All Chapters of Virgin Sacrifice To The Last Lycan: Chapter 191 - Chapter 200
250 Chapters
#Chapter 190 – A Whole New Form of Torture
Helen’s POVThe Huntsman sat me up on the sofa and then moved and crouched in front of me so that we were eye to eye. He placed both arms on my knees, crossing them across each other very casually.“My dear little wolf, of course, I didn't forget you. I have been waiting and putting together the perfect game for us. You see, you've made my job very difficult. I tried to torture you by hurting your body, and it didn't work. I tried to torture you by destroying your friends, and you remained whole. I tried to break you by forcing you to nearly kill the one you love, yet here you are.”He grimaced. “I have abducted you, chained you, beat you, and still none of my methods work.”He rocked back on his heels and rubbed his hands together gleefully. “So, you see, my dear. It took me some time to come up with the sort of game that would get through to you that would really affect you and that mongrel of a husband of yours.”“I need the last lycan to suffer.”“Why?” I demanded.Now that I knew
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#Chapter 191 – Under the Huntsman’s Spell
 Helen’s POVMartin walked over, placing a hand on Julianne's head. He muttered something, and my guts twisted. When she woke up, this was going to be horrible. She and Peter were so happy together. They were newlyweds.What would Peter do if he discovered that she was going to end up in love with another man? Would she ever go back to Peter? Would she ever want him properly again? Or were they doomed in some tragic relationship where their wolves were bonded, but her head and heart were turned elsewhere by magic?Martin kept his hand on her head and continued to mutter while sprinkling herbs over the top of her. Julianne's eyes glazed over for a moment before locking on to the Huntsman. She drew in a gasp, her cheeks flushing into a blush that spread all the way down her neck and into the little bit of her chest that showed above the neck of her shirt. It was the flush of lust.She gave a whimper, reaching for the Huntsman, and he slap
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#Chapter 192 – A Marriage of Evil Intent
 Helen’s POV“Now, my dear little Wolf,” the Huntsman purred. “Shall we get married first? Or should we go straight to the bedroom?”I was nearly panting with desire at this point. “I don't care,” I gasped out.And I really didn't. The Huntsman could do whatever he wanted to me, marry me, fuck me. I didn't care as long as it was with my Huntsman.He tapped my nose. “I think we should do both. And film it! Martin, get the camera.”Martin bowed, and the Huntsman pulled me to my feet, carefully untying both my hands and my ankles. A ripple of disappointment went through me. I was sure he'd tied me up for something kinky.But if my darling thought that we needed to do something else instead, whatever he wanted, I’d do. I followed as the Huntsman led me out of the room we were in, away from the sofa. After leading me down a short hallway, he opened the door to a bedroom. Ins
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#Chapter 193 – Restraint
 Justin's POV“What do you mean they're gone?” I roared.Randy flinched back from me. “I'm sorry. I don't know anything more than you do. I spent the morning with you, as you well know.”“Where were her guards?”The news that Helen and her friend had been abducted once again sent both my temper and Beowulf’s into a frenzy. Containing him was taking every bit of my willpower. He wanted to burn down everything around us, to both get Helen back and to punish any and everyone for letting this happen.Randy scowled at me. “The guards were found unconscious at their post. They've been hit with darts from a distance. It wasn't that they didn't do their job. It was that we were outmaneuvered, plain and simple.”I snarled and threw the glass that I was holding at the wall, where it shattered. “This is unacceptable. Who took her?”“Who do you think?” Rand
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#Chapter 194 – Watching the Fate of a Love Zombie
 Russo's POVI trudged back to my house feeling horrible, churnings in my stomach. We lost Helen. She was now in the clutches of a half demon.Somehow that knowledge made her situation seem worse than the last time the Huntsman had gotten his hands on her. Because then we thought he was just an evil person, but somehow knowing that a demon had his hands on one of my best friends made me physically sick.Lisa was in the kitchen brewing something on the stove when I walked in. The scent of it burned my nose.“What are you working on?” I asked her.She turned around to look at me, and her spoon clattered to the stove top. “What's happened now?” she asked.“We're pretty sure the Huntsman has taking Helen,” I told her.She covered her mouth with both hands, gasping. “It's a good thing I'm starting on the potion that we’ll need for the rite,” she said. “This needs to s
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#Chapter 195 – This Starts and Ends with a Sacrifice
 Russo’s POVRandy nodded slowly in agreement, though I could see on his face he still found the whole situation utterly distasteful. I fully agreed but Lisa did have a minor point. Helen wasn't hanging from chains or something in the Huntsman's basement, And he wasn't making her watch him pluck the wings off pixies.Helen might be a captive, and he might be using her, but the fallout could be dealt with later. And the focus right now really did need to be on bringing the Huntsman down.I turned to Lisa. “You have the ink boiling. What else do we need to get done? Let's make sure that everything is ready to go. Absolutely nothing should get in our way of making this ritual happen.”She nodded. “We have the ink ready. We have the herbs we need. Those will get burned or sprinkled during the ritual, at least the ones that weren't used in the ink. But we need one other thing to make this happen. We need a sacrifice.”
