All Chapters of The Adored CEO: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
75 Chapters
Chapter Sixty One
Jasper knocked on Kylie's door calling her name. He had gone back to the joint and didn't find her there. He then went home to check on. He was told that she walked in mad and locked herself up. "Hey Paul, you're back home." Eddy said immediately he entered the house. "Yeah, is Kylie home yet?" He asked. "She came in not too long ago. She was upset and she ignored us, then she locked herself up in her room." Eddy replied. "What happened?" Jasper asked again. "I have no idea. I should be asking you that. She left happily but came back sad. Did you two have a fight?" "No. We didn't have a fight, I took one of my patients home. I only came back to find out she left." Jasper explained confused. "Can you please check on her? I'm quite worried about her. She's not always like this." Jasper nodded, "Yes, I will." He walked to her door and knocked, "Kylie, are you in there? Open the door." He didn't get a response for a while but he could hear her sniffling when he placed his ear on
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Chapter Sixty two
Jasper went back to the health centre after he left Raina's place. Surprisingly, he met Kylie already there. He wasn't expecting that she'd be there after their encounter at the house. She welcomed him with a smile which is choking to him. "Welcome back Paul, I've been waiting for you. Someone came here with an injury, I gave him first aid like you always instructed but I haven't done anything else. I was waiting for you to come back and continue from where I stopped." She said. "That's very good Kylie. I'm glad to know you're picking up. Which room is he in?" He asked. "Room three." She replied. "Okay, take this there. I have to get something else from my office." Jasper said."Yes doctor." Kylie collected the bag from him and went to the third room while he went to his office. Kylie was unexpectedly calm the whole time, which made Jasper wonder if she thought over it and gave up already. He went to his office after attending to the patient, Kylie came to inside with his lunch box
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Chapter Sixty Three
Raina kissed Jasper while he stood there frozen not knowing the next action to take. He gently pushed her off after regaining himself. "It's you, your lips taste the same. Your body smells the same, there's no difference. You're Jasper. Let me do it again." She tried kissing him again. He pushed her off annoyed."That's it! You're completely crazy lady! I didn't diagnose something wrong with your brain. Now I know you're really out of your mind!" He yelled angrily. "Don't say that. I know it's you, you're just trying to get me crazy. I know what I am saying, stop all this act Jasper. I know it's you." She said trying to touch him again. He sighed in frustration, "I can't believe this is really happening to me. This woman has gone completely crazy. She won't stop bothering me. How did your stupid assistant let you leave his sight again?" "Don't blame Kelvin. He knows nothing about this. I drugged him to be able to get here, he has no idea I left the house since he's asleep." She re
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Chapter Sixty Four
They both turned to look at who is at the door and it turns out to be Jasper. He was shocked to see Raina apologizing to his own assistant, something she never done before. This woman is so arrogant he has never seen her apologize to someone before or at least not her own assistant. It's quite surprising to see her apologize to someone it seems his mother is right about her changing this is such a drastic change they have never expected before. "Good morning Doctor Paul, it's so good to see you." Kelvin said ushering him in."Yeah good morning How was your night? You must have slept very well last night, it's written all over you." Jasper said."Yes I did, why do you sound like that? Is there something I'm supposed to know?" He asked in confusion.Raina looked away in embarrassment. It is obvious Jasper wants to report her to Kelvin. She fiddled her fingers nervously."No, there's nothing I want to tell you or do you have anything to say to me?" Jasper replied shocking her. She had
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Chapter Sixty Five
Jasper could not get his mind off Raina. He sees her in everything he does. He has been able to focus without seeing her but it's worse this time around. Seeing her has brought back his problems, he can't concentrate on anything without thinking about her. "This is so frustrating. Get out of my head already Raina." He said hitting his head. There was a knock on the door, Kylie walked in with a long face. "Doctor Paul, there's someone here to see you." "Who is it?" He asked. "Me." A familiar voice said, she walked in with a smile looking around the office. He palmed his face in frustration, she's really going to push him to the edge. "What are you doing here miss?" "I'm here to see you. What's wrong in coming to complain to my doctor?" She replied with an intense gaze, her eyes boring into his that he couldn't keep up with looking at her."Really? You're supposed to be at home. If you needed to see me, you could have called or asked your assistant to get me for you." He said fru
