All Chapters of Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss: Chapter 351 - Chapter 360
501 Chapters
Reward for Him
“I know that I probably don’t have the right to say this but…I think the thought and effort really counts. It’s enough for me to know that you’re thinking of our future and thank you again for working so hard for us,” I said before showing him what I hoped would be a comforting smile. “Thanks, Rina…” he thanked me as well although I didn’t think that I deserved any thanks.Words were just words. My words are just words…Before my mind could process anything, my body seemed to have grown a mind of its own. I leaned closer to him and boldly pressed my lips against his. The soft warmth of his lips against mine made me immediately crave for more. What started off as a soft brush of our lips quickly turned into something much more. I pressed my lips firmly against his against and kissed him while moaning softly in my throat from the pleasure. I moaned louder when I felt Ace’s hand behind my head, pressing my face closer to his and crushing my lips more firmly against his. “Mhhmmm…” I moa
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Passionate Pampering
“Your nipples are so hard…” Ace said, and I could feel his heated gaze on my heaving breasts as I continued to pant. His hands stilled for a moment as his eyes admired my womanly flesh before his fingertips moved to capture my swollen perks in between them. I cried out his name again when Ace rubbed my nipples in between his fingertips. My erect nipples felt so sensitive and jolts of pleasure rushed through my body in waves as he continued twirling them while applying slightly more pressure to them than before. “Ahhh…it feels so good…Ace…Ahhh…” I moaned before crying out. Ace pinched my nipples at the same time, and I threw my head back and cried out from the exquisite pleasure that pulsated from the twin perks that he was playing with before coursing through my entire body. “Just lay back and enjoy,” Ace advised before he chuckled. I let out a soft cry when he pushed me down onto the sofa with ease. The softness of the sofa against my back felt comfortable but my attention was w
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Wet Heat
Ace lifted my thighs up and spread them even wider than before and then his face was between my legs. I cried out his name when I felt the heat of his tongue against my wetness. Ace dipped the tip of his tongue into my wetness before he began swiveling his tongue around to taste my juices. “Ahh! Ahhh!” I cried out like I had gone mad from the almost-unbearable pleasure. He licked my wet slit up and down slowly and I could clearly feel each stroke of his tongue sliding against my slippery pussy folds. The pleasure felt unbelievable and made my entire body tremble. The texture of his tongue as it moved against my sensitive pussy to lap up my juices left me panting and writhing in ecstasy. Loud slurping sounds erupted from between my legs as Ace began sucking and licking up my love honey. It felt so embarrassing, yet I was so turned on by what he was doing to me. I cried out his name repeatedly as he continued to eat me out passionately. I looked down to see his head buried in between
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Daring and Inviting
Just as he had instructed, I lifted and bent my legs before spreading it as wide as I could for him. My pussy twitched in anticipation of the entrance of his cock. I was confident that my pussy was warm and more than wet enough to welcome his cock lovingly. “Please put your thick cock inside me, Ace…” I pleaded sweetly and temptingly. At the same time, I reached my hands down in between my legs before parting my pussy lips to the side with my fingers. Being lost in the heat of the moment gave me a spurt of courage and I knew that I was acting more daring than I usually would. Ace seemed pleased as he stared down at me with a clear look of desire in his eyes. His evident desire only turned me on, and I couldn’t wait to finally become one with him. Ace positioned the thick head of his cock against my throbbing wet opening, and I felt the heat from his cock against me. I could already feel how hard he was, and my pussy quivered at the thought of having that massive thick rod entering
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Passionate Night and Peaceful Morning
I clawed at his suit in my desperation to control the endless pleasure pouring into me. His cock rammed hard against my pleasure spot again and I dug my nails into his back as I cried out his name. I’m going to cum…Each strong thrust drove me closer to my climax and it was amazing that I had somehow managed to hang on for as long as I had. I couldn’t bear it any longer and it didn’t take long for the heat of our passion to sweep me away as I got lost in the storm of my intense orgasm. “I’m cumming! Ace…Ahhh! Ahhhh!” I cried out so loudly as I threw my head back.My climax hit me hard, and I lost all control of my body as I arched my back while throwing my head back to scream. Then my hips thrusted up and down greedily to capture his cock inside of me and ride him for extra pleasure. Ace did not stop ravaging my wet pussy hole with his cock even as I experienced my climax. It felt too good, and I couldn’t blame him. His low growls of lust and pleasure filled my ears and made my puss
