All Chapters of Rebirth of the beautiful Angel and her handsome CEO husband: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
463 Chapters
151 . Duan Yi and Min Jiu Ji
" How was your discussion about the event ." Lily ask . The meeting that supposed to ended at twelve thirty ended at eleven because there are parents wants to see their director . " For your information, Mr Jack Tong , your classmates that taking the leave will continue his study in the university abroad but you will have two more extra classmates . One of them was come late because she lives far from the city so her letter received a week after the registration day . She took two days to reach Beijing with trains and only arrived last Friday after her former school headmasterade appeal for her . Her name is Duan Yi . The other one , she's already registered but there is some problems in her family so she comes late than you . Min Ju Jiu. " " Lilian , these two had given the room beside you and Elina's room in the dorm A . Help them with okay ." Lily looks at Lilian . She needs to talk to her about Min Ju Jiu . She's a Chinese but her family lives in Korea since their ancestors .
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152 . The lesson from professor Tan .
" In half hour , we need to attend the class with professor Tan . He will teach us the human organs . I heard , he will cut the corpse to take out its organs ." Ben said . " Do we need to cut the human flesh for our lesson ." Susu ask . " Yes , as the future doctor, you can't avoid the lessson and you can't avoid to learn to cut the human flesh ." Elina said to them . She remember in her previous life when she had cuts Adrian's flesn to take out the bullets from his arm when he run from few killers and enter her bedroom in Shanghai when she was seventeen . But he dissapeared in the morning and since then they never meet each other again and she didn't even know the man she had saved from drowning is the same men she saved from died because of the bullet . Twenty minutes later , all the first year students students from class one and class two takes their seats in the auditorium while they can see a corpse covered by a white cloth on the stretcher place on the stage . Suddenly Shu
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153 . The wedding banquet ( 1 )
( Elina ) " Go to the Angel's Hotel . Girls , after arrive at the hotel , grab our seven bride , take them to the tenth floor suites no 101 . Their wedding dress and the make up artist already waiting for them in the room . All girls must stay in the room . The ring had been prepared by the bridegroom. This is a surprise from the Moo's enterprise and the four friends. The men also don't know . They only knew Vera prepared a simple banquet for them . " They will enter the ballroom together at two thirty together . The bridegroom will wait for them on the lobby . Boys waits at the lobby too . You will enter with your partners. ( Ben ) Noted .*********** " Is everything done ." Adrian ask the men Infront him that stands with their newly wedded wife . " Everything done sir." They show to the others their marriage red booklet . " Then , time to go to the Angel's hotel ." Vera just call , she said that the banquet will begin at three . It's already two now , so quickly ." Adrian
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154 . The wedding banquet . ( 2 )
" LeiLei , I remember her . She's our roommate . She's a good girl , but she's always don't have money . Sometimes we put bread on her bed or snacks on her table . Sometimes she didn't have dinner because she wants to save money for lunch . I've seen her doing homeworks for other students until two in the morning to get money . We all knew she comes from the rich family but she's wearing a shubby clothes and always can't eat because she didn't have money . Once , I heard her crying in her sleep , she said please it's hurt please don't hit me , it's hurt for almost an hour but I think it's just a dream until I heard rumors that she was an abused victims that we always secretly lives food for her on her table in the class ." The girl said in the video . " Here , few more pictures of her abusive proves." There are about then pictures on the screen and Vera said the last one is when she was nineteen two months before they enter the university . She was working in the restaurant and forgot
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155 . The wedding banquet ( 3 )
" So much surprised right .. but the last one is the best surprised to the students in class one from medical department. Their university director also here with their department directors . All their lecturers and their head lecturer Mrs Lily. " Mr Adrian and Mr Shane and me had contact everyone's family and they were here to give their blessings. Please come forward the couple that the emcee call into the stages ." Vera then give the microphone to the emcee back while she walks down the stage . " First let's invites Mr Benny and Miss Tong Vivien . Then , Mr Danny Liew and Miss Yuan Shi Ra . Mr Andrew and Miss Rachel , Mr Albert Shi and Miss Tong Zhizhi . Mr Zachary Fung and Miss Danielle Wong . Herm this is Mrs Moo's cousin sister. Mr Gary Jing and Miss Airin Kiew , Mr Mark Jiang and Miss Chu Wei Wei , Mr Ming Boon Li and Miss Qiu Tie tie , Mr Ming Wen Loo and Miss Qiu Shi Shi , Mr Gray Wen and Miss Ailee Kong . Mr Josh Lim and Miss Kelly Chong ... huh ...Mr Karl's youngest sis
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156 . The chaos outside the hotel .
