All Chapters of Love Slave to My Devil CEO Boss: Chapter 441 - Chapter 450
501 Chapters
Lies and Truths
The three of us sitting together in the reception space of Ace’s office just felt like the strangest thing ever. I was shocked to see Jeremy joining us when I expected to meet only Ace. Now that I thought about it, Ace was the one who invited me to see him. I glanced over at him while wondering if Ace had invited Jeremy here as well or could it be that this was all just a wild coincidence and Jeremy just happened to turn up here? Regardless of how the three of us ended up there together, I didn’t doubt what Jeremy had to say. I clasped my hand together on my lap to stop them from shaking from nervousness while feeling thankful that at least I managed to give Ace a heads up that Jeremy seemed to know about us. Despite knowing that, I didn’t know how Ace managed to appear so calm and in control. If anything, it seemed like Jeremy, and I were the only people feeling nervous and on edge in the room. “It is getting a little late. Shall we just start talking?” Ace suggested with a smile.
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Guarding Our Secret
It wasn’t the first time that we broke the silence about our relationship and revealed it to someone else. Elizabeth, Kyle, as well as Ace’s father all knew that we were dating. However, this was the first time that a close colleague and friend of mine had found out. Unlike the other three that had found out before, I didn’t see any reason why Jeremy needed to help us keep our relationship a secret. “It’s fine, Rina. Sooner or later, people will find out the truth. It’s all just a matter of time. Plus, I’m sure that you’re going through some tough times trying to keep this a secret from everyone,” Ace said empathizing.He was right about it being hard; however, it was a burden that I didn’t mind carrying. I found myself biting on my lower lip as I found countless emotions flooding my chest and stinging the back of my eyes. “You two can’t keep this a secret forever,” Jeremy stated coldly. “Please don’t tell anyone!” I pleaded desperately. For some reason, Ace had decided to let Jer
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Withstanding the Storm
“What do you mean? Did he agree not to tell anyone?” I asked as I tried to keep myself from panicking. “Don’t worry, Rina. He won’t tell anyone,” Ace replied with certainty. “How can you be so sure?” I asked as I started frowning from worry. Ace pursed his lips together as a thoughtful look overcame his handsome facial features as he thought about how he should answer my question. I waited impatiently for his answer as I kept on staring at his face. “Well, it was just a feeling but if I have to put it into words then, I guess I can’t imagine him doing anything to hurt the girl that he likes,” Ace finally replied before showing me a charming smile. “Is that why you thought that it would be ok to tell him about us?” I asked.“I guess that was partly the reason. Also, I thought that things might become a little easier for you at work if we just admit to it. As I said before, sooner or later, he’s going to have to find out,” Ace explained calmly.“I see. I hope things really work out
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New Adventure
I could sense that he didn’t have much time to spend on the phone. Regardless, I was thrilled that he had given me a call and that he was inviting me out for dinner. My mind quickly took note of the date to see if today represented some kind of important day or occasion, but I couldn’t detect anything special. “Sure, I’m free. I’ll be looking forward to it!” I replied enthusiastically without hiding my excitement. “Don’t sound too excited, it makes me feel a little pressured,” Ace replied jokingly.I couldn’t wait until the arrival of the evening so that I could spend time with Ace. After clearing my work for the day, I headed to the toilet where I could touch up my make-up and my hair. I wanted to look decent enough for Ace since it had been a while since we had had a proper dinner date together. “This should do it…” I murmured to myself after having applied some lipstick to my lips. The reflection that greeted me in the mirror looked satisfactory and I ended up smiling a little
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It’s Happening
“This is a great idea. I just hope that what I’m making is going to be edible…” I replied with my only concern.“It will be. Don’t worry, even if it tastes horrible, I’ll eat it and tell you that it tastes great,” Ace replied jokingly.“You seriously think that it’s going to end up tasting bad, don’t you?” I asked as I narrowed my eyes at him. “It’s up to you to prove me wrong,” Ace replied with a laugh. I let out a sigh as I shook my head in disbelief. The truth was that I wasn’t confident in my cooking skills; however, the dishes were simple enough and we were given ample instructions along the way. I had to admit that it felt fun and kind of relaxing at the same time. This sudden change in pace turned out to be exactly what I needed to get away from all the stress. “This looks like it’s coming along very well,” Jacky commented before showing us a proud smile. “Thanks to your advice,” I replied. “We’ve set up the table for you two on the second floor. Sorry that you have to wal
