All Chapters of THE ALPHA'S VAMPIRE MATE: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
120 Chapters
EVANORA’S POVTwo days had gone by since my dad’s failed attempt to forcefully get the witch’s blessing and I’d spent every second in fear of him trying to force another attempt.After all, he had made his intention of getting me married to the Prince with or without her blessing very clear. Not only that, the Prince had still not managed to get an ounce of shame as he still lived in my room rather comfortably, hanging out with my dad at intervals and interfering with the affairs of the palace.Though I had temporarily moved out of my room, it didn’t stop my dad from having tons of guards stalk me. If anything, it only seemed like they had increased in number, all watching me as if their lives depended on it.“Tell me,” I whispered to Matthew as we trained. “How much can you get paid for you to agree to do nothing but stare at me all day? Aren’t these guards seriously bored or do they all have secret crushes on me or something?”“It’s nice to know you flatter yourself that much,” he
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BLADE'S POV"Get help!"I rushed towards one of the guards and watched him slump to the ground. Trying not to panic, I lifted him off the ground and had him rest on my lap.He was the third recruit to get injured for the day. Probably because they were new or probably because the training was rather harsher than usual- they just kept on falling out."The rest of you should get back to training," I said to them, noticing how engrossed they were becoming in the scene. "He'll be fine. It's nothing serious."With mumbles and muttered words, they all dispersed and returned to their training, leaving me with the injured soldier."Alpha Blade.""Yes?" I raised my head to meet Adam in front of me. Noticing the injured soldier on the ground, he crouched in front of me, checking the soldier out then letting out a sigh. "Oh, Adam.""I see another one of the recruits passed out," he said with another sigh. "Weren't they picked properly? This batch seems the weakest out of all our recruits.""The
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EVANORA’S POVMy eyes fluttered then opened and though everything in front of me was in a blur, I immediately knew I was in my room. Not the old room I’d converted into my new room but my original room with my things around it.“Are you up?”I shifted my gaze to see Matthew seated next to me, his hands in mine as he stared at me apologetically. Things were only getting stranger. Not only was I surprised in my room but Matthew was also in it with me. What in the world happened?I felt my head hurt as I tried to recall what happened. The last thing I could remember was being at training with him than hearing there was going to be a surprise attack against Blade’s pack then…Right. The surprise attack.My eyes shot open as I recollected everything. My dad had ordered a guard to snap my neck and I passed out in the process.“Matthew,” I turned to face him, holding his hands tightly. “What happened?”“Evanora,” his voice was lowered as he squeezed my hands. “You should rest. You need to
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BLADE’S POVEvanora’s dad might have seemed to have a problem with my whole kind but I was more than sure that at that moment, the problem was me.It was me he had a problem with. It was me he so desperately wanted to get rid of which was why I knew he was going to accept my proposition very easily.It was simple. In return for him going back on his words to attack my pack, I was going to surrender myself to him. I was going to be all his.It was probably a foolish decision to make but at that moment, I couldn’t think of any other way out. In a way, it was going to be a win-win situation with him getting what he so desperately wanted while I did what was expected of me as Alpha- protecting my people.He didn’t hesitate to accept my proposition, quickly ordering his guards to grab me. Without any objections, I gave up and allowed them to have their grips on me as the rest of their troop led the way back to their coven.It was quite comical. To think that the first time I was getting to
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BLADE’S POVLivid was an understatement for how I felt as I watched Evanora’s neck gets snap, resulting to her falling to the ground.I felt my blood boil, my rage consuming every bit of my being as her almost lifeless body hit the ground. Her eyes were immediately sent shut, color draining from her face as she was silenced.“HOW DARE YOU?!” I yelled, watching the guard who was responsible smirk and then laugh at me. He felt no remorse or guilt for what he had just done. If anything, he felt good and even better watching me burn with rage.I lost control of my sanity as I growled out, stretching my limbs as I broke out of the chains, immediately pouncing on the guard.“Didn’t I warn you?!” I growled at him, grabbing him by the neck. “Didn’t I ask you not to lay your filthy hands on her?”He looked gripped by fear and though it made me feel good, it wasn’t enough. I wanted him to feel pain on an unimaginable scale. I wanted him to hate himself and wish he never met me or Evanora. I wan
