All Chapters of Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss: Chapter 421 - Chapter 430
501 Chapters
A Troubled Friend
The sound of someone calling my name immediately caught my attention. I felt my heart race for a brief moment as excitement bubbled up inside of me. The feeling was only fleeting and was soon replaced by a sinking feeling when I realized that the voice that had just called my name did not belong to the man that I was yearning to see. “Jeremy…why are you still here? Did work end late for you too?” I asked while trying to contain my sense of disappointment. I tried to remind myself that it wasn’t his fault that he wasn’t Ace and that I should still treat him kindly despite my sour mood. While putting on a smile that I hoped looked natural, my mind was still thinking of reasons why Ace hadn’t replied to my text. Hopefully, the meeting went well, and I would hear some good news from Ace soon. “Yup, we just managed to wrap things up. Are you done for the day?” he asked. “Yes, I’m done…” I replied before reaching for the lip of my laptop and closing it. I watched in silence as Jeremy w
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Stay Out of Trouble
I wished with all my heart that he was doing fine before returning my attention to Jeremy who was now sitting in the driver’s seat of the car. “Thanks,” he thanked me softly. Just like I had feared, the conversation died down without my attempt to keep it alive. I stared out the window of the car at the view of the somewhat busy sidewalk that passed by while I failed to understand how things could get so awkward between Jeremy and me. Usually, our conversation flowed easily and naturally. From our past interactions, we had built up a reasonable amount of trust and friendship between each other, at least, that was what I thought. It also wasn’t the first time that I dined alone with Jeremy and things had never felt this suffocating and uncomfortable between us. Just where did all this dead air come from, I had absolutely no clue. There were clearly benefits to living close to the office and I had to recognize that once again as the ride with Jeremy came to an end. Although it felt l
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Suddenly Summoned
**A few days later **“Is Miss Karina here?” Having been too caught up with thoughts of my work for hours, I wasn’t sure if I had heard correctly that someone seemed to be looking for me. With quite tired eyes, I looked up from my computer screen to find that many of my colleagues had left already while I had been too focused on work. Apart from Richard and me, there were only a few people left in the project room. My attention turned to the middle-aged woman standing in the doorway to the room. Her tidy suit and matching skirt clearly weren’t meant to make her stand out. It didn’t take me long for me to realize that I had never seen this woman before and that was precisely why I had no idea what business she could possibly have with me.“Umm…I’m Karina. Are you looking for me?” I asked although it was obvious that she was searching for me. The stern look that she had on her face as she turned her attention in my direction made my stomach turn and my body stiffen at the same time.
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“I didn’t think so either…” I mumbled softly before I could stop myself. Everyone stared at me in silence for a while as if they were waiting for me to blurt out a confession regarding the various crimes that I have committed. Of course, feeling as confused and as clueless as I was at that moment, I didn’t know what to say. The only thing that I could do was stare back at them as I tried my best not to fidget on my seat from the tension and nervousness. “Well, now that she’s here, let’s get this started so we don’t take up so much of everyone’s precious time,” another woman on the committee said. My eyes inherently travelled to the seat where Ace was sitting the last time that I was called into this same room. Back then, I was here because Kyle had stolen my work which was sensitive and secret information to the company. This time, instead of Ace, there was an older man seated in that seat. A sudden ache stung my heart and I realized that it wasn’t because I was scared because Ace
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Regretful Mistake
Simply because I wasn’t dating Jeremy, I thought that we could do anything because we didn’t have any dirty secret to hide from the world. It felt very different from when I was dating Kyle in secret. Back then, he made sure that I was more than extra careful about how I interacted with him at the company and around the area. Looking back, that was probably more to keep our relationship a secret for the sake of protecting his relationship with Elizabeth rather than saving his career and his job. I should have paid more attention to Richard’s warning, and I should have been more careful. I should have realized that although I didn’t think of it as anything special each time that I went out for lunch or even dinner with Jeremy that other people may have perceived it otherwise. Always having to be careful and watchful was very stressful for me but it seemed like I couldn’t just do whatever I wanted to. A heavy feeling filled my heart and I quickly realized that it was something very sim
