All Chapters of When A Bully Falls In Love: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
119 Chapters
~Aoife~After helping Alex settle into his room, I couldn’t shake off the weight of my thoughts. It was no wonder that he harbored such insecurities, fearing that I would abandon him. But the truth was, the fault lay with me. I was the one who had kept his father’s identity a secret all these years.As I lay in bed, sleep eluded me. Xander’s face haunted my thoughts, and I grappled with how I would navigate the situation without revealing my vulnerability. Tossing and turning, I finally gave in and got up, seeking solace in the living room. I poured myself a glass of wine and settled in front of the TV, hoping to distract myself. It was no use when the memory from my past haunted my mind.***Flashback - Six years ago…I left everything behind and found myself standing in front of an unfamiliar door, my father’s house. I swallowed my fear and knocked softly, anxiously awaiting a response.“Coming,” a lady’s voice answered from the other side.The door creaked open, revealing a beautifu
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Suddenly, the alarm rang, and my eyes snapped open. I hadn’t been asleep; I remembered every moment of tossing and turning over the past few hours. With a weary body, I stood up, unable to find rest throughout the entire night.“Aoife, you didn’t sleep again last night, did you?” Jing emerged from her room with concern etched across her face. I mustered a smile with my eyes heavy from fatigue and traces of tears from the restless night.Jing knew I needed a comforting embrace and wrapped her arms around me, offering solace, before Alex joined in.“Mommy, I need a hug, too!” he exclaimed, bounding towards us, and jumping into the embrace.Though the night had been filled with exhaustion and darkness, the sun began to rise. We gathered ourselves, preparing for the day ahead, and getting ready for work and school.***~Xander~A lot has changed about her. She isn’t the same innocent girl who used to run into my arms whenever I called her. She appears more mature and composed now. I wonde
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~Aoife~It’s a beautiful evening, and I’m dressed in a solid V-neck short maroon dress that falls just above my knees. The dress hugs my curves, accentuating my figure, and the color complements my flawless skin. I’ve applied a touch of makeup to enhance my cheeks and my deep oceanic blue eyes.As I stand in front of the mirror, putting the finishing touches on my lipstick, my son Alex enters the room. He looks at me with curiosity and asks, “Mommy, are you going out?”“Yes, baby,” I reply with a smile. “I’m going out for dinner with my boss.”Just as I finish speaking, the doorbell rings, and Alex eagerly runs to open the door. A handsome man stands there, holding a bouquet and a box of chocolates. He smiles warmly at Alex and introduces himself, saying, “Hello, I’m Brandon Arix. Is your mom inside?”Alex, ever the protective little detective, scrutinizes him and asks, “How do you know my mom?” He raises an eyebrow, not allowing Brandon to enter the house just yet.“I am her boss.”“
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~Aoife~FlashbackAs I progressed in my pregnancy, my mind engaged itself in taking care of my swollen belly. I was in the last stage of my second trimester when I experienced my baby’s movements in my tummy. Slowly, Amara and I developed a bond, like that of a mother and daughter. I couldn’t help but feel that if my mother were here, she would have taken care of me just like this. Amara became a mother figure to me, and I started to appreciate the town more as its people began to show love and support for my unborn child and me.However, I had yet to decide anything about my future. How would I be able to provide a good life for this child? To keep myself occupied, I started engaging in community service. I spent time with the elders at the community center, assisting them with various tasks. I also helped the young children who came to learn painting and participate in kindergarten activities.One day, while I went to the community center to spend some time, I noticed a team of docto
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~Aoife~We started our journey towards our destination, navigating through the heavy traffic of San Francisco. Once we reached the highway, I activated the car’s cruise mode, allowing me to relax a bit.I remained quiet, lost in my thoughts, while Xander seemed lost in his world. There was an unspoken tension between us, a storm brewing in our hearts. What was he doing with Amber? And who was that woman who came over for dinner? I turned my head and glared at him with a mixture of anger and frustration, and he smirked as if reading my thoughts.“So, are we going to sit like this for the next three hours?” Xander rolled his eyes, attempting to open the glove compartment.“Don’t touch that,” I snapped. Inside that drawer was Alex’s birth certificate, something I didn’t want anyone to disturb.He raised his hand and backed away, letting out a heavy sigh. “So, what do you want? To talk to you? About what? Your kids?” My tone was laced with sarcasm. I looked ahead, focusing on the road. Be
