All Chapters of The Adored CEO: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
75 Chapters
Chapter Forty One
Raina sniffled, seeing the blood that still flowed from Jasper's body. She tried to get her phone from him, but he's still strong in his state. "Give the phone to me! Do you want to die? Why are you doing this?" She cried pushing him slightly. "A few hours ago, you asked me to get lost from the face of the earth. That's what I want to do, you want me to...""I only said that out of anger and I regret it. I am sorry please, I love you and I can't watch you die." She continued to cry. Jasper froze when he heard the last sentence. "What did you say?""I love you, please don't die, you're getting weak. Let me help you please." She pleaded with him. He chuckled, "Silly girl." He pulled her in for a hug. She cried while hugging him, afraid of what will happen to him. She still tried to get a hold of the phone but he wouldn't let go. Just then, a car stopped in front of them. Raina was relieved, the driver came. "Quick! He's bleeding, let's take him to the hospital!" She ordered him.
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Chapter Forty Two
Raina opened her eyes when her phone rang. She checked the caller ID and saw it's her sister Freida. She also has several missed calls from a strange number, she ignores those ones and decided to call her sister first. She looked at Jasper who is still fast asleep, his face looks so cute and he looks like a sleeping baby. She gently left the bed with her phone, she doesn't want to disturb his sleep. She walked out of the room and called Freida back. "Raina! Where the hell have you been? I've been calling, you are not picking up. I asked the driver and he told me you stayed out. I wanted to ask you..." Freida started immediately she picked up, Raina has to cover her ears at the extent to which she is loud. "What is it?" Raina asked rolling her eyes, she can just imagine Freida's face. "He told me you took Jasper to the hospital! What happened to him? Why didn't you call to tell anyone?" "He is fine now. There's no need to get so worked up like he's your boyfriend." "What? Are you
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Chapter Forty Three
Mrs Turner glared at her daughter, she felt like Bella is becoming too desperate and stupid. She is craving the attention of a man who doesn't even care about her existence. Or maybe Jasper cares about her and it doesn't surpass friendship. "He is not leading you on, I won't warn huh anymore. I will not be there when you get hurt. Excuse me daughter." Mrs Turner said and left her room. Bella fell on her bed in frustration. She ignored her mother and tried calling Jasper's number again. "What's going on? Is something wrong with him? He said he's going to check on me earlier today. I wonder what happened to him." She said to no one. Shr became a bit worried that he might be out with Jessa or Raina. She called someone to help her spy on him and waited for the news. While waiting she heard a knock on her door. "Come in, whoever that is." She said with a frown. One of the cleaners came into the room. "Young mistress, there's someone here to see you?"Bella's eyes lit up, "Jasper?""
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Chapter Forty Four
"Raina? Hey, wake up!" Someone tugged her, she stirred awake. Her eyes opened and met with her sister's evil smirk. She jerked up, wasn't she just in Jasper's room? She has been dreaming all along?"What are you doing here Freida?" She asked. Freida sat on the bed, "You have to gist me about what happened between you and Jasper. You only came home yesterday and you slept off." Then she remembers it wasn't a dream. She was indeed with Jasper last night. They had a romantic evening and shared kisses countless times. They both officially confessed their feelings to each other and decided to keep their relationship a secret for now. Raina left after spending a few hours with him, she was elated. She came home and slept immediately, the first time she slept peacefully in a long while. "I have nothing to say to you. I have work to go to, you should try working too. Then you'll have less time for all this trouble." Raina said getting up. Freida is stubborn and won't listen. "You have be
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Chapter Forty Five
Raina rushed out of the building and into her car. All her employees stared at her murmuring amongst themselves. She rushed like something was wrong, only Kelvin knows where she is rushing to. She drove to the restaurant where she is supposed to have lunch with Jasper. It is more like a noodle shop, but a very big one. This is found in the lowest parts of the city. Jasper asked her to come there. She has never eaten in such a place before but she wanted to try new things. And she is very eager to see Jasper. She entered the place searching for Jasper with her eyes, she found him at a corner waving at her. A smile escaped her lips as she rushed towards him, he stood up and caught her in a tight up. He kissed her, then pulled a chair for her to seat. There are hardly much people at the shop yet, so they are not worried about getting caught by nosy people. "How is your day going?" He asked her. She sighed, "I am so stressed out. I wish my hands were up to ten, I'll be able to do so ma
