All Chapters of Forced Marriage: Just Want to Spoil Her: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
230 Chapters
Chapter 131
In front of so many employees of Steves Group, what Sandy had done was a huge cuckold. It was all his fault!\"What else do you want to say?\" Henry\'s face was gloomy and his voice was as cold as ice. \"Sandy, don\'t think that I will forgive you. I really want to divorce you right now. I wish I had never known you!\"Sandy\'s heart skipped a beat at his words. How she wished she had never known him\"Yes, that\'s why I proposed to divorce you the other day when I saw you and Miss Liane being together affectionately. Didn\'t you unilaterally refuse to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau? That\'s why I came to your office to look for you.\" Sandy clenched her fists tightly and put them on her side. \"Henry, it\'s you who insisted on not divorcing me. Why do you say that I insist on pestering you?\"\"You!\" Henry looked at the woman in front of him, as if he had never seen her clearly. \"Sandy, what else do you want to argue about this time?\"\"Excuse?\" Sandy said with a cold face, \
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Chapter 132
As soon as she finished her words, she began to sob softly, which made Henry\'s heart soften. He couldn\'t help but look at Sandy with sharp eyes. \"Sandy, don\'t look at Liane with your dirty mind. She is much purer and kinder than you!\"\"Pure and kind...\" Sandy repeated in a low voice, but her eyes were cold.Henry had never seen Sandy like this before. His heart trembled and he suddenly had a strange feeling. He didn\'t want to see Sandy being forced like this. But looking at Liane, he forced himself to make up his mind. Sandy was a vicious and despicable woman. If she wanted to hurt Liane, how could he let her get what she wanted!\"Well, I have seen all the evidence today. At this point, there is only one last evidence left, that is, the confession from Steves Group!\"Sandy sneered, \"the things you just took out can\'t prove that I have sold Steves Group. Apart from that, do you have any evidence to prove that I have dealt with Steves Group recently?\"She looked at Lian
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Chapter 133
Liane\'s face changed as soon as Thea came in. Judging from her attitude towards Sandy, Jean\'s face turned more gloomy when she thought of the call he had made to Henry that day. She bit her lips and looked at Thea tearfully. \"Mrs. Steves, you misunderstood me. I didn\'t bully Sandy...\"Thea stared at her coldly, making her stop crying. Then she turned to Henry and said, \"Henry, ask this woman to leave here right now. I don\'t want to see her again. I feel uncomfortable.\"Henry frowned. Liane\'s eyes were full of grievance. She had meant well today and had been forced to separate the two of them. Liane\'s family was not as good as Sandy\'s, but she was bullied by his mother like this. He took a deep breath and clenched his fists, \"Mom, I know you don\'t like Liane, but she didn\'t do anything wrong. It\'s me who forced her to be with me. In the past, when you treated her like that, she never complained. Why did you continue to make things difficult for her? Now, we don\'t need
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Chapter 134
Then Henry played the video about Sandy again.\"Before she came here, the documents were put on my desk, but she took them away secretly. Later, the harbor owner, who had already negotiated with our Steves Group, changed his mind and asked for the Johnson Group\'s house. Mom, do you know how much our Steves Group will pay for it? Half of the Steves Group\'s property is almost destroyed here! Do you still want to help this despicable woman, Group! ”Thea\'s body trembled and her face turned pale as she watched the video that Sandy stole the document. She had believed in Sandy, but when she saw that it was her who took the document away\"Sandy...\" Thea looked at the silent Sandy with hesitation. \"Tell me, did you do this?\"Looking at the video in front of her, Thea began to waver in her determination. Was it really Sandy this timeLooking at Thea\'s suspicious eyes, Sandy felt bitter in her heart. She shook her head and said, \"I didn\'t do it. I told you that the document I to
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Chapter 135
She had a lot of thoughts in her mind. How could she accept such a good opportunity to let Sandy win!She bit her lips, and her eyes were red and swollen, which made people want to pity her more. Suddenly, she reached out her hand and touched Henry\'s face with pity. She looked straight at Sandy and said, \"Sandy, are you satisfied now? You are unscrupulous just because Mrs. Steves likes you! Touch your conscience. Do you really deserve the love of Mrs. Steves for you?\"She turned around again and looked at Thea with a bitter smile. \"Mrs. Steves, I have never blamed you for treating me like that. Even if you still want me to leave now, I won\'t complain. I love Henry. I\'m afraid that someone will hurt him. Once someone loses the rein, will you really bear a greater disaster?\"Thea\'s face changed slightly when she heard her last sentence.Liane was about to leave when Henry stopped her. What happened this time made him more determined to divorce Sandy!He said coldly, \"Mom, t
