All Chapters of His Lawyer Wife:Mr. Migs,You are Under Arrest!: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
1202 Chapters
Chapter 141
So as soon as the door was opened, her heart trembled.\"Here you are.\"After packing up her cosmetics, she quickly stood up to open the door.Samantha was standing at the door.\"Samantha? You...\" she wanted to ask something, but she didn\'t say it. She just opened the door and let her in. \"Come in and have a seat.\"Samantha nodded and walked in.Maria closed the door.\"Samantha, what happened just now was really a mistake. I...\"\"Maria, you don\'t have to explain so much to me. You are my best friend. I trust you.\"She held her hand, pursed her lips and said guiltily, \"it was my fault. I shouldn\'t have yelled at you, let alone distrust you. I didn\'t realize that I had misunderstood you until Migs told me.\"Samantha took Maria\'s hand and walked to the window. The two sat face to face in the chairs and looked at each other.She propped her elbow on the table and flipped her hair. Looking out of the window, she sighed, \"you and Tina are my best friends. Of cours
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Chapter 142
Samantha felt a little regretful. \"Well, I\'ll see you later. What a pity.\"\"There is still a chance in the future.\" Said Maria.After the two of them chatted for a while, Maria asked Samantha to go back and have a rest.Samantha was exhausted by the plane. She did want to have a rest and went back to her room to sleep.As soon as she left, Maria took the things and immediately walked out of the hotel.She hailed a taxi, got on it, told her the address, and started the taxi.In the car, she called Tina. \"Tina, where are you now?\"Today was weekend and Yassi had a day off. She could go back to accompany the little girl.\"I\'m in the company.\"\"Don\'t be so busy. Go home now. I\'ll be back soon when I arrive in Losangeles.\"\"Really? When did you come back? It\'s so unexpected.\"\"Of course. I just want to give you a surprise.\"The two of them exchanged a few pleasantries before hanging up the phone.Half an hour later, they arrived at a community. She got off th
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Chapter 143
Yassi\'s voice was clear and melodious, like the flowing water in a mountain stream.The sweet voice of the little girl was so soft that even the pronunciation was not allowed, but Migs could still hear clearly what she was saying.He bent over and touched her pink cheek, smiling, \"girls all like gentle boys?\"Yassi rolled her big eyes and frowned. She thought for a while and said, \"yes, it should be.\"\"So cute.\"Migs was amused by the little girl. They could always see the shadow of Ben on her.She didn\'t know if she missed Ben or not.\"Okay, I\'ll give you an hour.\" He turned around and left the community.It was not until he went far away that Yassi held Maria\'s hand and asked, \"Wow, Mommy, what a handsome uncle! Do you want to fight for it?\"Maria:“……”Tina:“……”What was she thinking about every day.\"What are you talking about? She is the fiance of aunt Samantha.\" Maria explained.\"Mommy, my fiance is still unmarried. There is still a chance. But since
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Chapter 144
Finally, Maria couldn\'t bear the sound of the drivers of all kinds of cars honking crazily. She felt that Migs was blocking their way.Sometimes he poked his head out to curse, and sometimes he pointed at them and gave them a thumbs up with a look of disgust.She opened the door and got in the car.Migs raised his eyebrows, with a playful look in his eyes, but he sped up and left.The two of them sat in silence for a long time.Suddenly, Migs\' phone rang.Because the car screen was connected, it showed Samantha\'s phone number.Seeing this, Maria felt a little nervous and guilty.Although she had tried her best to keep a distance from Migs, she still kept in touch with them. She was really angry.He didn\'t know what Yuan wanted to do. Why did she have to be so close to Migs?\"What\'s wrong?\"While she was thinking, Migs answered the phone.\"Migs, where are you? Maria isn\'t here either. Are you together?\" After the person on the other end of the line asked, he seemed
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Chapter 145
But even so, she was in a better mood.same evening.Maria was called out by Migs. \"Tomorrow, we are going to meet the president of the Ferrier Company, Reka. Have you decided the time and place?\"\"Is it the same request you made last time?\"It was a private restaurant with good environment and a Chinese restaurant.\"Yes, sir.\"\"Okay, I\'ll arrange it.\"Maria nodded.Migs handed another important document to Maria. \"Go back and read it carefully. It needs to be used tomorrow.\"There were four words\' confidential information \'on the document. Maria\'s eyes twinkled and her red lips opened, but she wanted to say something but stopped on a second thought.Samantha asked, \"Migs, can I go with you tomorrow?\" She looked expectant and wanted to go with him.\"Okay.\"Migs agreed.Boom! Boom! Boom——Suddenly, a sound came from the sky. Through the window at the end of the corridor, lightning flashed and thunder rumbled in the dark, and a storm was brewing.Maria gl
