All Chapters of Hidden Legacy (The Lost Luna): Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
249 Chapters
Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 49 Preparation
Adriana’s Point of View "I can't get over how big this place is," remarked Adam as we entered the Silver Wolf packhouse. "It is quite regal," added Charlotte. "From what Alana told me, all the single pack members used to live in the packhouse," I responded. Alana had recounted as much as she knew about my mother's pack. The very things I wished I could ask my mother about. "It was a reasonable size pack, then?" Adam asked. "It was, but there wasn't a panic room, so there was nowhere to hide when the rogues attacked," I answered, "but there is one now, fully stocked even." I couldn't help but reflect on how my life would have been different if there had been a panic room big enough for the pack to hide. If they had been able to contact Mitchell and Alana in time, the pack might have survived. Then, my mother and father would probably still be alive, and I would still be mated to Daemon. So many what-ifs crashed down on me like waves. Pushing aside my swirling emotions, I engaged
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 50 Swearing Fealty
Adriana’s Point of View It was late afternoon when the Council of Alpha's warriors arrived at our new pack house. Tyler and Daemon had been working on housing them. Luckily, pack members opened their homes to the warriors, though there would be plenty of new builds happening, and most of it would be on the new land. Surrounding the pack house at intervals, the Royal Guards stood to attention like sentinels of unwavering loyalty. Clad in their regal armour, their presence was a formidable reminder of the protection that encircled the heart of our pack. However, it also reminded me that they needed upgraded uniforms made of toughened material. If they were protecting me, I wanted them as protected as possible. The idea that they would give their lives for mine made me determined to ensure their safety in every possible way. As the realisation settled that these guards were willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for me, a surge of responsibility coursed through my veins. I knew that t
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 51 Coronation
Adriana’s Point of View The day of the coronation came quickly. By now, the Alphas of every pack under the Council of Alpha's jurisdiction had been informed of the new Lycan Queen. Perry, Tyler, Daemon and I had worked tirelessly to organise accommodation for all Alphas and their entourages coming to the coronation. We managed to secure enough spaces for every Alpha and their entourage, ensuring that each shifter would have a comfortable place to stay during the coronation. All those Alphas who had treaties with Daemon would be housed in the new pack house, and some would be housed in the old pack house and nearby cabins. Others would be accommodated in human hotels and motels close by. I was totally in awe of Tyler and Perry's organisational skills. There were a few representatives of other shifter species coming as well. They were also to be housed with us. We were unsure how the wolves would take to them, and we wanted to keep them safe. As the ceremony preparations were underwa
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 52 The Royal Consort
Daemon’s Point of View As the days went on after the coronation, I found myself mulling over the prospect of being crowned Royal Consort. I couldn't shake off my dissatisfaction with the title, grumbling about it under my breath. Despite my reservations, I recognised the importance of this role and the responsibilities that came with it. "Daemon, I can tell you are frustrated, but what is the actual problem?" Adriana asked over mind-link so the others wouldn't hear. "I am an Alpha," I fumed. "Royal Consort doesn't sound like a step up or even a step sideways." "Are you disappointed that I outrank you?" She asked, and I sensed her emotions fluctuate. "No," I grumped, "I just like my title of Alpha." I was feeling sorry for myself, and I had no reason to feel this way. Adriana had accepted me back As mate, despite me rejecting her. I was lucky to even be with her still, so when I felt her emotions while she talked to me, I realised that I would do anything to make her happy. Even i
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 53 Four Packs, One Alpha Part
Adriana’s Point of ViewThe day after my coronation, we were again setting up for another one. This time, Daemon was to be crowned my Royal Alpha Consort. As my Consort, he would be ruling over the combined Royal Pack, as well as Rikard and Brandon's packs.Grant and Roger had only been placed as temporary Alphas. Although, Daemon and I could change that ruling and make it permanent. At this stage, we wouldn't, as neither of them had any experience leading packs.During Daemon's coronation, it was decided that we would announce the combination of the Royal Pack and Daemon's dominion over the remaining two packs. Grant, Roger and the Council were behind this, as they felt it was essential to cement the power of the Monarchy in the other Alpha's mind."Are you sure this is what you want?"
