All Chapters of Rise of Athena : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
230 Chapters
Chapter 71
"I am going to need one more person to be used. Now that the evil girl is dead, they are incomplete." Witch had said before sending out a few men to find someone. In less than three hours, the warriors that had been sent out returned with a sickly man. He had been found along the road and was at the point of death. Thinking these warriors had come to save him, it was shocking for him to be brought here. "Why am I here? Why am I here?!" The man cried out wildly. He was thrown on the ground and he stood on his knees, eyes wide and frantic and they fleeted over the other people standing there and watching him. "What is going on?" The man stood up and grabbed one of the abductees. He shook the man wildly but the man only burst into tears. The witch was irritated by this display so she turned and immediately began the rituals. It was almost evening and she needed to be done before the full moon. Her next destination after this sacrifice was Antarti and she neede
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Chapter 72
His groan could be heard from afar off. Damien and Daniel heard the grunt of pain as they drove to the palace, Ciara also heard it from where she was in the forest. They all got worried. Recognizing the groan to belong to their Alpha, Ciara sent her men off and drove in the other direction where tje cliff was located. She needed to find Alexander and see if he was alright. "Did you hear that?" Zeus asked as he stood before the window. "Yes, my Lord. Sounds like a wounded beast." The clouds were still gathering fiercely and the wind blew against the window to create a rhythm. Prometheus shut the curtains and led Zeus to the couch. "Whatever is going on isn't ordinary," Zeus said as he was deep in thought. "Of course, it isn't. The witch must have done something to cause this chaos." "If it is she, then I have no problem. I'm sure it is to our benefit. She already promised." Prometheus nodded but he didn't believe a word that woman said. He kept
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Chapter 73
From where she sat at the porch of the second storey, Athena saw the trucks that had driven out come back in and immediately, she stood to her feet. Her warriors began to jump out of the trunk and soon, Damien and Daniel were hurrying out of the car and into the palace. In order not to look like she was tense or nervous, Athena maintained her sitting position. Damien had seen her so she knew he was going to come up to meet her and like she had predicted, he did so. "My Lord," Damien began as he came to stand by her side. Daniel stood at the door with hands folded behind him. "Something is wrong." "From the nature of the weather, I am well aware that something is wrong. Why are you all back by this time?" "It seems like the portals weren't all closed. Damien here told me that his Alpha didn't know the strength of the spirits and if there were other portals. We discovered late that there was a portal at the main gates." Athena rose from her seat slowly. "An
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Chapter 74
Crickets chirped and the night wind blew as thick, dark smoke rose in the air. The cave was pitch black and dead bodies lay on the ground, their blood, washed away by the lightning that had eaten them up. The trucks that had crashed against one another had water and oil trickling from it and onto the ground to form a pool of water coated with an oily rainbow membrane. From one of the mangled vehicles, a door fell to the ground with a crash and someone stepped out of the truck looking eerie. It was one of the warriors. He wasn't dead after all but he had a deathly look and was pale to the core. The skin surrounding his eyes had traces of blood and his hair had thinned so noticeably. Snarling, it began to move away from the truck in the northern direction that led to the entrance of the forest and soon, other similar looking men who had been warriors pushed out of the trucks as they followed the trail of the first person. It was nearing evening and there was no sign
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Chapter 75
Trevor knew he must travel as fast as he could to beat time. So as soon as he was out of the Antarti gates, he began to run with great speed, whizzing past buildings and structures trees as he left raised dust in his wake. He traveled through the darkness and his eyes were his only source of enhanced vision. In less than two hours, he had gotten to his destination. He stopped when he got to the entrance of the forest of desolation, breathing heavily and trying to catch his breath. He had to be careful while entering this forest or he would be eaten up by wraiths and evil spirits. He had no idea where the cave was located but he knew he was going to have to try his luck. He looked around him before proceeding into the forest. It was dark and crickets chirped, followed by the croak of frogs in the nearby streams. Trevor pushed past bushes as he made his way into the deepest parts of the forest. As he moved deeper into the forest, he felt like things weren't as bad