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~Xander~As I held Aoife in my arms, an overwhelming sense of guilt and remorse weighed heavy on me. Seeing her injured and in pain, all because she had rushed to save me, made me realize the depth of her love and selflessness. It was a wake-up call, a piercing reminder of the consequences of my past. At that moment, my perspective shifted. The walls of self-centeredness I had built around myself began to crumble. The pain etched on Aoife’s face mirrored the pain I had inflicted upon her with my thoughtless behavior. I couldn’t deny the truth any longer. I had taken her love for granted, hurt her deeply, and left her scarred, both physically and emotionally.As I gently placed her in the car, my hands trembled with a mix of concern and regret. I made a silent vow to myself that I would do whatever it took to make amends. I would prove to Aoife that I had changed, that I was capable of love and deserving of her forgiveness.Her vulnerability and the weight of her words echoed in my mind
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~Xander~I tossed and turned restlessly throughout the entire night, unable to find any sleep. The moments shared with Aoife on this trip stirred up a whirlwind of emotions, keeping my eyes wide open. My heart lingered with her, while all I carried back from her home was an overwhelming sense of restlessness.Anxiety gripped me as I shifted from one side of the bed to the other. It was as if we were both experiencing sleepless nights without each other’s presence. As the first rays of sunlight streamed through the window, I glanced at the time. It was 6 am. Without hesitation, I reached for my phone and composed a message to Aoife.“I truly hope you’re all right. Please take good care of yourself.”With those few words, I longed to pour out the depths of my emotions for her, yet a flicker of fear held me back. Though I yearned to call her, an inexplicable force kept me from doing so.The burden of maintaining the facade of a good guy had begun to take its toll on me. I had never consid
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~Aoife~Sitting at the dinner table, I gazed at the handsome men seated in front of me. Alexander, sitting next to Xander, resembled his father both in looks and actions. They even shared the trait of using their left hands to eat. I marveled at how comfortable Alexander seemed with Xander as if they had known each other their whole lives. After all, Alex was sitting next to his father.“Eat your food,” Gabriel whispered, looking at me as tears threatened to escape my eyes.I nodded and took a sip of water. The sight before me was everything I had ever wanted. A husband who loved me immensely and a loving child. But Xander wasn’t the man. It was me who loved him unconditionally and still did. I had never seen Xander with kids before, but he was behaving like a child with Alex, and it was so adorable.“I need a minute.” I excused myself from the table and went inside to grab my medication.“Excuse me, let me check on her. She needs her medicine,” he explained to the others.“Medicine?”
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~Aoife~It was hard for me. Every moment we spent together mattered to me. I entered the house and struggled to compose myself. I couldn’t hold back the tears of pain that welled up inside me upon seeing him in such a state. Gabriel instructed Jing to take Alex into his room. When he looked at me, his expression filled me with a mix of concern.“You did a good job,” he said, trying to offer some solace. I shook my head, burying my face in his chest.“It... it hurts... badly... he...” My voice trailed off, choked by the overwhelming emotions coursing through me.“Aoife, I think he loves you, too. Otherwise, why would he come back?”“I don’t think so. I hate loving unconditionally.” “It’s progress, Aoife. Don’t you see that? You talked and faced him. That’s a step forward. Now, it’s time for some big news,” he continued, arching an eyebrow.“What?” I sniffed and wiped my runny nose.“I’m in love.” “What? And you’re telling me now, you idiot,” I exclaimed, playfully slapping his should
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~Aoife~Xander and I arrived at the office building, where he seemed eager to discuss my personal matters.“Can we be friends?” I stopped in my tracks and looked at him, knowing how peculiar this request would sound. But I had to go along with it.“Sure,” I replied, though I was still upset with Alex for his inappropriate question. How could he ask Xander something like that? Yet, I couldn’t bring myself to blame Alex entirely.“Can we go for lunch?” Xander asked, seeking some form of connection.I needed clarification on what he wanted from me. Why did he come last night and ask all those questions? However, I reminded myself that he would be leaving the city in a month.“Xander, I have some work to do, so...” I trailed off, implying that I couldn’t join him for lunch. He understood my response and let it go before he walked towards his new office. I went to meet Brandon, who was waiting for me.“How are you, Aoife? I’m so sorry I couldn’t come to meet you earlier. I got caught up
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