All Chapters of The Perfect Luna for the Alpha King : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
196 Chapters
Second pregnancy!
"Yes, I'm pregnant again." You repeated for him, unsure of whether he'd understand you correctly. He stared at you, obviously trying to comprehend what you'd just told him, before speaking again."You mean, you're pregnant again? How many times are you gonna have kids now?" He sounded annoyed, almost irritated."How many times am I gonna have babies?" You repeated, feeling slightly offended. "There's no way to predict this kind of stuff, Sergio!"Sergio groaned quietly in frustration and ran a hand through his hair. "But you're sure that it's mine? There was no doubt whatsoever when I first found out but I'm still not sure, Serena..." He trailed off, not quite finishing his sentence.You stared at him, confused. "Why wouldn't it be yours? Of course it's yours! You're the only man for me." You exclaimed. He sighed heavily."Then, why don't you say it?" He raised his eyebrows at you. You hesitated for a moment, wondering how much Daniel really wanted to hear about your pregnancy. How
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Love of his life!
She pondered for a second, searching your memory for anything that you could remember from the views that you watched recently. Suddenly, you remembered that you had been thinking about getting a new letter recently because she had lost all your old ones. Sergio must have seen the look of realization on your face because he laughed and shook his head."No, that's alright. It doesn't matter." He reassured you.Serena rolled your eyes at him. "It matters. Besides, we can't possibly watch all of those beautiful flowers in the garden again. That would probably drive us crazy." She joked."True. Okay, what are you in the mood for today, love?" He asked, changing the subject. You paused for a few seconds as you tried to find something good enough for both of you to watch. "Do you wanna watch It together with me, that will be so relaxing." Serena suggested.Sergio nodded. "Sounds perfect. I've been wanting to watch this one anyways.""Really? Why?"Serena and Sergio spent the rest of the d
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The king of darkness
Charles walked closer to him and place a kiss on the crown of his head. "Are you okay son?""Yeah, I'm fine. I just miss Serena." Julian said."Me too son, me too." Charles said with a sad look.The king then look behind his son to see Queen Eleonora."Queen Eleonora," Charles greet.Queen Eleonora smiled and nod her head. "Your majesty."Charles turn back to his son. "Son, I know this is difficult but remember you have the whole kingdom by your side, and your fiancee is safe. So please try to enjoy today, I know this anniversary is very important to you, and I know you want to spend this anniversary with your wife.""Yes father." Julian reply.Charles face lighten up a little bit. "That's my boy." he said. "Now go and eat, we will continue this conversation later."Julian nodded and slowly walk away from his family. When he reach his room, he close the door and sits down on his bed. He stare into space for some time, thinking about his wife, and when he finally snap out of it, he d
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This all over!
Everyone cheer for Serena, and Julian can feel that her cheeks turn pink as she receive cheers. He didn't notice that everyone is cheering for her, all he knows is that Serena look adorable as she stands in the middle of the crowd cheering for her. He couldn't help but smile when he watch her.Once the party is over, Serena went back home. All night after she talked with her mother about her engagement and wedding plans. It was nice, spending time with her mother.Serena entered her bedroom, closed the door behind her and leaned against the wall. She thought about everything that happened earlier in the evening. She can't believe how things turned out to be. The way she acted earlier when she was in front of Julian, she should not have done that.She remembered the moment when she first meet with him, when he introduced himself as Prince Julian, her heart skipped a beat. She instantly fell for him, she loved the way he looked at her and smiled at her. She remembers the day she got her
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For the future!
