All Chapters of Rise of Athena : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
230 Chapters
Chapter 61
The day had finally arrived. The whole town was bustling with activities and so was the temple. Guests left their rooms and went back into it after the large breakfast and some of them milled about in the hall while talking about different things. They were all dressed up for the service at the temple and they all waited a bit for their vehicles to be arranged before going into their various cars. Daniel and Ciara were walking hand in hand. Ciara was dressed in a blue taffeta gown that screamed royalty. As they walked out of the palace, they stylishly checked around to see if Athena was anywhere in sight. "Do you think it's okay for her to be addressed as King? I find it really weird that she'd be called King. I mean, what's wrong in being called a Queen?" Daniel asked and got a look from the porter standing by the door. Ciara sighed. "Can you all let the young woman do whatever she wants to do? She's the ruling one and can make any decision she wants. She can d
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Chapter 62
Alexander was already set and he was planning on going discreetly to the temple so he would be unrecognizable. Last night was quite stressful for him as he had gone around the whole of Antarti to stamp talismans at different points that were an opening into the spirit realm and he just hoped no one had seen him. Once he was done dressing up, he checked himself in the mirror. He had worn a cloak with a high collar to conceal his face from being seen or recognisable as he was not ready to show his face yet. He had planned on doing that the next day. As he was about to step out of his room, he bumped into the same old woman from yesterday. She was also dressed like she was prepared for some party or the sorts. "Out to snatch the young ladies, are you?" She said while wiggling her brows. Alexander gave her a fake smile. He wasn't interested in any conversation with her but he had to indulge for a few moments. "Nah, not really. I already have a mate." "Ouh, is th
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Chapter 63
An ancient carriage, which had been cleaned up, polished and repainted throttled through the street and people walking by stopped to gaze at the grandiose carriage in awe. "I told you that a limo would be fine. Why did I even agree to this nonsense?" Athena complained. She hated that they had to do this. Damien, who was seated beside her, shrugged. As the carriage moved, they were juggled continuously. He initially hadn't been interested in this idea as it had been brought up by the elders as a way to preserve the old tradition. Athena, who had been absent at the meeting due to preparations, had been informed by Damien after the meeting that the usage of the old carriage had been proposed to transport her to the temple. Out of curiosity, she had requested to see the so-called carriage and when it had been shown to her, she turned down the proposal. The elders had found a way to make her not disagree with it. They had used her absence in the meeting against her, tell
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Chapter 64
Ciara, who had been anticipating the dinner, whined. She had promised the women she had been speaking with a few moments ago that she would be sitting with them at the dinner table. "But I told these women I'd be joining them after the service. I already did." Alexander wasn't even listening to her. He began to walk out of the temple and the couple followed after him. Ciara made sure to ignore her husband as they walked out of the nearly empty temple. "Where's the car?" Alexander asked amidst the noise from the crowd of people who were watching the carriage leave the temple gates. "The first line!" Daniel called out. Alexander nodded and turned to look at the carriage and as it passed by him, his eyes caught Athena's and he drew in a sharp breath and turned away immediately. He was sure that Athena had seen him because her eyes widened and she craned her neck. On the other hand, Athena, while the foot men hurried the horse out of the temple gates, stared
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Chapter 65
Athena knew she had seen someone familiar as the carriage drove her out of the temple. The familiar blue eyes, chiseled and clean shaven jaw and the stance. It had to be him. Maybe it wasn't him. Maybe it was someone else who looked like him or a spirit. They had just arrived at the palace and once they had been assisted out of the carriage, Damien went over to the guards to give them instructions. As for Athena, she proceeded into the palace with two of her special guards flanking her. This had been done to protect her from any sort of attacker as these were delicate times. "I want you all to be alert. Remember the man who came here early this morning?" They all nodded. "I don't know if he's telling the truth or if he's a spy or if he's using this as a sort of distraction. I just want you all to be alert, okay?" "Yes, sir." They chorused. Damien made sure to look around for any suspicious activities before proceeding into the palace. The table was al
