All Chapters of Forced Marriage: Just Want to Spoil Her: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
230 Chapters
Chapter 121
Carlo: \"...\" if he told him where his apartment was, he would know who the woman was...Seeing that Carlo didn\'t say anything, Patriarch Johnson clapped the ruler on the table and said, \"good for you, Carlo! Have you forgotten who saved you from that mess, provided you with food, clothing and college education? I just know where the new apartment bought by that bastard Lucas is.\"Carlo felt a little helpless. Patriarch Johnson had been kind to him for the rest of his life. After thinking for a while, he said respectfully in a low voice, \"it\'s in room XX, unit XX, building XX of the HF Apartment.\"\"You\'re smart!\" Patriarch Johnson snorted and hung up the phone.However, after hanging up the phone, his face was full of complex expressions. His intuition told him that the woman his grandson was chasing was not a troublemaker...Of course, Carlo immediately reported the matter that Patriarch Johnson had just asked him to his boss. After all, he felt guilty that he didn\'t t
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Chapter 122
Sandy had meant to say that she had taken a document with her, but when she realized that she had taken the divorce agreement, and Henry probably didn\'t want her to tell the employees at this moment that she was his wife who had concealed her marriage. Moreover, she didn\'t want to make the matter public any more, so she simply pulled the corners of her mouth and said, \"what document can I take?\"Sophie looked her up and down suspiciously, and her eyes seemed to pause on Sandy\'s handbag.Sandy didn\'t change her expression. She ignored Sophie and walked towards her floor.When they went back to the floor of the design department, Cindy was the most shocked. \"Sandy, are you really going to resign?\"She looked as if she had been hit by five million. Before Sandy could say anything, she grabbed Sandy\'s arm and said excitedly, \"Sandy, have you found a new company? Take me with you? I don\'t want to work here for a long time!\"Because of what had happened a few days ago, she h
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Chapter 123
\"Don\'t worry.\" Once this kind of matter was brought to the court, the Galaxy Bay project would be destroyed. Steves Group would take the responsibility, and the Johnson Group would probably not let go of the Steves Group. Sandy took a deep breath and said, \"Steves Group is a well-known enterprise, so we won\'t be in debt to pay the workers. Recently, Mr. Steves is not in the company, so we can\'t make a decision. But he is coming back today, so...\"\"I don\'t want to listen to your nonsense! Come to the construction site right now. If you don\'t come, we won\'t let her go!\" Tommy said rudely and hung up the phone.Hearing the busy tone, Sandy was so angry that she pursed her lips. As soon as she got out of the elevator, she quickly ran to her sports car, opened the door and got in. Then she started the engine and drove away.The man in the back seat of the Aston Matin next to her stared at Sandy. He narrowed his eyes slightly and didn\'t miss the anxious look on her face. His
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Chapter 124
Trenton was a good person. Not long ago, Sandy had been in touch with him and had never been in trouble.Before Tommy could answer, Cindy cried first, \"Sandy, Trenton is injured and hospitalized. Recently, all workers are led by Tommy.\"Tommy cast a sidelong glance at Sandy and sneered, \"are you Ms. Smith, the person in charge of this project?\"His tone was more like a rascal than a worker who came to the construction site. Sandy pressed her lips and said, \"I\'m just in charge of the design. The project director has a special person. I\'ve called them -\"\"Clap -\"Before Sandy could say anything, a heavy slap directly slapped on Sandy\'s face, making her turn her head.Cindy screamed and tried to help Sandy, but her arm was grabbed by another man and separated from Sandy.Tommy put down his hand and said to the man who was holding Cindy\'s hand casually, \"since this woman is here, let her go. Ms. Smith is here. I heard that she has a deep relationship with Steves Group\'
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Chapter 125
There was a chaotic noise outside. At this moment, the small black house was surrounded by several special police with guns, and no one dared to break in without permission.Lucas\'s face was as dark as before a storm. When his eyes met Sandy\'s frightened eyes, his hands drooping beside him made a sound of \"cackle\". He quickly walked up to Sandy and held her in his arms silently.At this moment, Sandy was in an extremely awkward situation, and the suit she was wearing had already been covered with dust, ol. One side of her face was swollen, and the corner of her mouth was soaked in blood. Although the wound on her forehead was dry, it looked a little shocking. Not to mention that when she fell down, her legs and arms scratched the small bricks on the ground, and the red marks almost pierced Lucas\'s eyes.He couldn\'t help but tighten his grip on her. Suddenly, he lowered his head and gave Sandy a gentle smile. \"Good girl, close your eyes.\"At that moment, Sandy seemed to be b
