All Chapters of Hidden Legacy (The Lost Luna): Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
249 Chapters
Book 3: The Love Of A Beta - Prologue
Tyler's Point of View Our Alpha King and Luna Queen had finally defeated that awful blood witch Kree and her band of rogues with the help of our allies. In particular, with the aid of our Fae allies. Which led me to think about Avril. The moment I saw her, I knew she was my fated mate. When our non-wolf shifter allies unexpectedly arrived, we all went to the gate to greet them. Walking over there, my wolf Echo was overly agitated about something important happening, and the smell of waffles and bacon was almost overpowering. I couldn't see who or what was making that smell or causing Echo to act this way. None of the visitors standing at the front of the group were that interesting to Echo or me. At the back of all of the visitors, hiding was her. My mate. The woman I had been waiting for since I turned eighteen, and here she was. All I could do was stare at her with my stupid mouth open like an idiot while Echo screamed in my head. My mate was Fae, not that I worried about things
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Book 3: The Love Of A Beta - Ch. 1 Getting To Know Each Other
Tyler's Point of ViewPerry, Adam, Charlotte, Avril and I sat around the massive dining room table after everyone else had walked through the portal. None of us could sleep knowing that our King and Queen were out there battling Kree and her rogues."I should be there," muttered a disgruntled Charlotte. "I am the Captain of the Royal Guards.""Since we aren't there, let's check in with our patrols... in person."That seemed to cheer Charlotte, and they left to run around the pack lands. Perry muttered something about trying to get some sleep in case there were issues to deal with later. That left Avril and me."I would like us to get to know each other, Avril," I started. "I am not sure how you go about meeting your mates and how you would mark each other.""We don't mark each other, but we are handfasted in a ceremony officiated by the head of our household," she answered."Well, that is certainly different, though we would have a ceremony, but we mark each other, and it is permanent
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Book 3: The Love Of A Beta - Ch. 2 The Invitation
Tyler's Point of View Two days after Kree had been defeated, the Fae planned to return to their realm. Avril announced that she would go with them, and I was devastated, not to mention that Echo was pining away. "I know, Echo," I told him. "I feel the same way." I made a point to hunt Avril down before she left to ask her, "Are you intending on coming back?" "That depends on my mother at this stage," she replied. I couldn't understand how she could remain so unruffled by it. Did the mate bond not affect her as much? Thanks to that bond, Echo and I were already in love with her. I wanted her so badly, but at the same time, I didn't want to put pressure on her so she would resent me and the bond. I felt like I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The days following Kree's defeat had been a whirlwind of emotions and responsibilities. Avril's announcement about returning to the Fae realm left me grappling with a sense of loss that mirrored Echo's own melancholy. She and the ot
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Book 3: The Love Of A Beta - Ch. 3 Portal To The Fae Realm
Tyler's Point of View Adriana cordially extended an invitation to join the group for a morning repast. "Once our breakfasting is complete," she continued, "we shall pack a collection of clothes. I assume it is beneficial for us to leave as quickly as possible?" Allandro and Avril nodded in agreement and sat down at the table. Avril came and sat next to me without me needing to ask. It was one more sign that she wanted me as her mate. "Me too," said Echo. "Yes, you too," I answered him. Over the course of breakfast, Avril informed us that the portal's endpoint would be a clearing within the forest, necessitating a brief thirty-minute trek to reach the Queen's Court. Proper attire for walking was advised, with an opportunity for a wardrobe change upon arrival at our destination. There, we would need suitable clothes for an audience with the Fae Queen. Our packing didn't take long. Typically, we wore clothes that could be considered outside clothes. It was more a case of packing c
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Book 3: The Love Of A Beta - Ch. 4 Contract Broken
Avril’s Point of View I really wanted to stay with Tyler. He seemed to be everything I liked in a mate. Of course, the Moon Goddess wouldn't have fated us together if he wasn't perfect for me. When I let my mother know I had found my fated mate, she sighed, saying, "Another child of mine fated to the wolves. I guess this is the Goddess' way of telling us our two species are to be entwined." She sighed again and asked, "What are you going to do about Neri?" Neri. He was the eldest son of one of the leading families in the realm. It was a political joining, with no real love between me and Neri. Or at least on my part. His family did not entirely support my mother's reign, so getting betrothed was supposedly a good way of ensuring their loyalty. Neri had asked for my hand in marriage, and I had agreed on the stipulation that the betrothal would be null and void should my fated mate appear. Now that Tyler was in the scene, I could break the agreement, and there was nothing he or his
