All Chapters of The Alpha's Revenge: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
84 Chapters
Chapter Thirty
Kiera drove back home with a heavy heart. The weekend was a disaster and she wouldn't try to sugarcoat it. Mikael's family was strange and she couldn't say that she wanted to see them again, and because she intended to be with him, avoiding them entirely would be difficult. There were good moments. The lunch she had with him on Saturday was one of them, and the night she spent in his arms was the highlight of the weekend. But Saturday evening changed a lot of things for her; she was no longer in a hurry to get to know him. She discovered that what she wanted was space, but perhaps that was only because of his family and she was judging him too harshly. Yes, he followed her all the way to the hotel to apologize which she found strange but understandable, but he didn't stay the night and he didn't try to persuade her to return. What did that show her?She couldn't say she was happy with how everything turned out.Kiera opened the gate and drove inside. She left the hotel at seven so s
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Chapter Thirty-One
Kiera had been waiting for over fifteen minutes when he arrived.She didn't mind the wait. It helped her clear her mind and figure out what to say to him. Should she tell him everything? It was a weight on her conscience and she wanted to share the burden with someone else. She couldn't take the pressure. It would have been better if she didn't talk to him about it but she didn't have anyone else.It was strange, but it was the truth.Back in high school, she had a small group of friends. They were all like her but they got along well enough. None of them went to the same college, though, so they lost touch. Kiera spoke to a few of them occasionally on Facebook but it wasn't the same, evidently. Their lives led them to different paths. One of her closest friends, Miranda, was married with a kid. She seemed happy, but she was the one that Kiera didn't talk to at all. She didn't know where it all went askew. It's yet another thing she'll blame Jared for. He never liked any of her frien
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Chapter Thirty-Two
The front door was wide open so Kiera knew that they were home. She held her breath as she parked the car. She released it only when she was locking it. Her feet were moving before her mind could process what she was doing or intended to do. She wouldn't let the matter go, though. She would confront the problem head on and take responsibility like the adult that she was. She walked inside and looked right. They where in the kitchen. Her impression was that they had been discussing something heatedly before she entered. They were staring at her as if she was a stranger. It made her feel bad but she held her ground. "Where were you?" she asked. "I thought you left for good." "Why would we leave for good?" Simone asked. "This is our home. And you, Kiera, are family to us. We had business to attend to. We left early so we didn't have time to inform you.""Business?" she asked. "What kind of business? Why aren't you specifying? Since when do we keep things from each other?" As she said
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Chapter Thirty-Three
Jared. Dead. Kiera couldn't believe it. She didn't know how long she had been laying on the couch. She lost total track of time. She couldn't wrap her head around the terrible news she had received and didn't care that it was the Sheriff who gave it to her. Something wasn't right. Jared couldn't be dead. Simone handed her a glass of water and she took it gratefully. She took small sips until she felt her head getting less lighter. She was sitting at the counter and Kane had left the kitchen to talk to the Sheriff. It had been ten minutes and he still wasn't back."Calm yourself," Simone said to her. Her voice was shrill and she was holding the cloth in her hand so tightly that her knuckles were white. "You're going to faint again if you don't!""I can't," she said, touching her sweaty forehead. She felt hopeless. She couldn't remember feeling si terrible. "I can't deal with this, Simone. I don't know what to think, even. Jared can't be dead. He can't be!"Simone looked at her with p
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Chapter Thirty-Four
Kiera looked back and forth between them."What are you talking about?" she asked after a painful moment of silence.Simone and Kane simply stared at her. Kane appeared to be more uncomfortable than her and she wondered once again what it was that Simone wanted to tell her that Kane disagreed with. It made no sense to her why she'd want to tell her something which he didn't.It tied her head in a knot."Kiera," Kane said, "we were talking about—""Mikael," she said sternly. "Yes, I heard you. What I want to know is why you were saying those things about him. What makes you so sure that he was the one who killed Jared?" That was what she gathered he said. She wasn't totally sure but she'd risk it and see if she'd nail the jackpot."I'm not sure of anything," he replied, matching her tone of voice. "You misunderstood me. Then again, that tends to happen when you listen in on other people's conversations."A frown pulled her brows together. "I wasn't doing it on purpose. I walked in on y
