All Chapters of Rebirth of the beautiful Angel and her handsome CEO husband: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
461 Chapters
131 . Ben's relationship ( 4 )
" Owhh... I forgot ... the dining table is enough only for eight people . I've bought two folded round table enough for six persons for each table and I bought twenty plastic chairs . Can you get them from the store room beside the toilet at the left at the second floor and arrange them beside the dining table or nearer ." Vivy said to Ben with her bright smile . " Okay , then , wait for me okay honey . I 'll help you later ." Ben said as he walks out from the kitchen with his happy expression . " Gary , Ah Wen , Ah Boon , boys who wants to help to arrange the extra tables and chairs ." Ben said to them loudly . " Let us help ",the boys quickly move towards Ben that walking to the second floor while the girls moves to the kitchen to help Vivy to arrange the foods . About twenty minutes later , everyone sit on their chairs and the girl still standing at the kitchen door folding her apron with her bright smile . " Everyone , had a pleasant lunch . I already eat while cooking just
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132 . The leisure day ( 1 ) .
" Ben , where are you going ?" Ah Wen ask . He and Gary just come back from their morning run when they see Ben and his girlfriend Vivy walks out from the house . " I need to send Vivy to school . Then I will come back and fetch you all . We have to get our belongings from the dorm and our car . Then we have to fill in the form to live outside and gives the dorm's key back to the warden ." Ben said to them while he hold Vivy's hand gently. " Then , how will you send Vivy to school?" Gary ask him . " Last night , the Moo's automative send me the Bugatti's Veyron . The prize for being the outstanding participant in the military training , remember the surprise prize from Moo's company . The black orange Bugatti Veyron sport car. Tell the other boys we have to go back to the dorms before ten , because the warden will go out at ten thirty . We need to give the key to him before that ." Ben said to the two young men before he walks with Vivy to the elevator. " Then , how about , Ah
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133. The leisure day . ( 2 )
( Ah Boon ) " We've moved to our condominium. Everyone in the class one lives outside. The warden made an irritated face when we gave him the room's key .( Elina ) " Ah Teck , Andrew ,Ah Ko and Ah Gui,too .?" ( Ah Boon ) " Yes , they rented Ailee's condominium." ( Gary ) " Ben , already had a girlfriend and leave his friends behind ." ( Shushu ) " Then , find a girlfriend for yourself ." ( Gary ) " Ouch , that's hurt . Not yet . I stil need to enjoy my single life ." ( Elina ) " How's Ben now ?" ( Ben. ) " I'm fine . Bringing my girlfriend to have really dinner . We want to go for shopping in the Moo's Hypermall. My little girl wants to buy things for the poor kids in the community centre shelters tomorrow. She's a volunteer workers there . " Come and join us if you are free tomorrow morning . The concert is at night , right ." ( Lilian ) " Interesting , why don't we make a project for volunteering once a month for our class combining project . Give ten percent of
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134 . The leisure day ( 3 )
That evening , few luxury cars reach the apartment A and from that cars comes out few men with their uniform . Mejar Jason , Mejar Wang , Mejar Gerald , Captain Gilbert , Leftenan Jack , Captain Danny and Sarjan Heaw with Coperal Gunny from Jason's team . That view shocked few people that bringing their children playing in the playground because that Block A is nearer to the children playground . What a view . Few handsome men coming down from their expensive cars and walking together towards the elevator. " Jack , I ask you for the last time . Did you really wants to stay in my apartment. There is another girl than my girlfriend . " Gerald ask his younger brother Jack . A month ago he had said that he wants to go back to Hangzhou but he is here today . He had argued him to bring him back to his apartment . As far as he knew he has had s own apartment in Block B . " Yes , I want to stay in your apartment for a week . " Jack said to him firmly . " Valerie will go back to the dor
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135 . The leisure day ( 4 )
It's almost two hours later , Captain Danny ring the ball of Jack's door . He looks a bit tired but had a very wide smile . " Thank you Jack for taking care of this kids. " Captain Danny said to Jack as he looks at his youngest son sleeping on Jack's arm . " He's been crying and after eating dumpling more than twenty .He fall asleep and his two sisters too . Let them sleep first. When they woke up .I will call Captain to get them home ." Jack said slowly as he don't want to disturb the sleeping children . " Captain Jack , next time send them here , I like them ." Valerie said to Captain Danny . " Well , I' ll go home first . Call me after they had woke up ." He said and he walks out from Jack's apartment . He still had more times to spend with his wife . " Val , let them sleep . We can go to have our dinner after they woke up ." Jack said to Valerie. " It's fine . I will cook our dinner . This kids will be hungry when they woke up later . It's already five in the evening . "
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136 . Miss Lily , marriage celebration ( 1 )
The couples live in the apartment promised to go to the restaurant together . They promised to get together at the car park by seven because Fred said they will need to drive about twenty minutes to reach the restaurant . By the time they promised to meet , few of them shocked to see Valerie comes down with Leftenan Jack and they wear matching clothes . Valerie is wearing her soft blue blouse and a white jeans . While Leftenan Jack is wearing a blue navy shirt with a loose white trousers .Both wearing a white sandals . " Are both of you ?" Wang ask .. " Yes but we still try to understand each other ." Jack said to Wang . " Captain Danny can't come , his children are all sleeping and his wife is too tired to move ." Jack repeata what Captain Danny said to him while taking back his children from Jack's apartment half an hour ago . " This old man . " Jason shakes his head . " Then , everyone already here . Let's go ." Fred said to them . " Did everyone drives your sports car ?"