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Acknowledgement and Support
“Congratulations! Wow! I’m not sure what to say…” I said as I felt a sense of overwhelming happiness. “Let’s not celebrate too early. The announcement doesn’t happen until the day after tomorrow,” Ace said before winking at me.The day after tomorrow?“That soon?” I gasped in shock as my eyes widened. Ace just grinned at me as if he had already anticipated that reaction from me. The news was a great one and one that I had been waiting for for quite a while now. Now things seemed to be progressing forward at such a fast pace that I was taken aback. The announcement of the merger would take place the day after tomorrow already and it just doesn’t feel real to me at all. “Yup. Elizabeth and everyone involved have been working on it for a while so you can expect it to be great. Hopefully this will be good news for everyone,” Ace said while truly sounding hopeful.Unlike the times before he didn’t sound completely confident, and I could understand why. There was no guarantee that everyo
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The Annoucement
**The Day of the Announcement**The day that the upper management and the representatives of the two companies would announce the merger finally arrived. Although I had promised Ace to help out with the preparations, the event was of a grander scale than an amateur like me could handle. Instead, professional event organizers were brought in to ensure that everything proceeded smoothly. The announcement was undoubtedly a big deal and that also made it a large-scale event.On top of the expected large crowd of reporters, the prominent shareholders and board of directors of both companies will also be there at the event. Trying to keep the news of the mergers under wraps also meant that Ace could not involve that many employees in the preparation of the event. Thinking of it from that perspective, I could understand why such an experienced team was brought in to handle the entire thing.“Are you sure that you don’t want to be there?” Ace asked me the night before the announcement.It was
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Into the Unknown
The risk of us losing our jobs from the merger or whatever could happen to the business was low compared to the other people. It was sad and unfortunate, but the truth we all knew was that if there was a downsizing in the workforce, it would be the poor performers who would have to leave first. In that respect, our job felt quite secure. “I really wonder what this is about…” Julianna said lightly. “Ace hasn’t been around the office lately, so I bet that he’s up to something again,” Richard muttered with his eyes glued straight ahead. “Can I sit here?” I turned around toward the familiar voice that I hadn’t heard in a while to see Jeremy standing quite close to me. It was the first time that I saw him in person ever since that day that he turned up to join us in Ace’s office. “Sure,” I replied with a little smile. Before things could get awkward between us, the lights in the auditorium dimmed slightly and that served as the signal to everyone that the announcement was about the s
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The Start of Changes
I chewed on my lower lip as I wondered how Ace was feeling as he calmly delivered his speech. He sounded so professional and in control that it wouldn’t be challenging to trust him to handle everything. After a moment of pause where Ace seemed to be looking in the direction of where the shareholders were seated, he continued with his speech where he addressed the other parties to ease them of their concerns. “Last but not least, I would like to address our employees, everyone working for both companies. Undoubtedly, this is going to be a big change for everyone. However, we strongly believe that this will be a change for the better. From this, we will all emerge stronger and in a more competitive position with a brighter and more secure future,” Ace announced. Although I was watching his speech on screen and he wasn’t there right in front of me, he still felt so close, and I could hear the sincerity in his voice. I knew very well that Ace was very concerned about the wellbeing of hi
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Last Day
**6 months later**“Karina, can you help take a look at this?” my new supervisor requested as she waved me over.“Oh, sure…” I replied before making my way over to her side. Bending a little and looking down at the screen of her laptop, I could see a very well-organized storyboard of the new commercial that we were working on. It has been six months since the announcement of the merger and many things have changed since then for the two companies, its employees, and also for me as well. “This part here, what do you think?” she asked as she pointed to a certain scene in the storyboard.“I think it should help with the flow and make it easier for the audience to understand the benefits of the product,” I replied with what I honestly thought. “Umm…I’m not sure about it to be honest. I feel like the scene might feel a little out of place here. What about moving it a little later on? Maybe here instead?” she suggested as she directed her index finger to point to a later part in the stor
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