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Chapter 136
Is she really okay?This time, she had no expectation of this place at all.No one could treat her well except Thea and Cindy\"Then what happened on the construction site yesterday...\" Cindy noticed that there was something wrong with her expression and asked tentatively, \"did you tell them?\"\"Will anyone believe it?\" Sandy shook her head. Just now, they had irrefutable evidence. A photo even explained her motive for stealing business secrets\"Cindy, I feel a little uncomfortable and my brain is in a mess. I want to be alone.\" Sandy took a deep breath.Cindy looked at her worriedly and finally nodded. \"Okay, Sandy, you can leave now. I will tell you immediately if anything happens in the company.\"Seeing that Sandy entered the elevator and the door closed, Cindy hurried to a corner and dialed a number.As soon as the line was connected, she couldn\'t wait to say, \"Mr. Johnson...\"……As Sandy walked out of the Steves Group, she could see people instructing her all
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Chapter 137
The woman Sandy knew was the daughter of the middle-aged man next to her, Mr Griffiths, Kamila. She had just returned from America this year. Just now, when she saw Lucas\'s ball go into the hole, she looked at Lucas. The warmth in her eyes made Sandy understand what it meant. For a moment, she felt a little dazzling.When Lucas was in front of her, she came to her senses. She looked at Lucas and asked hesitantly, \"I... did I disturb you?\"Lucas fixed his eyes on Sandy.He knew clearly what had happened to Sandy after she left him today. His clear eyes were full of sadness and grievance. He knew that she had something to ask him for help.He said indifferently, \"since we\'re already here, Ms. Smith\'s words are meaningless.\"She couldn\'t tell how he was feeling from his tone. In the car just now, she was thinking about putting forward her request when he was in a good mood, but now\"Mr. Johnson, I have something to ask you for help. I got a call from the Johnson Group today
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Chapter 138
Even though he had pretended to keep a distance from Sandy, Mr Griffiths could tell at a glance that something was wrong between the two. Thinking of the purpose of asking Lucas out today, she was a little unhappy with what Lucas had done, but her mind was hidden in her stomach. She still smiled on the surface and even asked Lucas with some ambiguity, \"Lucas, I think this lady is obedient to you. Are you two...\"He didn\'t say anything else.Lucas didn\'t notice that Kamila\'s face changed slightly after hearing Mr Griffiths\' words. He raised his eyebrows slightly and seemed to be surprised. \"Is she so obvious?\"Mr Griffiths was rendered speechless. But no matter what, he couldn\'t answer the two words \"obviously\". If he said \"obviously\", and today he came in the name of helping his daughter to have a blind date, wasn\'t it a slap in his face? His face darkened.Kamila could tell that her father was a little unhappy, but she had already fallen in love with the man in front
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Chapter 139
\"Well...\" Sandy didn\'t know what to say and shook her head. \"No, no, no... I don\'t want to know.\"The smile at the corners of Lucas\'s mouth faded. It seemed that he didn\'t hear Sandy\'s words. He looked down at the golf club that Sandy was using and said lightly, \"Mr Griffiths wants me to have a blind date with his daughter. Let\'s meet today.\"His voice was so slow that Sandy didn\'t know whether he was happy or not.But she had seen Kamila\'s attitude just now. If it weren\'t for the rules of a lady, she would have pounced on Lucas.She didn\'t know why Sandy felt uncomfortable as long as she thought of this. She frowned subconsciously.Noticing that she didn\'t look well, Lucas felt much better. He changed the topic, trying not to push her too hard. He smiled at her and raised the golf club in his hand. \"It seems that only I can teach you. Other coaches don\'t dare to pick you up.\"Sandy followed his words and looked around. As he had expected, all the coaches on t
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Chapter 140
Lucas also turned his head and looked at the woman who was trying to grasp the key point not far away. He approached her on purpose just now, but she didn\'t immediately dodge as before. Was this a progress?The smoke blurred his charming eyes. Lucas said indifferently, \"she doesn\'t need to go anywhere. I\'m enough for her.\"He wasn\'t a man who could say sweet words, but Kamila could feel his affection from his words. Was he saying that that woman didn\'t need anything good because he liked her like this?She was frightened by her own thoughts and took a step back. Tears were streaming down her face. She gritted her teeth and said, \"Lucas, if you don\'t catch me, but catch that woman, you will regret one day!\"After saying that, she didn\'t want to face the cold man in front of her anymore. She turned around and ran madly to the lounge.Behind him, Lucas indifferently clamped the cigarette ends with his fingers, and then casually threw them into the nearby trash can. When he
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