All Chapters of His Lawyer Wife:Mr. Migs,You are Under Arrest!: Chapter 1041 - Chapter 1050
1202 Chapters
Chapter 1041
The little woman was so angry that her chest rose and fell. Finally, she said, \"can you let her go?\"Maria had always been treated as her own sister by Fatima. Since Fatima\'s mother died, Fatima had been in a bad mental state.When she left, Maria was really worried about Fatima.But as time went by, she really didn\'t have time to care about Fatima.He couldn\'t think about Fatima until everything was settled.\"Why should I let her go? Maria, don\'t think that I can\'t do anything to you just because you are my brother\'s woman!\"Jeric was furious. He looked like an angry lion, as if he would open his bloody mouth and eat her up the next moment.Maria pretended to be calm, but in fact, she wasn\'t afraid of Jeric.Maybe it was because he knew his identity, or maybe it was because of Migs.Anyway, she knew that Jeric couldn\'t do anything to her, so she would be more arrogant when she spoke.\"I told you, I don\'t know where Fatima is.\"Maria raised her hand to flick h
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Chapter 1042
Maria looked at the man behind her through the rearview mirror. She was so angry that her eyes narrowed slightly and a sarcastic smile appeared on her lips. \"Do you want to play? Then I\'ll play with you to the end.\"She pulled the steering wheel, stepped hard on the accelerator and stepped back, knocking into Jeric\'s car.The sound was loud and the impact was so strong that Maria\'s car trembled violently and the trunk was deformed.Because the hood of the trunk bounced up, Maria couldn\'t see what was going on behind her. She controlled the steering wheel again, stepped on the accelerator, and made a cool drift. The car took a three hundred and sixty degree turn, and the front of the car was aimed at Jeric.She looked sharply at the man opposite her. The front of his car had been badly deformed, but he was very safe.The car hummed like a Ferghana horse which was about to fly out.Jeric was shocked by Maria\'s look. He was afraid that he might accidentally hurt Maria and be
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Chapter 1043
At dinner, Migs personally cooked for Maria. The western food was very simple, but very ritual.At the candlelight dinner party of the two, Migs kept creating various surprises for Maria.\"Mrs Lopez, this is tiramisu for you. Let\'s see if you like it.\"The man walked out of the kitchen with a plate on which a tiramisu was placed. Half of the plate was carved into a design drawing shape of Cherry Tomatoes and a few pieces of cyan leaves. It was very high-grade.He was wearing an apron with a little flour on his face. Even so, his handsome face could not be hidden.\"You made it?\"\"Of course.\"\"Why didn\'t I know you could make tiramisu?\"\"Of course I learned it for Mrs Lopez.\"Migs said casually.He didn\'t know that he had to learn how to make tiramisu. After Maria left this morning, he had learned from the top master of Michelin in Bridgetown. He had wasted a lot of food materials to make it.On the other side, Reginald, who was sitting on the sofa, was reading a
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Chapter 1044
Maria felt heartbroken and Suffocated at that moment. She really didn\'t want to experience it again.\"Silly girl, what are you thinking all day long?\"Migs were amused by the little woman\'s words, but Samantha felt painful.\"I, you, Ben and Yassi, none of them can be missing.\"They were a family and couldn\'t give up on anyone.\"Yes.\"Maria smiled and threw herself into Migs\'s arms, clinging to his breath and warmth.Getting close to her, Maria said, \"I\'ll meet a senior security designer tomorrow. I\'ll ask him to design the safety problem of YK Villa, and then pick up the two children, okay?\"She should have met the designer yesterday, but it was postponed because there were too many things in the past two days.\"Okay.\"Migs jutted his jaw forward slightly.\"It\'s getting late. Let\'s go back.\"Migs took her hand and the two went back to the villa. After washing up, Maria said to him, \"go to bed early. I\'m going to bed.\"She turned around and was about
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Chapter 1045
However, at this moment, the door of the study suddenly opened.Maria walked in and said, \"Migs, it\'s so late. Why are you still up?\"\"I can\'t fall asleep alone.\"Migs\' fingertips trembled slightly. They were not sure when Maria came.Did she hear him on the phone just now.\"It\'s late at night. You are not in good health. You need a good rest.\"Maria woke up in the middle of the night. She was a little worried about Migs, so she went to his bedroom to check if there was anyone.So she came to the study to have a look. As expected, she was inside.Migs walked over and stood in front of Maria. \"Maria, can you stay with me? I can\'t fall asleep without you.\"The man who had shown his sharp edge just now was now like a sheep, speaking with a pitiful look.Maria felt helpless and looked up at the alarm clock on the wall of the study. It was already one o\'clock in the evening.\"Let\'s make a deal first. I can sleep with you, but you can\'t do that, okay?\"Maria had
