All Chapters of Virgin Sacrifice To The Last Lycan: Chapter 211 - Chapter 220
250 Chapters
#Chapter 210 – The Ghost of Huntsman Past
Helen’s POV“I’m not worried about the Huntsman coming back,” I admitted, guilt beating at my chest. I” keep having dreams about having sex with him.”My voice had dropped to a whisper, and shame filled me to the core of my being.“Like he’s raping you?” Justin growled.“Worse,” I admitted. I felt sick to my stomach.“I feel horrible about the nightmares,” I said. “Because in the dreams, I like having sex with the Huntsman. I want him to fuck me. It’s like when I was under the spell, Martin cast over me. Somehow I feel like the spell is still there in my sleep, and I don’t want those feelings.”“I want the images of us in bed together to go away. Every time I wake up, I feel like I’m going to vomit. Can you understand why I didn’t really want to admit that to you?”“Justin, the last thing I want you to think is that I desire the Huntsman in any way. He abused me. He locked me up, and he raped me. He put me under a spell and took advantage of everything I had. I just . . . I don’t want
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#Chapter 211 – Not One but Two
Helen’s POVThe contents of my lunch spattered into the toilet. I flushed it, leaning on the rim, gasping for breath. For a week now, I hadn’t been able to keep much down, and I had a feeling that meant good news.After all, it had been almost two months since I had mated with Justin. Pulling myself off the toilet, I went to the sink and rinsed my mouth, then patted my face dry with a towel.I hadn’t said anything to him, and he was busy most of the time, so I doubt that he noticed. Justin woke early and would go to work before I woke up and started acting sick.I had missed my period last month. But if I was wrong in my assumption and I had a stomach virus, then I should be getting my period at the end of the week. If I did miss another period, I was going straight out to get a pregnancy test.Just the idea made my stomach turn again, but with excitement instead of nausea. Justin was so excited about the possibility of a pup that he and I had been mating that way every single time we
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#Chapter 212 – From Fear to Elation
Russo POVI got a set of frantic texts from Lisa telling me that we had to meet right away and that something desperately important had come up. After everything that had gone on in the last two years, her desperation made it hard to breathe.In my mind, I knew that Martin and the Huntsman were both dead, but getting that fear to relax was proving difficult. Every time I heard something out of place at night and every time somebody said they had news, my mind immediately assumed they meant something bad.I watched my own kind slaughtered and then watched the Huntsman trying to route the witches and wizards. I’d seen the aftermath of what he’d done to the lycans and what he was trying to do with the werewolves.Needless to say, after all that unpleasantness, it was hard to imagine that things would just continue to be as good as they were. I was blissfully happy with Lisa. The two of us were planning a wedding over the summer. We were thinking August but early so that all of the flower
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#Chapter 213 – Never-ending Thank Yous
Russo’s POVLisa tipped her head, taking in my kiss. All sorts of soft and beautiful feelings welled up inside me, begging for an outlet. Our kiss quickly became more passionate as I tried to express myself.I had never loved anyone more than I did at that moment. The gift Lisa had given me, even without meaning to, was something that I couldn’t express in words. I wanted to show her how much she meant to me, how much this child meant.“Wait a sec.” I stopped, pulling away from her.“Yes?” Her gaze was so sexy it hit like cupid’s arrow, slamming through my heart.“I really, really want to sleep with you right now,” I said. “But . . . do you think it’s okay? We won’t hurt the baby, will we?”Lisa burst out in wild giggles. “No. I don’t think we’ll hurt the baby. Nature does a pretty good job of protecting everything inside me. In fact, I’ve heard that birth experts say if your baby is overdue and you’re looking for a natural way to induce labor, an orgasm will do the trick. So, if you
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#Chapter 214 – Cheering Up Helen
Justin POVI tapped my fingers on the polished wood of my desk, trying to sort my thoughts. Randy had gone back to his own office on a phone call with one of our new business partners, somebody in a pack halfway across the continent. But thanks to the internet, we would be doing business with them.For the last two months, Randy and I had been trying to piece back together my father’s kingdom. He spent so much time with the infighting that he’d neglected any other duties that a king should do. Then as everything fell apart thanks to him and the Huntsman and everything, what he’d left behind for me to rule was a total disaster.Randy and I had tried to piece back together what we could in the heat of conflict. And while everybody was happy enough to be part of the True Mates pack, it wasn’t running the way that I wanted it to. Our pack wasn’t the sort of legacy that I would want to leave to my future children, children whom Helen and I were still working hard to conceive.I’d had no id
