All Chapters of Rebirth of the beautiful Angel and her handsome CEO husband: Chapter 361 - Chapter 370
461 Chapters
361 . Helping the villagers . ( 5 )
While using his qinggong , Moo Shang and his guards reach an old house in the university students group area. They can see an old grandma making a rattan basket while two children sleeping beside her. "Let's entert he house then . " Moo Shang quickly make decision . He can see the sacks given by them two days ago are still in the small kitchen . He slowly comes down from the roof and knock the door gently . " Grandma , can I come in . I am Moo Shang from the volunteer team ." Moo Shang gently said . He can hear the old grandma call his sleeping granddaughter to open the door . " Come in big brother ." The little girl in her eight or seven years old open the door for Moo Shang . Slowly , Moo Shang enters the old house and quickly close the door back . He can see the sleeping girl is shivering from the coldness . " Grandma , you can call me Ah Shang . Here , drink some hot tea and little girl there is a hot milk in the thermos . Drink it . " Moo Shang takes out two medium th
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362. Helping the villagers . ( 6 )
It takes them three hours to help the first family today . The family with six family members are not too poor. At least the father is a former soldiers and had his own land and own house. He had a work as a high school security guards with five hundred yuan salary a month . To make it easier for him to go back and forth to work ,Moo Shang leave a motorcycles for him and bicycle to his two sons . His wife is a housewife but had her own vegetables farm. An old grandma also stay with them. Moo Shang only helps to change the beds, two double decker for the second and third rooms and decorate their bedrooms and kitchen . He added a sofa with seven seats and a coffe tables also changing the bedrooms curtains. He also left twenty thousand yuan and two boxes jewelleries to the house mistress and the old woman . He then left three envelopes for the two sons and a daughter who study in the village school . Each envelope had three hundred yuan . Heand his team left the house after filling t
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363 . Distribute the meats .
Two hours later , they catch three more bears , fifteen deers , eight mountain goats , twenty geese and pheasants . They divided the prey among them . Moo Shang had told them , they won't go to the mountain anymore because it's will be snowy in few days . So everyone eager to get the prey . " Let's go back now . It's already four thirty ." Moo Shang said to the others . Everyone already had many prey in their space including the three guards. " Okay then ." Everyone agree. On the way back ,they meet another group of six boars with two babies boars . The three guards killed them using the crossbows to save times while Moo Shang keep the babies boars in his space . " Jin three , use the qingong , send four boars and three deers to the volunteer team in the next village . Gives them these two hundred sacks of food ingredients too . Tell the leader , it was send from me from Senior Gu Xiang team ." Moo Shang said to Jin three . He knew Jin three qinggong is the best and faster. Gu
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364 . The snow is too heavy .
" Let's go to the Jiang family and Han family first . Then we go to the Pan and Shi family . Then the other six houses. " Moo Shang looks at the heavuy snow worriedly. The team ride their horses while Su Yang and Su Ming bring the horse cart that they had filled with quilts and heater . As they reach the Jiang family house , they can see the family is sweeping the snow from the road . " Uncle Jiang.... is everything okay .?" Moo Shang ask . " Everything fine ... We had throw the snow from the roof last night . So the roof still fine . Luckily the snow is not too heavy today. " Jiang Shan answers him . " We will help you to throw the snow again and sweep the snow from the road . Then we will go to uncle Han's house . " Moo Shang said to him . An hour later , Moo Shang team go to Han's house . Luckily nothing happen to the house . Furthermore he had two teenager sons . Moo Shang left two packets of tea and milk powder . He also left twenty kilogrammmes boars meat ten fish and
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365. Help the university student team .
