All Chapters of His Lawyer Wife:Mr. Migs,You are Under Arrest!: Chapter 1101 - Chapter 1110
1202 Chapters
Chapter 1101
Then she put away the dagger and left the apartment.At this time, Maria was having a rest in the Fryer Group, and Pardee was helping her with the company\'s affairs.She had been drinking tonic soup and resting for the past few days. She had taken some blood nourishing pills, so she was in a better condition.But Reginald told her that she had to take medicine to nourish blood in the future, which would be more effective.When did Migs recover? She didn\'t need blood transfusion, so she didn\'t need to take medicine anymore.She lay on the ground, playing with her phone and fell asleep for a while.At this time, Pardee knocked on the door and came in. \"Maria, something happened.\"\"What?\"She was sleepy and groaned. She rubbed her eyes and asked, \"what\'s wrong?\"\"I just got the news that Saniya\'s fingers were broken and her face was disfigured.\"\"When did it happen?\"She asked.\"It happened just now.\"Pardee took out her phone, took out the picture and handed
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Chapter 1102
However, Alex, like a madman, had to protect Saniya, which made her confused and disappointed.She gripped Alex\'s hand and said, \"do it? Aren\'t you going to avenge Saniya? Why don\'t you do it?\"Alex shouted angrily. Instead of taking action, he threw the dagger on the ground.He was expressionless, and his deep and bottomless eyes were unpredictable.He turned around and left.\"Stop!\"When she just walked to the door of the office, Maria called out and walked up to him.Alex looked down at her.His once bright blue eyes were now like a pool of cold water, without any ripples.\"Alex, what\'s wrong with you?\"Maria looked up at him with concern.\"Are you caring about me?\"He asked.\"Yes, I care about you. Can you tell me what happened? I will help you as long as I can, okay?\"In Maria\'s eyes, Alex was a good friend, a good friend, and even a family member.She couldn\'t imagine what had happened to Alex that made him so persistent and crazy about Saniya.She
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Chapter 1103
At the same time, Migs was also in a hurry.\"I sent someone to see Saniya, but Alex\'s men have been guarding at the door of the ward, not letting us in.\"Hanson reported the situation to Migs and continued, \"now the Internet is buzzing with news. Many people are making trouble in their wives\' companies. The stock of the Fryer Group has plummeted since the opening of the stock market in the afternoon, and things are very tricky.\"Migs knew everything he said and considered the seriousness of the matter.\"Have you found Allen?\"\"I\'m looking for her, but I can\'t find her now.\"\"Let the police get involved in the investigation immediately. I want you to use one hundred percent of your power to assist the police.\"In fact, many things could be handled by his people in private, but the current situation was too tricky, causing a storm in the city and causing public indignation.If he couldn\'t calm those people down, even if the problem was solved, it would leave countl
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Chapter 1104
Alex helped him back then. Now that Alex was in trouble, he couldn\'t just stand by.That was not his style.Most of the time, Migs didn\'t want Maria to feel guilty after knowing this.It was known to all that Allen and Saniya took revenge on her.But at the same time, many people began to post news.\"The cruel and merciless Maria must be strictly investigated\", \"the Maria who disfigured her because of the resemblance\", \"the philanthropist Maria has donated one billion secretly\", \"a self-sufficient woman, Maria\", \"as a lawyer, Maria has destroyed other people\'s appearance and serves as a prison\"....Such kind of news and super words had become the hottest news on that day.It directly occupied the top five search engine rankings.For a moment, her affair was out of control.However, when all the news was mixed up, different voices appeared.Some people supported Maria, while some thought that Maria was a despicable woman who was cruel and merciless and should be s
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Chapter 1105
In fact, even if the people she had arranged hadn\'t been removed, they wouldn\'t be able to save Saniya who had been hurt.\"You don\'t have to get involved in Saniya\'s matter. I\'ll handle it.\"\"What are you going to do with it? Allen did something to me before. Didn\'t he listen to Alex and let her go? Now she is going to do something to Saniya. It\'s really troublesome.\"Migs was right, and Maria also noticed it.However, Maria had thought that Allen had a good relationship with Alex, so she hadn\'t taken any action against them. However, Allen had been stubborn and hurt her brain.Migs didn\'t say anything but took a spoonful of soup and took a sip.Maria shook her head and sighed, \"let Alex handle it.\"Thinking of what had happened in the Fryer Group today, Maria felt more guilty to Alex. How could she have done something to Allen?Undoubtedly, he was hurting Allen.\"Maria?\"The man on the other side suddenly called out.Maria looked up at him and asked, \"what