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Unfair Punishment
It sort of felt like I had seen a ghost or it may have been because I wished so hard that he was just a ghost and that he wasn’t really there in front of me. I tried my best to smile and act naturally without letting it show just how shocked and dismayed I was to see him. Although I knew that I would have to talk things out with him sooner or later now that we had both taken a trip to see the disciplinary committee, I had hoped that it would be later and not when everything was just so fresh and such a mess in my mind. “Can we talk for a bit?” he asked with a serious look on his face.It was evident that unlike me, Jeremy wanted to get this talk out of the way without waiting any longer. With a heavy feeling in my chest, I just nodded my head once. Jeremy did not say anything before turning to walk away. I walked slowly after him as he led us somewhere where we could talk. Although I knew that it was too late, I was so conscious of the fact that we were alone and sitting in a restaur
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Inconvenient Triangle
Jeremy stared at me in silence, and I was disappointed and surprised at his lack of reaction. I wished that he would say something or tell me something along the lines of requesting for the committee to reconsider his case. Anything that would give me some hope that he wouldn’t need to take the blame for something that he didn’t do. Since my words didn’t seem to get to him, I pleaded to him silently with my eyes as our eyes met. “Maybe they haven’t gotten it all wrong…” he said in a whisper.What did he just say?At first, I wasn’t even sure if I heard him correctly. “I said that they might not be all wrong…” he repeated again this time clearer and slower. “What do you…” I began asking what he meant before I trailed off without continuing.The way he looked at me told me that I should have known better. I was about to ask him what he meant by that, but it seemed like there was no longer a need to because I could already sense the answer. But…that couldn’t really be, right? How ca
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One of His Women
Of course, I did whatever I could to be careful when I was around Jeremy and the rest of my colleagues so that they wouldn’t even suspect that I was dating Ace. I wouldn’t go as far as to think that I did the perfect job regarding that, but I still thought that I did a decent job. The way Jeremy was staring a little coldly at me was enough to tell me that he was not at all convinced of my acting. “Of course, he’s related to this…” Jeremy said as he implored with his eyes for me to make a confession. The answer was simple. There was no way that I would ever confess to anything. “I’m sorry but I really don’t know what you’re talking about,” I said while trying to stop my voice from shaking. By that time, I had already broken into cold sweat of nervousness. I felt like a criminal that had been cornered by the police and was about to be dragged off to prison without a route of escape. The only thing that I could do was deny and deny and then deny again all of my crimes. Acting like I
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A Stranger Visits
Why didn’t I think of checking my phone before this? I cursed softly under my breath when I laid eyes on my phone screen. It felt like I was facing war on multiple fronts, and it was driving me insane with anxiousness and worry. While being swept up by Jeremy’s unexpected confession and then the heated argument that I had with him, I hadn’t paid any attention to my phone. Although I knew that it wasn’t right to have my priorities backwards, I had to admit that I was too distracted by what was going on that I momentarily forgot about Ace and the fact that I had been waiting for him to contact me. “Shit…” I whispered before grinding my teeth together. My feet began moving a little faster as I stared at the numerous miscalls from Ace that appeared on my phone screen. It wasn’t usual for Ace to leave so many miscalls on my phone and that only meant that he knew that something was wrong. I sighed again when I realized that he must have found out about the little invitation that I receiv
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Pleading Innocent
We were not meeting in the best of circumstances, but I guessed I had my bad luck and all the false rumors to thank for. After all, without them, I wouldn’t have had a chance to meet up with Ace like this. “Why are you here?” I asked before I could stop myself. It was true that I knew why he wanted or needed to talk to me, but it was another matter entirely for him to turn up right in front of my door. I began looking around and up and down the hallway anxiously in case anyone spotted us together. It seemed like luck was on our side because the hallway was empty save for our presence. “Should we be talking here?” he asked before his lips turned up into a slight grin. “Oh…please come in…” I quickly invited him in when I realized that it was risky to stay talking outside even if Ace was dressed up in a pretty decent disguise. I turned and started unlocking the door. Ace stood quite close behind me and that alone made my heart skip a beat. I felt a lot more relieved when we were alo
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