She still didn’t know how to respond to him or how to approach him. She’d never expected him to see her problems. Did the pack have room for the orphaned kits? What about shifters and other supernatural beings within the Foster system? It didn’t take long for Melody to lose interest in attempting to relax in the bathtub. She couldn’t there were too many things coming to the forefront. She needed to write things down and talk to Malcolm about them. They needed to address them with other groups. When she got out of the bathroom, Melody found Malcolm starting David’s bedtime routine without being asked to. That was a pleasant surprise until he had to pass it off to her and take a call from another alpha. She readily took David from him and finished up with him. Once David was in bed, she found Malcolm in the sunroom
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Getting a Jump on the Day
Jordan took Ellie home and settled her in bed. She’d dragged her feet most of the day. This was her first pregnancy, and it appeared to be taking a lot out of her initially. He’d been concerned, but the healer said she was fine. That this happened early in many pregnancies, but that it should pass at some point. Jordan couldn’t sleep, so he stayed up scrolling through the various worldwide news outlets for anything that pertained to the nightmare unfolding everywhere in the world. It was hard enough to watch a lot of the reputable networks, but the more questionable they got, the crazier the things they reported. It was a struggle for Jordan to not respond to some of the crazier things being said. Other things were alarming to read and listen to. Stealing women and eating them was mild compared to some of the other things floating about on the internet. The craziest thing he saw was the belief that they had just landed on the planet and tha
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Finding Distractions
Malcolm finally got away from the meeting. It hadn’t been that long, but it covered a lot. Cal, the alpha of the Crimson Nights, found out information about his little cheating wolf. Malcolm wasn’t familiar with the alpha’s of all the lone packs. These alphas were struggling with little to no territory, often they only had a handful of pack members usually. They were the wolves that lived paycheck to paycheck and Malcolm believed that the system failed these people. They lost their dreams in that struggle to survive. Which is how he hoped this recent development could help change things. They would have to have checks and balances for the services, though. What Cal had said about this Alpha Elmwood and what Alpha Norman had confirmed, Malcolm didn’t believe the man deserved to have a pack. Add in the fact that Cal sounded different when he spoke about this female who tried to cheat the house. Malcolm thought it was his just deserts for all the times
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