All Chapters of The Perfect Luna for the Alpha King : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
196 Chapters
So very angry. And yet, Serena just couldn't bring yourself to yell at anyone else. Not even to Sergio. Because that would hurt him. You hated yourself for doing it. Hated yourself for lying to him and manipulating him. Hated yourself for hurting him. Hated yourself for making the decision to break the promises you had made to him. And yet, here you were, standing in front of him, breaking that promise. Here you were, standing in front of him, breaking his trust.Your eyes widened in shock. Was that it? Was that all it took to cause this much damage? Were these the repercussions of letting someone in and allowing them to become so important to you? Just by letting them into your heart, you had allowed them to tear your family apart. Just by opening your heart up to them, you had opened your soul to them and allowed them into your home. They were now living in your home. You had let them stay in your house. You were letting them stay at your side. You had let them see everything abo
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Real enemy!
"Because I need help. My dad wants to go through our wedding plans, and he wants to discuss which place they should build an altar in. So, he thinks that I should invite Sergio here to help me with the planning. But I don't know where he will be staying. I mean, I guess I could always send Sergio home. I'm sure that I could probably convince my dad that he needs to leave and go home." "But, I don't want to do that. I don't want to take him away from you. I don't want to leave him here with you guys. I don't think that I would be able to handle it.""Are you afraid that he might try to kiss you again?""That might be part of it. I don't want to have to deal with that again. I don't want to have to lie to myself anymore. I don't want to have to pretend to be happy when I don't feel happy. I want to feel comfortable around you. I want to have normal conversations with you and not worry that you might hate me.""Well, I don't hate you." He insisted."Even if you didn't hate me, I wouldn'
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Know each other!
"What was that about?" You asked, panting heavily as you turned to look up at him. You watched as his dark eyes gazed into yours while he took in short, shallow breaths as well. He seemed to notice that you had been watching him and he smiled at you playfully."Your reaction tells me everything that I needed to know."As usual during the weekdays, you were the first one to rise. Despite feeling exhausted from the previous night’s dream and sleep deprivation, you couldn’t get rid of the feeling that you were missing someone. When you woke up, you found yourself unable to fall back asleep due to the lingering feeling of being alone. You thought it best to get dressed and ready so that you could get out of bed sooner rather than later. When you exited your bedroom, you noticed that the house was completely silent and lifeless. It reminded you a little of the day that you had returned to your own house, but it also reminded you of what had happened the last few weeks. The memory brought
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Pure love!
Once Serena were alone in the kitchen, she leant back against the side of the sink. She rested your chin on your palms and stared off blankly at nothing in particular. They were thinking too much, but at the same time, you couldn’t stop thinking about the conversation with Sergio yesterday. She still couldn’t believe that you had finally managed to ask him if he was interested in you. She were afraid that he would say no. He’d probably laugh at you and walk away. She shook your head, trying to clear the thoughts away. This was all pointless. She pushed yourself off of the counter and moved over to grab your mug from where she had set it on top of the fridge earlier. She grabbed the lid from the milk and filled your mug, taking a sip of the warm drink. She felt the familiar warmth spread throughout your body and a small smile grew across your face. As you continued to stare absentmindedly at the ground, you missed the sound of footsteps approaching you until they reached the doorwa
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Dearest heart!
