All Chapters of His Lawyer Wife:Mr. Migs,You are Under Arrest!: Chapter 1051 - Chapter 1060
1202 Chapters
Chapter 1051
Maria explained.\"Yes. The new product we launched yesterday is this bracelet. There are two colors, fairy pink and Princess Blue, which are very suitable for young girls.\"The saleswoman handed the bracelet to Maria.Maria took a look at the bracelet. It was a simple style, with golden and blue diamonds and white gold and pink diamonds.But it had to be said that the two bracelets were novel, simple and low-key, very beautiful.\"How much is it?\"Maria asked.\"The original price is four hundred thousand. Today is June 14th. The Valentine\'s day discount only needs three hundred and eighty thousand.\"The saleslady was good at gauging people\'s mind. Seeing that Maria was well-dressed and all of them were high-end brands, she naturally recommended high-end jewelry.\"Okay, that\'s it.\"Maria swiped the card and returned to the car with the gift.Seeing Maria get in the car, Alex asked, \"where have you been? It\'s been so long.\"\"Here you are.\"The woman handed a p
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Chapter 1052
However, the man shook his head and said, \"I don\'t need to flirt with girls.\"Maria tilted her head to look at him, waiting for him to continue.He opened his thin lips and said indifferently, \"as long as I sit there, it\'s my signboard. There will be many women throwing themselves at me.\"\"Puff.\"Maria was amused by his words.Although what he said was true, it was funny to hear it from Migs.\"You are so confident. I guess you have done it a lot before.\"\"No, I won\'t.\"The man shook his head again. \"I don\'t want to do that.\"After saying that, he looked at Maria with a faint smile in his eyes. \"Before I met Mrs Lopez, all women were no different from men in front of me and had no interest in them.\"Migs was telling the truth.Before Maria, there were a lot of women around him, but none of them worked on him.\"Are you kidding me?\"Maria said as she drank the soup.\"I\'m serious. If you don\'t believe me, you can ask Reginald.\"Every word he said was
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Chapter 1053
\"Why do you ask me? Women are better at wedding dresses.\"Pardee shrugged her shoulders to show her innocence.Maria rolled her eyes at him and then looked at the dozens of dresses she had tried on carefully. Pointing at one of them, she said, \"I think that one is good.\"\"Okay, you are right.\"Pardee snapped her fingers and said to the waiter, \"pack the wedding dress she just said.\"Then she paid the bill and left.On their way back, the two drove their own cars and left.Maria went straight to the company, while Pardee went to another place. While driving, she called Migs and said, \"it\'s done. Maria has tried on the wedding dress.\"\"Okay, thank you.\"\"You\'re welcome. Anyway, she\'s my sister. It\'s the best surprise for her.\"Pardee didn\'t like Migs before, but when Maria told him what had happened to Migs, Pardee looked at Migs again and found that he was a good man.At least he treated Maria very well.Fryer Group.Maria buried herself in her work every
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Chapter 1054
Alex had always been a calm, calm and smart man in her heart. How could he be involved with Saniya?The point was that Saniya had the same face as him. If Alex was with Saniya, it only meant that he took Saniya as his substitute.That was why Maria found it hard to accept the reality.Why did this happen?\"Maria, I don\'t have anything to do here today. I just want to tell you that I\'m willing to surrender to you.\"Saniya didn\'t seem to like to beat around the bush. She told Maria what she was thinking and hoped to cooperate with Maria.Maria felt very insincere about his confession.Slowly sitting opposite her, he asked, \"why?\"Maria really couldn\'t accept Saniya\'s so-called surrender without a proper reason.The woman raised her eyebrows, licked her lips and frowned. \"Because of Alex.\"Her every move, every frown, and every move was the same as hers.Most of the time, Maria didn\'t dare to stay with Saniya alone.The first time she met Saniya was in Y City. At t
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Chapter 1055
In the Western Restaurant.Maria drove to a western restaurant after work.They sat in the dining room for a while and then waited for Rey.The man was dressed in a smooth black striped suit and black sunglasses. He put one of his hands in the pocket of his trousers and walked gracefully towards her.With a bouquet of bright roses in his other hand, he handed it to Maria and said, \"it\'s for you.\"Surprised and flattered, Maria looked at him in confusion. \"Uncle, what do you mean?\"It was roses.... It was impolite.\"I haven\'t seen you for a long time. It\'s a gift for you. What\'s wrong? It\'s just a bunch of flowers. I\'m afraid that your husband will oppose it. Then your husband is too stingy.\"The man raised his eyebrows and smiled. The serious man looked a little sexy and charming because of his beard.He was a playboy and flirtatious.Seeing that Maria didn\'t move, Rey said, \"if I were her, I would keep an eye on my little wife.\"After making fun of him, Maria