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Chapter Thirty-Five
Kiera knew then that the morning wouldn't go well.From a distance, she could see that Mikael's brows were drawn together. It was like he was angry just by looking at Kane because he's who he was looking at since he was looking over her shoulder. And Kane...she didn't want to look at his face. She was terrified. What was Mikael doing here? He hadn't told her that he would be stopping by. "Kane," she said in warning, and he made her wish she hadn't said a thing because it was as if her voice triggered him. He walked past her and his shoulder brushed against hers. She set off after him but he didn't spare her a glance.He had the key with him. He opened the gate. Mikael began advancing and Kiera couldn't believe that she was witnessing her worst nightmare. She didn't know it was her worst until now. "Kane!" she exclaimed, grabbing the lapel of his coat. "Kane, stop!" "What are you doing here?" he asked Mikael. She cohdkng recognize his voice. There was an unmistakable authority seepi
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Chapter Thirty-Six
Kane returned late in the night.Kiera couldn't believe that the day had passed like some kind of joke. The incident happened at around eight AM and she spent the whole day waiting for news or something. Anything. There was no call from Mikael and when she lost her patience and tried to call him, he didn't pick up. Simone tried to call Kane and the same thing happened.Her fear was palpable.She didn't believe that contacting the police was the right thing to do because it would implicate Mikael further. She felt bad for prioritizing him over Kane but she couldn't help herself. It was her heart's desire to protect him at all costs just as she had when Simone grabbed that rifle and tried to shoot him. She still couldn't believe that that had happened. She didn't even know that Simone could handle guns. Hours had passed and they said nothing to each other. It wasn't that she was tremendously upset at Simone for doing what she did. Perhaps she was still too anxious to process and inter
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Chapter Thirty-Seven
The hotel room was bathed with sunlight when Kiera awoke. Her eyes stung when she opened them. They felt gritty and sensitive. She could feel how swollen they were from all the crying she did. Mikael. She couldn't believe that he let her down. She trusted him. She left home because he promised her that he would join her at the hotel. He didn't come or send word. He hadn't even bothered to answer her calls or texts. Kiera was devastated. She believed him with all her heart even when she was warned about him. She ignored all his red flags which proved what Kane had said to her about being with people who were emotionally unavailable and treated her poorly. Jared did the same thing to her and she forgave him time and time again. And the worst part was that Jared had never gotten into any physical fight with Kane. They never saw eye to eye but he was courteous to Kane. Mikael was openly rude to them and she excused his behavior. She blamed them. How would she forgive herself after wha
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Chapter Thirty-Eight
Kiera returned to her senses slowly. Pain was the first thing she felt. She couldn't even open her eyes because the back of her head was on fire and her neck was stiff. There was a heavy weight on top of her, there had to be. Why else couldn't she move? Something wasn't right. She felt threatened. It was Mikael who had hit her. That was her first coherent thought after struggling for a few seconds to sit up. He was standing behind her, seemingly to let her pass, and then she felt the hit and as she fell, he hovered above her. His face was a blur but it was him who had done it. She had numerous questions and the first one started with him. Why did he do that to her? Why would he hit her? To stop her from leaving? Why? A groan left her lips. Her mouth was dry. She opened her eyes and saw darkness so she wondered if she had even opened her eyes. Another thought occurred to her: what if the room was dark because the sun had set? She didn't know how long she had been out like a flame.
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Chapter Thirty-Nine
Kiera turned around and saw Mikael standing naked before her. She couldn't even scream. She was too shocked for that. Why did he follow her if he said she could go? Why was he toying with her?What did he want?"Please," she cried. "Leave me alone. Just leave me alone. What do you want from me? I haven't done a thing to you." She wanted to add that all she tried to do was love him but found it unnecessary and besides the question. That would be trying to reason with him and she didn't want that. He was standing naked in the middle of a hotel's corridor. Anyone could spot him. He was insane. There was no reasoning with someone like him. He grabbed her face and peered into her eyes. His thick brows were furrowed and his lips quivered. She was afraid of what he would do to her. She wanted to scream but had no voice in her. Her throat closed. She couldn't recognize her body. Fear had changed it. "Mikael," she said desperately. "Run," he told her. "Don't come back here. Remember what I
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