All Chapters of Rite of Power: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
125 Chapters
78: Demon
                As our bond strengthened, it was getting easier to just know where Dmitri was in proximity to me, but the stinging pain still caught me off guard as his hand landed a sound smack on my ass. “What was that for,” I frowned up at him, rubbing the sore flesh as he spun me around to face him.                He had a predatory grin plastered on his face, “You tricked Nathan into directly disobeying me, and since you won’t let me punish him for anything, you’ll have to settle his debts.”                A warning tingle shivered down my spine as he eyed the assets on display as I stood there in just my underwear. I had to swallow hard before I could form words, “Would you have rather I let him fol
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79: Friend or Foe
                Blake was waiting with Nathan when we finally found the resolve to climb out of bed and get on with our regularly scheduled day. I only found it mildly difficult to walk, but I healed so fast now that the discomfort was almost gone. But it didn’t keep me from arching a quizzical eye at the pair waiting for us.                “Nathan said that Sophie was held up on an errand for you, so I thought I could fill in as your shadow this morning,” he flashed me a bright cheeky grin that made his dimples pop.                “Shouldn’t you accompany Kelly to breakfast?”                His grin didn’t falter, “S
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80: Delicate Flowers
                It didn’t feel quite right, walking out to the construction site without Sophie. But I couldn’t let on that anything was amiss. Otherwise, I’d have to explain my cousin’s presence here. At least I still had Blake’s familiar presence.                “Do you really walk all the way out here every day,” Jeanette had been surprised that I chose to walk instead of having someone drive me out there and that I only took Blake with me.                I shrugged and gave her another polite smile, “Most days, yes. I prefer to walk most places when I can and time allows for it. It feels less disruptive to the pack as a whole, rather than zipping in with a massive caravan to carry a full guard.
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81: Casual Friday
                Jeanette’s company wasn’t as unpleasant as I thought it would’ve been. Yes, she seemed a little anxious to be around so many people with only her Delta to guard her. And yes, she stood mostly apart from everyone and looking a little out of place. But she stood her ground when someone approached her, and she had a polite word for everyone that talked to her.                Walking back to the main house, she was especially quiet. But she was also uncharacteristically fidgety, fussing with her clothes and hair way more than was necessary. It wasn’t as though the wind was blowing her carefully coifed hair out of place.                “Is there something on your mind?” I hoped that it didn’t s
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82: Terrible Threesome
                Kelly and Delphi wanted another chance to get a read on Jeanette before offering any suggestions for her wolf. It was important to secure Jeanette’s loyalty, but it was also important that I figure out how to deal with my family, and prepare to be put on display until I could kill Candice. At least I was able to talk Kelly into spending some time outside her apartment before Blake returned from guiding Jeanette to the greenhouse.                I could go see what Dmitri and Caleb had accomplished, but that usually ended with me separating the two Alphas. Caleb had to stay where he was so Jeanette could learn to exercise a little independence. She was never going to learn to trust herself if she didn’t believe that someone could be completely loyal to her.      &
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83: Try Again
One of the benefits of training and sparring with Nathan was that he knew just how much training Candice had had before she left the pack. I doubted very much that my uncle had spent the time or resources to bolster her skills before dumping her back in our laps. I had the advantage of increased speed and strength that most shifters gained, despite my lack of a wolf spirit. Not to mention the abilities I’d acquired through the unique circumstances of my birth. I had no doubt that I could beat Candice in a fight. But, it wasn’t enough just to beat her. I had to stomp out any doubt everyone else had. I used Dmitri’s private changing room to take a quick shower and change back into my regular clothes when Nathan, Blake and I called it quits. If it hadn’t been for the fact that I had to train in secret now, I wouldn’t have felt so annoyed by the time constraints. Having more Alphas around would only make it more difficult. Na
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84: Beastly
We’d had this argument so many times that I didn’t know what else I could say to make her understand. Bringing up Candice hadn’t done me any favors and I knew it the moment the words came out of my mouth. Selene closed her eyes and took a deep breath, smoothing her face into a blank expression while dampening our bond so I couldn’t reel her emotions as easily. “It’s not the same thing, Dmitri,” even her tone had gone deadly calm. “I’ve never fucked Nathan or reciprocated his feelings in any way. I’ve never used him to fill in for you.” How did she know about his feelings? I thought I had specifically ordered him to keep his feelings to himself and forbade him from acting on them. She couldn’t have overridden my orders if she didn’t know about them. Her mask slipped for a moment when she tilted her head to study me. “Maybe it’s me that you don’t really trust,” her voice and face were devoid of any emotion, but her words st
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85: Surprise
                Selene smacked my hand away as I tried to brush her hair back from her face, “Stop fussing over me! I’m fine, I feel fine and Isabel can’t run the damn test any faster than she already is.”                It had been almost an hour since Isabel left with the vial of Selene’s blood, and waiting for the results in this tiny exam room was becoming unbearable and suffocating. I knew something was different, and I had to be sure of what it was before my impulses caused me to do something I couldn’t take back. Arkadi had been no help either, being as clueless as I was about the way I’d behaved.                Selene frowned when I jumped out of my chair and began pacing once more, “You&rsq
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86: A Growing Family
It was beyond distracting that both Bo and Arkadi both found this whole situation entertaining, and I wondered if their human counterparts were hearing all the witty quips and snarky jokes the two were tossing around at me. I didn’t find any of this funny. I was happy that Sophie finally found her mate. I was elated that her mate turned out to be another woman, as promised. I was even ok that it turned that they were related to me. I was not ok with was her mate questioning Dmitri’s worth or anything else about our bond. I didn’t know her any more than I knew a stranger off the street. She might have heard things about us or our pack, but nothing that would give her the right to weigh in on our lives. She might’ve been related to me through blood, but even that was just a technicality and still didn’t give her the justification to judge us. Sophie was pouting at me, “I expected something like this from him, but you? I tho
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87: Business as Usual
Isabel looked like she sitting on a caltrop when we found our way to her office. It was almost like she didn’t want to tell us the results from the test, or that she was afraid to tell one of us. I never made it a secret to her during my regular check-ups that I felt I was too young for kids. And Dmitri wasn’t pressuring me to give him an heir. But wolves didn’t look at building a family the same way humans did. It was almost expected that an Alpha would be eager to produce an heir as soon as he found his mate. This also wasn’t the best time for me to be pregnant, if it was even possible. “I’m sorry,” she thumbed nervously through the pages in her hands, “but Alpha Selene is not pregnant.” There was immediate disappointment in Dmitri’s eyes, “And you’re sure?” “Yes, I double checked the results myself,” she leaned over the desk to hand him the file. “It’s ok, it’s not like we were trying or
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