All Chapters of His Lawyer Wife:Mr. Migs,You are Under Arrest!: Chapter 1091 - Chapter 1100
1202 Chapters
Chapter 1091
\"What happened between you and Samantha has nothing to do with me. I don\'t care. Saniya, everyone has his own life. I have no enmity with you. I don\'t want to make enemies.\"After going through so many hardships, Maria was really tired and just wanted to live a simple life.She only hoped that Migs could be safe and happy.However, it was a luxury for her.\"Oh, then we happen to meet.\"She leaned against the sofa, crossing her arms over her chest, as if she was a superior, showing her affected dignity incisively and vividly.\"I don\'t want to make enemies either, so we\'d better make a deal. What do you think?\"\"Say it.\"Maria cast a cold glance at Saniya and turned to look out of the window, listening attentively.\"To tell you the truth, I like Alex. He...\"\"Do you like Alex or Alex\'s money, power and power?\"Saniya was rendered speechless. She blushed and felt relieved. \"Yes, I like Alex\'s face, money and power. But so what? They are all owned by Alex alon
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Chapter 1092
Saniya seemed to have sensed something. As soon as she turned around, she saw Maria coming over. She immediately took the initiative and said, \"who brought out what kind of subordinate? Look at how arrogant your secretary is in front of me. Isn\'t she just a secretary? She really takes herself seriously.\"\"Really?\"With a smile on her lips, Maria walked up to Saniya and asked, \"Saniya?\"She called his name softly.\"What?\"She replied.As soon as she finished speaking, Maria suddenly raised her hand and slapped Saniya across the face with two slaps.\"Ouch! It hurts!\"Saniya fell to the ground and covered her face with her hand. Only then did she feel the blood spilling from the corner of her mouth.\"Maria, how dare you hit me?\"Saniya had never expected that Maria would do something to her.\"Listen up, it\'s not that I don\'t dare to hurt you, but that I feel your hands dirty. Not to mention that Willa is my woman, even if she isn\'t my woman, the Fryer Group is
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Chapter 1093
\"Who is she? Why didn\'t we know about her before?\"\"I don\'t know. Which company are you from?\"\"Who the hell are you? What do you want to do in the Fryer Group?\"....The reporters walked up to Saniya and kept taking photos. Since Saniya came to Bridgetown, she had been wearing a mask when she went out. She didn\'t want to show her true face.On the one hand, Samantha didn\'t allow her to expose her identity. On the other hand, she looked like Maria. At that time, Maria was a well-known figure in the Bridgetown and had been blacklisted in various rankings. If she was found to look like Maria, she would always cause trouble.Therefore, he had been protecting himself secretly all the time, just in order to make use of her face which looked exactly like Maria to do something extremely disadvantageous to Maria one day.The last time when Nasir and Samantha two got married was planned by her.\"Ah, what are you doing? Don\'t take pictures of me.\"Saniya lowered her head, u
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Chapter 1094
Although Alex was not in the SC Group, how could she face it if Alex intervened as Willa said?Sometimes people could really think of something.Just as Maria thought of this, her phone rang.It was Alex.\"Alex?\"She called.\"Where is Saniya now?\"She asked directly without any euphemism.\"She is in the police station now.\"Maria told him the truth. Somehow, she could tell from Alex\'s tone that he was in a bad mood.Maria was confused. She wanted to know the relationship between Alex and Saniya.\"Wait for me. I\'ll be right there.\"\"Now?\"\"Yes, sir.\"He said stiffly and hung up the phone immediately.Maria hadn\'t felt such a cold attitude for a long time.Putting down her phone, Maria ordered Willa, \"turn around and go back to the police station.\"Alex was coming soon, so she had to wait for Alex at the police station.Two times in a day, she went to the police station because of Alex\'s men. Maria was at a loss whether to cry or to laugh.One was All
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Chapter 1095
She kept nagging. Maria didn\'t even look at her and went out directly.At the gate of the police station, Alex was standing in the middle. When he saw Maria coming over, he said coldly, \"thank you.\"Maria stood in front of Alex, raised her head and looked at him carefully. \"You don\'t have to thank me. It\'s my fault.\"Before Alex could say anything, she walked past him and left.She got on the car and left.Alex didn\'t turn around but lowered his head slowly. He frowned slightly and clenched his hands in the pocket of his trousers.\"Alex?\"Saniya walked over with her hands behind her back, tilted her head and smiled at him gently. She was not as arrogant and domineering as before.She looked exactly like Maria.But it was only limited to the appearance, because she could imitate everything, but she could not imitate the series of emotional changes that Maria had made with the emotional fluctuation.It was a lie.Alex turned around and got on the car.Saniya restrai