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#Chapter 196 – Happy to Help
 Russo’s POVLisa delicately slit the aloe, opening the leaves and scraping the gel out onto her hands. I undid my pants and slid them down to the floor. Just the idea of getting to touch in any way like this had me aroused, and I sprang free, ready to be of service in any way that I could.She put her hands on me, gently but firmly stroking. I backed into the wall to give me some support, and tipped my head back, closing my eyes. I reached out with my hands, running my fingers through her hair. I let myself imagine that this wasn't just her hands moving over me. I imagined her taking me in her mouth, and then moving up and taking me between her legs.The visions were so potent that it only took a few minutes before I groaned.“Shit!” she yelped. Lisa fumbled around as I spurted the contents of my ecstasy through her fingers. I could feel her scrape the glass along my shaft, scooping up the last of what she need
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#Chapter 197 – Desperate Times
 Helen’s POVMy Huntsman led me from the room and down the hall. Stopping at a cutout in the ceiling, he pulled this down, and a ladder extended, leading to the attic. Dutifully, I followed him up and found Julianne weeping softly on a bed in the corner of the attic.The Huntsman had been telling the truth. There were no windows, nothing but the raw boards on the floor and the walls and the slanted ceilings. These were all clean, and a rug filled the center of the space. A bed had been pushed against the far straight wall. Next to it sat a little table where a tray of food and water lay untouched.“Julianne.”At the sound of the Huntsman's voice, she scrambled off the bed, rushing for him. “My love, my darling,” she cried out. “You finally came back to me.”She caught sight of me over his shoulder and slapped out at me. “You bitch! What are you doing here?”The Huntsman caugh
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#Chapter 198 – Bring down a full demon
 Russo’s POVFive minutes later, we were on the road and on our way. I drove while Lisa tapped out another set of texts, probably updating all of our friends to our status.Justin would be taking command of the warriors with Randy at his side. We managed to find the location of where the Huntsman was hiding. It was part of a planned community with walls around the outside and gates with guards, secure if one were just trying to keep out regular predators. More of a fortress when we knew what was lurking inside.And our pixie spy, Freya, had left the night before, trying to get herself situated in a place in the house where she would be able to witness everything going on and give updates. Justin had taken possession of a small magical earpiece that she had made for Helen before Helen got abducted. Using that to communicate, she would verify that we had done our jobs.Then Justin and Randy would lead the rest of the warriors in to clean
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#Chapter 199 – Everything Underway
 Russo's POVNight was falling, and everything inside the church's basement was ready. Our pentagram and all of the symbols were written in the specific ink. Our offering was laid out, one each of the five donations on the five points of the pentagram.Beside me, Lisa's forehead glistened with sweat. We were at zero hour. It was time to start the actual ritual.She chanted the words that would open us to the magic, then connected that magic to the pentagram and the orders with power over demons written therein.On TV, magic always showed up as a flashy light show, but this was different, subtle. Being a fae, I could feel the magic whisper across my skin and through my hair like the slightest breeze, one which would tickle the flame on a candle without blowing it out. Yet carried in that whisper was a measure of power that stunned me.I took a gaping glance at Lisa. I had no idea that my bride-to-be could conjure up that much power. All
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