All Chapters of His Lawyer Wife:Mr. Migs,You are Under Arrest!: Chapter 1061 - Chapter 1070
1202 Chapters
Chapter 1061
Maria and Fatima sat on the sofa. Fatima held Maria\'s hand and kept crying, which made people feel sorry and pitiful.\"Here, drink some water.\"Migs was not surprised at all to see Fatima. He put a glass of water in front of her and pushed the tissue in front of her.\"Don\'t cry. It\'s good that you\'re back. I\'ll protect you from now on.\"Maria kept comforting Fatima.In Maria\'s eyes, that was her best friend, more like a family member. How could she watch her being bullied?Bang! Bang! Bang——There was a loud knock on the door. \"Maria, come out.\"Someone shouted.A servant came in and said, \"Sir, madam, there are a lot of people outside.\"Many people knew who it was without thinking.Maria looked up at Migs and said, \"Migs, your brother is here.\"It was a very gentle sentence, but Migs could feel the anger in her sharp eyes.Migs rubbed his nose and said, \"have a seat. I\'ll go out to have a look.\"He walked outside, followed by Pardee.On the other hand
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Chapter 1062
Upstairs, Fatima and Maria were sitting in the room. Fatima was pregnant. She leaned against the headboard and told Maria what had happened recently.Maria listened quietly and then asked, \"tell me, do you like Jeric or not?\"It had been many years since Fatima and Jeric two got entangled with each other. She knew that the two of them were still in a mess.\"I... I don\'t know.\"Fatima pursed her lips and lowered her head, not daring to look at Maria.Maria couldn\'t figure out the hesitation on his face, so she stopped asking.He told her, \"do you know why I asked Jeric to stay?\"\"Why?\"\"Look at the two of you and Jeric. From the past to now, you have been hiding from each other for many years. There are some things that can\'t be avoided with you, and you have to face them face to face.In YK Villa, with Migs and me, no one will bully you. And this is the best time for you to get along with Jeric. You can also think about your future carefully. \"If Fatima kept avo
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Chapter 1063
Maria sat next to Migs, and Fatima sat next to Maria. Opposite her was Jeric, so she kept her head down during the meal.During the dinner, the atmosphere was good because the two of them were more active, Reginald and Pardee.Because of the pregnant woman and Migs and Maria\'s poor health, no one drank at lunch today.After dinner, they sat together and chatted, while Maria took a walk in the yard with Fatima.Although Jeric was chatting with Migs, he had been thinking about Fatima and wanted to have a talk with Fatima. However, Maria didn\'t give him any chance, which made Jeric very helpless.At two o\'clock in the afternoon, Maria arranged Fatima to stay in the villa. She went to the company with Pardee, while Jeric, Reginald and Migs were in the villa.On the way back to the company, Pardee asked, \"are you sure that Fatima will be fine in YK Villa?\"Leaning against the passenger seat, Maria closed her eyes and took a nap. \"I believe in Migs.\"With Jeric\'s fear of Migs
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Chapter 1064
Jeric didn\'t say anything.Fatima continued, \"life, it\'s mine. The baby in my belly is my own flesh and blood. I know the Thompson family won\'t allow the blood of the Thompson family to stay outside, but I will find a person to get married as soon as possible. I also hope that Mr Thompson can be mercy. Otherwise.\"\"Or what?\"The man narrowed his eyes and asked.Fatima lowered her head and said slowly, \"if you insist on taking the child from me, the day the child enters the Thompson family will be the anniversary of my Fatima\'s death.\"She thought Maria was right. It was not the right way to escape all the time. It was better to have a frank talk.She couldn\'t choose to hide from him all her life because of fear.In the past five or six years, Fatima had been tired.She really didn\'t want to live a life worse than death.Jeric stood by the bed, listening to Fatima\'s words. He didn\'t respond for a long time.When Jeric learned that Fatima had come back, he wanted
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Chapter 1065
\"Okay.\"Reginald immediately walked up to Fatima, grabbed her wrist and felt her pulse.Fatima kept calling. Reginald felt nervous. After that, he subconsciously glanced at Jeric, and then said to Maria, \"I\'m tired. After a long journey, I moved the fetus. I\'ll just lie on the bed and have a rest.\"\"Really?\"\"I\'m a doctor. Don\'t worry about me. I\'ll prescribe some medicine and let her have an intravenous drip later.\"\"Okay.\"Maria held Fatima\'s arm and said, \"let\'s go back to our room and have a rest.\"The two went upstairs. Migs cast a cold glance at Reginald and asked, \"what happened?\"They had been friends for many years and had a tacit understanding with each other. Just a glance from Reginald made Migs understand what was going on.Jeric held the chopsticks tightly in his hands. His face was gloomy. No one knew what he was thinking.Reginald shook his head and sighed, \"Fatima didn\'t recover after the miscarriage. Now she has a child. In addition, s
