All Chapters of His Lawyer Wife:Mr. Migs,You are Under Arrest!: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
1202 Chapters
Chapter 171
At this time, a cup of coffee was sent over.Holding the coffee in her hand, she lowered her head and took a sip. The coffee was a little hot, but at this moment, she cared more about what Maria said, which made her feel ashamed.\"Samantha, I called you here today just to tell you. If you have any complaints in the future, you can come directly to question me, even if you say that I\'m scolded or suspected. But I can\'t accept the details behind and the false accusation.\"“Maria……”\"Don\'t ask me for evidence. Do you think it\'s easy for me to find evidence?\"Maria\'s face turned serious. \"We have been alienated since we came back, but I didn\'t expect that everything would come so soon. In fact, I still cherish our relationship very much, but unfortunately, until today, our fate has come to an end.\"\"Maria, you are talking nonsense. Why do you say that to me? Do you want to sue me in front of Migs?\"Samantha retorted with a red face.\"Evidence?\"Maria looked straigh
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Chapter 172
Samantha sneered and shook her head. \"I want to trust you in front of love, but how can I trust you?\"Her former best friend, now let\'s talk about it.Maria hesitated for a long time before she came to her, because she was not the one who was always bullied but was willing to endure it silently.But now, it seemed that she was the one who betrayed him.What qualifications do you have to question Samantha?\"I came here today just to tell you that I know what you are thinking, but please rest assured that there will be no possibility between me and Migs. But if I find out that you scheme like this again, Samantha, I\'m sorry. I\'m not a person who waits for death.\"Maria didn\'t stop ordering. She took out two hundred dollars, put it on the table and left directly.Looking at her back, Samantha frowned. Her mood was complicated, but she didn\'t feel guilty.Perhaps, from the very beginning, he had believed that Maria was the one who should disappear.Her existence was redun
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Chapter 173
He waited quietly for Samantha to confess.In other words, he was giving Samantha a chance.Samantha stood there like a child who had done something wrong and was waiting for the punishment from the teacher, feeling uneasy.But after thinking for a while, she thought it was better to admit it. Otherwise, she didn\'t know what was waiting for her.\"Migs, did... Did Uncle Yuan say something to you?\" She had wondered why Maria had been so quiet recently. Even if she had been wronged, she had hidden it in her heart.Now it seemed that Maria just wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to ask Yuan to tell Migs and let Migs teach her a lesson.No wonder she was so generous when she was in the cafe at that time.Migs looked straight ahead, waiting for her to speak.As time went by, Samantha stood aside, suffering a lot. She couldn\'t stand the torture of time, but finally she admitted it.\"Migs... I... it has nothing to do with me. I don\'t know why there is such a rumor in t
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Chapter 174
She didn\'t know what to say, but tears kept gushing out. \"I also want to get along well with Maria and be friends for a lifetime, but... But she shouldn\'t have been so close to you. If it weren\'t for her, how could you be so alienated from me?\"After all, Samantha hated Maria deep in her heart.She felt that Maria had ruined all her happiness.However, she didn\'t reflect on what she had done to deprive Maria of her happy life and everything.\"Are you stupid? Or are you brainless? On the day in the old house, Maria had said that intentional approach was just a revenge. Then what are you doing now?\"Migs looked gloomy and angry.\"But you still fall in love with her.\"Samantha seemed to be on the verge of breaking down. \"It\'s her. She destroyed everything I have. So what if I just teach her a lesson?\"Somehow, Samantha was infuriated. The grievance suppressed in her heart gushed out. \"Migs, do you feel sorry for her?\"She pointed at the door of Migs and asked, \"wh
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Chapter 175
Did she have a choice?It was more like giving a question than a choice question.Migs didn\'t say anything about Maria, nor did he answer Samantha\'s question. He just asked her to leave.Even if she cried like a tearful person, Migs didn\'t have any reaction, let alone a trace of heartache.\"Okay, I can go back.\"Samantha wiped her tears, sniffed and pretended to be calm. \"But I just want to know one thing. Have you... Have you ever loved me?\"This question finally made Migs raise his head slowly. He cast a cold glance at Samantha and said, \"stop it. It\'s getting late. Go to bed.\"As soon as he finished speaking, Samantha didn\'t intend to leave the study. Instead, she stood still and stared at him with burning eyes.\"As long as you behave yourself, you are still my Migs fiancee. I warn you, don\'t try to challenge my bottom line any more.\"He had forgiven Samantha for this matter.If it weren\'t for the necklace and the incident more than 10 years ago, Samantha wo
