All Chapters of When A Bully Falls In Love: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
119 Chapters
~Xander~As we conversed, I overheard a conversation between Angel and her friends, discussing Aoife and Gabriel’s relationship.“Who is she? Gabriel seems so happy with her,” Angel’s friends commented.Feeling a pang of sadness, I listened intently to Angel’s response, hoping for some insight into their bond.“It’s okay, girls. I love him, and I know he loves me. Aoife is his best friend, but there’s a difference between friendship and love. Friendship is a beautiful connection, but love runs deeper. So even if you try to cast doubt on Gabriel, it’s futile. I have faith in his love for me.” Angel’s words resonated within me, stirring up memories of my past with Aoife and the regrets I carried. Overwhelmed by emotions, I approached Angel and gently took her hand.“Angel, I’m Xander. I hope you remember me,” I introduced myself, hoping she had heard about my connection with Aoife.Angel smiled, sensing my touch, and recognizing my name. “Xander, the man who loves Aoife.” I chuckled, r
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It was morning, and as I opened my eyes, I saw Xander peacefully sleeping beside me. Reality hit me like a wave crashing against the shore. I understood that it was the influence of alcohol that had brought me to this vulnerable state, where I had let down my guard.Exhaling deeply, the weight of guilt washed over me. I couldn’t believe I had come here and slept with the man who held the power to shatter my heart. I got up and made my way toward the bathroom, only to find my dress ripped and wet on the floor. Hastily, I grabbed a bathrobe, my mind in a fog of hangover and aching emotions. All I wanted was to leave the room immediately, to escape from the consequences of my actions.As I approached the door, I heard his voice. “Where are you going?” Xander woke up, his words slicing through the air. I didn’t turn back to face him, knowing that confrontation would only make everything more difficult.“I’m leaving, and whatever happened between us, it was a mistake.” “What did you say?
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~Aoife~Once again, I found myself broken, but this time, my actions were driven by a fierce need to protect my son. The fear that gripped my heart was so intense that I couldn’t see any other reason for Xander’s sudden interest in our son. Returning to my room, my mind felt frozen, overwhelmed by the realization that I had let my guard down with a man who could once again crush my soul.With a heavy heart, I began packing our bags, knowing that it was time to leave. It felt like I was running from Xander and the pain he had inflicted upon me. Within an hour, we were out of the hotel, escaping from a situation that had become unbearable.Brandon, concerned about my sudden decision, questioned me, but I couldn’t find the words amidst my tears. Alex, my sweet son, hugged me tightly, unaware of the turmoil that surrounded us. With a troubled mind and a restless heart, we made our way home. Jing, our trusted friend, took Alex from my arms, providing him with the care and stability he deser
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~Aoife~“What happened, Alex?” I cried out, my voice trembling with fear and desperation. The sight of blood escaping from his mouth sent shockwaves through my entire being. Panic surged through me, and I knew we had to rush him to the hospital immediately. Gabriel swiftly took him in his arms, and we hurried towards the car, my body shaking with a mix of terror and guilt. As we raced towards the hospital, I cradled Alex in my lap, my trembling hands gently touching him, searching for any sign of what had happened to my precious child.Desperate for answers, I turned to Brandon, my voice filled with anguish. “Brandon, what happened to him?” I longed for someone to provide me with an explanation, to alleviate the overwhelming guilt and uncertainty that consumed me. We arrived at the hospital, and doctors swiftly whisked Alex away, their urgent movements fueling my rising panic. My body quivered with fear, and I couldn’t help but wonder if this was a punishment for breaking my son’s h
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~Aoife~I slept soundly on Xander’s shoulder, finding comfort and a respite from the turmoil of my emotions. But as the morning dawned, I fluttered my eyes open, feeling the strain in my neck and back. I rubbed the tense muscles, trying to ease the soreness.“Are you okay?” Xander whispered, shifting his shoulder to give me some relief. I blinked my heavy eyes, offering him a faint smile, and gently rubbed my temple.“Yes, how is Alex?”.“He’s still under observation,” Xander replied, his hand making soothing circles on my back.I excused myself to the restroom, splashing water on my face in an attempt to refresh myself. As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I noticed that my eyes were swollen from crying. My son was fighting for his life, and here was the man outside doing everything he could to help. I silently wished for his well-being, my gaze lost in a cascade of thoughts.Taking a deep breath, I prepared myself for the news that lay ahead. Returning to my seat, I observed