Ten minutes after Liang Qin left with Jin two , Moo Shang left the house with the others to check the other house. " What happen at the front ." Tai Shen ask as he sees people gather Infront one of the house in the university student's team area. " Let's go and check ." Moo Shang quickly rides the horse faster .to " Moo Shang ..... the roof broke while we throw the snow ." Shen Yu explain to Moo Shang . " How was everyone in the house ?" Moo Shang ask . " Everyone are outside that time . So no one injured . " Shen Yu answers him . " Bring them to school first and stay in the school for tonight . We will fix the roof tonight . Don't worry . Uncle , aunt , go to school first . Just try to take some clothes. We have mattres , quilts and pillow at school . You can have your dinner with us too . " Moo Shang try to negotiate with the family . " Well... okay then ." The head of the family agree . After finding some clothes the family of six send to the school by one of the univer
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366. Back to the city . ( 1 )
Since then , Moo Shan will takes out either goats , boars or deer every two days for their lunch and dinner . Sometimes he added boiled eggs , pancakes with eggs or fried dough in their breakfast . Times fly away . Two days ago the Jiang , Ding Shin and Yan Fan family brought to the city by Moo Sheng guard . They had been send to the two bungalows and begin their work . The Liang new house had begun the construction in their new land three days ago . The construction team already finished builds the three building and they are installing the solar system in every school's buildings . While few of them installing the solar system the two tractors make a football field from the waste land behind the school . The workers also make two goals for the field . The next day , every classes had a thick curtains and the tables and chairs also the teachers chairs and tables arrange in the classrooms and the teacher 's office . They only had two more days before they went back to the city wi
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367 . Back to the city . ( 2 )
" Grandma , do you have any bank account. " Moo Shang ask after he sit back on the sofa. He had ask Tang Li to watch the other sack and to make sure every family only take four sacks . " Your grandpa had one . It was made by our late son four years ago . Easier for him to send us money . But all the saving had gone for your grandpa eyes treatment. " Grandma Tang said slowly . " It's fine. Let me see the book. I just need the numbers . Let Tang Li goes to school. I will send two thousand yuan every month as the house expenses and her school expenses. Don't let grandpa sell the crisp anymore. Grandma also doesn't have to make the crisp anymore. " Moo Shang quickly said . " No.... how come... you wants to send money for us every months. You also need to sav some money ." Grandma Tang feels worried . Worried the old woman would reject him again , Moo Shang tells her about his family . " I , myself had billion yuan in my saving grandma Tang . So , it's just two thousand yuan. a mont
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368 . Shopping in Shanghai . ( 1 )
" Tang LI , this is brother Shang. Where are you ?" Moo Shang ask the little girl. He had reach the mansion an hour ago . After playing a bit with the triplets , he enters his room and had his lunch before he takes his bath. " At home . Brother Shang the electric had connected again. I had bought many school equipments and five new clothes to wear to school . I bought three pairs of new shoes too . I had received the necklace and bracelet from the gold shop with grandpa ring and Xinxin gold lock, but grandma keep the gold lock ,the necklace and the bracelet. They are too expensive,grandma said. " Tang Li keep talking while Moo Shang hear her patiently . " Brother Shang will you visit is again ?" Tang Li suddenly ask . " I will.... next school holiday , Okay ?" Moo Shang unconsciously promised the girl . " Okay .... owh grandma call . I will call you later ." Tang Li hung up the call . " This little girl ." Moo Shang smiles . Two days later , Moo Shang and Moo Sheng with the
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369 . Shopping in Shanghai. ( 2 )
" Today , we will accompany the triplets to Disney land . " Elina remind her two sons . " Yes mom . I will hold Youngest sister . Ah Sheng hold third and fourth brother . " Moo Shang agree . He knew the youngest sister is the hardest to control among the triplets . " It's fine ... Daddy will hold on Angel . Ah Shang hold your third brother . Ah Sheng hold your fourth brother carefully. There will be so many people especially at night. We will go at three in the evening. Wear more thick clothes . It's going to be cold at night. " Elina reminds them . " Fine mom ." " After the breakfast , go back to your room and rest . Don't go anywhere . Your lunch will be send to your room . Just do some online shopping ." Elina added . As they were told , Moo Sheng make an online shopping while Moo Shang lay on his bed reading his books and sleeps more . It was really tiring shopping and walking around for these two days but Moo Sheng still think it's not enough . He kept ordered cooked f
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370 . Shopping again .
" So how was the meeting mom , dad?" Moo Shang ask his parents about the shareholders meeting . " It's fine .. your uncle still become the company president . Starts tomorrow each of you will get three percents shares from the Wong company . Hold the shares properly. Play the stocks less. Three percents can gives you millions of yuan for a year. " Worried about her two sons she advice them to play less with the stocks . " I will mom . We had enough money anyway . I think , I will be focus more on my study when the school start . I will leave the matters of money to dad and mommy . Ten thousand yuan a month for school expenses ." Moo Shang chuckles . " Mom will give both of you fifty thousand yuan a month . Not less not more ." Elina laugh as she looks at her two sons weird face . She knew they will still be involved in the stock market but... at least they still knew they had to put their focus on their study . " Mom , I want to go to the night market tonight. The night market s
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