All Chapters of His Lawyer Wife:Mr. Migs,You are Under Arrest!: Chapter 1071 - Chapter 1080
1202 Chapters
Chapter 1071
It was Maria who seduced her man. Now she not only took away her man, but also disabled her left hand.Although he had recovered in more than half a year, he couldn\'t use his strength at all, let alone his previous ability.\"Fuck off. I don\'t want to hear your nonsense.\"Alex frowned and continued to drink.Seeing that he was still depressed, Allen was furious for three feet. She grabbed the bottle from his hand and smashed it to the ground. The glass shards and the red wine were all over the ground, in a mess.\"Drink, I\'ll let you drink. What\'s the matter?\"She was so angry that her chest rose and fell. \"Damn it! It\'s all my fault. If Migs didn\'t protect me too well, I would have killed Maria at the wedding today.\"There were so many bodyguards and first-class security system at the scene that she had no chance to do anything. She really had no choice.She had no choice but to retreat.Hearing Allen\'s words, Alex stood up, staggered to Allen, and grabbed her neck
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Chapter 1072
She didn\'t know how long she had walked. Fatima was very tired. She sat on the roadside to rest and then continued walking.It was getting late and the night fell.She walked aimlessly and finally saw a turn ahead. It was not until then that Fatima had the chance to cross the road and walk to the opposite.At night, the wind was a little cold and dark.There were cars passing by from time to time to light up the dark night. Only in this way could she feel a little relieved and not so afraid.Crack! Crack! Crack——Rain suddenly came.All of a sudden, it fell on her without any signs. Her thin clothes were wet, and the night wind was a little cold.Suddenly, the rain became heavier. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled. The night was as bright as day from time to time, and the lightning seemed to break the night sky, making deafening sounds.Fatima was afraid of lightning and thunder. Besides, it was dark now. She had no sense of security alone.An inexplicable sense of fear
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Chapter 1073
Jeric tilted his head to look at the woman sitting next to him and said, \"Fatima is sleeping beside us.\"\"Are you asleep?\"Maria thought the two of them had an ambiguous relationship.\"We are on the way back to her hometown. She wants to go back to see her mother. Don\'t worry. I won\'t do anything to her.\"Jeric explained before Maria finished her words.Maria felt a little relieved when she heard that Jeric would go back to his hometown. After all, it was more or less credible for him to admit that he would not bully Fatima.The point was that Migs was the \'guarantor\'. Jeric didn\'t dare to do anything harmful.\"Okay, I hope Fatima will be fine when I meet her again. Otherwise, don\'t blame me for kicking Migs out of the house and making fun of you, the Thompson family!\"Migs gave all his property to Maria without reservation, so he was qualified to threaten Jeric with this matter.The corners of Jeric\'s mouth twitched. Subconsciously, he tilted his head to look a
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Chapter 1074
\"HMM...\"Fatima struggled and didn\'t know what she was talking about, but she gradually felt difficult to breathe in his hot kiss. Her body was weak, or she was immersed in his kiss and couldn\'t resist.\"Yes.\"Jeric\'s hands were wandering around her body, wantonly indulged in her territory. Fatima wanted to resist, but she had no chance. In the end, she fell in love with his French kiss.All the fortress collapsed in an instant and was directly taken over by the man domineeringly.After a while, there was a sound of flirtation in the room, and the smell of flirtation lingered in the room for a long time.After a while, Fatima fell asleep again. But this time, Jeric didn\'t disturb her.He just held her in his arms quietly and looked at the woman in front of him. Tears were still hanging on his long and thick eyelashes, and his eyes were slightly red. Even the black hair at his temples was wet by tears and stuck together.Just now, she had enjoyed it, but at the same time
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Chapter 1075
She could sense that something was wrong. How could Migs not notice it?The man smiled without saying anything.An unfathomable smile appeared on Maria\'s face. After thinking for a while, she asked, \"do you want to play along?\"Apart from that, Maria couldn\'t think of any other reason for not taking any action.\"Mrs Lopez is getting smarter.\"Migs bent over and kissed her on the forehead. \"You\'re so smart that I don\'t feel safe. I\'m penniless now. Will Mrs Lopez kick me out?\"\"It depends. For example, if you will squander money as you did yesterday, I will definitely kick you out.\"Thinking of the wedding yesterday, although she felt the most luxurious group and the most cool dream wedding, Maria really cared about money.Those businessmen and celebrities were casually pulled out, and the appearance fee was over a million, but they were asked to attend the wedding.Maria calculated and found that it cost a lot of money just for the venue fee, all kinds of costs, t