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#Chapter 215 – Boss and Secretary
Right in the middle of my shark-infested fantasy, someone tapped on the door.“Justin?” Helen called through the wood.I slapped my laptop shut, trying to hide my research. If I wanted this to be a surprise, then she couldn’t see what I’d been looking at. A twinge of guilt hit me. I was acting suspicious like she almost caught me with porn or something bad like that.Wait. I had no reason to feel guilty. I would surprise her with this vacation. I would book everything, and then when she looked like she was sad that she was having no luck in conceiving a baby, I would spring this on her and cheer her up. The ensuing romance would make conceiving easier because we wouldn’t think about having a baby. We would just think about the romantic times and let nature take its course.Naturally, all of this thinking about sex made my cock swell, filling my pants and pressing against the zipper. Maybe we could try getting pregnant here in the office. I’d never had sex with her in my office. That m
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#Chapter 216 – Those Sorts of Games
Justin’s POVHelen took one open-mouthed look at my magnificent erection and burst into giggles. “Oh! It’s that kind of game.” Then she blushed. “All right. I guess that will take my mind off of things.”I saw her panties drop to the floor from underneath her skirt. Fluffing the fabric out, she straddled my lap so that my cock sat folded in between the soft lips down below. She kissed me deeply.“I like this game. Now, boss, what should I do for you?”“Well,” I chuckled, nibbling her ear, “there’s nothing a boss like so much as being made to feel that he’s powerful. What can you do to me to make me feel like a man?”“How about this?” she whispered in my ear.With that, she started to rub her hips back and forth across my legs. My member jumped excitedly, ready whenever she was to just slip inside and begin the real thrusting.I lifted Helen’s blouse and pulled the cup of her bra to the side, taking her in my mouth. I suckled at her nipple, running my tongue around and across the firm
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#Chapter 217 – A Definitive Answer
Justin’s POVJust because she’d made a valid point didn’t mean I was ready to let other options go. I’m not sure why the idea of watching sharks creeped me out so badly, but it did.In reality, Randy and Russo had both seen Helen and me fully engaged in such activities. And I’d argue that either of them was more dangerous than a shark. But I wasn’t worried that either of them would try to take a bite of my goods. And if they did, I might have to kill them. I couldn’t kill some poor dumb shark for acting on instinct.Helen cocked her head. “Justin? What are you thinking about?”“Oh, um, nothing, really.” I’d spaced out there for a moment.“I looked at places where we could see historical things or metropolitan cities,” I explained. “Don’t you think it would be nice to go someplace like Paris or New York or Singapore? Or we could go to Egypt and see the pyramids and the other artifacts. Or Rome and see the Colosseum. Or we could go somewhere more remote. They have a chalet up in the mo
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#Chapter 218 – Doctors and Doubts
Justin’s POV“I’ve already talked to Lisa about getting pregnant,” Helen said. “She doesn’t think there should be any adverse effects from the Huntsman. Even after finding the witches and wizards who are more powerful than her, none of them have ever heard of this specific situation, but none of them could think of any reason why the baby wouldn’t be okay. I think we need to trust Lisa’s opinion and the opinions of those that she respects.”“Still, I want this whole pregnancy monitored,” I said, “start to finish. Let’s not take any chances.”I ran my hand across Helen’s cheek, cupping her face lovingly. “I don’t want to take any chances with your health either. Pregnancy can be hard on the mother. I want to make sure that you’re getting what you need so that you stay healthy. I want you to fully enjoy having a child when the time comes. I don’t want you drained and exhausted, or worse.”She put her hand over the top of mine, snuggling her cheek against my palm. “Thank you for worrying
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#Chapter 219 – The Perfect Doctor
Randy’s POVI continued my pacing, running my hand across the back of my desk chair on the way by. Part of me wanted to shove it into the desk and watch everything fly apart, but I resisted the temptation to lose my temper.My thoughts had come back to the danger they’d put Helen in. What were they thinking? Justin and Helen had a full two months of unchaperoned sex while Justin was in a lethal lycan form. She still had unknown side effects from having absorbed a half-demon’s power.Those two could sugarcoat her sex with the Huntsman any way they wanted, but it didn’t change the fact that we had no idea what the long-range effects were going to be. I just hoped the doctor who was coming this evening was smart enough to double-check everything and put those two in line with reality.As Beta, I could really use to relax about everything with this pregnancy so that I could focus on all of the other work that had piled up.The intercom on my desk crackled. “Beta Randy?” our receptionist s
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