All Chapters of His Lawyer Wife:Mr. Migs,You are Under Arrest!: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
1202 Chapters
Chapter 151
What else could she haggle over?It was a good deal to gain a little from a tiger\'s skin.Moreover, what she needed this time was not money, but to use Yuan to sow discord between her and Migs, so that Migs would hate her.When she was drinking water, her phone rang again.Maria walked to the sofa with a cup of tea in her hand. When she saw the number of \"Migs\" on the screen of her mobile phone, she directly blacklisted it.Then she took a shower and had a good sleep.In order not to be disturbed, he turned off his phone.After all, Maria had done something wrong and hadn\'t slept all the time on the plane. Now she was really sleepy.She closed her eyes and forced herself to sleep.She didn\'t sleep well and had nightmares.But even so, she still didn\'t want to get up on the bed.Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang——At this time, a loud knock on the door woke Maria up. She lazily got up from the bed, took off the blindfold, put on her shoes and walked out.When she stood at the do
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Chapter 152
But he didn\'t expect that she was not afraid at all. There was no trace of guilt and self reproach in her watery eyes.\"Maria, what are you doing?\"Migs grabbed her neck with his big hand and pinched her tightly.\"HMM...\"With her neck tied, Maria couldn\'t breathe. Her face turned red and she couldn\'t help coughing.\"Ahem... Ahem...\"The little woman covered her neck and patted the back of his hand, struggling painfully.Migs was touched by her expression, but he was reluctant to do it.With a sudden loosen, the little woman\'s body became soft and she fell directly to the ground. She was so uncomfortable that she almost died.Maria was suffocated and her mind went blank. At this moment, her throat was relaxed and an oxygen breath was sucked in, which made her cough again.\"Cough, cough, cough...\"She sat on the ground, leaned against the wall, looked straight ahead, and sneered, \"isn\'t Mr Migs very smart? How can you not see through my intention?\"Maria slowl
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Chapter 153
She had slept for three days. Knowing that someone was knocking at the living room again, Maria didn\'t care and closed her eyes to continue sleeping.Boom! Boom! Boom~After a loud noise, Maria completely lost her composure. She got up from the bed, walked to the door and opened it. She looked at the door of the living room with a weak face.All of a sudden, she found that her door had been pulled down.She stood still, staring at the chicken nest head and the people standing at the door, including Fatima, John, Queenie and Samantha.\"Maria, are you okay?\"\"Maria, what\'s wrong with you?\"\"Maria, what the hell are you doing? We thought you committed suicide.\"“Maria,Maria?”……When they saw Maria, they all came over.Maria just glanced at them indifferently and said, \"I\'m just sleepy and want to sleep. You disturbed my rest. Fatima, see the guests out. Remember to pack my door.\"After saying that, she silently turned around and entered the room. She closed the doo
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Chapter 154
In a word, the most likely person to meet her was the master of the Lopez family.Astonishment flashed through Hanson\'s eyes. He didn\'t expect Maria to be so smart.His eyes flashed, but he didn\'t say anything, which meant he acquiesced in it\"Let\'s go.\"Maria didn\'t refuse.After all, she caused a great uproar in the Lopez Group. The master of the Lopez family must know her existence. They would meet sooner or later.She followed Hanson out of the community and took a taxi to the old house of Lopez family.The old house of Lopez family was located on a hillside in the suburb of the city. It was built on the hillside with an ancient style of a courtyard.After entering the room, he saw the magnificent building and retro style, which could show the wealth and temperament of the Lopez family.\"Are there many people inside?\"When Maria got off the car just now, she saw many luxury cars parking at the door.This made her feel insecure and afraid.\"Miss Maria will know
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Chapter 155
He stood up and walked to Maria\'s side. Then he took out something and said, \"this is a bracelet I picked for you a few days ago when I was abroad. I haven\'t given it to you yet.\"Then he put a necklace into Maria\'s hand and said, \"I believe you will like it.\"The bracelet felt a little cold and fell into her hand.She unfolded the necklace and found it very familiar.Because that\'s the birthday gift for her daughter, Yassi, who turned four years old.\"Yes, I like it very much.\"Maria stared at Yuan, gnashing her teeth.She had thought that everything would be settled, but now it seemed that everything was just beginning.She didn\'t know what Yuan was going to do, but now she knew that Yuan wouldn\'t let her go easily.The two of them looked at each other, covering the eyes of the others.But the gap happened to be left to Migs. He sat on the right, and from that angle, he could clearly see some anger burning in Maria\'s eyes.Migs narrowed his eyes, lost in thoug