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~Aoife~We drove for the next two hours, and then Alex’s plea for a restroom break interrupted our journey. Xander smiled, embracing the new role he was playing as a father figure. It was evident that he was enjoying this journey just as much as Alex was.“Okay, champ. Do you want to eat something?” Xander asked, winking at Alex through the rearview mirror.“He likes Chik-fil-A,” I responded instinctively. Within a couple of miles, we spotted our favorite place and decided to take a break.“Mommy, look, a play place!” Alex exclaimed, jumping out of the car.“Okay, but first, let’s go to the restroom, and then you need to eat something,” I commanded, taking his hand, and leading him towards the restroom.“Hey, I’ll take him,” Xander insisted, placing his hand on my lower back. I smiled, appreciating the gesture of shared responsibility. They headed to the restroom while I stayed behind, scanning my phone anxiously. The stress of a job interview call weighed heavily on my mind. When th
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~Aoife~I hissed as the cold sand made contact with my back, followed by another wave that sent another icy shiver through my body. When Xander touched my lower lip with his, a surge of warmth and desire overcame me. He kissed me passionately under the glow of the full moon, causing my lower lip to tremble from the cold.“I am c-c-cold, Xan,” I managed to utter, my voice quivering.He smiled and looked at me with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “You need a hot shower,” he replied, raising an eyebrow suggestively.“Why are you looking at me like that?” “Because I am going to give you that shower,” he said, his tone laced with naughtiness.Before I could react, he effortlessly lifted me onto his shoulder. “Why are you carrying me like this? I can walk.” He playfully squeezed my ass, eliciting a hiss from me.“Xander put me down,” I insisted, trying to free myself from his grasp.“I don’t trust you. You might run,” he teased, nuzzling his face against my ass.“Ahhh... stop biting me!”
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~Xander~I finished breakfast with Alex perched on my shoulder, and we headed to meet Ace and his family.“Alex, today I am going to show you our old Ace,” I said, a touch of nostalgia in my voice. Alex looked at Aoife, curious and intrigued and she smiled and nodded in confirmation. As we reached Ace, we found him sitting quietly in the corner, his age apparent in his demeanor. However, as he caught Aoife’s scent, he came walking towards her.Aoife kneeled and cupped Ace’s face, her eyes welling up with tears as she looked at him. Ace whined and snuggled his head onto her lap, a clear display of affection and longing. “He missed you,” said the groundskeeper.“I am so sorry. But honestly, I missed you, too.” Her voice filled with genuine remorse as she continued to pat Ace’s head, while Alex sat beside her, observing the heartfelt moment.“Ace, this is Alex,” I introduced, extending Alex’s hand towards Ace. Aoife couldn’t bring herself to speak, overwhelmed with emotions. I sat down
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~Aoife~I was still hanging onto Xander’s chest, trying to process what had just happened. “What was that?” I asked, my voice filled with confusion.“It’s another dog,” he replied, gently setting me down on the ground. I turned to see a Siberian Husky sitting next to us. “But yes, it’s dangerous.” A mix of shock and disbelief washed over me. I stepped away from him, feeling a rush of emotions coursing through me. I pressed my palm against my chest, fearing that my heart couldn’t handle any more of his tricks.Seeing my fear, Xander pulled me close, his arms enveloping me in a comforting embrace. “Do you think I will allow you to leave me this time? You’re bound to me for your whole life, whether you want it or not. You are all mine, and I won’t let anyone take you away from me.”His words struck a chord deep within me, stirring up a mix of emotions. Part of me wanted to hear those words, to feel that sense of belonging. Yet, another part of me resisted, wary of the intensity and poss
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~Aoife~I was jolted awake by the first droplet of rain that landed on the windowpane. Looking up, I saw that it was a cloudy morning, and the sound of thunder filled the air. Xander whispered for me to wake up. As I did, Alex’s cries filled the room, frightened by the thunderstorm.Xander quickly ran to Alex’s room, and I followed closely behind. We reassured our son, holding him close and soothing his fears. As I held Alex in my arms, Xander wrapped his arms around both of us, providing a sense of comfort and security.“What happened?” Xander chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.I whispered, “I’m scared, too.”We moved back to our bedroom, all cuddling together as a family, seeking warmth and solace.I couldn’t help but share my feelings with Xander. “I never liked thunderstorms. The rain makes me feel alone and depressed. Whenever it rains, it reminds me of you.”He pressed a gentle kiss on my forehead, his love evident in his actions. “Me?” I lifted my head, curious.He smirked pl
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