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Chapter 146
But it was getting late and she had to go back as soon as possible.She sped up a little, but she didn\'t expect that there was a puddle in front of her. She couldn\'t see the road clearly, so she drove in.Bang——With a loud noise, the front of the car suddenly sank, and the back of the car was upturned and fell into the pit.It was not until then that Maria realized that the ground sank. There was a board on the side, with a hint, but she didn\'t see it because the wind was too strong.\"If I had known it earlier, I wouldn\'t have come here.\"In the past, Maria liked to take this shortcut, but she didn\'t expect that there was a trap waiting for her!Sitting in the car, she was at a loss.Looking at the rain outside, if he didn\'t retreat as soon as possible, the heavy rain would Sharon into the deep pit, which would only make it bigger and bigger.However, her car might be stuck in it and couldn\'t be pulled out.At this time, the rear of the car hung in the air, and ther
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Chapter 147
\"What do you want to deal with now? Your car was driven away by Maria, you...\" suddenly, she paused, with a flash of surprise in her eyes. \"You are going to find Maria, aren\'t you?\"With her strong sixth sense, she could feel that Migs was going to look for Maria at this time.After all, Maria hadn\'t come back yet.Migs\' beautiful dark eyes showed a touch of anger. He frowned and said, \"Samantha, you are getting more and more naughty.\"He didn\'t deny it. On the contrary, he was furious after being seen through.Samantha was almost sure.\"No, Migs, you can\'t!\"She walked up to Migs, stretched out her arms and blocked his way. \"Maria has been in Losangeles for four years. She is very familiar with this place. She will be fine.\"\"Stop it.\"Samantha, who had always been obedient and sensible in front of him, was so arrogant and willful that Migs felt a little disgusted.\"Migs, do you really fall in love with Maria?\"She roared excitedly, biting her sexy red li
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Chapter 148
\"Hello, car. What about the car?\" Looking at the car which was worth millions of dollars, Maria felt a little distressed.\"Which is more important, the car or the person?\"He roared and tightened his grip on her hand.In the heavy rain, he led the way, followed by Maria. The two trotted hand in hand.A gust of wind blew. Maria\'s body was wet and she was shivering with cold. But the moment her warm palm was held tightly by him, it seemed that all the coldness disappeared.Inexplicably relieved and gratified.Looking at the man\'s back, Maria had never found that he was so tall and strong.Her heart was beating uncontrollably, and even her breath was a little rapid and nervous.The heart that had been sleeping for many years seemed to be slowly sprouting.In a foreign country, she had experienced countless tragic lives and despair, and in her life, there had never been a man who would help her when she was desperate.Four years later, she had already been reborn and become
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Chapter 149
Along the way, the two remained silent.It seemed that since they knew Migs, the two of them had been in a dispute and were not as quiet as they were now.However, it was so quiet that it was full of embarrassment and embarrassment.\"Well... I will contact someone to deal with the car tomorrow.\" Maria broke the ice first.\"No, I\'ll arrange someone to handle it.\"The man answered coldly.\"Okay.\"Maria replied and didn\'t know what to say.Back to the hotel, Maria got off the car first. When she was about to close the door, something hit her. She caught it subconsciously and looked at it carefully. It was a folded umbrella.\"Close the door.\"The man said in an indifferent tone.Maria closed the car door mechanically and looked at Migs through the glass window. She had an indescribable feeling in her heart.After parking the car, Migs got off the car, slammed the door and left without looking back.He walked very fast. He walked up the steps step by step and entered
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Chapter 150
What he said was also known to Maria.\"In that case, the important information about the Ferrier Company is also very important to you, isn\'t it?\" Maria raised her eyebrows, with a gleam shining in her eyes. \"Three hundred million. I\'ll sell the materials and the cooperation plan to you.\"\"Ha ha.\"Yuan chuckled, \"on a trip abroad, have you forgotten something? Do you need me to remind you that I still have Yassi?\"\"I forgot it if you didn\'t tell me.\"Maria smiled without any fear and said lightly, \"Migs is also abroad. Do you think it\'s because of your fast speed, or because Migs is stronger abroad?\"After a pause, she continued, \"as long as I tell Migs the truth now, you will be expelled from the Lopez family, won\'t you?\"\"Hahaha...\"Yuan listened to her quietly, and suddenly burst into a wild laugh. \"Interesting, interesting, ha ha.\"The laughter echoed in the car, making her hair stand on end.Although she was a little afraid of the cruel and mercile
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