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Chapter 76
All night, Athena tossed in bed. She couldn't sleep. All that ran through her mind was the attack she felt was going to come upon Antarti. Infact, she had a lot of things in her head and she couldn't quite place them properly. She was afraid. Athena had never admitted being afraid to anyone and sometimes, she lied to herself that she could take care of literally anything. So it made sense that she could feel intense fear tonight. Shivers ran down her spine and the more she tried to sleep, the more sleep evaded her. She made a final turn and was facing the window. The curtains weren't drawn as she had asked her maid not to touch it. As she looked out of her window, her eyes fleeted over the night stars that seemed to be prominent tonight. After a few minutes of watching the dark skies, she began to feel a sense of relief. Her eyes were trained on the nearly full moon as tomorrow was going to be a full moon and the time she would be crowned King. Slowly,
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Chapter 77
"Did you hear that?" Ciara who had been sleeping on the couch immediately sat up. She had been asleep but tbe piercing cry of a strange creature tore through the air and woke her up. It was Alex who had asked that question and Ciara immediately left the chair she was seated on to check on him. "You're awake," She whispered and also checked Daniel. But the man was in a deep sleep. Turning back her attention to Alex, she asked. "Are you good? How do you feel?" "Peachy." Alex replied. "Though, I wonder if Daniel feels the same way. I was able to tap into his dreams and he's having quite a nightmare. Don't wake him up. His nightmares are a form of visions." "I know." Ciara replied. "What's a Wyvern doing here at this time? They are only present in winter and blood moons." Alex sat up with a bit of difficulty but he was okay. He looked at the narrow tube connected to his arms and then at Ciara who sighed and gently pulled it off. She wiped his broken skin with
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Chapter 78
The cry of the bird kept piercing into the air from time to time and this woke people up. Inhabitants of Antarti were all wide awake and they either peeked through the slightly opened curtains or wide opened windows. Some of the men stepped outside and were talking as they stared into the night skies. "A Wyvern hasn't flown into Antarti for thirty years. What is it doing here?" Yuri, one of the men in the group, more outspoken, asked no one in particular. "Whenever it does, it means that whoever is going to reign would have an interesting one." "Note that being interesting doesn't mean it's going to be a good reign. There might be wars, lots of death, misunderstanding and Royal battles and there might also be economic growth, celebrations and victory. But we do not know which." Henry sighed. He was an astrologer but that had been a long time ago. Though he still predicted through the stars, he didn't fully practice astrology. All of the men were looking at him alr
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Chapter 79
"A Wyvern appeared for the first time ages ago. Around 800 AD. It came with a storm and piercing cry and human beings seeing the large creature as a threat, began finding ways to bring it to its death." Everyone who was seated at the empty dining table was listening. It was almost four o'clock and the inhabitants of the palace were awake. The people at the table consisted mostly of men, female shamans and other women of influence. As usual, Athena sat at the head of the table. They all listened as one of the oldest historians spoke. "The first place it appeared was in Northern Europe. The Celtic region. Those were the first people who saw it. A lot of people saw it as the end of the world while the mighty King of Cornwall saw it as something to defeat. They waged war on the Wyvern and the men lost as the Wyvern consumed them all with flames or scattered their battle ground with its large, powerful talons. People died a lot and for years, fighting this Wyvern seemed to be f
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Chapter 80
It smelt on the air. The wind of celebration. The spirit of festivity. Though it couldn't be compared to the Festival Of The Lunatic, everyone was anticipating this. Not just because they were excited but because they were curious. They wanted to witness the crowning of the first woman as King in Antarti and people had traveled from far and wide to witness this special occasion. Athena had been awoken by her maids as early as six. And that was because they wanted to make all the necessary adjustments to her dress. She had been used as a mannequin all morning while the rest of the people slept. Once they were done with her fitting, she jumped back into her bed and went back to sleep. Alexander was up as early as five. When he woke up, he opened the curtains and began to dress up. He needed to move around as he had been immobile for a long time. Daniel and Ciara had left yesterday and in all honesty, Alexander couldn't remember the details of yesterday night as
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