All Chapters of Hidden Legacy (The Lost Luna): Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
249 Chapters
Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 39 Gamma Mating Ceremony
Daemon’s Point of View "I believe it would be entirely possible for that to work, but our priority is the Queen and her heirs and to you as Royal Consort, to a lesser degree. No pack law could override that directive." Adriana had asked her Captain if she and the other Royal Guards would join our pack. Charlotte had an excellent point; Adriana and our pups would be the focus of the Guards. As the Alpha of my pack, they wouldn't necessarily submit to me. Was that necessarily a bad idea? As I contemplated the situation, I realised that having the Royal Guards in our pack could be advantageous. They were highly skilled and experienced warriors, and their presence would strengthen our already formidable pack. While they might not submit to me as their Alpha, they would respect and follow my leadership, knowing our ultimate goal was to protect the Queen and her heirs. But there was another side to this decision. If the Guards joined our pack, they could also bring their own traditions a
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 40 The New Liaison to the Council of Alphas Part 1
Perry’s Point of View A Week Later Since Adriana had made me her Royal Beta, I had never been busier. The first thing I did was contact Sebastian, who was my colleague on the Council of Alphas. I hoped to persuade him to take over from me as Liaison to the Crown. Sebastian and I had been good friends for years, ever since we first met while training to become Alphas. He was a strong, determined alpha with a keen sense of justice, making him the perfect candidate to fill the role of Liaison. With permission from Alpha Daemon, I set up a lunch meeting with Sebastian at a small café in the heart of the Black Wolf Pack village. It wasn't really that small a village when I thought about it. There were paved streets with a couple of cafés, some dress and shoe stores, a grocery store, and various others, including a library. In the centre, there was even a well-kept park. As I walked into the café, I spotted Sebastian sitting at a table near the window, engrossed in a book. He looked up
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 41 The New Liaison to the Council of Alphas Part 2
Sebastian’s Point of View Adriana's smile widened, and she extended her hand towards me. "Welcome to the Royal Pack, Sebastian. Undoubtedly, you will be an invaluable intermediary between the Council and us." I took her hand, feeling a jolt of electricity surge through me. At that moment, I truly understood why Perry had chosen to follow her. Adriana possessed a charisma and aura that was impossible to resist. She was destined to lead, and I was honoured to be a part of her journey. As we released our handshake, a sense of purpose settled over me. I was ready to embrace my new role, support Adriana, and protect her pack. Was this what Perry had felt when he met her? Or was it since she had shifted to Lycan? Adriana continued, "I think the next step is to meet Daemon. He is on his way and will be here shortly. He was just discussing training logistics, combining the Royal Guard and our warriors. Considering the Royal Guards had only been formed six weeks ago and had never trained or
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 42 Dealing with Traitors
Daemon’s Point of View "Perhaps it's time we paid a visit to Alpha Rikard," I suggested to Sebastian. I was angry about this whole debacle and wanted to kill Rikard and his daughter. How dare they come between me and my mate! Both Rikard and his daughter Melinda were associated with the blood witch, Kree. It was entirely possible they had knowledge that could lead us straight to her. I was determined to do whatever it took to get that information. As for that fucking kitchen Omega... According to Adriana, Diana knew nothing. She was just the person who facilitated giving me the potion. I would deal with her as part of pack justice, which would involve her death. "You have not questioned them yet?" Sebastian asked. Adriana was also angry and interjected," I questioned them originally to determine what part they played in forcing Daemon to reject me, but I have not interrogated them further. I decided to let them rot in the cells for a while." At Perry's suggestion, we gathered De
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 43 Execution
Daemon’s Point of View Neither Rikard nor Melinda knew Kree's location since she no longer resided with their pack. No doubt, Kree had run as soon as she realised her plan to get Adriana had failed. It had finally dawned on them that they had outlived their usefulness. After questioning Rikard and Melinda while they were under the control of Adriana, Sebastian took a deep breath before finally addressing the prisoners. "Rikard, Melinda, you have been found guilty of betraying our pack and aiding a blood witch. Not only that, you came between fated mates, which is against the laws decreed by the Council of Alphas. Since one of the intended victims was the Lycan Queen, your actions are now considered treasonous," he announced. "The punishment for such treason is death." A momentary silence filled the room as the weight of those words hung in the air. Rikard and Melinda exchanged a glance, their stubbornness momentarily replaced by fear. Then they started screaming and yelling. As th