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Chapter 156
Maria stood opposite her and listened to her quietly. Her heart sank to the bottom.Sometimes, when you want to be good to someone, you find that she stabbed you in the heart with a knife. It hurts.It seemed that her heart was bleeding.Her indifferent expression gradually cracked.\"So, do you think I leaked the confidential information of the company?\"Maria asked.\"Of course. Because I have evidence.\"Samantha was quite confident. Then she turned to look at Patriarch Lopez and said, \"Grandpa, I have evidence to prove that it is indeed Maria who leaked the secret.\"\"Oh, really?\"Patriarch Lopez took a meaningful look at Samantha and then looked at Maria. \"Don\'t you admit it?\"\"I just want to see the evidence.\"Yes, it was the evidence.She wanted to know what kind of evidence Samantha had.\"Here is a record. Maria, I believe you will be familiar with it.\"As Samantha spoke, she turned on her cell phone and clicked on a record, which was played later. Mari
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Chapter 157
He pointed at Yuan.Yuan immediately answered, \"yes, Migs is right. That\'s indeed a test for Maria. But Maria has a good character, and then returned three hundred million to Migs.\"\"What did you say?\" Samantha was surprised and didn\'t know it at all.\"Do you really think you can pay me back so easily?\"\"That\'s right. Who believes that?\"\"Yes, we don\'t believe it.\"……Everyone in the living room didn\'t believe what the two of them said.\"Believe it or not, it\'s not up to me. I have evidence.\" Migs pointed at Hanson.Then, Hanson walked up to Patriarch Lopez and said, \"Patriarch Lopez, what Mr Migs said is true. A month ago, Mr Migs had been transferred to me by Miss Maria, and then she had returned the money to Patriarch Lopez. If you don\'t believe me, you can check the account of Lopez and Mr Migs.\"If three hundred million dollars were transferred from the account, there would be obvious traces. She could check her personal account at the bank in minute
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Chapter 158
\"Samantha is more sensible and Migs has a good taste.\"\"No wonder she is the granddaughter in law of our Lopez family. She is reliable.\"\"It\'s a wise choice. After all, we are from the Lopez family.\"\"Samantha is a good girl. She is upright.\"……Patriarch Lopez sat up straight, with his hands on his wrists and knees. He looked at Migs and Yuan and said, \"Yuan, Migs, I want to hear your ideas.\"\"Dad, what\'s so good about it? Such a insidious woman should be sent to the police station.\"\"Exactly.\"\"Dad, when did you become so sentimental?\"\"I agree with you.\"……Most of the people sitting on both sides were the uncles of Migs. They all agreed to send Maria to the police station and let the police supervise her.\"Dad, I don\'t agree.\" Yuan spoke out his thoughts directly, \"although Maria did something wrong, the company has recovered its losses. The reason was the fault of Migs. Maria saved Ben. The means of Migs are not...\"Yuan stopped talking.\"I
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Chapter 159
She finally understood that if she kept giving in, there would be no chance for her to turn over in Yuan.Greed was the most fatal weakness of willfulness, but sometimes it was the most dangerous.\"Great Grandpa, don’t.\"At this moment, a small figure suddenly broke in at the door of the hall. Ben ran in, looked at Patriarch Lopez aggrievedly, held his hand and acted like a spoiled child. \"Waah... Great Grandpa, Ben likes aunt Jasmine so much. Can you forgive her? Waah... You forget that he saved Ben“Maria meant a lot to Ben. After hearing the words of Patriarch Lopez, he couldn\'t help but break in, fearing that Maria would be taken away by the police later.The little boy\'s eyes were brimming with tears. He pouted and said, \"isn\'t... isn\'t a little loss more important than Ben?\"\"Yes, father. Anyway, Maria saved Ben\'s life. If the news gets out, people will say that our Lopez family won\'t do anything and will return kindness with enmity.\"Yuan immediately echoed,
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Chapter 160
\"Dad, Maria and I hope you can help us.\" Yuan begged Patriarch Lopez again.Migs had been observing Maria and Yuan from beginning to end. Just now, he clearly saw anger and rage in Maria\'s eyes.But in an instant, all his anger disappeared, making him doubt if he had seen it wrong.\"Grandpa, although Miss Maria has saved Ben, the only thing we can do in our Lopez family is to let her go once and make amends for her achievements. But marriage? How can Miss Maria enter the Lopez family since her character is not good enough?\"Migs didn\'t agree at all.\"Migs, if Maria is with Uncle Yuan, maybe she will think about the Lopez family.\"Samantha tried her best to bring Yuan and Maria together.\"Samantha, didn\'t you just want to transfer Miss Maria to the court? Why do you support your Uncle Yuan to be with her now?\"Patriarch Lopez asked sharply.\"Because... Grandpa, after all, Maria and I are best friends, but... As a member of the Lopez family, I naturally have to be on
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