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EVANORA'S POV"Evanora? Can I come in?" "Sure."I recognized the voice to immediately belong to Matthew and being the only person I voluntarily allowed in for the past two days, I quickly permitted him to come in.After my last encounter with Blade and my dad in the dungeons, my neck was snapped making me lose consciousness. I had no idea how long it lasted but by the time I regained consciousness I was back in my room, chained to my bed.I felt weak, unable to move my limbs. It was useless to even attempt moving as even if I had the strength to, there was no way it was going to be possible thanks to the chains used to confine me to my bed. I didn't need to think twice to know who was behind it made me wallow in frustration even more. My life was pathetic. Nothing I wanted was going my way and there was nothing I could do as both me and Blade were chained.I had no choice but to succumb to their orders. I was forced to eat and after every meal, I felt weaker. I knew my meals were mi
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EVANORA’S POV A few minutes after Matthew left, just as predicted by the guard, dad arrived.He wasn’t polite enough to give the door a knock, barging in without my permission. The guards behind him did the same, quickly turning my room into a mini-battle ground.“What is going on?” I asked, peevishly as I stared at them. “What do you want from me now?”“I just want to speak to you, Evanora,” he replied moving closer to me. “That’s all.”“And then a dozen guards?” I was irritated and didn’t try to hide it. “Do they also need to talk to me? Or are you scared I’ll escape? Are these chains not enough?”“Fine,” he sighed then faced the guards. “You may all leave. Wait for me outside.”They gave him a final look for confirmation, nodded, and turned to leave. “Alright, Your Highness.”“So, Evanora,” he began whatever he had to say by taking a seat on my bed, next to me. “How are you?”I stared at him, hopelessly, feeling the root of all my problems dawn on me. “Are you asking me that, dad?
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EVANORA’S POV Morning came and I was woken up earlier than usual. Maids rushed into my room, forcing me to take my bath and get freshened up. After I was done, they styled my hair, forcefully applied light make-up on my face then took out my outfit for the day. It was a black exotic gown I’d never laid my eyes on. Though it was beautiful, I couldn’t help but think of the irony. A beautiful gown for a day that was going to be far from beautiful. At least, there were a few similarities. It was black and looked very suitable for an elite funeral and if everything went in the way my dad planned, we were going to be holding a funeral. Possibly, for more than a single person. Brushing the thoughts away, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. The bruises around my neck and wrists from the grip of the chains were covered with necklaces and bracelets, tiny diamonds, and other precious stones glistening around me. “We’re done,” the maids announced after they were done dolling me up. “We’
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EVANORA’S POV For the first time in a while, I missed my mother so dearly. Hugging the witch while I cried my heart out in her arms made me imagine how my life would have been if my mother was still with me. She definitely would have been on my side, right? She would support me and maybe would have been able to change my dad’s mind. I and the witch had our little emotional moment then pulled away with her taking my hand and leading the way to the dungeon. It was a totally unfamiliar path for me and seemed extremely far-Probably because I was so scared and was literally counting my steps. Though I missed him so much, I was scared to see Blade. Scared to see him in whatever state he was going to be in. Scared my heart wouldn’t be able to take it. He was going to be a mess. Despite being his daughter, my dad had barely cut me any slack and tortured me so mercilessly that I couldn’t even dare imagine what it’d be like for Blade. “Are you ready?” the witch interrupted my thought
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EVANORA’S POV The dungeons echoed with the sound of my wails as guards burst in and dragged me away from Blade. I yelled, screamed, and pleaded but it was all to no avail as I felt myself get dragged out and thrown at the feet of my father who was waiting for me outside. “Why are you stubborn, Evanora?” he groaned. “I thought you were back to senses so I had my guard down and what did you do? Take advantage of that and compel the guards to escape?” “Dad,” I rushed to his feet. “I’m sorry about that, okay? So forgive me and let Blade go. Okay?” “I knew something was going on with you and that witch. You got her to lie to me about the Prince too, didn’t you?” he shook his head. “I don’t know what you did to have her on your side but it wouldn’t work for me. Guards, take her away.” “No,” I shook my head desperately. “Nothing is going on between me and the witch. I didn’t have her lie to you about me and the prince. We’re truly a bad pair so dad, please-” My words were cut short
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