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 44 Rikard's Pack
Adriana’s Point of View Daemon and I had spent the last two days in a whirlwind of emotions, trying to cherish every moment we had with the twins. They were the light in our lives, and we couldn't bear the thought of leaving them behind. But deep down, we knew it was the right decision. Their safety was our priority, and bringing them into the unknown dangers we were about to face would only put them at risk We were becoming no strangers to the dangers that seemed to lurk in the shadows. Despite their being Council members and warriors at the two packs we would be going to, we were still uncertain as to what would await us. After all, I had inadvertently caused the deaths of two Alphas, creating a volatile situation that would undoubtedly follow us wherever we went. Would the remaining pack members harbour resentment towards me? I had no idea what the other pack members had been told. Did they know their Alphas were breaking Council laws while attempting to subvert another pack? As
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 45 Brandon's Pack
Adriana’s Point of View After being at Half-Moon Pack for a little over two weeks, I was glad to be home, even if it was for only a week before we left to go to the Red Devil Pack. Again, we would be leaving Maye to look after the twins until we were sure they wouldn't be in danger. I was not looking forward to the trip. From what Perry and Sebastian told me, it would be more complex and challenging than the Half-Moon Pack. Rikard may have been a lousy Alpha, but he didn't involve his Beta or Gamma in his plans, which simplified things. At least Half-Moon had someone who could take up the leadership mantle. The Red Devil Pack, however... We travelled to the Red Devil Pack with the same team as Half-Moon Pack. Wilson and Perry swapped vehicles this time, as Perry wanted to discuss what had happened so far. "The Council Representative on site will be Roger," said Perry. "There will be twice as many Council warriors to enforce rules there as in Half-Moon." "Is it that bad?" I asked.
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 46 Back Home
Daemon’s Point of View Finally, we were back home. While it had only been a little less than a month and a half, it felt closer to a year. Half of the time had been spent away from the twins, and that was the most challenging part of it for both Adriana and me. Despite all of this, Adriana had been developing as the future Queen. This trip away had polished her leadership skills, and she had embraced her responsibilities with confidence. I couldn't have been prouder of her growth and determination. We had left the pack late afternoon, so it was post-dinner time when we arrived. As we stepped into our familiar home, Adam, our parents and my sister were there to greet us. More likely, my mother was waiting to see the twins. She had been here supervising Maye when we couldn't have them with us. Hopefully, we wouldn't have to leave them again until they were older. At least during this trip, we had been able to have them with us some of the time, though we were always on edge when they
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 47 Royal Pack Merge
Adriana’s Point of View Daemon and I came down for breakfast after feeding the twins. Shortly, we would be having a meeting with Tyler, Sebastian, and Perry. Even though Tyler was Daemon's Beta, he still had to be kept in the loop, as whatever we discussed would no doubt affect the pack. On our agenda today, the main topic was my coronation, and the next major point was alterations to the packhouse. Perry mentioned that he wanted to discuss finances and investments in order to keep the monarchy running. I could feel the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. As we settled at the empty breakfast table, Daemon and I took a moment to enjoy the rare peace of just the four of us in our busy lives. We both knew the calm wouldn't last long, for the upcoming meeting held essential decisions that would shape our lives and the entire pack's future. For a short time, we could pretend that we were just parents. Since the twins were now sitting independently, they could now sit at the table
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 48 Changes
Daemon's Point of View Over the next week, all of us were preparing to move to the Silver Wolf packhouse. Before that could happen, we needed to take a trip to see the house. Only Tyler, Perry, some of the Royal Guards, and Adriana had seen it so far. On the trip over there, I was trying not to feel overly sensitive about everything. I still held on to the guilt of rejecting Adriana while under the blood witch's spell. Since Adriana could feel strong emotions through our mate link, she put her hand over mine as a calming gesture. Driving up to the packhouse, I was surprised by its immense size. When I was here to rescue Adriana almost a year ago, I had seen how big it was, but it hadn't registered just how large it was. It put our little packhouse to shame. The packhouse was no longer dilapidated and had undergone a magnificent transformation. On the outside, intricate stonework was meticulously laid brick by brick, forming a foundation that exuded durability and resilience. Grace
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