All Chapters of A Little Different : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
90 Chapters
chapter 81 i have a papa?
"Don't go on your phone Jude" Kristopher said taking phone from her hands and pushing the tray of breakfast in front of her"Did you already file a case?" Jude took the tray and sighed. She didn't have any appetite"yup!" "It has begin...hasn't it.... the twisted game we were trying to escape"Kristopher huffed and brought the fork holding pancake which he sliced to Jude's lips. Jude pouted but ate it anyway."Oh i found this USB in the car" Jude handed Kristopher which Celine had given him"Throw it away. Celine gave it to me saying something extremely stupid. it's probably a virus or something" Jude narrowed her eyes at the USB. Celine knew Kristopher wasn't stupid and she also knew if she had placed some virus in it kristopher would find out. Giving him this USB didn't made any sense."Jude..." Kristopher took away the USB and placed it on the sidr table. "Yes" Now He had Jude's full attention. something he loves the most."I have a wish. Can you fulfill it?" Jude could clea
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chapter 82 Once More
that innocent question melted everyone heart."Yes off course you have a papa Derek. Do you want to meet him?" Derek eagerly shook his head saying yesJude looked at Kristopher signalling him to come forwardKristopher though nervous scooted down and pulled Derek towards him"I am your Papa derek""Where were you all this time papa? why didn't you come and meet me? didn't you miss me and mama?" Those weren't just innocent questions and innocent feelings.Pure feelings...."Yes i missed you....i missed you and your mama sooo much that i could barely hold on. that is why i came back as fast as i could" Kristopher could barely hold his composer "Where were you?"Kristopher had no answer to this question that was when Jude scooted beside him "I had sent your papa to gather all the love in this world for you. He recently just finished gathering it all and came back to meet you" "Wow... I love you so much Papa!" Derek exclaimed and Kristopher lost his composer and pulled Derek in a
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chapter 83 Dark
"Wowww Papa! you got me all this?" Derek looked through the gifts his Papa got him. It really made Kristopher happy to see his son getting all excited about these small gifts. " Wow wow wow i love this cars. It's my favorite color yellow. How did Papa know i like yellow? did Mama tell you?""Yes your mama told me""What else did she told you about me?" for some reason it really intrigued Kristopher that Derek was curious how much his papa knows about him.Was Derek testing him or what?"Well i know you like yellow. but your favorite hero is thor. You hate vegetables but eats them because you are afraid of your mama scolding you. your favorite dessert is pocky and mango delight. you hate pants and prefer shorts....""Papa you know so much about me"As quickly as Derek said that all excited and happy similarly he started weeping with running nose startling the fuck out of Kristopher"Derek did i do something wrong? did i miss something? listen i am sorry . don't cry"Derek shook hi
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chapter 84 family picture
Kristopher felt his blood boil"You passed me information from her even after knowing what going on or is it that you don't have access to internet?""Sir! i didn't just pass it on to you. i found evidence. what she said was all true and...""And what?"The detective was hesitant as the information he was about to pass on was extremely sensitive"sir i don't know if i should tell you this or not""tell me""She told me that Jude's first projects were and her""What?!!!!" "To confirm it she said to check the USB she gave you"She is reason why yours and my life are miserable.those words rang in his ears.It was true when Kristopher tried remembering anything from his initial years he meets dead ends but since it was the same for Celine he never paid attention "Kris...Kris?!" snapping back to reality he looked up and found Jude"Where are you so lost?" "Something....something from the company showed it" he cut the call"looks like its urgent!""Yeah kind of" "You can
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Jude eyes widened. Who told him? how did he found out? she made sure there was no source left that could tell him about her past then how?Kristopher stared at her in the verge of tears.Did the woman he loved as if she was his oxygen really the one who destroyed his and his sisters life?And knowing this all along has she been playing with him to make him feel even more miserable.All of this was driving him crazy."Why are you silent! say its not the truth!!!!" he wanted her to say its was a lie. even if she would lie when she its say it he would believe her. "Kris please!" Jude whispered unable to control her trembling voice and body. Did she knew she loved him so much that she was afraid to loose least now she knew.She wanted to say it wasn't true but that wasn't the truth. Kristopher knew what her silent meant but he didn't want to admit it. why? just why was he being tested in such a brutal way?no one is born with sins. what sin did he commit?was it being born?