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Chapter 176
His words were full of protection and pity for Maria.Migs paused for a moment, and his long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly. With a flash of cruelty in his eyes, he slammed the door.\"Uncle Yuan?\"He pretended to know nothing.\"How?\"Yuan raised her hand and smoothed her short hair which was disheveled by the night wind. \"You know what Samantha has done. Don\'t pretend to be innocent. Maria is my woman now. I...\"\"Uncle Yuan, I\'m curious. What evidence do you have to threaten Maria to give in so obediently?\"Migs was not a fool after all.On that day in the Lopez family, he clearly found a strong sense of hatred and bloodthirsty in Maria\'s eyes. She wished she could swallow Yuan. How could she agree to be with him?Yuan raised her eyebrows, crossed her arms in front of her chest, moved her body and smiled, \"you care so much about Maria. Migs, do you want to steal a woman from Uncle Yuan?\"\"Don\'t forget that your fiancee is Samantha, and Maria, how do you thin
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Chapter 177
She held the flowers in her arms, even if there was a moment when she wanted to turn around and throw them into the trash can immediately.But when she noticed that Migs was still standing aside, she bent over and smelled the fragrance of the flowers. She nodded with a happy smile on her face. \"It smells good. I like it very much. Thank you, darling.\"\"Silly girl, don\'t mention it.\"Yuan deliberately took a look at Migs, with a smug look on her face. Holding the back of Maria\'s head, she bent over and kissed her forehead. \"I will send you back in the future.\"\"You don\'t have to spend so much money, do you?\"\"Give it to my beloved Maria without any cost.\"The two of them talked to each other, immersed in their \'sweet words\', but both of them were acting with their own purposes.Migs stood aside quietly, staring at the present with cold eyes.Looking at the love she showed to the flowers and the love she showed to Yuan, he even felt that he must be narcissistic to
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Chapter 178
The three walked into the elevator, waiting for the elevator to come down.Maria stood in the middle and two men stood on the left and right.The three of them were silent, and the atmosphere was a little heavy and depressing.\"Migs, have you dealt with the gossip in the company recently?\"Yuan broke the silence in the elevator.Migs looked straight ahead. \"Uncle Yuan, are you worried about Miss Maria?\"\"What are you talking about? Maria is my woman. I don\'t worry about her. Who cares?\" As Yuan spoke, she put her arms around Maria\'s waist and pulled her into her arms. \"Maria, I heard that you have been bullied recently. Have you found out who is behind this?\"\"It\'s all over now. Let bygones be bygones. Why do you mention it again?\"Maria was expressionless. She didn\'t want to get involved in these things.She wouldn\'t let Yuan satisfied. If he wanted to get involved in this matter, she wouldn\'t give Yuan any chance.\"You are always so silly. Haven\'t I sent y
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Chapter 179
\"Nothing.\"\"All right.\"The answers of the two were almost the same.Casual?In the end, she switched the TV play to the cartoon channel. I believe you won\'t feel bored.\"Do you usually watch cartoons at home?\" Migs asked with a smile\"Yes, is there a problem?\"She nodded seriously and said impatiently, \"no one said that adults can\'t watch cartoons.\"\"Well, you are so chic.\"Migs didn\'t say anything more and drank tea\"Maria, when are you going to live with me?\"Suddenly, Yuan, who was silent, said.However, as soon as these words came out, the two of them were both stunned.\"With you?\"Maria frowned and looked at Yuan. But since Yuan was with Migs, she raised her eyes and saw the face of Migs.His face was dark and terrible.Maria pulled her lips and didn\'t know what to say for a long time. She lowered her head and politely refused, \"I prefer to live alone, so I haven\'t thought about it for the time being.\"Yuan!She knew that Migs was here, bu
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Chapter 180
Maria had no choice but to raise her hand and rub her hair, looking a little anxious.Fatima used to be a customer of her brother Yohan. Because of the feud with Migs, she took the initiative to deal with Jessica\'s case. As a result, so many things happened.Until now, she still felt that those things were connected and there were many doubts.But she didn\'t want to waste time thinking about it.She changed her clothes and went straight to the police station.But when the car drove slowly on the road, she looked at the rear-view mirror from time to time, feeling that the black car behind it followed the North Ring Road from the gate of the community.\"Who is it?\"Maria was confused and afraid, so she sped up and ran straight to the police station.But she was fast, and the car was faster. It followed directly to the police station and stopped not far away.Maria was confused, but she didn\'t dare to look at him carefully from a distance.Then she entered the police statio
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