All Chapters of A Little Different : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
90 Chapters
chapter 71 wait what?!!!
"Why? don't you like it?" asked Kristopher as he was the one who said yes" if we buy couples dress and wear it on the same day it would catch medias eyes. i don't want to be on the headlines with barbarous titles" Couples dress is bought in pair so there was no way they could buy only dress or only suit."You were always the hot topic for gossip even in university you managed to get on the hot topics of gossips""not that i wanted to"Jude rolled her eyes. she never wanted to be a topic of gossipits just people loved to put her in spotlight."Okay we are getting that" Kristopher declaration had Jude slapping her head"Don't worry i wont wear that suit so you can wear that dress" When The sales lady had first brought that suit out Jude eyes were twinkled which didn't go unnoticed by him.Who knew she would reject the dress not wanting to be caught by medias eyesOnce again he saw that twinkle in her eyes as if she was given her favorite candy."Okay then we are taking that" The sa
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chapter 72 feeling relieved?
the way to the restaurant was silent and awkward. Alexander was confused. He knew Jude invited him because he told her he witnessed the scene in hospital. last time she wasn't able to know the details and wanted to ask with which he had no problem.what he was confused about was seeing her and Kristopher together in a mallLike wasn't Kris her enemy until recently?what the hell happened?All of them went to a fancy restaurant as they can have the privacy they wanted there After they were done ordering the room fell silent before Alexander decided to break it"So what should i tell and what should you tell?" "what you were doing in the hospital? as far as i know the hospital was evacuated of people. also how much did you saw and know"Jude asked gaining a questionable look from Kristopher. Alexander noticed and started explaining"I actually came to meet you Jude. News of the accident spread like fire in the university and i was quiet worried but when i arrived you weren't in sig
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chapter 73 all three of us
"i am sorry" Jude felt shocked and weird. "Why?....why are you apologizing?" "i didn't do anything that day...and all of that happened to you guys. only if i had been a little braver would things have been different......better for you guys" Alexander had his head lowered while his expression weren't any less of a person feeling extremely guilty.Kristopher and Jude had a little starving contest as if they were exchanging their thoughts"It's fine" Jude smiled before looking towards Alexander"even though we had a rough path we are glad"Kristopher added"All of it happened.....for a reason. We might not know the reason yet but we would know soon i know" "So you don't need to feel sorry" Kristopher finished speaking their thoughts.Finally Alexander felt light. The guilt which was weighing him down was finally off of him. Finishing their meals and after paying all of them were out."If you ever need help or me to be a witness. i am just one call away" Alexander said before he w
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chapter 74 Promised
"All three of us?" Kristopher questioned. according to him Jude didn't give a damn about him but when he heard her saying that he thought he had mistaken but Jude nod of confirmation had shocked.She never failed to live the expectation of shocking him.Her words and actions had started making him go even more crazy over her to a point it was getting harder and harder for him to control himself"Jude!" He swallowed his salivaand stared at her"Hmm" Jude said subconsciously biting her lip drawing his attention to themHe wanted to kiss her at that moment and let her know whatever he feels but he knew better than to act on his emotions.It took everything bit of self-control in him to tear his eyes away from her"Nothing! let's go" he said and intended to start the car but before that Jude had his face turned towards her and stared deep in his eyes"I know what you wanted to say!"The warm feeling from being around him had Jude confused for quiet sometime. She just wanted to confirm w
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chapter 75 hot mess
"Who the hell were they?" asked Jude pulling inside their home garage" some fucking bastard i won't left off the hook for sure" Kristopher said Jude in rageThey both got out as Jude pulled out her mobile phone.Kristopher managed to see the name or person she was calling"Jackass?!" he mumbled confusedWho saves names like this? Kristopher expected jude To go bonkers on when the person picks up but when the person did Jude once again surprised him"Why did you do that?" She sounded very terrified but her facial expressions were completely contradicting to her voice to a point he thought "was she bipolar""You need to get your mind straight. i was just helping you" Jude huffed sounding frustrated. Kristopher was able to hear the person on the other side of phone "Did you take any photos?" "They were a huge gift by the way thank you" "Fuck you!" Jude sounded extremely frustrated"okay listen that was nothing but a mistake so don't do anything stupid" with that she cut off the
