All Chapters of The Rogue Warrior: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
206 Chapters
Chapter 154.2
Lucy We needed to talk. The kiss of death of any relationship. Or so I had heard. So why was it that Roman took on this persona of a guard here only to come here and break up with me? My mind immediately went a hundred different ways and the look on my face must have expressed my thoughts because I could even form words. His hands were cupping my face.“Luce?”“Ar… Are you breaking up with me? Was it because I agreed to come here? Oh my goddess… Is it because you met someone else?” I stuttered, shocked and confused. But the hurt laced each and every word.“What? Goddess NO!” He growled out, staring me in the eyes. “Is that what your thinking? Damnit woman, what didn’t you understand when Levi and I told you that you were our mate? We mate for life, baby. Once you accepted us, there was no going back, princess. You are ours for life. No going back on that now. For
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Chapter 155
Celeste Once we had a game plan created and had it passed through the council, we prepared to make our way towards Zoey. Amethyst was almost bouncing with glee at the opportunity to meet her grandchild that she had mourned on more than one occasion. We had never known the exact date that she was born or “died”, but every year on the anniversary of us bringing Lucy home, Amethyst would take the day and seclude herself. I knew that she was mourning the loss of her daughter and granddaughter, but she would never truly talk to anyone. Even if I had attempted to talk to her, and I had on many occasions. Yet, hearing that, indeed, Zoey was alive and well had reignited a fire in both Amethyst and Lucy’s eyes. “I am already if you are Celeste. Should we gather the Coven and have them assist?” Amethyst said, trying to hurry me along. “You may use me again.” Adrik said, supporting me and
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Chapter 156
Roman After Celeste and Amethyst left, Lucy and I made our quick goodbyes before I felt us fading back into our dingy room. The moment we were back, Lucy collapsed into my arms.“Luce!” I whispered-yelled at her.“I’m fine. Just held that a little longer than I should have. I will be okay. Just a little sleep and I will be good as new.” She said, but then gave me a glare that had me a little worried. “How long Roman?”“How long what?” I asked her back.“How long have you been here? How long have you known about my damn daughter? How long have you avoided coming to see me?” She yelled but could tell that the one that hurt her the most was the fact that I didn’t come to see her.“Luce, I have been here for several weeks. I have known Zoey for at least two of them. And before you wonder why I haven’t come to see you, because of thi
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Chapter 157.1
Levi The moment that Roman had linked me, I told Amethyst and she grabbed hold of my hand and chanted something crazy before we began to walk in this darkened fog towards the borders of Alpha’s borders. “We just cloaked ourselves. We should be relatively cloaked but everyone will still hear us. So we need to remain silent and watch where we step.” She told me quietly. We made our slow walk toward the location I thought that Roman would be coming from. We had a portal to the brothel just because we knew that it would be better to walk from there. Roman would greet us about 5 miles outside of the pack borders with Zoey. I was starting to become anxious about meeting my daughter for the first time. My father briefly talked to me before we left, saying that Zoey would not be the same eight-year-old and that the magic they had to use could be long-lasting and she may be out for days. I didn’t care nor
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Chapter 157.2
Levi I watched in horror as Celeste and Amethyst worked their magic on each side of the bed. Meanwhile, another two witches worked their own magic at the head of the bed. Adrik was busy cutting the heels of Zoey’s feet and draining them. When the heel sealed itself back up, he would go to the other heel and, using his long talons, make another deep cut. The blood pooled in a dark mass in a bucket at the foot of the bed. Just when I thought I had about enough of watching my daughter being sliced, hacked and spelled, I watched as her body visibly shrank in front of me, leaving the smallest of little girls in her wake. But she just lay their not moving. I was starting to get scared as everyone just took a step back from her weak little body as Mari stepped closer and put her stethoscope to her chest and listened in a pin drop moment.“Strong heart beat. She should be good now. But do you smell that?” Mari asked Marcus.
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Chapter 157.3
Levi Mari was the first through the door with sleep still clouding her eyes, but she was still in the same clothes and was a bit on the wrinkled side. Next was the doctor that had worked for the compound since my father had opened it. With a clean bill of health, both Mari and the doctor said that she was cleared to finally go home. Mari had brought in some new clothes, though we opted for her to put on a cute little unicorn pajama set, with the shirt saying ‘I am a Unicorn’. So fitting for my unique little girl.As we hit the waiting room, I knew I shouldn’t have been surprised, but all the same, I came out and gasped as I saw everyone in the waiting room waiting for me, our little princess.“Zoey? Remember how I said you would get to meet a real queen?” I said, looking at my sister and watching her roll her eyes at me.“Yeahhh?” She said.“Well, I would like t
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Chapter 158.1
Lucy Savenia sent me a magical letter in the middle of the night saying that Zoey was finally back at home. I so badly wanted to be there with my baby girl. Welcome her home to the coven, but I needed to finish this first. I was completely torn. But I knew Levi, he would have her spoiled rotten and would watch every single cell on my little girl's body. Not a single one of them would ever be hurt under his careful watch. He was known as a huge teddy bear, but I wasn’t naive enough to believe his hands were clean. I had seen the darkness peering through his blueish-green eyes. I knew he could be just as dark as Roman. He just found a way to push it down. Roman just wore his like his personal armor, but deep down was a soft cuddly teddybear.After receiving notice about Zoey, I immediately started a secret search for others that could have been children. It was hard though. This place was just as vindictive as a high scho
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Chapter 158.2
Lucy Three days, it has been three days since I saw Roman or even talked to him. Veda’s condition was getting worse and worse by the day. She wasn’t even conscious any more. Now she mainly just sleeps. And her fever started to set in yesterday. Between her shuttering and shaking, I didn’t know if she would even make it to the compound. Waking up this morning, I reached over and could have sworn she was dead as her breathing had significantly slowed down and now, other than the shaking of her small body, she was almost completely still.  Savenia,Please tell Roman to hurry. I do not know how much longer she is going to make it. I have done all I can with what I have but she is running out of time. Lucy Seconds later, Savenia stated that Roman was doing his final checks and would be on his way right over. But I would need to cont
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Chapter 159
Roman Coming off a three-long day shift where I did nothing but listen to a petulant grown ass man-child complain about how they were now being forced to be trained by the ‘newbie’. Dumbasses. All of them. Like many of these, guards are only here for the perks of being a guard. Unlimited access to women. While I was there, because I needed to be close to my little Luce. She had already gone through too much and now she was finally getting stronger. I didnt need or want this mission to be the thing that finally broke her. I promised her that I would protect her with my life if necessary. And that is what I am doing here. Ensuring she makes it home completely intact both mentally and physically.During my last check, Savenia made a play of wanting a doctor. She felt pains. When I approached the cell, she slipped me a magical letter that would combust the moment that I read it.“Get back little bitch. You probably ju
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Chapter 160.1
AntonyI had been finding every excuse to work. So far, if I am not at my desk working on the security of the compound, hacking the Black blood pack or looking up the surveillance of the area, those are what I would prefer to do. Since Athea was still pacing and upset about her precious Veda, I found myself taking shifts for everything. Guard towers, check. Gate duty, yep been there too. Roving patrol, oh hell yeah. Even helped train the alphas over at the academy. Teaching any class that I
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