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Chapter 66
A car cruised down the street before it stopped in front of a shop. A tall man wearing a baseball hat was let out and he entered the shop before the car continued moving. "Are you going to keep ignoring me for the whole day?. Alexander is no longer here to be an intermediary." Daniel complained. Ciara was the one driving and she felt her fist clench on the steering wheel. She had changed from her very beautiful gown to combat outfits and boots, thanks to Daniel who had kept spare clothing in the car trunk for situations like these. She wasn't going to thank him. "I have no idea, Daniel. Whatever information we'd be communicating to each other shouldn't exceed the duty we have to carry out." Daniel nodded and folded his hand. If she was going to ignore him, then so be it. "So what's the plan?" Ciara asked. "I thought we already discussed the plan with Alexander? What other plan?" "The plan after the main plan. Don't you think people would notice that I'm
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Chapter 67
Few days ago, a few people had gone missing and the culprit had made sure to pick the right set of people; Orphans, people living alone and mentally deranged people that moved around without supervision. Zeus had commanded his men to abduct three different sets of people as the witch had instructed. He had no idea what she needed it for but if it was going to make him take his rightful place in Antarti, he was ready to sacrifice the whole humans. Nobody knew he was a werewolf. He had concealed it so well that it was hard to identify who he really was. During the time he had first come into this civilization, humans had been the ones to dominate this place. But he had come here, gathered rogues and omegas and told them about his promised position as King in Antarti. He had mastered the art of manipulation and this way, he had convinced the men that he was the rightful King and told them how he had been maltreated by the people and treated like he didn't matter. H
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Chapter 68
Throughout the evening, guests talked in low tones and in whispers. And as much as Athena tried to tune out their voices, she just couldn't help but listen to what they were saying. "Isn't it strange how a woman is becoming Queen? I'm not surprised that all this is happening." A woman had said as Athena was about to enter into her study. She had stopped to eavesdrop on their conversation even though it was in no way her business. "What's happening? I've been hearing a lot of things since this morning. What's going on? Everyone refuses to speak." A sigh followed before the first speaker spoke. "Well, it is heard that there might be a war. My husband was talking with one of his very good friends. Alpha of Blood moon pack and they said something in regards to how a woman King is a taboo. It seemed like in the past, a woman had tried to become King. She was killed. He thinks that's what's going to happen." "What did I hear about the rise of a witch?" "I have no ide
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Chapter 69
"It feels good to be back here!" Zeus cried out as the truck zoomed into the wide open gates of Antarti. All had gone as planned. "I remember my last time here. I left because I was seen as weak and incapable of ruling this great Kingdom." He said with disdain and pure hate in his voice. "But now, they have made a woman, a weaker vessel, their King. How abominable? How could they ever choose a strange woman over their rightful heir?!" Zeus' right hand man, Prometheus, who was seated beside him and trying to endure his master's eerily loud voice, leaned towards him and whispered into his ears. "I heard that she is the King's first and legitimate daughter, my Lord." Zeus cast a dirty glance his way and the man cleared his throat and composed himself while trying to look away from his master. "You better shut up when I am speaking. I remember commanding you to speak only when I asked you to. Why do you defy me?" "I am sorry, my Lord. It is my fault that I have chosen
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Chapter 70
"What did she say?" Damien asked Daniel as soon as he finished communicating with his wife. Daniel turned to him. "Things are getting fucked up as time goes on. There's a spirit already in Antarti but she doesn't know which." Damien's defenses rose. "How the hell did it happen, then?! I thought your King shut all the portals?!" "He didn't shut the portals. He blocked it with talismans. We don't know how powerful the spirits are! And don't you yell at me. We are here to help even if we have more knowledge about what's going on than y'all, we do not know it all." Damien sighed and slapped his hand on his face. He was obviously frustrated from all that was happening. He had planned for today and tomorrow to be one of the greatest days in the Antarti history but all these going on? He hadn't planned for it. "Okay, fine. I'm sorry. I just got worked up and all. What do we do?" Daniel nodded. He understood Damien's plight. "I have to commune with my Alpha. He
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