All Chapters of Rebirth of the beautiful Angel and her handsome CEO husband: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
461 Chapters
121 . Their attack is scary
" It's six now . I hope everyone had enough rest . Watchers team B you can go to your position now . Clay because Ah Bing is sleeping in the medic tent you can go alone to the North alone first . I will send Tania to replace you if you need someone to replace your place . Nienie and Weiwei had reach your East position, so don't worry . " Elina said to Clay . She was a bit worried when Clay told her from the devices communication that Ah Bing had some allergy reactions so she send Thunder and Flash to get the boys . Once they come back twenty minutes ago indeed Ah Bing's face and his hand had bruised all over . He has scratches his skin . She pour some water that she had put some her healing power and the boy is already sleep in the medic tent. She switch off her communication device before she gives her team members the bottles of drinking water that she had put some of her power " Here , everyone take one from Tania and drinks them to refresh your mind and body . Don't feel nervo
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122 . There are intruders.
" North , Ah Boon , Eli ... I think there is a problem . I saw a group of adults all men six of them . Wearing a common clothes . They wear mask and they brought guns . I can hear them cursed when the traps exploded and the colours get into them . I think they are not our university students and they bring real guns ." Ah Boon reports with his voice tremble. " Hide , bring Ah Wen and hide properly . Run far from them . Don't come back to the camp or run towards Nienie's tea . Team A all hides properly . Alert . I don't think there are only them . Shane ... Shane I knew you can hear us . Send someone to help us . I think there will be more than six of them . " Elina quickly said at the communication devices. " Team B watchers come back to the headquarters immediately. I give you three minutes . Team A , West , go to the South combine with Gray and Ah Shui . Gray , Ah Shui bring Leonard and Ah Chui to hide . Don't do anything until I say so . We will be there in few minutes . The a
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123 . They went back to the campsite .
By the time they reach the campsite , their friends had slept in their tents . None of them received them except the soldiers on duty , Shane , Eric , Karl and the teachers from their department . The class teacher from the engineering department looks very worried and he looks a bit relief after seeing the other twenty five left after the fifteen send back this evening came back safely .While the teacher from the law department the red team seems calm . Lily and the teacher from the class two quickly asking them to clean themselves and Lily said Ah Ko and Shawn is in the kitchen cooking noodles soup for them . Lily said Ah Ko said they will be hungry after cleaning themselves so Ah Ko and Shawn sincerely wants to cook for them . " Baby , we have to go back to the villa . I will send you back to the campsite tomorrow morning. " Adrian said to Elina . He can't sleep without her right now . They were just married anyway. " Then okay ." Elina said softly. She knew his stubborn hus
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124 . Leisurely morning . ( 1 )
The next morning , as always at five everyone wokes up by the whistles sounds by the instructors . Although most of them are very tired but still everyone wearing their sports clothes and shoes . Few only able to wash their face with the drinking water while others only wipe their face with wet tissues and drinks few cups of water in fifteen minutes given by the instructors. " Everyone get together according to your department." Captain Danny said as he looks at the students with his fierce and solemn face . Last night when Bernard and Gerald's team with Jason and Gilbert get back to the campsite with the prisoners they found a male student walking towards the campsite limping . He is sleeping in the tent as he is injured . He ate a pain killer pill and sleeping for almost five hours . When he wokes up , there is nobody around so he had to walk back on his own with his injured ankle . Captain Mejar Shane got furious and the teacher with the team leader had been called last night
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125 . Leisurely morning . ( 2 )
" Everyone , these are Leftenan White and Leftenan Jack that looking after our attacker's team in the jungle mission yesterday ." Ben introduce the two men to the other girls . " Hehehe .... wow ... a handsome boys ." Shushu slightly said to the others while winking her eyes towards the girls at the table that making the dumplings . " Shushu , hahaha be careful . Captain Gilbert heard about your words ." Ah Lei said to Shushu. " Owhh... Captain Gilbert ?" Leftenan White ask the boys while he and Leftenan Jack sit on the chairs given by Ah Lei . " Yes ... Let me introduce. This is Shushu ,Captain Gilbert's girlfriend . This is Zhuzhu , Mejar Jason future fiance . This is Lizzy , Mejar Wang's future fiance . That is Lilian , Captain Mejar Shane's fiance . That is Miss Lily ,our class teacher , Mejar Karl's fiance . That is Neinei , Mejar Gerald's girlfriend and that girl in blue t shirt , that is Leilei , Mejar Bernard's girlfriend . Opss and that is Olivia Mr Eric fiance and the l
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126 . Bernard's decision.
