All Chapters of Hidden Legacy (The Lost Luna): Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
249 Chapters
Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 19 What the Hell Happened? Part 7
Daemon’s Point of View In the morning, as the guests gather for breakfast in the dining room, I see that Alpha Rikard and Melinda have joined us. They had a fully stocked kitchen in their cottage, so there wasn't any real need for them to be here, yet here they were. I intentionally excluded my parents from the invitation list. I didn't want either of them getting in the way of the investigation. This reminded me that I wanted to discuss with Perry and Delilah if there was any way to record their private conversations. Despite the prior conversation, Melinda continues to flirt with me in front of Adriana. I could feel Adriana becoming increasingly angry at this. "I wonder what on earth would possess a person to flirt with a mated wolf," expressing her frustration out loud enough for Melinda to hear, "particularly in front of their mate." I could see Melinda bristling at that comment, although it looked like Alpha Rikard had no problem with what Melinda was trying to do. Adriana c
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 20 Lycan
Daemon’s Point of View "I, Daemon, Alpha of the Black Wolf Pack, reject you, Adriana, of the Silver Wolf Pack as my mate and Luna." Present Time "Please tell me that everything I remember is wrong!" I cried, tears rolling down my face. I didn't care that I was an Alpha because I was utterly horrified when the realisation hit me that I had rejected Adriana, my mate and Luna, the love of my life and the mother of my pups. The weight of my mistake and the consequences of my actions weighed heavily on my heart. How could I have done such a terrible thing to the person I cherished the most? The pain and regret flooded over me, and I longed to go to Adriana immediately to apologise and beg for her forgiveness The thought of the pain I had caused her was unbearable, and I desperately wished that I could turn back time and undo my rejection. The guilt consumed me as I grappled with the consequences of my impulsive decision. I could only hope that Adriana would find it in her heart to for
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 21 Uncovering the Plot Part 1
Adriana’s Point of View "I, Daemon, Alpha of the Black Wolf Pack, reject you, Adriana, of the Silver Wolf Pack as my mate and Luna." This past month has been the most agonising period of my life. From the moment Daemon, the Alpha of the Black Wolf Pack, uttered those crushing words, rejection has gnawed at my heart. The pain was beyond comprehension. A Month Ago On that night, I stood tall. I refused to let that fucking despicable bitch, Melinda, witness any further weakness in me. As Daemon's rejection resounded in the air, he collapsed into a comatose state, leaving Melinda to revel in her victory. She gloated, revelling in the fact that she would now become Luna and demanded that I leave the pack. However, I was determined to hold onto something amidst the devastation—I would take the pups with me. That much, at least, I could salvage from this heartbreaking situation. Strangely enough, instead of succumbing to overwhelming despair, Melinda's words fueled an unexpected anger wi
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 22 Uncovering the Plot Part 2
Adriana’s Point of View Listening to Melinda and Diana open up and reveal themselves for the disgusting traitors they were, the weight of the truth settled heavily upon me. The pain of Daemon's rejection still lingered, but it now mingled with a burning desire for justice. Determination surged within me, unyielding and fierce. I vowed to unravel every detail and ensure all guilty parties faced the consequences of their actions. "Imprison these two for treason!" commanded Perry, now the next highest Alpha under me. Leaving Melinda trembling in fear, I turned my back on the room, on the remnants of a shattered love. It was time to gather evidence of where Kree was and dismantle the intricate web of corruption that had ensnared us all. The path before me was treacherous and fraught with uncertainty, but I was no longer the broken, rejected mate. I had transformed into a force to be reckoned with. Still in my formidable Lycan form, I relentlessly searched the pack for Alpha Rikard. It
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 23 I'm Not The Luna
Adriana’s Point of View "There is a hole in my soul that I feel cannot be filled, and because of his words, I am no longer Luna of this pack." As soon as Alpha Rikard had been taken into custody, I told everyone that I wanted to leave the pack. "Please don't go, Luna," said Tyler, with tears in his eyes. "I am no longer Luna, remember?" I reminded him sadly. Daemon's parents, Mitchell and Alana, didn't want me to go either. They kept trying to assure me that Daemon truly wouldn't want me to leave. They were adamant that he would take back his words once he woke from his comatose state. Once he did that, I would regain my position as Luna. They insisted that Daemon loved me, that his words were purely from the blood magic spell. Deep down, I felt a void in my heart that contradicted their words. I didn't know how to reconcile my feelings with this. "Please don't leave yet," said Calliope. My wolf agreed with them, of course, as she was sure our mate Daemon and his wolf, Theo, wo