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137. Miss Lily's marriage celebration . ( 2)
As their enter the private room , they are a bit surprised to see Elina , Lilian , Winnie with their partners , Mr Charles and his fiance and the newly marriage couple already waiting for them . There are three round big tables . They also can see Kelly with three other boys in their fourteen to fifteen sitting at the table with the married couple . " Welcome everyone." Lilian , Lily and Karl welcome their guests with the bright expression . " These three tables can fill tentu persons for each . You can choose your own seat ." Lily said to them while Elina and Winnie keep hugging their girl classmates . " Let's arranged like this . The apartment's team at the left table and the condominium teams at the right . The left over at the other table ." Ben said to them that make the girls burst to laugh . " Then the twin had to sit at the other table with Ah Wen and Ah Boon as their partners because they lives at the bungalow " Shushu said playfully . " Well , it's no matter , as long
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138 . Miss Lily , marriage celebration. ( 3 )
" Everyone , you can go to the race car stadium but we had to go home now . It's not safe for me to go to the crowded place. " Lily said to her students . They had been in the restaurant for two hours and they are walking out to the car park now .She really wants to join her students but Karl is worried about her safety especially in the crowded place like that . Charles also told her to be more carefull because her pregnancy is still very fragile and it's in its early stage . " Then , Miss Lily ehh madam Lily . Go into the car first . We will go after we've seen you enter your car . " Josh said to her . " Eric , bring them to the VVIP room under my name . I and Elina had to go home now . She's still not too well ." Adrian said to Eric . He had agreed to Elina to give Eric and Fred vacation until Sunday . " Yes Master Adrian ." Eric nodded to him. " Boys , my advice don't race with Jimmy Lo . He is the Moo's main racer . Fred , arranged them to race among them after the grand
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139 . The fighting outside the mall .
It is one thirty five when they are walking out from the hall one . There are only them and few young couples watching the movie . The mall had been closed and they had to take the elevator to the ground floor to walk out from the small door beside the huge entrance. The door is just beside the small door . While they are walking towards their car suddenly a group of fifty men walking towards them that makes the other people run away. " Girls behind . " Fred letting Zinnia hands and took off his belt . " Boys , those who can fight . Stays . Those who can't fight take care the girls . Ben arranged your boys now ." Eric said to them . " Jack behind , look after Nienie for me." Gerald said as he took off his belt too . " Shawn ,Andrew , Danny , Ah Gui , Ah KO, Ah Teck, Ah Wen , Ah Boon , Ah Ling and Gary . " Back bring the girls behind and make a circle . Watch for any dangerous movements. The others stay . Valerie stay too " Ben said to them . His words shocked Jack so he want
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140 .The community centre . ( 1 )
" Good morning everyone ." Elina said to her friends and their partner that had get together at the dining room of the community centre. She's a bit late because she had to fetch Danielle, Mimi and Daniel who comes to Beijing to watch the concert and help with the community centre. Behind her Tania and Danielle walks together while Daniel and Mimi walks Beijing the two girls . " Where is Master Adrian ." Ben ask Elina . " He and Shane can't come , they had meeting . My brother in law ,Karl is busy looking after his wife and Vernon is taking Winnie to the hospital . That is why I came with Kelly today ." Lilian said to them as she walks from behind Elina 's group . " Then why are you late ." Shushu ask Lilian . " I am waiting for that three naughty boys " Lilian show them three boys in their fifteen and fourteen walking behind Kelly quietly. Lilian had burst into anger in the car just now because they had late fifteen minutes from the time she promised her friends . " Everyone,
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