All Chapters of A Little Different : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
90 Chapters
chapter 31 Grey lenses
Jude who was about to pick up glass of water stopped mid wayI don't wanna go there!that was the first thing that came in her mind.Those place held memories......Really bad and painful ones.Seeing Jude's reaction Lorah could only sigh in sadness.3 has been three still she is running away from it.but was she to be blamed? hell no! She was the victim to the cruelty which not only dragged her but her husband too."Jude!" Lorah opened her mouth to say something but before she could Jude stood up and turned around."i won't go there!""neither i am telling you to do so!'s just.......running away isn't a solution." Jude was a smart girl so Lorah didn't need to say any further.She always listened to her logics instead of emotions but sometimes emotions gets the best of her."Lorah!" "Yeah Jude?" "Should i...... should i go there?"Jude turned around and looked at LorahLorah lowered her gaze as if she was thinking before looking back up"You know Derek once t
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chapter 32 the beauty
" but mam the last time we did that our stocks fell very badly causing us to drop from the first rank to second"This wasn't the first time the media talked about jude and it wouldn't certainly be the last.She was the most successful business woman having first rank but then the media starter talking about her life.When Jude sued them people started reacting badly. They were extremely curious about this 24 year old woman but seeing that she wasn't allowing that made them hate herJude sat back rubbing her eyes in frustration."Okay so instead schedule a press conference."Tracy couldn't help but frown.What her boss next move was always a mystery to her. Jude was too much what you call unpredictable but Tracy knew better to not question her boss unless it harms the interest of the company so she quietly nodded and turned to leave but paused and turned back "Mam are you wearing lenses?" "Why do you ask?" questioned jude"Oh it's just i never imagined you with blue eyes" Oh shit!
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chapter 33 jackass
"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Lorah asked while taking the sunglasses away from Jude."Yup! i am sure" Jude said and was about to walk out but stopped.she turned back around "please don't let Derek walk out. i don't want him to be involved in this" Lorah nodded as Jude gave her a small smile before turning and walking out of the door.if any normal person would be where Jude was stanidng the flashes of light would have startled him and would have made their eyes itch but Jude was used to it.very elegantly she took her seat as all the reporters held in a breathThis woman is more beautiful up close!She was the kind of beauty one would forget to blink and breath if they are lookingJude moved around her eyeballs scanning the surroundings before speaking"Today I have called for this conference to revel few facts about myself" "Miss Williams is it true that you sued all the channels that were reveling information about your past and if you did so why did you decided to held a p
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chapter 34 fragile ego
Derek tightened his hold on Jude. No matter how naughty Derek is one warning from his mother is all what it takes to make him behave."Sorry Mama"Derek said with his best puppy tone melting away all the reporters heart."Well! No direct question for my son. Resume please"Jude said as the reporters asked few thingsLike what she likes,what she doesn't."Mrs Hamada. Is being a mother to a lovely boy is what prevents you from resuming your love life"Jude blood boiled in anger.What a vicious attack coated with sweet words.He was basically saying that Derek is a hurdle for her and her love life.Jude took a deep breath trying to calm the rage inside her."Are you asking what hardships a mother goes through?"Jude tried to change the topic of question. She basically gave this bald reporter a chance to repent but he was too stupid to do so"No Mrs Hamada i asked is you being a single mother doesn't allow you to date" That's it! "Tell me does being bald stop you from living?" Jude rep
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chapter 35 blind date
Jude sat at her desk in her office eating a bar of her favorite chocolate while going through some documents.Jack sat on the sofa near by and kept glaring at her.If glaring could do harm then Jude would have been in ICU by now."Stop glaring at me" Jude said without looking at Jack."How can i not?you would really have cut me open if i wouldn't have bribed you with curtains of your favorite chocolate."Jude looked at her right where 4 boxes of her favorite chocolate were laying "it was a good bribe. anyway i wouldn't have got anything by killing you" Jack was furious at his sister's comment"You are unbelievable" Jude couldn't careless about her noisy and nosy brother who kept complaining speaking of being nosy"The reporters today.....none of them asked questions about my family or my backgrounds"Jack who was complaining about how rude Jude was to him stoppedA smirk appeared on Jude's face.So it is as she had thought"What are you talking about?" He asked in such a clueless
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chapter 36 is he your boyfriend?