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Persistent Proposal
“Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to marry me right away,” Ace said before he laughed softly. “That’s not…” I began denying but then realized that it was useless. “Isn’t that what you’re worried about?” Ace asked before he grinned knowingly at me. Just like he had told me countless times before, he really could read me like an open book. “Sort of…” I admitted softly. “I remember you mentioned that to me before. Don’t worry, I won’t propose to you right away because I’ll probably just get rejected,” Ace said before he laughed again. “I see…” I mumbled. “When the merger become public, at least, we don’t have to keep our relationship a secret anymore,” Ace said and the way that he smiled after saying that warmed my heart. “That would be good…” I agreed with a genuine smile. “You don’t sound so happy,” Ace pointed out. “No, I’m very happy. It’s just…a little hard for me to believe. Sort of like, it’s too good to be true?” I said as I cocked my head slightly to the side. “So, when d
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All for Me
I blinked rapidly to snap out of my ominous thoughts to find Ace staring intensely at my face as he rested his chin on the back of his hand. Automatically, I offered him a smile to hide the fact that I was in fact quite stressed out at that moment despite how well everything seemed to be progressing. His hazel eyes seemed to appraise my face and I could tell that he could read me and what I was thinking. “Yes…?” I replied while trying to keep my tone light. “Should we go to the office today or should we just call in sick?” Ace asked before he laughed a little. I was very tempted to go with his more than subtle hint that we should just call in sick and take the day off together; however, I couldn’t quite bring myself to hog Ace all to myself when I knew that everyone at the company must be waiting for him to make an appearance like some superhero. Unwarranted rumors could go spreading around the company as well if the CEO did not turn up to work after publicly announcing his retirem
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I guess, after all is said and done, I really do have some commitment issues…“If you want, I can spend more time with you here or if you want me to sleep over more often, we can discuss that…” I replied while carefully trying to discreetly evade the topic. “If you move in here, we can spend more time together and we can sleep together every night,” Ace pointed out. Spending time together and living together felt like two entirely different things to me. If I moved in with him, I’ll be with him all the time and I won’t have much private space or time. Sometimes being around Ace made me self-conscious and I couldn’t quite relax properly. I wasn’t sure how I could explain something like that to him, though. “Do we have to discuss this now? I’m sure you’re so busy with everything else…” I said as I attempted once again to evade the topic. “This is as good a time as any other. I honestly don’t see why we have to put this off. I can hire people to help you with the move if you think yo
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Rewarding Agreement
“I’m very sorry about this. If you’re ok with letting me slowly adjust then I guess eventually it would be possible for me,” I suggested with a small hopeful smile.“I get it, you don’t have to worry about it too much. Just take it at your own pace,” Ace readily agreed without pushing me any further.To my surprise, Ace was less adamant about his demand than I thought that he would be. By that time, a part of me had gotten used to being pushed to my limits by Ace on both my professional and personal fronts that it came as a slight surprise that he was letting me take things at my own pace when it came to this. Needless to say, my pace was always slower and a few steps behind his.“Thank you, Ace. I’ll try to stay over more often,” I promised.“What about tonight?” he asked invitingly.“Sure…I can start with that…” I found myself agreeing without thinking much about it.“Good. When you move in with me, you can stop renting your apartment too. It’ll help you save up on rent,” Ace pointe
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Next Assignment
I turned around to see Ace looking like he had a part of his life sucked out of him by the time that he arrived at his office. Of course, something like that was bound to happen and I had thought that he would be used to it by now. I guessed that much attention might have been too much even for someone like Ace.“I think you did great,” I said as I quickly took his suit out of his hands for him.“Thanks…” he thanked me, and I wasn’t sure if he was thanking me for my words of encouragement or the fact that I had helped him with his suit.Not that it mattered at that point.“I guess that was too much even for you? You’re lucky because you have some free time before your first meeting of the day, so you can relax for a bit…” I said before smiling a little his way.“Do I?” he muttered although it sounded like he couldn’t care less.Ace lowered himself down onto the sofa before leaning his head back. I watched as he closed his eyes and let out a long unsuppressed sigh. Just when I opened m
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