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Chapter 1106
Not to mention whether Saniya\'s analysis was right or not, it was indeed he who had hurt her.It happened to be on the news the other day that Saniya used her appearance to get close to him like Maria.If he guessed right, it must be Allen who found Saniya after watching the news and shifted the blame to Maria to drive a wedge between them.He took out his phone, opened a picture and walked up to Saniya. \"Did she do something to you?\"Saniya, who was weeping, raised her head and looked at the woman on his phone. Her eyes widened. \"It\'s her. It\'s her. It\'s this woman who ruined my face. It\'s her!\"How could he not remember the person who ruined her?Alex wasn\'t surprised by Saniya\'s accusation. On the contrary, everything was as he expected.He took out a few more photos and showed them to Saniya one by one. \"These are the photos of me and him fifteen years ago. At that time, she was still young and we were on good terms. This is a photo of her eighteen birthday. I\'m
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Chapter 1107
He disdained to talk nonsense with her and went straight to the point to save time.Yuan never did anything in vain.\"What... What deal?\"She had heard of Yuan a long time ago. Cooperating with such a person was like asking for a tiger\'s skin, which made her feel uneasy.Unfortunately, everyone was greedy.Yuan was now the ruler of the Lopez Group, and countless women were chasing after her. Her mind was full of money now. How could she feel sorry for money?\"A deal of fifty million. Are you interested?\"He was so generous that he said fifty million.Just now, Alex had only promised Saniya twenty million. Now, Yuan asked her for fifty million.She was tempted.\"I won\'t do anything harmful.\"The smart woman gave a euphemistic answer, but she didn\'t refuse. Instead, she told Yuan that she was willing to do anything as long as it wasn\'t illegal.\"Ha ha.\"Yuan smiled.A confident smile appeared on his face.Perhaps it was because today\'s negotiation was too simp
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Chapter 1108
Ollie, \"...\"Did he have any reason to object.She even wondered if she would be killed on the spot if she refused the boss.\"Yes, sir.\"Ollie took the order and left.Migs was in the living room. After reading the documents, he walked out of the hall, got on the car and went straight to Lopez Residence.At Alex\'s house.When Alex got home, someone sent Allen here early in the morning.The familiar scene seemed to happen again within a few days.With a glass of red wine in his hand, Alex stared coldly at Allen who was taken to the living room. He raised his head and took another sip of the wine. Then he threw the bottle out and smashed it directly on Allen\'s head.With a bang, the bottle fell to the ground, and the liquid dripped down her head.Her head was smashed and blood flowed down her head, which made Allen look particularly ferocious and appalling.Even the person who escorted Allen here was shocked by Alex\'s action.\"Mr Alex, we are leaving now.\"The two
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Chapter 1109
\"Alex, something happened to me.\"Allen\'s father sighed helplessly.Just judging from the voice, she knew that something was wrong.Alex frowned and asked, \"what\'s wrong? What happened?\"\"Kid, I know Allen has been making trouble for you these years. I\'m sorry for the Miller family. Now Migs has put his hand on me and wants to threaten Allen with me.Maybe you don\'t know that Allen\'s mother has always been in poor health. Now she is old and often has health problems. She is recuperating in the hospital now. She doesn\'t know about Allen yet. If she knows, I\'m afraid.... Alas... \"Alex had known that Allen\'s mother was in poor health.But now, hearing Allen\'s father say these words in such a humble way in front of him, he felt very uncomfortable.He knew how Migs felt about Maria.When they were in Y City, Allen wanted to take actions against Maria. If he hadn\'t intervened, Allen would have died at that time.Recently, Allen behaved like a demon again and again.
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Chapter 1110
Saniya spoke fluently. It was obvious that she had planned everything before.Then she added, \"Maria, I\'m sorry. It\'s all my fault. I shouldn\'t have done those things to hurt you.\"Her voice was mixed with emotions, tears streaming down her face. She called Maria intimately, which invisibly drew the relationship between the two closer.Which made the media believe it.\"Waah... Waah... Maria, I was wrong. Thank you for taking care of me when everyone else gave up on me. I swear I won\'t do that again. Waah...\"Saniya was good at acting, but those reporters were not easy to deal with.He raised the microphone and asked....\"You and Ms Maria used to know each other? Are you afraid of telling the truth because of Ms Maria?\"\"Then who assassinated you yesterday?\"\"Why don\'t you say something else?\"\"Have you been bought off?\"....The reporter questioned again.Saniya sobbed, \"the person who came to hit me yesterday did say that it was Maria. That was because t
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