"Yeah papa i got work to do. Bye"with that she hung up the phone. there was no way in this world that her father would send a stranger to her house.She sat down on her chair and tried doing some work but Jack's words kept bugging her.After about two hours of not being able to do anything Jude threw herself back on chair and yelled.Why is everything like this?Her mind is a mess but she can't let it be messed for too long.leaning forward she opened her laptop and entered www.The.GIRL.UNDERCOVER.comIt's been 3 years since she last wrote something on her page. why you might ask?A company and a child! raising these two together is sure too much in one plate.Her blog which had over 10 million followers went crazy after she disappeared. It felt nostalgic and weird seeing her blog after such along time.looks like her followers had decreased. well she is to blame for itThere were alot of thousands messages but it wasn't like she was going to read themBut still she opened the one o
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chapter 37 wants to get married?
well this was getting really awkward and Derek wasn't being helpful "Did you finish breakfast? if not then no pocky" "NOOOOOO"Derek yelled as he ran back inside to finish his breakfast"i knew your son was handful but i didn't knew that he could embarrass you like that"Jude shot a glare to Alexander causing him to lift his hands in air showing that he had surrendered "can you please send my blind date?" Jude wanted the earth to open up and swallow her. it would be better than taking all this embarrassment"You got the wrong address" she lied and tried shutting the door but Alexander quickly put his leg in between not letting her do so"I am not mistaken. you are Mr Williams daughter right? do you think i am stupid?" "If you knee why did you lie?" Jude asked"i wanted to see whether my old classmate would be happy to invite me in her house but looks like she wouldn't"Well this was even more embarrassingsure Jude like privacy but she wasn't someone who would be disrespectful."
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chapter 38 coward
Jude glared at Alexander. Derek was just a kid. he isn't like one of those kids in the typical romance novels who are very intelligent.Derek is a sensitive child.a completely normal child. He always asks who and where his father is which is the hardest question of Jude's life. How can Jude have the heart to tell Derek the truth?Even if she tells him he is too young to understand.suddenly Derek turned around and run away from the kitchen leaving her and Alexander dumbstruck."Jude i..." Alexander wanted to apologize but before he could Jude decided otherwise."get out! Get the hell out! who do you think you are? Are you stupid? how can you say something like that to a child? don't even dare to say sorry or i would crack your head open. Get out of my sight thus instant" Jude didn't and wouldn't regret any of those words.Alexander knew very well that saying anything would only make things worse.Quietly he got up and turned to leave but stopped."There us something i need to
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chapter 39 unexplainable emotion
"you are so rude!" Derek complained catching Kristopher's attention.Alexander quickly shushed and pushed him behind himself"You son is quiet naughty but is also coward. hiding behind you"Kristopher said pissing Derek offHe quickly stepped out and stared at Kristopher straight in the eyes."I am not a coward. neither is my mother" Derek said the last part looking at Alexander whom was shocked by his words.but the actual person hit by a truck was Kristopher. Cause in front of him stood a boy who was carbon copy of someone he know but with only one difference.His eyes were grey unlike his mother but he still stood out from others just like his mother His breath got stuck in his throat."Who is your wife?" Kristopher asked Alexander.It was obvious. Who wouldn't recognize if the carbon copy of person you love or more like are obsessed with shows up in front of you.Kristopher had always wanted to see picture of Jude's son but Jude never let a single photo of him get out.she was
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chapter 40 Our son
Kristopher had to reluctantly i also might add let go of Alexander's collar"How are you feeling?" Alexander asked worriedJude just glared at him and Alexander had to take that as the answer."Derek!" she called as he came running"Let's go!" she said"No!" both Alexander and Kristopher said in unison and then looked at each other"I mean you need to get treated" Alexander said"I refuse to get checked at a hospital owned by Farmington family" "This is your hospital" Alexander looked at KristopherHe felt stupid. he wanted to help Jude but instead he messed things upJude didn't bother with the two man in front of her as she wanted to get out but Kristopher blocked her way"get treated first"Jude didn't had the energy to deal with him so she just moved aside and started walking but once again Kristopher blocked her way"What's wrong with getting check up here?"He didn't want Jude to go without getting checked.although he was worried it would be a lie if he said he didn't had ot
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