All Chapters of His Lawyer Wife:Mr. Migs,You are Under Arrest!: Chapter 1031 - Chapter 1040
1202 Chapters
Chapter 1031
The servant came in and put the letter in front of John. She couldn\'t help saying, \"master, you\'d better practice less and have a rest.\"\"It\'s okay. You can go back to your work now.\"\"Okay.\"The servant walked out of the room and closed the door.John looked at the note. It was from abroad.He frowned and murmured, \"who sent it?\"There was no signature.The wheelchair stopped in front of the French window.Leaning against the wheelchair, she opened the letter and a bank card and a key fell out.John became more and more confused about the content of the letter.She put the bank card and key on her knees and took out the letter. There were three thick sheets of paper in hand.The handwriting was elegant, neat and beautiful.But she felt a little familiar.John:John, when you saw this letter, it means that I\'m no longer here. I have to apologize to you here, because I know you must hate me in your heart at this moment.But anyway, I have to thank you. Thank y
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Chapter 1032
\"Oh, my God! What an unfortunate accident!\"The man walked up and shook hands with him. \"Hello, my name is Tripp.\"\"Tripp? Is it a Tripp made by the famous handmade piano designer and pianist in C Country?\"\"Yeah, I didn\'t expect you to know me.\"Tripp was very happy.\"Mr Tripp is quite famous. Of course I know it.\" John smiled gently and said to the servant, \"have a cup of coffee.\"Then he said to Tripp, \"Mr Tripp, please have a seat. What brings you here today?\"\"Here is the thing. A young lady ordered a handmade piano for you a year ago. She hopes I can send the piano here myself and play a song for you.\"Tripp briefly explained.\"What\'s her name?\"John couldn\'t help asking. Although he already knew the answer, he still wanted to make sure.\"She is one of your domestic stars, Ms Jessica. She has a good relationship with my wife.\"\"Oh, really?\"John\'s eyes twinkled with complex emotions.He guessed it must be Jessica. But he didn\'t understand
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Chapter 1033
Hanson blinked and swallowed subconsciously.However, Migs didn\'t notice that. \"Go ahead.\"He said in a commanding tone, with a sharp glint in his eyes.Hanson was a little scared by his expression.He curled his lips and immediately said, \"that\'s... you haven\'t recovered yet and you need to rest at home quietly. If you need someone to go to FE, I can go there.\"No matter what, she couldn\'t tell her boss\'s real physical condition. Otherwise, she would tell Ms Maria about it, and Migs wouldn\'t cooperate with the treatment.He admitted that he was really selfish this time.But all he did was for the sake of his boss.Migs looked at Hanson coldly.\"Okay, it\'s settled.\"Then he asked, \"how are the two kids, Ben and Yassi?\"\"Ryland has been protecting them all the time. It\'s safe. Boss, don\'t worry.\"Hanson was so concerned about Migs\' health that he wished he could stay away from anything else.\"When will Pardee and Perla get married?\"He changed the top
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Chapter 1034
\"John doesn\'t like separation.\"Migs and John were good friends and knew John well.Otherwise, John wouldn\'t have told everyone that he had left.Maria sat on the bed and sighed. She lowered her head with an indescribable sadness.Migs sat next to her and held her in his arms. \"Maria, don\'t think too much. It\'s just a short separation. We want to meet each other better next time.\"He comforted Maria, but didn\'t get jealous because Maria was missing another man.\"I hope so.\"Maria frowned slightly. \"It\'s good to leave Bridgetown. It\'s not peaceful here.\"As she spoke, she suddenly realized a question. \"Why are you in my room again?\"Yesterday when she went to bed, she and Migs had made it clear that they must sleep separately. She didn\'t expect that Migs would be in her room again when she woke up in the morning.Migs raised his thick black eyebrows and said, \"you are my Mrs Lopez. If I don\'t sleep with you, do I have to find another woman?\"Then he added
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Chapter 1035
She locked the door, took out the medicine box, drew a little blood and put it in a fixed container. Then she locked the door.When she went downstairs and had dinner with Migs, Reginald went into the bedroom at the right time. He entered the password in front of the cabinet and took out the plasma from it. Then he went downstairs to the kitchen.Because the amount of blood needed was very little, he could just put it into his pocket without being discovered.However, Reginald was clear that the increase of blood in human body was limited. Even if there was a small amount of blood, it would be life-threatening in a long term.What he needed to do every day was to check Migs\' body and try his best to cure them.As for Maria, he had spent a lot of time and energy to prepare all kinds of nutritious meals for her. He had asked the kitchen to prepare them, and then he would help Maria nourish her blood.\"Reginald, come and have dinner with me.\"Maria said when she saw Reginald com
