All Chapters of Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss: Chapter 371 - Chapter 380
501 Chapters
Hope and Disappointment
Ace would quit his job and disappear from the company and my life. I wouldn’t see him anymore and everything would be chaotic for everyone. There would be a sudden change in management and then there’s also that matter to do with the merger. In reality, the only big change that impacted my life seemed to be my new staffing with Richard and the new team members that I had to work with. The other change was that Ace and I got even busier, and it wasn’t uncommon for the two of us to be spending time late in the office together. I had no idea whether I should count myself as lucky that the changes that I had feared did not come too suddenly or drastically or if I should fear the fact that the inevitable was just being dragged on. When I tried to think about it realistically, it did make sense that Ace wouldn’t just up and disappear while leaving the company and all his employees behind. Also, it wasn’t completely feasible for such a huge merger to be finalized in a matter of days. I was
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He’s Not Alone
Because Ace had asked me to wait for him at his place, I decided to order in a simple dinner. It was when I had finished eating that I realized that Ace did not mention when he would be back and that was probably because he didn’t know. The dining room was quiet, and it felt quite lonely to be eating alone. I wondered what Ace was up to and I hoped that everything was going well on his end. Not knowing what to do, I pulled out my laptop and decided to do some work to pass the time. It was ironic how my date night with Ace turned out to be a working session, but I thought that it would be better to get some work done than to just sit around and worry. After a few hours of working, I realized that it had gotten quite late and there were still no signs of Ace. I hoped that he had a chance to eat something for dinner. I stared at the entrance of the place as I started to worry about him. Debating with myself just made me feel even more hesitant about giving him a call so I just reached
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Ace paused and since Elizabeth did not say anything to show that she minded Ace letting me in on what happened early in the evening, I decided to ask Ace for more details. “Her marriage? Did something…happen?” I asked while feeling quite afraid that I would choose the wrong word.It indeed felt like a sensitive topic, and I wondered what her father had to say about their marriage now that they were already married. I was sure that Chairman Chase did not find Kyle an impressive man fitting for the role of his daughter’s husband, but they were already married. Kyle had not gotten in touch with me for a while now and I was glad to have peace and quiet at that end. I had thought that things must have been progressing smoothly for Kyle and Elizabeth but that didn’t seem to be the case, at least, as far as her father was concerned. “As you’re already aware of, the chairman isn’t fond of Kyle as his son-in-law. Oh, and the two of them are not legally married on paper. Anyways, her father w
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Her Side
Ace nodded solemnly without saying anything. An uncomfortable moment of silence filled the room like a void that refused to disappear. What made me the most uncomfortable was the fact that Elizabeth had not said anything at all since taking her seat. “Umm…have you two had dinner? Should I order something nice or maybe make some coffee or tea?” I offered as I tried to play the good host. The truth was, I wanted to get away for a while to give Elizabeth some personal space and myself some time to think things over. The tension in the air was too high for me to take. “Some coffee might be good. I’m not hungry and Elizabeth’s clearly not in the mood to eat,” Ace replied for both Elizabeth and himself. …When I returned with coffee for the three of us, Elizabeth was still staring absentmindedly into space. Ace was seated at the exact same spot, and it seemed like the two of them had not spoken to each other since I got up and left to prepare us all some coffee. Unlike me, Ace didn’t se
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The story she was telling was finally taking a turn and it was for the worse instead of the better. The regretful look on her face told me that nothing played out as she had planned or anticipated. “That day things really got out of hand, and I guess I was very emotional when he told me that he would disown me if I didn’t break up with Kyle. I mean, after all that I did for him and all that I had to take from him, how could he say something like that to me?” she said before her voice started to crack up with emotion.The look that she had on her face told me just how ridiculous she thought her father’s suggestion was. I had no idea what Elizabeth had to go through to live up to her father’s expectations, but I could guess that she probably had been working hard to please him all her life. Elizabeth quickly took a deep breath, and her face became composed again. When she spoke once more, her voice was steady. “Then a stupid idea flashed into my mind that if Ace could pull that deal o