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Chapter 1066
The third set of wedding dress was the strapless A-line cake dress, which Maria disliked more.The last one was the one she tried in the bridal shop that day. She liked it at that time.\"I think this one looks good on me. What do you think, Jean?\"Maria asked Perla.However, Perla found an excuse and said, \"don\'t worry. I\'ll finish my makeup first and then I\'ll draw eyeliner.\"\"Okay.\"Maria didn\'t know what to say. She just sat aside and waited quietly. As time went by, Maria found that it was getting late. She was a little anxious and said, \"sister in law, have you recovered or not? You can\'t let me still wear the wedding dress, can you?\"\"Okay, okay, it\'s almost done.\"Perla was almost done with her make-up. She stood up and found that it was already nine o\'clock in the morning.At this moment, the car whistle came from outside.The two walked to the French window and looked out. They suddenly found that there were more than a dozen white Maserati cars park
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Chapter 1067
She could feel the brush gently brushing on her face, sometimes drawing eyebrows, sometimes eyeliner, and sometimes blushing. Every step was perfect.An idea came to Maria\'s mind and she asked directly, \"when did you wear makeup?\"\"A few days ago.\"Migs answered honestly.So it was very simple. Migs wanted to make up for Maria in person, so he specially asked someone to learn it.At that moment, Maria didn\'t know what to say. She just swallowed and was so moved that she didn\'t know what to say.Her friends didn\'t say anything, just waiting for Migs to help her put on makeup.Half an hour later, the makeup was finally done. Migs put down the things in his hands and said to Maria, \"Maria, open your eyes.\"Maria was a little excited. She slowly opened her eyes and found that she was wearing light makeup in the mirror. There was a pink cherry blossoming between her eyebrows, which was very beautiful.It matched her wedding dress perfectly.She was wearing a holy wedding
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Chapter 1068
As the emcee said, the two men took out comb and symbolically gently combed the two people\'s hair. Then Migs bent down and kissed Maria\'s forehead across the veil.Then the seat support was put away, and the two of them entered the car. Migs and Pardee closed the door of the sedan chair and got into the car from the other side.\"Oh my God! I\'m so jealous. Why should I come here for an interview?\"\"It\'s just a show of affection.\"\"No, no, No. I have myocardial infarction.\"\"It turns out that both Mr Lopez and Mr Atwood love their wives so much.\"....The car started slowly. At the moment of starting, a familiar melody suddenly sounded outside. Maria was so familiar with the melody that she couldn\'t be more clear about it.It was a dream wedding.A dozen cars were playing the music.Maria didn\'t know how much time Migs had spent on the car, but she knew that it was not easy for Migs to do so in a short time.In the car, Maria looked sideways at Migs, with a bunch
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Chapter 1069
\"Twenty villas? Thirty-four rent houses? I... please let me calm down.\"\"How much is it? I thought he had left the Lopez Group and lost everything.\"\"Damn it! Maria ranks among the rich overnight.\"\"What magic does this woman have to make Migs love her so crazily?\"\"I don\'t know how much these things are worth.\"\"Fifty billion? One hundred billion? I don\'t think so. I know Maria is a rich woman anyway.\"\"Damn it! I finally understand what is\' wife preference \'.\"....Maria had been moved by the past Migs, and now what Migs had done was even more unbelievable to her.Maria was deeply moved. Tears blurred her eyes. She couldn\'t even see Migs clearly.She nodded and sobbed, \"yes, I will, I will, I will...\"Suddenly, she choked with sobs and hugged Migs. She was so moved that she didn\'t know what to say.The crowd burst into applause for a long time.The host sighed and turned to Pardee.Pardee also expressed his love for Perla.\"The next step is to ex
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Chapter 1070
Finally, she was tired. She fell to the ground and burst into tears. She touched the scar on her face and trembled with anger.Her eyes were bloodshot, and her ferocious expression was very frightening and terrifying, making people feel scared at a glance.She had thought that Migs had always loved her. Even if Migs had expressed his love for Maria for countless times, she still thought it was just a game.But now, Migs had transferred hundreds of billions of assets to Maria. The transfer fee alone was shockingly high, let alone giving hundreds of billions of assets directly to Maria.Did he trust Maria so much?Aren\'t you afraid of being abandoned by Maria?Why? Why? The woman standing on the wedding stage should be her. It was Maria. Maria, that bitch, ruined everything for her.Samantha was very painful and desperate. She kept struggling, but finally she faced the reality and collapsed.Creak——When the bedroom door was opened, Saniya walked in. She was surprised to see Sa
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