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Book 3: The Love Of A Beta - Ch. 5 The Fae Queen
After opening a portal straight into my apartment, the one place I could create a portal within the palace, I quickly visited my mother. "So, how did it go with Neri?" she asked. "Better than I could ever have hoped," I replied, which caused her to raise an eyebrow. "I caught him cheating with another woman. I told him I had found my fated mate, but I would have continued with the betrothal contract even if I hadn't." Mother gasped at my comment before stating, "I am so glad you were able to get out of that. I have never really liked his family. I should never have allowed the contract to take place. If your father was still alive..." "I thought I was making a good choice," I answered. "Even though I didn't love Neri, I was hopeful that feelings would come eventually. At least I can focus on my mate now." "Yes, you can, and I think you'd better go get them. I want to meet this mate of yours and the new Lycan King and Queen." I strode through the palace corridors, my heart poundin
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Book 3: The Love Of A Beta - Ch. 6 The Truth
Tyler's Point of View When we entered the throne room, I could see the resemblance between Avril and the Fae Queen. There was an ethereal grace and regal presence to both mother and daughter. Both possessed an otherworldly elegance. The closest anyone I knew came to it, was Adriana. Given that they were related, it all made sense. I didn’t want to stare at the Fae Queen, so I turned my attention to Avril. She was standing there explaining to her mother that I was her fated mate, then she turned to look at me. It was as if we both got lost in each other’s gaze, until we were disturbed by an angry Fae male storming into the throne room. The male was named Duan and apparently was the father of Avril’s fiancé, Neri. To find out that Avril had been previously engaged to another man was a surprise. It explained Avril's standoffishness about the mate bond. At least she ended the betrothal contract, though I hope she won't be made to continue with it. I wasn't sure of the Fae rules around
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Adriana's Story
Throughout this book, Adriana and Daemon will still play a major part in the story. There will still be chapters from their points of view that will often not have anything to do with Tyler directly. In this story, Adriana will explore her life as part-Fae and meet family members, and Daemon will be examining the changes in his life as the mate of a very powerful woman. Tyler's story runs parallel to this as his relationship with Avril develops, along with the challenges they face as a multiracial couple. As you have seen with Duan, not everyone in the Fae realm is as accepting of the royal family's relationships with wolf shifters and Lycans.
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Book 3: The Love Of A Beta - Ch. 7 The Past Part 1
Adriana's Point of ViewWe all went outside into the Queen's private courtyard, off the main throne room. No one was allowed in the enclosed space without the Queen's permission, so it was safe to say that we wouldn't be disturbed.The vast courtyard was a breathtaking oasis of beauty. It was enclosed by intricately woven vines of silver and gold, forming a natural barrier that shimmered with an otherworldly glow. Flowers of every conceivable colour bloomed in harmony, their petals radiating a gentle, ethereal light.In the centre of the courtyard stood a majestic fountain crafted from what looked like ornately carved crystal. It sparkled in the ambient glow, casting tiny rainbows in the air. The clear water flowed gracefully, forming intricate patterns that seemed to dance to an unseen melody.Flickering butterflies with wings that glowed like precious gemstones flitted around the fountain, adding to the enchantment of the scene. On closer inspection, the flickering of the butterflie
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Book 3: The Love Of A Beta - Ch. 8 The Past Part 2
Adriana's Point of View"How come no one came to help when the King and Queen were killed?" Richard blurted out before adding, "Sorry. Queen Aurora."Until now, Richard and the other guards had been silent in the background. The feelings of shock and embarrassment hit me due to how he phrased his question, not even beginning his sentence with her title. The look I gave him obviously conveyed that, as he quickly amended his statement.Although I could tell that Richard was feeling annoyed or some similar emotion, there was still no excuse for rudeness. I would make that quite clear through our mind-linked conversation later. Although, Aurora was effectively my great-something grandmother and had insisted I call her Aurora, I was still wary of how I addressed her."That is an excellent question," Aurora answered. "One that has been asked a multitude of times and has been investigated thoroughly. From what we have found, there was strong blood magic at play here, as a possibility that va
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