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Chapter 126
When Sandy woke up, it was already the morning of the second day.The moment she woke up, she felt pain all over her body as if she had been run over by a car.When she opened her eyes, she didn\'t know where she was.The last thing she remembered yesterday was Lucas holding her in his arms. He rescued her from those crazy people and carried her into the car.The surrounding environment was not dazzling, and there were thick curtains to block the sunlight.Sandy sat up slowly and felt a little dizzy. She closed her eyes for a long time before she calmed down.She felt a tingling pain on her forehead. She touched it and found that it had been bandaged. There were many wounds all over her body, big and small, and they should be treated well.Looking aroundWith a click, the door outside was opened. In the dim light, Lucas\'s tall figure overlapped his figure when he went to save her yesterday.Sandy couldn\'t help but feel hot in her eyes. She held back her tears and looked at t
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Chapter 127
Since she had asked three questions in a row, Thea had been silent for a long time. It was not until Sandy thought that she had hung up the phone that she asked softly, \"Sandy, do you really know nothing?\"His tone was full of cautiousness and doubt. Sandy sensed it and felt a little depressed inexplicably. She asked, \"should I know something?\"\"Alas...\" Thea sighed and seemed to be a little worried. \"I heard from Henry that you stole business secrets. You\'d better go to Steves Group and make it clear to Henry. In fact, I don\'t know what happened...\"Before Thea finished her words, Sandy felt completely confused.The business secrets of Blue City... Were they stolen by her?Why didn\'t she know that she had stolen a business secret?There seemed to be flashes. Sandy squinted her eyes and looked around, but she didn\'t find anything unusual.This was not a hospital, but the office floor of Lucas on the forty-eight floor of Johnson Group. Last night, she slept in the lou
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Chapter 128
Henry\'s face darkened.He had been in the X city. Something happened there and stopped him. But such a big thing happened in the company this time, so he had to come back in advance. He had thought that there might be something wrong, so he wanted to talk with Sandy back. But her indifferent attitude made him even more angry. Thinking of the photo in Liane\'s phone just now, Henry felt blue veins on his forehead almost burst. \"Sandy, stop it!\"With the support of Henry, the Director Edwards became more confident in speaking. \"I know that Ms. Smith is just not convinced now. In fact, Ms. Smith, we don\'t wrongly accuse anyone casually. If there is a witness and evidence, let Sophie speak out, so that Ms. Smith can know what has happened.\"Hearing the words of Director Edwards, Sophie, who had been wearing a long face all the time, finally came out. \"Mr. Steves has been on a business trip for a few days, and Ms. Smith has come to see Ms. Steves. But Mr. Steves is not in the offi
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Chapter 129
That was to say, except for Sophie, only she and Liane entered Henry\'s office. In the end, she only saw a divorce agreement on Henry\'s desk, not the result of the negotiation in Blue CityIt was her! It\'s Liane! It was she who replaced the documents! She framed her!Sandy walked over and played the video of Liane again. She didn\'t want to miss every detail in it.Liane did go in, and two times. For the first time, she just looked around Henry\'s office and went out after sitting on the sofa for a while. The second time she came in, she looked out of the French window for a while. Then she went to the back of Henry\'s desk, but she came out in only ten seconds. She didn\'t take anything with her. In the video, the white A4 paper was still there. Except that her figure in the middle could see the shadow from the branches and leaves, there was nothing else.But there was one! Sandy knew very well that Liane had exchanged that document in such a short time!The next video was that
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Chapter 130
\"So, since Mr. Steves is here, Director Edwards can judge right from wrong. Without asking me what happened to the person involved in this matter, he can directly conclude that I have stolen the company\'s business secrets. And I just exercise my rights and interests as a shareholder properly, which makes Director Edwards angry?\" Sandy sneered and glanced at the people in the office.She didn\'t know how many of them were Henry\'s confidants who had been invited to help. But coincidentally, she saw the interaction between Director Edwards and Liane.What\'s Liane\'s role in this matter?!\"Sandy, it\'s not up to you whether to fire the employees or not.\" Henry said coldly all of a sudden.Sandy couldn\'t hold back her anger anymore and sneered, \"okay.\"Hearing Henry\'s words, Director Edwards became more confident. \"Since Ms. Smith is so stubborn, why don\'t we all come to see the evidence of Miss Liane? I just hope that Ms. Smith can still be so eloquent later!\"The mocke
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