All Chapters of His Lawyer Wife:Mr. Migs,You are Under Arrest!: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
1202 Chapters
Chapter 191
\"Really? Then you can pack and leave now. I, Lopez Group, don\'t need an impure woman like you.\"He used all kinds of threats for the sake of justice.Maria was furious, but she had nowhere to vent her anger.She glared at Migs, \"do you need a reason to like someone?\"Migs nodded in agreement. \"That makes sense. You can leave now.\"Maria was stunned. She didn\'t expect that Migs would ask her to leave directly.When she returned to the legal department, Maria was dealing with her work. With the warning of Migs, she was more serious and rigorous at work. She didn\'t dare to make any mistakes.After work, she packed up and left the office. As soon as she walked out of the building, she saw two cars parking at the door, and two handsome men standing there.Migs, and Yuan!Holding her bag, Maria looked at the two of them and inexplicably had an impulse to escape.\"Migs, are you waiting for me?\"At this moment, a voice came from behind. Maria looked back and found it was
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Chapter 192
\"Miss Maria, what\'s wrong with you? Miss Maria, I miss you so much.\"Ben grabbed Maria\'s wide leg pants and pulled them. Then he raised his head and looked at her. \"Miss Maria, have you bought a gift for Ben?\"That day\'s voice was very penetrating and pleasant to hear.Maria felt like she was on pins and needles.\"Hahaha, I\'m sorry, sweetie. Miss Maria didn\'t know you were here and forgot to buy you a gift. But Miss Maria promise that she will make it up to you, okay?\"She endured the sharp eyes of everyone, dazzling, but she could only force a smile.\"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Miss Maria is so nice.\"Ben gave Maria a big kiss on her cheek. He liked her so much.He put his arms around her neck and pleaded, \"Miss Maria, give me a hug.\"\"Okay, come here. Let me give you a hug.\"She bent over and picked up Ben.But when she looked through Ben and saw a tall figure over there, she couldn\'t help swallowing and inexplicably trembling with fear.Ben was the biological so
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Chapter 193
Ben ran to the front of Patriarch Lopez, waved his hand and wanted to hug her. His big eyes were red with grievance, and he was about to cry.It was a perfect explanation at this moment.Patriarch Lopez picked up Ben and said, \"Okay, okay. Don\'t cry. Just now you said you like Miss Maria?\"\"Yes. Miss Maria saved Ben. Ben likes Miss Maria and wants to live in the house of Miss Maria, okay?\"It was useless to speak to Migs. Ben acted like a spoiled child to great grandfather.\"Ha ha ha... Do you have anything that you are interested in?\"Patriarch Lopez laughed and looked at Maria, asking, \"Miss Maria, do you think... This child likes to be with you? Do you have time?\"Maria was at a loss whether to cry or to laugh.She looked at Migs for help, as if asking for his opinion.But Migs turned his head to the side and ignored him.She didn\'t know what to do.\"Grandpa, Maria has a guest. Ben will cause her trouble.\" Samantha said in time.Yuan, on the other hand, remai
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Chapter 194
In the evening, at Maria\'s repeated request, Samantha had a room with Migs, Maria had a room with Yuan.However, Ben didn\'t let go of Maria. \"Miss Maria, can you sleep with Ben tonight?\"In the yard, the two sat on the stone bench, eating, admiring the moon and watching the stars. They were in harmony.Maria shook her head and said, \"Ben, you\'ve grown up. You should learn to sleep on your own, okay?\"\"No.\"Ben shook his head and said, \"Ben is going to sleep with Miss Maria, okay?\"The boy was in a mini suit, and his pink and jade face was similar to Migs seven, although he was young, handsome and cute.Maria couldn\'t resist her coquetry.\"Little boy, why are you so sticky? I really can\'t do anything to you.\" Maria smiled with a gleam shining in her eyes. \"Okay, Miss Maria agrees.\"Today, she had a rest in the Lopez family. She was worried about being alone in a room, but if Ben was by her side, he could protect her well.Why not.“Maria!”At this moment, Sa
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Chapter 195
Maria stood up in a hurry and walked towards the bathroom.\"Daddy, what\'s wrong with Miss Maria?\"Ben rubbed his head, confused.They looked at each other.\"Well... Maybe she caught a cold.\"Samantha explained with a bad feeling.Mrs. Patriarch Lopez looked at the direction in which Maria left. A satisfied smile appeared on her kind face. She turned around to look at Yuan and asked quietly, \"is that girl pregnant?\"\"Cough... Cough...\"Migs, who was drinking milk, was so shocked that the milk in his mouth spilled out and he couldn\'t help coughing.She couldn\'t help but look at the direction of the bathroom and frowned.\"Migs, why are you so overreacted?\"Mrs. Patriarch Lopez muttered and looked at Yuan, asking, \"how long have you lived together?\"Yuan picked up a deep fried dough stick and took a bite. Then he looked at Migs with a meaningful smile and said, \"Mom, don\'t worry about us. Maria might have a stomachache.\"\"Look at your men. They are so carele