" Girls , boys , we have to go home now . Adrian had meeting at five ." Elina said to her classmates on the way she walks out from the ballroom. " Okay boss , see you tomorrow." The students nooded to her , Lilian and Winnie and they also smile to Miss Lily . After the group dissapeared from thei eyes , Danny walking towards their table and sit beside Teitei . " Teitei , Shishi , I am sorry . But I can't stay in Ah When's condominium . My second brother ask me to stay in his apartment in Angle's apartment . He said the other that married today live in the apartment too even Shushu lives there too . I will bring Jiu Ji to stay with me . I can't leave her alone since we had live together for few days ." Fanny said to them . " Duan .... eh Fanny .. it's okay . He is your brother . Of course he wants his sister to live with him ." Teitei said to her . " Thank you so much for your understanding." Danny gently says to Teitei . " Weiwei , I am sorry . Eldest brother wants my adopted f
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157 . The class two female student making a ruckus .
" Ellie , how are you now ?" Elina ask over the phone . " I'm okay second sister . It's just Zach had got many bruised and few wounds on his body and hands . " " Where are you now ?" " Outside the emergency room . Second sister can I accompany him at his house fo few more days ." Danielle ask . " Yes , you can .But he had to go to the class or it will effect his points . Danielle, I had discussed about your things with eldest brother and your parents . They want you to move to Beijing and study here so I will transfer you to the Kelly's school and to her class too . You can't go back to Shanghai now . Your parents will send your belonging by next week . So are you going to stay in Zach condominium or in my mansion ." " Can I stay with Zach?" She ask . " Yes , you can . I will talk to uncle and aunt . For now please listen to Flash and take care of Zach ." Elina said then she hung up her calls . " Stupid , next time . Don't just fight but negotiate first . Then try to find a c
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158 . The rumors in the university forum .
" Do you all think , the engagement yesterday had spread through our university student ." Shushu ask . " Hermm... go tomthe university forum .It's there . The marriage and the engagement news . They just put our name without our partners name and without even surname . I've just found out about this from Kent's message and he send the link to me ." Ben said to them . " Send the link to.the group chat Ben , I want to read the rumors too ." Elina said to Ben . " Already ." Ben answer her . " Class one student from medical department of faculty had made a huge surprised yesterday . Twelve of the boys in the class had engaged yesterday and one of the girl too Keykey, you know the famous rough Keykey . Benny the class leader was known to have confess his love to the girl in the class two last Thursday but he was rejected . Even so you confess your live to another woman yet in just six days you already engaged with another woman. Is he a hidden playboy . Then his fiance will be the ne
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159. Following him home .
" First young master , first young Miss ,welcome home . " The butler and the maids greeted Zachary politely . " Take all the bags in the car and bring them into the living room . Hermmm , where is grandfather?' Zachary ask . " Yes young master and the old master is in the main living room with your aunt's family and few other guests ." The maids quickly take all the small bags in the car and stand behind the butler before the butler finished his sentences . Feeling something was a miss Zachary pull Danielle's hand gently and walk with her into the main living room slowly . He don't want to be seen as if he was eager to see who are the mysterious guests . Of the guests are the person's that he expected in his mind then he will settle this matters today although it will ruin the two family relationships . " How could he do these to Julie , they had been together since they were nine and Julie had saved his life that year . If it isn't because of her ,he would'n be alive now . You a
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160 . The University open day . ( 1 )
Time passes in the blink of eyes . Today is the day the students of Beijing University had been waiting for . The day for the university open day . Today the outsiders can come and visits their university without restriction except few buildings and few labs . Their family also allowed to enter their dorm and their rooms . Once again the hotels , the Inn and the motels even a homestay nearer to the university full with the students parents and family . They also come to take their daughter or son back to their hometown as the university will have a week of university vacation . The students who stays in the dorm will only be allowed to go home only after six o'clock in the Saturday morning . At eight in the morning , Ah Gui , Ah Teck , Ah Ko ,Ah Gui two younger brothers already reach their food stall and the sees few men already arranged the tables covered with colourful cloth and small flower pots were put on the tables . There are two types of tables Infront their food and dr
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