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 24 Back In My Childhood Home
Adriana’s Point of View I have now officially moved into my mother's old house. Her room was now my bedroom, while my own room had been transformed into a nursery for the twins. Maye, thankfully, had agreed to move in with me as a full-time nanny. She settled into the spare room. Everything had changed. As I walked through the rooms of my childhood home, I couldn't help but notice the transformation that had taken place. Tyler, who was becoming an annoying good friend, had insisted on purchasing new furniture to give the house a fresh start. The sight of the unfamiliar pieces reminded me of the countless memories that were etched within these walls. Once adorned with cosy, worn-out sofas and a well-loved coffee table, the living room now boasted sleek leather couches and a modern glass centrepiece. The changes were striking, and while they added a touch of sophistication, they also felt somewhat foreign. I couldn't help but feel a tinge of nostalgia for the old, comforting furniture
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 25 Meeting With The Elders
Adriana’s Point of View "So Tyler, why have you come to visit?" I asked him. "Well, the pack elders have requested a meeting with us. Perry and Delilah said they would be there too. In case there is any trouble." "Do they know that Daemon rejected me?" I asked, feeling deflated. "I think they know something," he answered, "but remember that Perry will be there as the official representative of the Council of Alphas. What he says goes. Also, Mitchell will be there as well. Neither Alana nor Mitchell accepted what Daemon did. As far as they are concerned, you are still Luna, and... you are still Queen. Tyler and I finished up our coffees, leaving the twins in Maye's capable hands. As we entered the Alpha's office, we were greeted by six older men, including Mitchell. I had met them before when Daemon introduced me to them before we had our combined mating and Luna ceremony. "Adriana, dear," said Mitchell, greeting me. I smiled gratefully, knowing I would have at least one of the e
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 26 At Daemon's Side
Adriana’s Point of View After the meeting with the elders, I bid Tyler goodbye. We had agreed that he would look after the day-to-day responsibilities and only call me in for specific tasks that needed the Alpha. Unbeknownst to me, Daemon had set me up a while ago to be able to sign on his behalf. Later on today, the pack legal team would be coming through for me to sign the documents. Perry would be present as a witness. "So if the elders had refused for me to continue on as Luna and lead the pack, what would have happened?" I asked Tyler. "They would have been outvoted," he answered. "The Alpha's wishes outweigh everything." "But.." I started thinking back to his rejection. "But nothing," Tyler answered. "The Alpha was under blood magic and not able to make a sound decision. You are still Luna, regardless." Feeling somewhat better about my position and future in the pack, I went to the Medical Centre to sit by Daemon's bedside. "Morning, Luna," called the receptionist as I w
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 27 Blood Transfusion
Adriana's Point of View Doctor Samuel and I waited anxiously at Daemon's bedside; our concern was definitely etched across Samuel's face and no doubt mine. We knew Perry and Delilah's arrival was vital, as Samuel had an idea to discuss with them. Although Daemon's blood showed that the wolf's bane had gone from his system, I was beginning to suspect that some other form of poison still lingered in his bloodstream. My mind raced, contemplating what idea Samuel had come up with. I wasn't going to ask any questions until Perry and Delilah arrived since I doubted that Samuel wanted to repeat explaining his ideas. Finally, Perry and Delilah arrived, their presence bringing me the much-needed explanation. Samuel wasted no time explaining his concerns about a lingering poison and his proposed solution. He feared that Daemon's blood remained tainted and wondered if a transfusion could combat whatever was still there. "What do his blood tests tell you?" asked Perry. "It tells me that the
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 28 The Guards Return
Adriana's Point of View It had been a long and arduous week so far, and there had been no signs of improvement in Daemon's condition. I was exhausted. Every day I made time to visit the Medical Centre to spend at least an hour with Daemon. I preferred to spend more, but sometimes Luna and mother's duties made that problematic. I had wondered about bringing the twins here. Maybe hearing them would help. Next time I would. Doctor Samuel had been candid about the recovery process, cautioning that it could be a slow and unpredictable journey. Still, each passing day seemed to stretch endlessly, and the hope that had initially buoyed my spirits was now waning. With the thought of continuing life without my mate, I found myself spiralling down an emotional abyss, consumed by feelings of despair and uncertainty. The only thing that kept me going at the moment was spending time with the twins. They were a precious gift, a living testament to the love Daemon and I had once shared. Their in
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