Seeing the group of girls from few teams walking into their tents makes Bernard feels a bit nervous . He planned to give his apartment's key to his sweet ,cute girlfriend and hoping her to stay in the house while he's in the camp or at the border . After the discussion with Jason and the others ,he had taken a decision to tell her about what he had thought since last night ..It's almost an hour since the girls came back from the waterfall and he decided to call her to his tent . " Boy" , he ask Ah Wen who walks Infront of his tent . " Can you call Miss Lo to come to my tent now ." Bernard ask him . " Give me five minutes, Mejar Bernard ." Ah Wen said . He then walks towards the second tent of the girls where Leilei.and the other girls stay . He waits for four minutes when he heard Leilei asking for his permission to enter his tent . " Come in dear ." He said gently as he sit on his bed . " Dear , you call me ?" Leilei ask . " Come here dear ." He ask her to come near him the
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127 . The campfire night.
That evening , the students given a chance to practice their performance for the campfire night. Elina and Winnie had arrived in the afternoon while the helicopters send the lunch to the campsite .They had been told that their military training will cut off for one day and their performance will be held tonight. They were told it is for the safety measure . Luckily the university gives the student's off day for Friday . The practice continue for few hours then they stop to wash themselves and prepared themselves for dinner . The activity will begin at eight so they finished their dinner quickly . That night every student sit Infront the podium and the small stage while the soldiers sit behind the students . The three judges that comes with the helicopter sit side by side at the table that put Infront the stage . " Then , tonight is the performance night . " I think we don't need any formal introduction or whars so ever . The group leader also had taking their votes . So we dirac
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128 . Ben's relationship ( 1 )
" So , how was it?" Mark ask Ben curiously . They had been looking at Ben and Jia Li since twenty minutes ago . They had packed all their things and they were already in their bus since ten minutes ago . This morning , the exercise time replace with the prizes giving ceremony . Their class had won four from five competition between classess and they won one competition between departments of the university . Their prizes for the shooting competition as they promised ,Ben gave them to Kent for the second class students . They kept the prizes of the couple's voucher in the Superstar's restaurant with them and the bus for their department as the prize for the jungle mission between departments . The prizes for the food competition is three air-conditioner for their class . The prizes for the tents area decorations are tickets for everyone in the two classes for the vacation on the cruise ship for two days and one night . They lost to the engineering department in the furniture's co
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129 . Ben's relationship ( 2 )
" Everyone , we will be resting for about twenty minutes at the rest place. I will reach the place in few minutes . You can go to the toilet or buy something to eat . Please remember be on the bus before twenty minutes ended ." Fred said on the microphone . He is still driving the bus . After this he will change with Bernard . He also wants to sit with his girlfriend and accompany her . " Fuh.... atleast . " Josh said playfully . " Why , Josh ." Ah Beng ask . " I want to go to toilet . I've been holding it for ten minutes ." Josh said playfully with his wife smile . His sentence made the others laugh at him . " You know we had toilet in the bus ." Lilian said to him . " I can't stand properly in the bus ..It's moving . What if Mr Fred suddenly push the break . I can't imagine what will happen ." Josh explain to them with his soft smile . " Ha , go go , the bus had stop ." Mark said to him . Fred lock the bus door after seeing everyone had come down from the bus . He hold his
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130 . Ben's relationship. ( 3 )
When they arrived at the apartments building . There are two men waiting for them . Lilian said the men are from the university. The university driver . The bus will be taken to the university and given by the Moo's enterprise for the use of students in class one medical department . The bus will belong to them until they graduates then the bus will be given to the next class under Miss Lily's . " Well guys have a nice holidays . See you in this Saturday evening for the concert . My driver is here already ." Lilian said to them. Indeed Shane's assistant Yun Shang had been waiting for Lilian near the building for half an hour . He didn't dare to move because his master already told him to take care his madam safety . He had known about this class students . Including their big madam almost half of the class had their own enemy and problems because most of them came from the rich family and most of them are the heirs . Gilbert had told them that because of that , maybe their classmate
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