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Chapter Sixty Six
Raina got back to the house heartbroken. She feels her heart is being ripped off her chest. She is afraid of losing Jasper yet it seems like there's no hope for her with Jasper anymore. It seems like they're never going to get a chance to be together again since he doesn't remember her. She also thinks he's too harsh for someone who claims to have not met before. Then he shouldn't be so harsh towards her, he should at least treat her in a much better way. Kelvin saw her walking sluggishly to her room. He followed her to the room worried. He had warned her not to go before but she won't listen to him. She forced him into allowing her leave the house, she threatened him but he warned her not to get herself hurt. He told her to give him some time to get over this before going to meet him. Raina is too stubborn to listen because she's eager to be with Jasper and she loves him too much. He feels sorry for her, she has never been this way over a man. Even when her ex betrayed her, she didn
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Chapter Sixty Seven
"Tell me we're not going through this again?" He sighed. "Do I sound stupid for asking you that? Can you blame me for caring about you more than my stupid self? You claim not to love that woman or want anything to do with her yet you keep running to her whenever you get the chance." She lamented sadly. Jasper shook his head, "I told you to give up on this. I am not rejecting you but telling you the truth. I still love her even if I don't want to be with her. Just stop hurting yourself by thinking about her. Get back to work Kylie." She scoffed, "I know you do. I am willing to help you forget her if you just give me the chance and open up your heart. Think about the proposal I gave you the other time?""Proposal? What proposal?" Jasper asked getting more clueless. She laughed, "What? You don't remember me asking you to fake date me so you can keep her away? Don't you think you need that right now?" "I don't want to hurt your feelings Kylie. Don't push it." He replied still not int
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Chapter Sixty Eight
Jasper cleared his throat. His game with Raina is coming to an end after all. Now he has to face her and tell her what he really wants to do, and to stop making her look like an idiot. "Excuse us Kylie." He told Kylie who's annoyed he asked her to leave."Why do I need to leave? I'm your girlfriend and I deserve to know what is going on here. Don't I?" Kylie protested."Well miss girlfriend... Your attention is not needed here. This is not where kids talk and you should really disappear, let the adults talk. Scram kiddo." Carly replied savagely. Kylie frowned, "Don't call me a kid! I'm fucking over nineteen already!" "I'm over twenty five! You're still a kid so get lost." "Kylie please, just wait for me over there. I'll be there in a few minutes. I need to talk to them, alone." Jasper pleaded with her. "Fine, but you have to be fast about it Paul, I can't wait for too long." Kylie stomped away glaring at them. Carly mocked her, "Yeah, leave kiddo. What an annoying element, it's
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Chapter Sixty Nine
The next morning, Kelvin woke up and went to his room to use the bathroom. He saw that Carly was still asleep, he gently picked his towel and went into the bathroom. Carly opened her eyes and heard the shower running, she knows it was Kelvin. She remembers what happened last night and how he's still mad at her, she sighed in frustration. His phone started to ring, she didn't pick it up. After two rings, he came out of the bathroom with a towel tied around his waist and water dripping from his hair. His features were shining, the water made him look sexy. He wasn't paying attention to the drooling Carly as he rushed to pick up the phone. It was the site supervisor. "Yes... I'll be there in two hours to check it out. Keep me updated on whatever happens... Okay." He conversed with the caller then hung up. "Kelvin..." Carly called standing up. "Can I help?" He asked coldly. "Come on, you're not going to stay mad at me forever right? I already apologized to you. You're taking this too
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Chapter Seventy
Raina stayed at home like Jasper advised, Carly went out with Kelvin in her place. Raina supervised the work from home, she felt bored after a few hours. Carly and Kelvin are not going to be back until evening and that means she's going to stay at home all alone. She then planned to tour the village while she's at it, she quickly dressed up preparing to go out. On her way out of the house, she met with Elena who came with a group of girls to fight with her. "This is the bitch? She's not even pretty." One of Elena's friends said. "Yeah, this is the bitch who thinks she owns the whole world and she can chase us out of our homes." Elena replied eying Raina. Raina looked around and saw that there's no one around. Her bodyguards must have gone out and they're not around the area. They are four in number and she felt too weak to take them them on. "What do you want from me? I've not done anything wrong, why are you bothering me?" She asked though she knows why they're here. At least th
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