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 54 Four Packs, One Alpha Part 2
Adriana’s Point of ViewI stood at the centre of the clearing, attempting to maintain as regal an air as possible. As Daemon walked towards me, we shared a knowing glance, a silent reassurance that everything would unfold as planned. Together, we began the altered and no longer age-old oath, with Daemon repeating the words that bound him to me as not only my Royal Consort but as my Alpha."Are you ready?" I mind-linked him.Nodding, Daemon began his oath of fealty to me."I, Daemon, Alpha of the Black Wolf Pack, solemnly pledge my unwavering loyalty and devotion to you, my Queen, Adriana. As your Royal Alpha Consort, I stand by your side as your steadfast partner, ready to serve, protect, and uphold the honour of our pack and realm. I vow to cherish and support you, to share in both tri
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 55 Lycans
Adriana’s Point of View After the coronation of the Royal Consort, Daemon and I retired for the evening. I held him close to me as I caressed his back, my fingers trailing down the curve of his spine to the roundness of his bottom. Daemon's hands were on my back, stroking and caressing, but his eyes were closed, and he seemed lost in thought. I was lost, too, thinking about how wonderful this night had been. "A penny for your thoughts?" I asked. "Only if you share yours," he laughed. "I just wonder if we will have to battle Alphas as well as Kree," Daemon said. "You are wondering if they will accept you as their ultimate Alpha?" I asked. "Yes." "I was wondering the same thing. I suppose that only time will tell. Hell, I am not even sure if they will accept me as Queen. If it wasn't for the Council, they probably wouldn't. However, we shouldn't let it disturb our night." "You're right. Adriana," he said softly, "I love you so much." His eyes opened, and they seemed to glow wit
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 56 The New King
Adriana’s Point of ViewAfter a run in the forest together for the first time as Lycan, Daemon, and I shifted back to human form as we neared Perry and Tyler."Your majesties," gushed Perry as he bowed to us."I guess they are now," remarked Tyler. "So how is this going to work? Do I still call you Alpha?""I have no idea. We will make it up as we go along," shrugged Daemon."Let us get back inside and discuss this in your home office," said Perry.We walked back into the house with the Royal Guard following us. They would continue to guard the perimeter around the house, as they always did. Now that Daemon was Lycan, I wondered whether they would have to go through a blood oath to him. I was sur
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 57 Expansion and Changes
Adriana’s Point of View It took a few more days for all the Alphas and Council members to finally leave. The only Council member remaining was Sebastian, and he would be staying here long term. Now that the packhouse was empty, the builders moved back in, in force, and renovating began in earnest. Daemon's construction company was enormous, so the original team of builders continued renovating the old packhouse. Another was constructing chalet-style cabins to house all the Royal Guards and potential family members. These were situated next to our current house. We decided this would definitely be our permanent home as it was much larger than the old packhouse and frankly looked more regal. A third team was building guest houses since it was likely that we would have many visitors. These were situated closer to the packhouse but still
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 58 The Start of War
Adriana’s Point of ViewIt was three months since Daemon was recognised as King. During that time, we had continued to train hard. Adam and Daemon were worried about the Red Devil and Half-Moon packs, but Adam had a few ideas about what we could do about it. He met with Delilah and Sebastian to discuss his ideas.The Council of Alphas were cooperating with the witch's Council to investigate where Kree might possibly be hiding. Despite working tirelessly, their efforts seemed to be in vain as Kree's trail grew cold. They even consulted seers to see if she could be found. The answers were all the same - Kree would attack the Royal Pack within the next six months, and the outcome could not be determined.Delilah, Pania, and Amiria continued their work in fortifying the pack boundaries, ensuring that not even the slightest hint of Kree
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25 Protection Status