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chapter 76 Roots to underworld
"Did i do something wrong?" Kristopher questioned.He knew for sure that Jude had ran away but for what reason?he was completely clueless.Shrugging it off he picked up his phone and called the security team he hired for todayLast night the gun firing had worried so he wanted to ensure Jude's safety. not that she needs his protection but still he wants to be more thing that was confusing him.Last night Jude seemed to know the person behind the incident.Jackass was his name. this jackass man even has their pictures of kissing but jude didn't seemed to mind so he did not care.Looks like today is about to chaotic but he wants to see what Jude's gonna do.He got up and went to his room and started getting readySuddenly his phone started ringing with the callers id being DetectiveImmediately he picked up"Sir i found something""What did you find?" "Few days ago she had an anxiety attack and was rushed to the hospital where you found out about Derek. After you barged ou
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chapter 77 Soon
Kris you ready?" Jude voice came after the series of knock on the door snapping Kristopher chain of thoughts"not yet" He replied"can i come in. are you dressed?" "Sure come in" Just as Jude walked in Kristopher breath got stuck in his throat.She looked divinely breathtaking in that white dress that hugged all the curves of her gorgeous body. the color suited her skin tone and her makeup was very minimal if you excluded her highlights. Her eyes stood out the most as she had taken off her black lenses ands let her hair straight and loose."Take your breaths and close your mouth" Jude didn't want to drag him to hospital if he passed out from lack of oxygen or swallowed bees."just let me appreciate how good you look hold on let me just admire for a bit" "if by admiring you mean staring or gawking at me then i am off. Bye Bye" Kristopher didn't even get to say anything before Jude had walked outtaking a deep sigh he got up wanting to finish getting ready too"Oh and wear the suit
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chapter 78 change of plans
The convocation begin with conduction done by the students followed by the chancellor showing off.having the people ruling the business industry being student of this university really made it's value skyrocket. Then Kristopher was called upon stage to hand over the degrees. Jude wasn't a top student so she had to wait until her turn. when she went to take her degree people noticed the outfit which matched. Immediately whispers were audible. it was a known fact to Jude's badge that Kristopher used to chase Jude so they got suspicious.Even though the paparazzi weren't allowed in. Students had their phones. In just ten minutes both Kristopher and Jude pictures were trending on social media. That was their impact. that's how high they had touched the sky but the higher you fly the harder you fall.suddenly the door to the hall opened gaining everyone's attention. Kristopher's soul left his body for a second seeing the figure walking in.The whole hall was quiet and the only so
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Chapter 79 Arrested
the moment Jude heard his confession all of her barriers melted like warm candle wax.She knew after today she won't ever leave him alone. She couldn't leave him alone because one doesn't leave the person they love alone. giving him a heart warming smile she was about to pull him in another kiss when police sirens were heard.Everyone was confused. why the hell were the police here?"Mrs Williams. we are here to arrest you for the crime of defrauding tax of 12 million dollars and fabricating official documents. you have the right to remain silent as anything you say can be used against you. You are allowed to have a lawyer and if you can't afford one you would be provided..."The police was interrupted by Kristopher. "What tax defrauding? where is your warrant?" it was crystal clear to Jude and Kristopher who was behind this.The policemen rolled their eyes and pulled out the warrant.It would be useless to argue given the warrant looked authentic along with the paparazzi presence.
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chapter 80 Not so innocent?
In less than a hour it was clear that Jude was innocent. Although Kristopher wanted to sue the whole police station Jude opposed the idea. Too much of a hassle it was according to her.Since Jude was innocent the charges were dropped and she was released.both of them walked out hand in hand after thanking the lawyers and were greeted by the paparazzi bombarding them with questions."The charges were dropped as it was a mistake. Though disappointed i don't wish to sue the people who made this mistake. As for now i wish to ask for your congratulations on my relationship"Jude gave her best smile as she asked for congratulations.The paparazzi went wild taking her smiling pictures.for someone who doesn't smile to smile it was a jackpot"And what about your son? what are his views on this?" Jude was about to answer this question but"why would derek be fine about a woman who killed his father" everyone head turned towards that one person who shouldn't be thereCeline!"What?" Jude wan
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