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Through This Together
The least that I could do for her at the time was to offer to host her for the night, although, to be more correct, Ace would be hosting her since it was his place and not mine. “Rina, why don’t you take Elizabeth to her room and help her settle in a little? Elizabeth, you should shower and go to bed early. You can figure things out tomorrow,” Ace suggested. Elizabeth seemed lost in her own thoughts again and only responded with a small nod of her head. I quickly got up from the sofa to lead the way to one of the guests’ bedrooms. Without a word, Elizabeth got up and followed me while looking very absent-minded. …“She’s taking a shower, then I guess she’ll go straight to bed. It is quite late…” I reported dutifully to Ace when I returned to the living room.Ace was still sitting on the sofa, and he looked so tired that my heart ached for him. As he had instructed, I took Elizabeth to one of the guest bedrooms that hadn’t been used for a while. Big thanks to the housekeeper for kee
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The Gap Between Us
“Like I said, you don’t have to bother picking me up. I’ll go to the office, so if you want to see me, you can see me there,” she said before rolling her eyes in apparent annoyance. I figured by that time that the poor soul on the other end of the line was no other than her husband, Kyle. Of course, I did not sympathize with him and the treatment that he was receiving from his wife. Elizabeth said a few more words before she hung up the phone. “Good morning,” Ace greeted her casually.“Good morning to you too,” she replied while still staring at her phone screen. “Good morning,” I chimed in. “Guess you’re heading back to work?” Ace asked.“Yes, where else would I go? The company doesn’t run itself, unfortunately…” she said before she flashed us a smile. The gloom and doom Elizabeth from last night was completely gone and the confident Elizabeth was back. At first, I disliked this version of her so much but after seeing her in the state that she was in last night, I had to say tha
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No Other Option
I wasn’t sure if I wanted a response from Ace or if I was just pondering that question. Kyle wasn’t poor because poor was what I was for the vast majority of my life. He just isn’t as rich as Elizabeth and the Chase family. “It’s wrong if you want to marry Chairman Chase’s only daughter. Otherwise, there’s probably nothing wrong with it,” Ace replied without even spending time to think about it. “I guess…” I murmured softly. I stuffed some salad into my mouth and began munching on the green vegetables although I couldn’t taste much at that point. My mind was too consumed with my own thoughts as I let time slip pass us by in silence. If not being rich was wrong for someone marrying into the Chase family, I wondered if it was also wrong for the Hills’ family as well. “What will happen to the merger?” I asked in a small voice.That was the closest question that I could think of to the question that I truly wanted to ask. I wanted to ask Ace what was going to happen to us but then rea
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Inappropriate Closeness
“Oh, Karina…” A familiar voice called my name from close by. I turned my head to the side to see Jeremy standing there with his laptop in his arms. Just like me, he must be in need of a break as well.“Jeremy. Taking a break?” I asked while offering him a smile. “Yup. You, too?” he asked in return. “Yeah…” I replied before forcing a smile. “You look stressed out…” he pointed out as he sat down next to me. “Do I? I guess it really shows…” I murmured while hating how tired I sounded. “Richard still giving you troubles?” he made a guess. It wasn’t Richard, or at least, it wasn’t just Richard. With the other issues weighing on my mind, working with Richard has felt like a walk in the park lately. I might have gotten used to him already, either that or the other bigger problems made all issues related to Richard seem miniscule in comparison. “A little…it is getting better, though,” I replied while apologizing to Richard softly in my head.Because I couldn’t tell Jeremy what was tru
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Inviting Trouble
We were just colleagues who got closer because we were working together on the same project. I had no idea since when it became a crime for us to have lunch together. “You should be careful,” he repeated his warning sternly. I looked around to make sure that we were not attracting any unnecessary attention from the other people in the room before returning my attention to Richard. This would truly get out of hand if he got the wrong idea. “Listen, I don’t know why you’re getting these ideas just because I went out to lunch with him but there is nothing going on. Thank you for the warning…” I said in a desperate whisper. “Romance between employees is strictly forbidden in this company. If I were you, I wouldn’t do things that would attract suspicion,” he said before shooting me a glare. I took in a deep breath before letting out a loud sigh. I was certain that there were many other instances of colleagues going out to lunch alone together. Just because we had lunch a couple of tim
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