Soon enough, James entered the room with his luggage. He was surprised to see Julian. He never expect to find him in Serena's room. Julian greeted him politely."Prince Julian, what are you doing here? Serena told me that you haven't been able to visit for some time now." Thomas said, sitting next to Serena on her bed. Julian gave him a small smile. "Yeah, I know, it's my fault. Actually, I need to talk to you. I hope that it's alright, I'm staying with Serena for a while." he said."Of course it is, why wouldn't it be? I'd love if you stay here for a little bit." Thomas reassured."Well then, I'll go back to my room for a moment, so you two can talk." Serena said and stood up."Thank you, Serena." Julian thanked her.Julian was glad that she agreed to him staying here. It means that she's willing to accept him. She left the room, leaving only Julian and Thomas alone.Julian sat down on the edge of the bed, as he faced Thomas. He knew that James was confused about what's happening b
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Dawn castle
Serena returned shortly after with her brother behind her."Sorry that took so long. I'm sorry for making you wait. I was talking to your brother about something else." Seren apologized."Nah, its fine. I'm used to waiting." He assured her."How is Serena?" Julian asked."She's doing good. She seemed happy when she heard that you're staying here." Charles responded.Julian looked at Serena and smiled softly at her. He felt content when he saw that she is smiling brightly while looking at him."We should get going. I have a lot to catch up with you both, so I'll meet you guys tomorrow. Have fun." Charles said as he walked out of the room.After he left, she turned around and smiled at Julian. "He sounds very nice." she commented.Julian chuckled lightly before leaning toward her and giving her a kiss on her forehead. "Yes, he is." he answered happily."By the way, we're having a party tonight. You're coming, right?" She asked excitedly."Of course." Julian replied."Great." she exclaim
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Elegance and Kindness
"I don't know. I just am. Ever since I met her, I've never seen a girl with such beauty, such elegance and kindness. I mean, you know her parents, I can't imagine that they had the strength to raise such a beautiful woman, especially with her illness..." Julian trailed off, noticing how sad he sounded."I see your point. She definitely has something special about her. It seems like she's the reason why Charles loves her so much. Although they don't seem like each other at first glance, they complement each other perfectly." Julian commented, remembering how happy his father had been when he talked about Catherine."Charles loves her so much. And I'm not blind either, I know that he's in love with her. And you're the first boy that she ever loved in a romantic way. That makes everything even more complicated because I know that he might end up getting hurt if he continues to go after her.""The prophecy is clear; the prince is supposed to fall in love with a girl from another kingdom.
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Put in danger!
"Someone who will listen to what I have to say and decide whether or not they agree with the decision I have made. Someone whom I believe will keep my son out of harm's way." he explained.The queen shook her head. "This isn't a discussion to take place here, Your Majesty. The future of every kingdom rests on your decision. If you don't take action, then who knows what will happen." she told him."There is nothing for which I must consider. My only concern right now is my son's safety.""Is it truly wise to send one of our own into danger?" the queen demanded."Then I guess I can hardly call myself a ruler anymore. I'm not fit to rule.""You cannot seriously be suggesting that sending your own son into a battle is appropriate.""As long as he is safe, I don't really care. What matters most is the welfare of my children." the king argued."Please, your majesty, let me handle this." A voice spoke up, surprising everyone in the room. The king turned towards the source of the sound and sp
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Royal family
The day after the meeting with his parents was spent preparing the court for the impending arrival of their king. Everyone was eager to get ready for the coming event, even though preparations were taking place several days earlier than planned. Most of the palace staff was busy preparing themselves for the grand event. Some of them even began decorating their homes for the occasion, hoping that the party would serve as the perfect opportunity to show off their new decorations. Others simply set up tables, chairs, and tables cloths on the royal gardens and prepared food and drinks. They were determined to provide something special for the upcoming ceremony to honor his majesty.Meanwhile, Catherine had taken charge of preparing for the royal wedding ceremony. As far as she knew, she wasn't allowed to attend the actual ceremony, but she didn't have much choice in the matter since the king was going to hold his wedding there. Although she felt bad about leaving the castle without war
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Husband and wife!
"From this day forward, from this hour, you are one in body and soul." Thomas read the vow from his bible."Now I pronounce you husband and wife.""May God preserve us." Catherine said softly, closing her eyes briefly. She waited for the king's response. She hoped he would agree with Thomas. She was certain that he would not object to having their marriage annulled immediately if he believed that Thomas would perform the ceremony properly."You may kiss your bride." Thomas announced once more, smiling slightly.Catherine opened her eyes and looked into the king's eyes as he leaned in to kiss her.Once they separated, Thomas cleared his throat. "Let it be known that the man that wears the crown now joins this holy bond that binds him to his queen, forevermore." he proclaimed, holding his arms open wide as he gazed upon them lovingly.Charles wrapped an arm around his wife and pulled her close to him."With this symbol of our love, I hereby pledge my life and devotion to you and your s
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