Serena didn't push him to elaborate further. In all honesty, you didn't really care where he lived or what he did in general. All she really cared about was that he was okay. That was all she needed to know.“So, uh, what have you been up to since the breakup?”“Not much. We still hang out, obviously.” He chuckled.Serena glanced up quickly, a grin spreading across your face. She nodded slowly in agreement, biting her lip.“Yeah, I guess that would be pretty fun. I just don’t see how we’ll end up seeing each other as often anymore if we don’t have any classes together.”“We won’t be seeing each other as much as we used to,” he said casually, causing you to frown slightly. “I’m only going to be here a couple weeks this year, so we might only see each other during winter break. I doubt that we’ll ever be able to meet up outside of school again.”“Probably true. Still… it sucks. I don’t wanna lose you.” You frowned at yourself. Was that really how you felt? Was it just your usual way of
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He stepped inside the room and closed the door behind him before walking over to you, sitting down on the edge of your bed beside you. Serena opened your eyes and met his gaze. His eyes were filled with concern, and yours were filled with apprehension. You were afraid that he would ask you about last night, but instead, he asked, “Why did you call me?”“Call you?”“Yes. I couldn’t help but hear my name coming from your mouth. What did you want?”You sighed softly. “I don’t know. I don’t know why I called you.”“Really? Because I distinctly remember you telling me that you missed me.”Your eyes widened momentarily. Your lips parted slightly in surprise. “Really? When?”“Just now, actually. You said, ‘I miss you. Please come back home.’” Serena couldn’t find the words to respond to him. You were speechless. How did he know all of that? You thought that you had managed to conceal the message well enough so that it was almost impossible for him to find out what you had told him. “How d
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Still feel the same!
“Uh... yeah. I did talk to someone today. I was thinking about talking to someone new, too. I haven’t really talked to anyone besides you guys since I came to live with you, though. I haven’t really had a chance to speak with other people since I moved here.”“What are you gonna do about that? Aren’t you supposed to have friends? Like, real friends?”“I’ve already talked to one person that I consider a real friend, and I haven’t been able to get along with her very well.”“Why is that? Do you not get along with her?”“No, no,” you assured him quickly. “She’s great and everything.”Serena stopped yourself for a moment and added.“I’m just scared that we’re not gonna get along. That’s all.”“Are you really scared that you might end up getting along with her?” He asked. You nodded silently, and after a brief pause, he continued.“There’s no need to worry, Serena. I know that there’s something about her that makes you uncomfortable, but she seems to care about you a lot, and it shows in
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All I want!
But Serena glad that she finally starting to move on. Now, you can be honest with herself without fear of being judged, and now you’re living with your boyfriend and your parents, who love and support you no matter what you decide to do in your life. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll meet someone else who loves you unconditionally and unconditionally loves you back. Just maybe.For a while now, you’d been wondering whether or not you’ll ever get used to life in your new hometown. At first, you were excited, but now you’re starting to think that maybe moving away from your hometown wasn’t such a bad thing. It was hard to adapt to living in a place where you were unknown, but you were starting to understand that things were going to get better.And you’ve done your best to keep a positive attitude despite everything, despite everything that had happened. But even though you tried to hide it, you weren’t fooling anyone. Serena were tired and you wanted a break, but you didn’t want to show
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“Yeah. I read it. There was a scene where the protagonist was running from her abusive stepfather and she accidentally bumps into another girl, causing them to fall. She apologizes to the girl, but then she realizes that she’s forgotten to introduce herself and she starts crying because she thinks she’s ruined their friendship. Then the reader goes to comfort her, telling her that they understand and that she’s not the reason that they fell. She asks them to continue watching and so they do, until the girl finally gets her memory back.” He explained.“Wow.” You said after realizing that he just told you about what he read in the book. “Did you like it?”“Yes, actually. But I still don’t know why I did that. I shouldn’t have let myself act that way. I thought I had control, that I knew what I was doing, but I didn’t. I didn’t realize that I couldn’t stop thinking about you, and that scared me.”You sighed softly. “I know. Believe me, I’m aware of what you went through with your stepda
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The twins
The last time you heard such silence was when Serena were pregnant with Sergio. The doctor had warned you about having trouble breathing, but she refused to listen. Instead, she had convinced yourself that everything was going to be okay. Unfortunately, the pain that came with it became worse, and the pain became the most important thing in your life. She didn’t even notice the baby growing inside of you until after it was born. She were surprised to find out that Sergio hadn’t known about the pregnancy. Although she didn’t mind him knowing about it, she were also glad that he never asked you about it. She didn’t know how you would react if he had.Her eyes wandered across the living room, searching for something familiar to distract you. Her eyes landed on your father’s old guitar and you felt yourself becoming overwhelmed by emotions that you thought you had lost. You walked over to the chair that your father used to sit in, picked it up, and sat down in the middle of the couch,
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