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Chapter Forty Six
Towards closing hours, Raina hastily rounded up so she can see Jasper. At least she concentrated, but still had her mind on him. She stepped out of her office only to bump into someone she did not want to see. Her ex boyfriend Richard Dixon. "What the hell are you doing here?" She yelled at him. He smiled, "I'm here to see you darling, you don't look happy to see me." "Why would I be happy to see you? You sound like an idiot right now. You know I hate you with passion." She snapped at him. "Are you sure you want to say that to me? Are you sure you really hate me? You've always talked about how you loved me and how you couldn't do without me. Now you're saying you hate me, what am I supposed to believe." She scoffed angrily, "I don't have time for this nonsense. I have to go, my boyfriend is waiting for me. That's the only person I love." "You mean that low loser? That's the man you love? Of all people, you love a criminal like him? I can't believe you're willing to get back with
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Chapter Forty Seven
Raina was awoken by a strange text the next day. She opened it and saw something disturbing and annoying. She became so angry she wanted to strangle someone, she held her head in pain. She felt like an idiot, Jasper was in bed with another woman and they cuddled up. That's not the only thing, she also saw other pictures of him with different ladies in a disturbing state. She couldn't believe her eyes she wanted to ask Jasper but then she thought, she would let him say it himself before she does anything. Knowing he might lie or he may not say anything to her. Shee felt very angry and stupid for believing him, she dropped her phone and dress up for work. She decided not to check on him and went straight to work. She was back to have bad mood again, her workers felt like she had a problem with personality. One minute she is angry, the next minute she's smiling at them and this is not a good sign for them. They want to run away from her but then there is no job that pays twice as much a
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Chapter Forty Eight
Jessa took Jasper far to a site where she is supervising her project. She did this on purpose so he and Raina would see each other less. She took him to unnecessary meetings and made him wait there with her. When it was lunch break, they had lunch together. She saw he was absent minded but cared less. Anything to keep them apart is what she will do. But she can't keep that up till evening, they eventually have to go home. She plans on doing something worse to keep him away from Raina for days. "You're going to fall right into my arms Jasper." She said with full determination. Jasper left for Raina's office by evening. He didn't think he would meet her there since he was a bit late but something told him to just check on her. He met her sitting at the office alone. She was staring into space without saying anything. She heard him enter the office but she didn't act like she saw anyone. She just stayed there not saying anything or moving. This got Jasper worried. "What is wrong with h
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Chapter Forty Nine
Raina is still burning with hatred for Jasper. She doesn't want to see him at all and she doesn't want him close to her, no matter how he tries to beg her. He sent that text to explain what is going on since she refuse to pick his call but she didn't reply the text. Instead she blocked his number from calling her again. This made Jasper feel depressed. Jasper is restless because he has never fallen in love with a woman the way he loves Raina. It's just as if his will world revolves around her, he can't even do anything without seeing her everywhere he goes.It was becoming too much for him and he was becoming so restless. Jessa also noticed that at work too, that was beginning to affect him in every way. He decides to go see Raina at home, perhaps she will listen to him when she is much calm. He plans to go in the evening when she is back from work. He takes a cab to the mansion contemplating on what to say to her to make her believe him. He felt like an idiot for falling in love wi
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Chapter Fifty
Jasper did not go home that night. He found some motel and stayed there through the night. He did not want to talk to his mother or his sister, he wasn't ready ready to face them. He reflected on all that happened to him for the past few years. He has not been able to get happiness since that incident happened. He kept thinking about it, he always thought he had a bright future. He thought good things would last for him. That only changed the moment he was convicted for a crime he knew nothing about. He was a doctor a surgeon to be precise, he loved his job very well and he was very skillful. The biggest hospital in the city which is sunshine City hospital hired him as the head surgeon in the hospital. He was loved by many and he had a few enemies, but that did not stop him from being passionate about this job. He continued to do his job well and save lives until one day everything changed drastically for him. Sonia was his ex-girlfriend and she was the first woman he would have a
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