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Chapter 1056
Maria looked at the name of the manor. She had been in Bridgetown for many years and didn\'t know there was such a place nearby.Maybe it was newly built.\"This is the purple lavender garden.\"\"What is the purple lavender garden?\"\"You\'ll know when you get in.\"The two of them followed the servant into the castle. In front of them was a European style castle.The three of them went upstairs together until they stood in front of the French window on the top floor. The servant bowed to the two of them and said, \"here we are. I\'ll go out and call me if anything happens.\"The servant went out and closed the door.In a small room, there were tea sets, abstract paintings hanging on the wall, and modern flower arrangement on both sides, simple and elegant.But it was dark outside the glass window and nothing could be seen.Maria was confused. \"Alex, why do you bring me here at midnight?\"She asked.With his hands in his pockets, Alex walked to the French window and sai
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Chapter 1057
The car\'s sunroof was pressed against the water, so it was impossible for her to escape from it.Bang! Bang! Bang——Maria tried her best to push the window, but it didn\'t work.The water seeped quickly, and within a short time, more than half of the space had been submerged. Maria sank into the water, and it was even more difficult to open the car window.\"HMM...\"After going through so many difficulties, Maria thought she had seen the light, but now she actually drove herself to the hand of death. She was really worried about her intelligence.But on the way back from the lavender garden, there was no street lamp on the road. She couldn\'t see the situation on both sides of the road and thought there was a field beside.It turned out to be a ditch with water.\"Purr...\"Maria, who had saved Migs and had not recovered yet, was too weak to bear such a torture?After a while, she felt dizzy and difficult to breathe, and her body sank into the water.Just as Maria felt des
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Chapter 1058
\"Okay, okay.\"Migs held her in his arms and the two lay on the bed. He patted her back slowly and patiently coaxed Maria to sleep.Maria didn\'t fall asleep until quite a while later.In her sleep, Maria\'s body trembled violently. \"Alex, no, Alex.\"She called Alex\'s name. Migs felt painful in her heart, but he wouldn\'t blame Maria.He was clear about the past of Maria and Alex, and there was no reason for him to hate Alex.The next day.Maria woke up, but there was no Migs beside her.As usual, she locked the door after washing, drew blood, went downstairs to eat, took medicine, and went to work.But as soon as she arrived at the door of the office today, her secretary Willa said that Alex had come.When she entered the office, she saw Alex sitting on the sofa. \"You\'re here so early. Haven\'t you had dinner yet?\"Although a lot of things had happened yesterday, Maria didn\'t think that they could affect her relationship with Alex.They were still friends.Alex wo
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Chapter 1059
Maria knew that the half blooded relationship between a big clan and a big clan would bring about all kinds of hidden dangers.But she felt that she had known Rey for a long time and trusted him very much.\"Maria, I have nothing to do with him. You don\'t have to get involved.\"Alex refused Maria directly.\"Okay, I won\'t ask you about what happened between you and Rey. Tell me what happened between you and Saniya.\"Maria really thought that Alex had really found a girlfriend, and the worst was a marriage for business. But she never thought that Alex would be with Saniya.The reason why he chose Saniya was obvious. Maria couldn\'t just stand by and watch Alex make mistakes. She had to stop him.\"Ha ha.\"The man on the sofa smiled contemptuously, took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a deep drag. After a long time, a thin smoke was exhaled from his lips, covering his deep face.The gloomy atmosphere was obvious.Maria sighed and said, \"I believe you know what kind of p
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Chapter 1060
Just now, Maria was worried that the matter would be exposed, but now Jeric had known that Fatima had arrived at the airport. Maria was very uneasy, so she immediately stood up and walked out with her things.Anyway, she couldn\'t let Jeric take Fatima away now.She really couldn\'t do anything with Fatima. Why didn\'t she call her when she came back?He didn\'t understand why Fatima came back at this time.Maria got into the elevator and Queenie followed her in. It seemed that she knew what Maria was going to do. She said sarcastically, \"Maria, let me tell you. Don\'t fight against my brother.Although your the Atwood family is very capable, today is different from the past. Do you think the Atwood family can still influence our Thompson family? \"She disdained Maria.Maria didn\'t want to talk to Queenie. \"Are you done? Just shut up.\"She was not in the mood to talk nonsense with Queenie, nor was she in the mood to talk so much with her.\"Humph, Maria, don\'t be so arro
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