All Chapters of Hidden Legacy (The Lost Luna): Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
249 Chapters
Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 69 The Battle for the Red Devil Pack
Adriana's Point of View It was about 4:00 a.m. by the time we had organised our ambush at the Red Devil Pack. Daemon and I stood together in our Lycan form, surrounded by our warriors and guards in their wolf forms. It seemed strange to be surrounded by bears, jackals, eagles, lynx, mountain lions and Fae, but here we all were. While hidden from our enemy's view, we could still see each other. Lysander had said we could whisper to each other without being heard as long as it wasn't too loud. The illusion would keep us hidden from sight and sound, but none of us were chancing it. Since Daemon had been successful with mind-linking Roger, we quickly tested it on the non-wolf shifters and found it successful. Being King and Queen of all shifters had some benefits. Mind-linking any of our subjects was one of them. As the moon hung high in the sky, casting an ethereal glow over the forest, I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my veins. This was the moment we had been waiting fo
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 70 Aftermath and Hopefully a Chance to Rest
Adriana's Point of View Roger and his warriors came out of the bunker to the aftermath of the battle. Dead rogues littered the blood-soaked ground. The entire cleaning in front of the packhouse had turned red, and the stench of blood would likely hang around for days. Some of the Omegas were sent to cook us breakfast, and Roger had his pack members take over carting the bodies to be burnt, telling us that we had done enough for them already. Leading us inside, he showed us where we could clean up. A sponge bath wasn't as good as a shower, but at least we were somewhat clean. We all had clean clothes to wear afterwards. That was the benefit of taking off our clothes before shifting. If we hadn't, we wouldn't have any clothes to change into. Even though Daemon and I didn't need to strip first because we had learnt how to shift without damaging our clothes, we had undressed anyway. I was thankful we had taken them off because we were still covered in blood when we returned to our huma
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 71 Not Over Yet
Adriana's Point of View We were victorious tonight and lucky. Lucky in the fact that we had the Fae warriors and witches with us to hide us, visually and audibly, as well as masking our scent. Any injuries our warriors or shifter allies sustained were easily fixed. I wasn't sure about the Fae or witches, but none were reported as injured, so it remained unknown. This is something I would need to ask Allandro or Avril about. After answering some questions from Roger's pack, we entered the packhouse. Our intention was to have Allandro open a portal for home. I hoped we would get a chance to rest before preparing our following action against Kree. Just as we walked up the stairs, a man and woman ran up to us. "Your Majesties," the man called as our guards stepped between him and us. Daemon and I turned towards them and walked back down the stairs. I could tell they had something to say to us and were worried. Other than that, I sense no hostile thoughts towards us. "What seems to be
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 72 The Final Battle Part 1
Adriana's Point of View We came through the portal into our dining room to be greeted by Tyler, Perry, Adam and Charlotte. They looked as tired as we felt. Apparently, they had stayed up all night monitoring the patrols to ensure no one got past. So far, so good. Kree must have been waiting for confirmation that the attack on the Red Devil Pack was successful. Hopefully, she would be waiting a long time since we were sure we got everyone. Sitting down to a short meal and a chance to debrief with those who didn't come with us, Daemon declared, "We need to mind-link the scouts to monitor Kree and the remaining rogues. I am unsure if that was even half her force if she had around 200 of them." "Done!" stated Adam. "Thanks to the Fae and witches, we were able to hide our warriors and come out reasonably unscathed," Daemon continued. How easy is it to hide a bigger force?" I asked. Ah, that's a good question, Adriana," Lysandros chimed in. "First of all, thank you, Alpha Daemon, for
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 73 The Final Battle Part 2
Adriana's Point of View Woken by the alarm, I felt groggy, and I could feel through our bond that Daemon was too. As much as I wanted to go back to sleep, we needed to get up and prepare for the attack on Kree. I went to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face to help wake me up. I got into a form-fitting leather outfit that would offer some protection in human form. Once I was in Lycan form, it would only matter if I was hit with wolfsbane or silver. Since it would affect the shifter carrying it, it would likely be only humans or witches who would have it on them. At least I didn't have to worry about my outfit shredding when I shifted, unlike the other shifters. I made a mental note to talk to Delilah and see if she had any luck designing a spell allowing shifters to keep their clothes. However, the upcoming battle was our priority. After getting dressed, I headed to the dining room, where the rest of the team was already gathering to eat and drink copious amounts of str