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Chapter 1036
Alden put his hands behind his back, seeming to be filled with deep hatred. \"Last time, Yuan came with a person. Because it was at night and that person was wearing sunglasses, I couldn\'t see clearly who he was.But since then, Patriarch Lopez\'s health was getting worse and worse. I\'m so worried. I\'ve found many doctors, but none of them worked. \"\"Take me there.\"Migs didn\'t say anything. They went to Patriarch Lopez\'s yard with Alden and saw Patriarch Lopez in his wing room.In the past, he liked to practice tai chi and play cards in the yard when he had nothing to do. But now, he could only lie in bed.He and Alden entered the room with the two men, but they didn\'t wake him up.Migs walked to the bed and looked at Patriarch Lopez who was sleeping with his eyes closed. He had mixed feelings.Without turning his head, he asked, \"how long has he been like this?\"\"More than half a month.\"\"Did you find a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine for him?\"\"I too
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Chapter 1037
\"Vic, what do you mean?\"Migs didn\'t understand what Vic meant at all.Place name? Name? The name of the organization?Up to now, he couldn\'t think of anything related to the two words \"Vic\".Then, what did the old man mean by giving him the jade pendant?\"I don\'t know exactly what it means. I can\'t give you any clue, but I know you can find it.\"Kason said unfathomably, \"you should also know something. Maybe it\'s not a bad thing for you.\"The mysterious and unpredictable words were full of a strange atmosphere.After saying that, Kason added, \"I\'m a little tired. You can go back first.\"Then she took off the pillow behind her and lay down.Migs stood still and stared at the jade pendant in his hand. It was incredible.After leaving the wing room, Alden went out with Migs.Migs immediately asked, \"don\'t you know what happened to Patriarch Lopez?\"\"I don\'t know.\"Alden didn\'t say that before he came here.But when she asked Alden, he hesitated.Mig
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Chapter 1038
After a pause, Maria continued, \"I know you are capable, but you can\'t always be like this now.\"She really felt that she had pulled Alex into the water.\"You don\'t have to worry about me. From the past till now, I have never been interested in the SC Group. Isn\'t it better to be a free rider now?\"With one hand on the sofa and the other on the tea cup, Alex crossed his legs and put the hand holding the tea cup on his knees. With a melancholy look on his face, he asked, \"I heard that John has left?\"The two chatted happily.They had nothing in common.\"He left. I wanted to see him off, but he left quietly.\"The little woman shrugged and raised her hand to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear. \"He is as important as you. I really hope that both of you can live a good life.\"Maria asked.Alex turned his face away. It seemed that he was not interested in Maria\'s words, or perhaps he didn\'t want to listen to her at all.\"Do you need to cooperate with SC Group?\"
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Chapter 1039
He hung up the phone.Sitting on the sofa, Maria suddenly thought of something.She had just told Alex her identity, but he was not surprised at all.He must have known everything.Buzz! Buzz! Buzz——Just then, Maria\'s phone rang.It was from Migs.\"Migs?\"Maria asked softly after she answered the phone.\"When will you get off work? I\'m downstairs.\"\"Okay, I\'ll be right downstairs.\"After hanging up the phone, Maria packed up her things and left the office directly.Downstairs, Maria saw Migs\'s car from a distance.Migs got off the car first and gave her a warm hug.\"Thank you, Mrs Lopez.\"The man said gently.Hearing what Migs said, Maria felt that whatever she had done was worth it.\"Here, it\'s for you.\"All of a sudden, he brought something to Maria with his hand behind his back.It was a blue brocade box.\"What\'s this?\"\"Open it.\"She opened the box and saw a pair of white gold earrings with red round earrings and white gold tassels. The st
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Chapter 1040
\"Yes.\"Speaking of this, Pardee grinned. He walked up to her, sat sideways on the table and said, \"you\'re so interesting. You deserve to be my sister. You even booked the whole wedding for me. That\'s interesting. If you have any problem in the future, remember to tell me. At that time, I can\'t refuse you.\"He looked very proud.Maria rolled her eyes at him and said, \"you don\'t have to do that. It has nothing to do with me. It\'s Migs.\"Until now, she knew nothing about it if Pardee didn\'t tell her.\"Migs?\"Pardee curled her lips and raised her hand to touch her chin. \"I can\'t see that. Migs is not bad.\"\"Okay, okay. Anyway, you are going to be together. It doesn\'t matter who you are. But do you want to help me with the ceremony now? Otherwise, I will lose my proposal and the ceremony if so many people are not good enough.\"Knock, knock, knock, knock——Before Pardee finished her words, there was a knock on the door.Then the office door was pushed open.The
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