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Chapter 1096
\"You mean Joseph?\"Migs asked Hanson to investigate Vivienne, but they didn\'t expect that Vivienne would choose Joseph as her agent in the end.\"Yes. Today, Vivienne suddenly proposed to let Joseph be her agent. I always feel that she is coming for Joseph.\"Otherwise, how could he know her so well.Migs didn\'t say anything and continued to eat. \"You\'re in charge of the company now, and Joseph works in the Lopez Group. I don\'t know if he has time or not. You can ask Joseph yourself.\"\"Me?\"Maria pointed at herself and looked at Migs in disbelief. \"Is that okay?\"It was so incredible.\"Migs, you know I\'m not familiar with Joseph. It\'s hard for me to talk to him.\"She picked up the milk on the table and took a sip. \"In fact, I\'m still thinking about it. I don\'t want to ask now. Let\'s talk about it later.\"Vivienne was indeed a well-known actress, but Maria didn\'t want to risk her life. It was better to wait and see Vivienne\'s attitude.\"Well, it\'s up
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Chapter 1097
Bang——Not only didn\'t Jeric make way for her, but he also reached out to block the door frame and pulled her into his arms with the other hand. \"Don\'t go, don\'t go Fatima.\"He held her tightly, rested his chin on her shoulder, closed his eyes and muttered, \"stay here. I promise I won\'t bully you again. I won\'t bully you again.\"Her firm heart softened at a moment.He seemed to be different from what he used to be.\"Do you know how long I\'ve been looking for you after you left last time?\"As Jeric spoke, he suddenly burped and then pressed his whole body on Fatima\'s body.Fatima was too weak to stand his weight?With a stagger, Jeric slid down her shoulder and fell to the ground with a bang. He kissed the floor hard on his cheek.\"Ah!\"Fatima was taken aback. She took a few steps back and covered her mouth with her hand. She looked at Jeric in surprise, her heart clenching.\"Mr Thompson? Jeric?\"She lowered her head and shouted, but there was no response.
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Chapter 1098
Jeric raised his hand and asked, \"where did you get the blood?\"\"It\'s impossible. I just felt it.\"With tears in her eyes, Fatima was unwilling to give up. In order to confirm that it was really bleeding, she tried it herself. However, when she raised her hand, there was only a faint glow of water stains on her fingertips.\"What? No, no blood?\"She looked at her fingertips, stunned like a little fool, and did not react for a moment.However, Jeric didn\'t know whether he should laugh or cry. Because of his indulgence last night, he only wiped the air outside, which made her sit up with a little spill.However, even though he knew it, it didn\'t mean that Fatima knew it. Instead, it aroused Jeric\'s interest. With an evil and attractive smile, he held her in his arms and lay on the bed. Raising her chin with one hand, he asked, \"is it \'bleeding\' or did you have a sweet dream last night?\"Sweet dream?Fatima blushed with embarrassment.She explained weakly, \"no, I di
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Chapter 1099
Gritting her teeth, Fatima didn\'t want to admit defeat. Enduring the pain, she said, \"if you don\'t want to face the past, I can just keep it as a secret. Something has already happened.\"She knew what kind of person Jeric was. Even if he admitted it or not, it wouldn\'t change anything.What\'s more, it\'s a fake thing.She just wanted Jeric to give up the unrealistic idea.\"Fatima!\"Jeric couldn\'t do anything to her. Seeing her gritting her teeth in pain, he seemed to be enduring the pain and said, \"Okay, you win.\"Finally, he let go of Fatima.When he let go of her, Fatima reached out and touched the painful part of her body.\"Get out!\"Fatima closed her eyes and didn\'t want to talk to Jeric anymore.After she closed her eyes, Jeric suddenly realized that Fatima seemed to be angry with him on purpose.Otherwise, he wouldn\'t have said that just now.He narrowed his eyes and raised his hand to touch her cheek. \"I\'m sorry.\"For the first time, he apologized
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Chapter 1100
Saniya was so angry that she sat up from the sofa all of a sudden.\"We have been following Samantha since she arrived at C Country. When she got off the car, we suddenly found someone to save her, and then she disappeared without a trace. We searched for a day and a night, but there was no clue. She seemed to have disappeared out of thin air.\"The man told her the truth, but Saniya didn\'t believe what he said.\"Did you take Samantha\'s money and eat on both sides?\"\"Ms Saniya, we have professional ethics. Please don\'t frame us. If you don\'t believe me, you can figure out a way to investigate the surveillance video. I\'ll send you the address of Samantha\'s disappearance. You can check the surveillance video.\"\"Okay, send it to me.\"Saniya didn\'t believe it, so she asked the man to send her the address.Then he found a reliable person to spend money to get the surveillance video.The video was sent in less than an hour.As expected, after Samantha got out of the car
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