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Chapter 1076
\"So, you have said so much. Is there any way to improve the situation?\"The most important thing now was to improve the current situation. Otherwise, there would be a long time left. She needed to help Migs, so she must be fine.Maria was carrying a natural lipstick with her every day. Only when she put on the lipstick could her lips not look pale.\"I\'m trying to figure it out.\"Reginald sighed, \"you must take care of yourself now. You can\'t bleed any more. And, if possible, don\'t continue to work.\"She needed to recuperate her body, but now she was still busy every day. How could it be so easy to recover?\"Got it.\"Maria basically knew her own physical condition. After hanging up the phone, she closed her eyes and meditated. After a while, she called Pardee.\"What are you doing?\"The man on the other side of the phone was very unhappy and even a little irritable.The corners of Maria\'s mouth twitched. Without thinking, she knew that she had interrupted him. She
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Chapter 1077
\"Just do it. If you have guts, just beat me to death.\"After a long while, Allen finally got up. He released his hand from his cheek and found that his cheek was swollen. It could be seen how heavy Alex\'s slap was.She raised her chin slightly. The stubbornness and unyielding in her bones gave her a particularly different kind of fortitude.But in Alex\'s eyes, he was stubborn.\"Allen, do you think I don\'t dare to do anything to you? Listen to me carefully. Maria is an important person and you can\'t do anything to her. She didn\'t do anything to you because of my kindness. Don\'t always embarrass me. Do you know?\"If it weren\'t for the Alex family and the Miller family, he might not have cared about Allen.However, Allen didn\'t care about it at all. He tried every means to seek revenge for Maria all day long, which made Alex unable to do anything to her.\"Why are you so embarrassed? You are me. Although we are related, we have nothing to do with Maria\'s matter. I don\
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Chapter 1078
She blinked her eyes and put her hands on her belly.Yes, even if she didn\'t want to eat, the baby in her belly still had to eat. It had been more than four months, and the baby urgently needed nutrition. If she couldn\'t get nutrition, it was not good for the baby.After thinking for a while, Fatima turned around and looked at the two dishes on the table. One was meat and one was vegetable. They were well matched.She lifted the quilt and stood up. Putting on her shoes, she took the dishes to the dining room and sat there silently.Looking at her lonely back, Jeric swallowed a lot of words.She sat in the dining room, and he stood on the balcony smoking. The two of them were in the same space, but they seemed to live in two different worlds.Fatima took the rice and chewed it slowly. Looking at the other bowl of rice noodles on the table, which seemed to be untouched, she frowned and involuntarily glanced at the man standing on the balcony.\"Do you know what happened to the T
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Chapter 1079
Children were more important than houses.Jeric\'s hand, which was unbuckling the seat belt, froze for a second. After two seconds of hesitation, he sat up straight again. \"Fatima, don\'t you know what\'s good for you?\"\"If one day, your parents were killed and your child was taken away by others, would you still be happy with each other?\"Fatima asked.Bang——Her words irritated Jeric. He slapped the steering wheel and honked the horn by accident.He looked sideways and stared at her coldly. \"My mother was killed by your mother. The child in your belly is my child, Jeric. The former is an established fact, and the latter is not intended to give me in your opinion. Then, tell me, how should I feel when facing you?\"Fatima was rendered speechless.Her mother killed Jeric\'s mother. Although the baby in her belly was hers, it was also Jeric\'s child.If the child was born and she didn\'t give it to the Thompson family, she would become the kind of person she had just said.
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Chapter 1080
On the second floor, he walked to one of the rooms and opened the door. \"You can sleep here from now on,\" he saidHe walked into a large master bedroom.The master bedroom was designed in black and white. Although it was low-key and luxurious, it was obviously a man\'s style.Biting her lips, Fatima asked, \"is this the place you slept before?\"\"What\'s wrong with me?\"He looked at her sideways, slightly narrowed his eyes, and said in a deep voice, \"you\'ve already slept. Now you begin to dislike my bed?\"He snorted contemptuously, \"I\'ll ask the servant to change the bed sheet for you later.\"\"But I... my clothes are all over there.\"\"Someone will send it here later.\"Jeric blocked her mouth with a word, and then took her out of the bedroom. After strolling around on the second floor, he said, \"this is the study, you can read when you have time, and this is the piano room. If you want to listen to music, tell me. There is a girl in the servant, and she is very g
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