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 74 The Power of the Goddess
Daemon's Point of View With Kree's death, it was basically over. Our warriors were mopping up the last of the rogues. Everyone had been told to take no prisoners unless children or pregnant she-wolves were involved. It was unpleasant but necessary. No one wanted the rogues to come back in force and wreak more havoc. The battle had been won, but the cost had been significant. So many lives had been lost, starting with Adriana's father and pack. Yet, a sense of relief and triumph permeated the air. We had come together, fought bravely, and emerged victorious. As the dust settled and our wounds were tended, we gathered in the centre of Kree's camp. The warriors on the outer edge had fanned out and were moving towards the camp like a noose being slowly tightened. This would capture any rogues still alive and hiding. I looked at Adriana to see how she was coping after killing Kree. Her face was devoid of all emotion, but our bond told a different story. Adriana's emotions were all over
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Book 2: The Lost Princess - Ch. 75 And Life Goes On
Adriana's Point of View As I stood in the shower with Daemon, post-battle, tumultuous feelings swirled within me. The sound of water cascading down my body mirrored the mix of adrenaline and exhaustion coursing through my veins. It had been a day unlike any other, filled with intense moments that pushed the boundaries of our strength and resilience. Daemon, my mate, the father of my children, my king, and everything, stood beside me, his tall frame mirroring my weariness. Part of me wondered what he was thinking about, but at this point in time, I didn't have the energy to ponder any deeper. As the water washed away the dirt and grime from our skin, I couldn't help but reflect on the events that had brought us to this point. We had fought side by side, as Lycans and as humans, becoming a force to be reckoned with. However, the toll it would take on our emotions was undeniable, or at least on my emotions. With the death of Kree and almost all of her rogue wolves and witches, it was
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Book 3 News
First of all, thank you to all of my readers for the feedback you have given. Book 3 has been started, although it is slow going. For those of you who don't know, I am a full-time primary school teacher, and with less than two weeks of school left in the year (Southern Hemisphere year), life is extremely busy. I usually only write in the weekends at my favourite cafe, but for the last two weeks, our household has taken a hit with COVID. Suffice to say, not a lot of writing has been done. I will start posting Book 3 in January 2024. It continues on from the last book straight away and centres around Daemon's Beta, Tyler. Daemon and Adriana still have a major part to play as she explores the revelation that she is related to the Fae Queen. So far, Books 4 and 5 will be about Daemon and Adriana's twin children, Cedric and Lucienne. Proof-Reading Note: I am going through and updating the chapters. Even though I write them in Grammarly, then proofread them before publishing them, some
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Book 1 News
I am excited that The Lost Luna is almost ready to be published in paperback form through A____n. There will be a completely new cover for the book, and each subsequent book will have it's own cover, although they will be similar and obviously a set. I have been working on a title for the series since it was originally supposed to be a one-off novel, but I am not good at sticking to plan. The series will be called Hidden Legacy. The artist for the cover is Rose Proffitt, a New Zealand artist currently living in Australia. I really recommend checking out her F______k page, Rose Proffitt Creations, where you can see some of the amazing graphics she creates. I feel lucky to have such a talented friend. Once The Lost Luna has been fully published, it will be time to go back through the proofreading process with The Lost Princess. According to my proofreader, I was unwavering in my use of unwavering throughout the second book. I will be fixing that and will become resolute and unshakeabl
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Exciting few days that started badly
The day before Christmas, I lost an entire chapter I had written that morning. I was totally gutted and have taken a few days off to get back into a positive frame of mind. I have started writing the chapter again, but it was difficult to get started. Damn ADHD! On a good note: I have signed the name change contract, and hopefully soon, the new name of Hidden Legacy (The Lost Luna) will be updated. The Kindle version of Book 1: The Lost Luna has gone live. The new cover is looking awesome, thanks to Rose Proffitt. I have added the new cover to here as well.
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