All Chapters of Rite of Power: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
125 Chapters
97: One of the Guys
                Dmitri sat astride one of three motorcycles parked out front of the guest house with a broad smile. “That took longer than I thought it would. She’s still alive isn’t she?”                I frowned at him in mock annoyance, “As if Caleb would let me destroy his carefully crafted plan to make her death a public spectacle. I wasn’t even allowed to talk directly to her and tell her what a stupid cunt she was to ruin her last chance to talk to her parents.”                “They didn’t look very upset when they left just now,” Dmitri cocked his head as if studying me, “What really happened up there?”         &nbs
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98: Friendly Jabs
                “You did better than I thought you would,” Dmitri watched me pull my hair back up after we showered and changed to meet the other Alphas for drink.                I frowned at him over my shoulder, “I’m not sure how I’m supposed to take that.”                “You won Maxim over already,” he smiled, “I expected him to need a lot more than being yanked off his feet.”                “Only a little over half of the Alphas are even here, and there’s still plenty of time for him to change his mind.”            &
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99: Harmless Flirt
                I was still annoyed with all three of them the next morning and used Kelly’s check-up as an excuse to think about something else for a while. Blake frowned at me as we walked towards the hospital to meet with Kelly and Dr Martinez. “You seem unusually broody this morning. I thought the time spent with the other Alphas had been successful.”                “It was fine,” I shrugged not really wanting to talk about the part that irritated me. “I just don’t like all these political mind games we have to play.”                “Alpha Maxim seems to be a strong candidate for an ally,” Blake gave me a hopeful smile.         &nb
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100: Regrets?
Nathan split off from me as soon as he was sure that I would keep Blake by my side for the rest of the day. Kelly’s check-up went well; she and the baby were strong and well. But, I was concerned about her mental state as she continued to adjust to her and her wolf’s gifts. “Are you sure that you want to go through with the baby shower? I don’t care what anyone else thinks; if you aren’t feeling up for it, I’ll cancel and everyone else will just have to deal with it.” Kelly smiled at me, “I’m sure that it’ll be fine. It’ll only last a few hours and it’ll be good for the pack, right?” “I’m more concerned about what is good for you,” I argued and looked to Blake to back me up. “If it becomes too much,” she shrugged, “I’ll just pretend to be tired and leave early.” “Pretend?” Blake danced out of her reach with a big grin as she tried to smack his arm. Watching the two of them together always p
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101: Divided
Four new Lunas had arrived since the day before, and Jeanette made sure I was introduced to them before getting everyone else settled in at the tables assembled in the greenhouse. “This is Luna Makayla Crestwood of the Red Oasis Pack, Luna Katherine O’Donnell of the Bloodmoon Pride, Luna Sarah Clark of the Silent Silver River Pack, and Luna Lisa Lawrence of the Raging Peaks Pack. Ladies, this is Alpha Selene D’Arcadia Volkov of the Opalescent Moon Pack.” Each one gave me a soft submissive nod as they were introduced, but I was starting to worry that I’d never be able to remember everyone’s names if many more showed up over the next few days. I pushed my worry aside and gave them all a smile, “I hope that you all were able to settle in comfortably. This is my Delta, Blake,” I gestured towards him and then at the four men that no one mentioned that were unfamiliar to me, “And these gentlemen are?” Each woman looked taken aback and confused
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102: Over It
“Do you think that Connor is going to stay or leave?” I had waited to voice the question until we were making our way to join the other Alphas for drinks again. I could feel the irritation still radiating off of Dmitri, “Depends on which consequences he can live with.” “What do you mean?” He let out a soft sigh, “If he leaves the other Alphas will consider him a coward. If he stays he’ll be considered inferior to us. Either way his position weakens and could jeopardize any alliances that he has.” His brows knit together like he was trying to decide whether or not to say more. When I frowned at him he added, “If he stays we’ll have to be keep a close eye on him in case he tries to retaliate.” His eyes zeroed in on the twitch of my lips, “You didn’t.” I shrugged, “If, after all of that, he honestly thinks his place is to be in a position to challenge us in anyway, then he deserves whatever ha
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103: Motherly Advice
She took one look at my face and patted the space on the bed beside her and opened her arms to me. So many times in my life this was the most comforting place I knew. Even though I knew that she wasn’t my mother now, I still felt that maternal love from her when she held me close like this. “I haven’t seen you look like this in years,” Kalliope sighed into my hair, “not since you were a little girl.” I leaned my head on her shoulder, “I’m starting to think I hate men.” She chuckled, “I’m sure whatever the problem is, you and your mate will find a way to work it out.” “Not him,” I shook my head, “at least not this time. It’s all the other Alphas and their politics and rigid views on what a woman should be, and their egotistical macho bull shit!” She squeezed me tighter, “It can be a difficult game to play, but they’ll soon go back to their own packs and life will go back to normal for y
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104: Gossip
I stood rooted in place and watched Selene leave. I couldn’t follow after her. It would weaken her position and make it look like I thought she needed me to protect her if I did. Not that anyone seemed to be looking at me right now. Caleb slid up beside me and quietly hissed in my ear, “I thought she understood that the goal was to get the other Alphas to support us against her uncle’s claims, not alienate them by demonstrating her unique strengths.” I turned to glare at him; struggling to keep from breaking his jaw, “She didn’t do anything but talk to him.” “We were all witnesses. He challenged her,” Maxim shook his head at Caleb, “If he’d come at any of us that way we’d be scraping him off the floor right now.” His lips curled up in an amused smile, “He might have suffered less of an embarrassment if he’d come at one of us instead. She didn’t even have to touch him to make her point.” Instead of being th
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105: Free Will
I couldn’t help but feel like Dmitri had found a new crafty way to torment and torture me. After being backed against a wall, literally, his close proximity made my heart skip a beat. But he hadn’t taken the bait when I pushed myself up onto my toes for a kiss. He stepped away from me and reminded me of our obligation to join our guests for dinner. It felt like a bucket of cold water had been thrown in my face. There wasn’t even a hint of playfulness on his face. I hadn’t thought visiting my aunt would upset him quite this much. “Let’s go Princess,” his growl had sent a shiver down my back and made my toes want to curl. Playing it over and over in my head distracted me from the conversations around the table. Now, every time I absently chewed on my lower lip and daydreamed about the promise hidden behind his threat, he scolded me silently with a stern look. If it wasn’t for the gnawing hunger I could feel through the bond
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106: Dinking Games
Dmitri refused to budge out of his chair, as he continued to brood over everything Caleb had dumped in our laps. This was not the direction I thought my night was heading in after the loaded promise I earned before dinner. I grabbed a fresh bottle out of the liquor cabinet and exchanged it with the empty one on the desk. “Let’s get on with it,” I hopped up on the edge of the desk and pulled the bottle over to me. “But if we’re going to do this right now, I’m going to need to catch up a little bit first.” I knocked the bottle back and gagged as the liquid burned the back of my throat. I managed to swallow a shot or two down before I had to give up. Dmitri looked up at me with a half cocked grin and an arched brow, “Is that the best you can manage?” “It’s not my fault that it goes down like lit kerosene,” I croaked out, trying to keep the liquid from coming back up while I spoke. I managed another small swig before I held the bottle out
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