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Chapter 1046
The two women, Maria and Migs, turned their heads to look at the direction where the voice came from. They saw that Reginald had a puff on her cheeks, with milk stains at the corners of her mouth. Even her black suit was stained with milk white, making her look very embarrassed.\"Purr.\"Being stared at by the two people, Reginald felt embarrassed. She swallowed the milk in her mouth and said, \"sorry, I can\'t hear anything.\"She turned around and strode out of the hall.Then she threw the milk bottle far away with a bang, completely ignoring whether it would affect the villa\'s sanitation.\"Shit, I can\'t live this life.\"She walked to a bench, took out her phone, opened the wechat group and sent a voice message.\"Hey, guys, guess what shocking words I just heard?\"Everyone: what? Tell me.Reginald couldn\'t hold it anymore and sent a voice message, \"Damn it! You may not believe me if I tell you the truth. Migs actually said to Maria, \'keep me as your mistress. You\'
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Chapter 1047
While they were talking, a servant came over. Alonso pointed at the top floor of the villa and asked, \"what security measures should be designed on the top floor?\"\"Alonso, what\'s your opinion?\"Migs asked with a smile.\"Oh, I need to think about it carefully.\"Alonso introduced with a smile. Then she stood sideways and looked up at the top floor. With one hand around her chest and the other touching her chin, she seemed to be thinking carefully.But his eyes were fixed on the maid who was walking away.She said in a low voice, \"TSK, TSK, TSK. YK Villa is really good at lurking tigers and dragons. This woman is light in pace and her hands are very rough. Although she had a smile on her face just now, there was a gleam in her eyes. Obviously, she is not an ordinary person.\"Migs put his hands in the pockets of his suit pants and raised his voice deliberately. \"The security guards should be arranged on the top floor to avoid any danger. Let\'s go to the back and have a l
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Chapter 1048
But Alonso didn\'t know that there had always been an unfathomable master beside Migs, who even Hanson had never seen before.How could he be easily assassinated?....Fryer Group.Maria was busy with her work.After a while, the phone on the table rang.Maria looked at her phone. It was Pardee.\"What\'s wrong?\"Maria asked, \"is there any news about Fatima?\"\"No. I\'m just calling to tell you that Alex seems to be in danger. His brother Rey is trying every means to target Alex. He might be poisoned.\"It had to be said that what Pardee brought was not good news.Maria felt tired hearing what he said.Although she used to live a poor life, she would never be so tired as now.What kind of life was she living now?It was heart breaking to be afraid all day long.\"Okay, I see.\"Maria knew that Alex was alone and helpless at the moment. If she didn\'t do anything, she would feel guilty for what Alex had done to her.But how could Rey deal with Alex now?Maria didn\'
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Chapter 1049
\"Rey is also my name.\"He pointed at himself, smiled elegantly and made a \"please\" gesture. \"Ms Maria, please.\"Maria nodded and said to Willa, \"you go out and wait for me for a while.\"\"Yes, Ms Maria.\"Willa turned around and walked out of the office.In the office, Maria looked at Rey and asked, \"are you Alex\'s brother?\"The age gap was too big.\"What? I look very old?\"Rey threw up her hands, turned around and made coffee for her.While grinding the coffee, she said, \"my mother gave birth to me early. I\'m ten years older than Alex.\"He was ten years older than Alex, and Alex was five years older than her.The age gap between the two was fifteen years.\"I think so.\"She smiled and suddenly remembered something important. She asked, \"you have already known who I am?\"\"Of course.\"\"Then why did you detain my company\'s belongings and deliberately leave me outside for two hours?\"Maria glared at him and asked.\"First of all, if I don\'t detain
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Chapter 1050
\"Okay.\"Maria was surprised to see him in the SC Group.But every time she thought that he was Alex\'s half brother, she felt complicated.\"The SC Group and Fryer Group have seldom cooperated with each other before. Now both of us are the leaders of the company. How about signing a long-term cooperation plan?\"With the strength of the SC Group, signing a long-term cooperation plan with the Fryer Group was a good thing for Maria.\"You used to take good care of me in Losangeles. I didn\'t expect to be taken care of by you now.\"Maria smiled and raised her hand to tuck the hair behind her ear. Her bright smile revealed Maria\'s dimples. She was very beautiful and lovely.She continued, \"what\'s your plan? Why don\'t you tell me?\"\"Here is the thing. Our company mainly produces the raw materials of cosmetics, and you are the research, development and marketing of the products. How about signing a contract for ten years to develop a new facial mask product together? What do
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