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single handed?
When he opened the video he saw Jude wearing a literal armor and without her black lenses. not to forget she was crying."Dear Kristoper! My real name is Jude Williams of the family Williams. The underworld Williams. You must be familiar with the Organization which my family runs and yes i was a part of that at one point in my life. I am sorry. Yes there are alot of things i need to ask for apology but.......I knew who you were but only after our encounter with Celine. I never knew your real identityBelieve me or not i always hated being a part of that so called family.All the horrible things....i never wanted to do them but if i didn't......I was a coward up until now which cost me everything but not anymore.i will end it.....once and for all even if it means my end as wellI....I love you KristopherI wished for us to have a better end but if I.....Take care of Derek. "with that the video ended and Kristopher panicked.He knew she was about to attack the organization and sh
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bleeding to her death
Both stared at each other confused.when Jude arrived her family stood as they knew why she was herewhat the hell was happening?Suddenly multiple gun lasers pointed at Jude."SURPRISE!" Everyone's head turned towards Celine.Who was standing not far awayNow it all made sense. Celine and Williams joined hands!"Now now brother lower your weapon or your precious little girl would die this instant. oh wait your not precious little girl would be better. after all she is the one who did all of this to us""and how are you better huh? joining hands with the people who destroyed our life's but you only accuse Jude?" Kristopher was angry at Celine. She blames Jude but what about her?"Oh lover boy ! you really are faithful. how touching but lower your weapon or your not precious little girl would die"Kristopher looked at Jude standing in between her family whose guns were pointed at her and then at the gun lasers pointed at her.One move and she would die.The trap was a little too good
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Another big mistake
Kill all these bastards" Kristopher instructed as his men started firing. Within few moments everyone was shot and bleeding to their deaths. everyone but Celine who was surrounded by Kristopher peoplesKristopher ran towards Jude. He wasted no time in picking her up and rushing her to hospital. Jude in total had been shot four times which was incredibly life threatening not to forget that she has lost too much blood.While Jude was inside operating room Kristopher stood outside completely dazed.He regretted telling jude impulsively that they were over.what if she leaves him before he could tell her that he didnt mean it.what if she leaves him before he could tell how much he loved her.and most importantlywhat if she somewhere she wouldn't return from?All of these questions were killing him like crazy but what could he do?He never believed in God. The only time he called for God was when he wanted his misery to end but thought he didn't got a response.Now thin
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Papa!" in front of Kristopher stood Derek tears scrolling down his chubby cheeks like diamonds."Were you going to leave me too?" with just one sentence Derek made Kristopher realize his stupidity. He wanted to run towards Derek and hug him and tell him that he made a mistake and how he would never leave him but he couldn't move at all.Suddenly everything felt distant as he felt himself sliding away from everything. Derek Voice became distant but he could still hear him calling for Papa."Derek"he called with all the power he could muster in his vocals."Papa!"the voice somewhat became closer which encouraged him to call his son harder"Derek! please i am sorry i won't ever leave you. i am sorry!" He could feel his tears running down his cheeks."Papa!" the voice became closer and closer and when he thought the voice couldn't get any closer his eyes shot open.The first thing he saw was Derek. without thinking twice he pulled Derek into a hug and started crying."Oh Son! I am soo
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Happy beginning
In one year nothing can change and in one year everything can change.For Jude and Kristopher it was the second scenario.For them everything had changed and they were happy to say that it was for good.They both talked everything out when they were still in the hospital.Yes Jude was shot 4 times but she did wear bullet proof armor.Thought her body still took the shots she was able to survive them.Kristopher was so afraid of loosing her that that he hallucinated that bad dream.Finally they all were a happy family of three.they both publicly announced their engagement and the wedding cards were sent to the guests.Jude shared all her past experiences with him without leaving any details not because she was afraid but because she wanted to be open to him.Kristopher apologized a million times for his stupidity.Both of them joined hands to completely destroy the organization which Jude's grandfather tried to build once more.currently Jude and Kristopher were also working on tracki
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