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Chapter 196
She couldn\'t help but feel nervous.\"Migs, stop the car. It\'s about to hit the car. Ah!\" Samantha was so scared that three souls lost seven souls. She screamed and tightly held the seat belt.Bang——With a loud noise, Yuan\'s car shook violently and slid two meters forward.The two of them leaned forward out of inertia and were pulled back by the seat belt.Yuan looked back at the car behind him, unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car.But the moment the door opened, a man stood outside the car, grabbed his collar and punched him hard. \"Yuan, have you forgotten my warning?\"Migs punched Yuan with all his strength, and she fell to the ground with blood spilling from the corner of her mouth.\"Migs, what\'s... what\'s wrong?\"Samantha, still in a state of shock, got out of the car and saw the two men directly fighting. She covered her mouth in surprise. She couldn\'t believe that Migs would beat someone.Besides, she didn\'t understand why Migs attacked Yuan.Th
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Chapter 197
\"Samantha, have a good rest. I have something to deal with in the company.\"He shook off Samantha\'s hand again and left the villa without looking back.No matter how hysterical the woman behind him shouted, he didn\'t turn around. All he could think about was Maria. Now he just wanted to find Maria.He drove as fast as he could from downtown to suburb. It was originally thirty minutes\' drive, but he only arrived in twenty minutes.At the foot of the mountain, when he was about to take out his phone to call Maria, he found a familiar figure on the road.At that moment, he finally felt relieved.He started the car, stopped beside her, and went straight to her.\"Maria, he called.\"Maria immediately stopped and stared at the man in front of her. She felt inexplicably bitter, with her nose slightly open and tears in her eyes.The sudden surge of emotions shouldn\'t have been, but she couldn\'t restrain it.\"Where have you been?\"Migs questioned, stepping forward and holdi
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Chapter 198
She was also the best friend of her fiancee.Maybe God was playing tricks on people, but that woman was Ben\'s mother. The only woman who had sex with him was the one he couldn\'t forget.For the past few years, he had been holding back his longing for her. It was just a vague outline, and he didn\'t even know her appearance.But when she appeared again, he was shocked.\"I never trust anyone.\"Maria lowered her head and removed her fingers one by one. \"I only believe in myself.\"Only after experiencing life and death would she feel insecure.Samantha believes me. That\'s her best friend. What about the result?It was the same betrayal.\"What can I do to make you believe me?\"He walked up to Maria and asked.Maria couldn\'t help laughing. \"Mr Migs, I thought you were a cold, arrogant and domineering CEO, but I didn\'t expect you to be so shameless. I\'ve told you many times that I don\'t like you and I can\'t like you. Why are you still pestering me? If you can\'t get
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Chapter 199
\"No need.\"Maria shook her head. She didn\'t want to do any more examination.She had stomach medicine at home. She would be fine after drinking some. There was no need to waste time here.\"Stop!\"Seeing that she was about to leave, Migs scolded her, stepped forward and grabbed her hand. \"Just follow me. Don\'t talk so much nonsense!\"\"Why do you care about me?\"Maria struggled.\"I\'m your boss. How can you work well if you\'re not in good health? Don\'t forget the dinner party tonight. Otherwise, you\'ll get out of here!\"His words reminded Maria that there was indeed a dinner party tonight.As long as she thought of staying with Migs, she felt depressed.\"Just do it. Why are you so angry?\"Maria stared at him angrily.In the end, she went to the examination obediently.After the examination, the doctor told her to rest on time, eat more light food, don\'t order takeout, and often exercise.Finally, she left the hospital with a bag of Western medicine.\"Whe
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Chapter 200
She fixed her eyes on Samantha and thought ironically, \'is it really so difficult to tell the truth?She could accept everything, but she couldn\'t accept lies.\"I\'ll buy you a new necklace. I\'ve been wearing it for many years and I\'m used to it.\"\"What if I insist?\"Maria said in a tough tone.Samantha held the necklace tightly as if she cared about it very much.\"Maria, it\'s just a necklace. I don\'t think so. Although our relationship is not as good as before, this necklace is at least a witness and memory.\"Samantha\'s face was full of sadness.Maria looked at her and suddenly smiled.\"I was just kidding. It\'s just a necklace. It\'s useless for me to take it.\"In fact, he was testing Samantha on purpose. Obviously, Samantha knew the importance of the necklace to Migs.At least, he knew that Migs was with her because of the necklace, so he cared about it so much.Thinking of this, Maria felt sad and disappointed.She was just testing Samantha. Even if she
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